(Act IX of 2025)
1. Short title, extent and commencement
2. Definitions.
3. Establishment of special court, etc.
4. Filing of petition.
5. E-filing of petitions, etc.
6. Notice to appear and consequences of
7. Leave to defend.
8. Recording of evidence.
9. Period for disposal of petition.
10. Appeal.
11. Execution of decree.
12. Attachment before judgment, injunction or appointment of
13. Transfer of pending cases.
14. Application of fines and costs.
15. Restriction on transfer of property.
16. Application of the Limitation Act, 1908 (Act IX of 1908).
17. Powers of special court.
18. Finality of order.
19. Registrar.
20. Report.
21. Power to make rules.
22. Removal of difficulties.
23. Act to override other laws.
(ACT IX OF 2025)
[29th January 2025]
Act to establish special courts for adjudication of petition in respect of
immovable properties of overseas Pakistanis.
It is necessary to establish special
courts in order to secure and provide for protection of rights of ownership and
possession in respect of immovable properties of overseas Pakistanis and for
matters connected therewith and incidental thereto.
Be it enacted by Provincial Assembly
of the Punjab as follows:
Short title, extent and commencement.- (1) This Act may be cited as the Punjab Establishment of Special Courts
(Overseas Pakistanis Property) Act 2025.
It extends to whole of the Punjab.
It shall come into force at once.
Definitions.- In this Act:
(a) “Code” means the Code of Civil
Procedure, 1908 (V of 1908);
(b) “Government” means Government of the
(c) “Overseas Pakistani” means any
person holding a Pakistani passport, computerized national identity card
(CNIC), National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis (NICOP), Pakistan Origin
Card (POS) or Overseas Pakistani Foundation (OPF) membership card proving his
nationality and is living, working or studying abroad permanently or
temporarily for more than one hundred and eighty two (182) days in a tax year;
(d) “petitioner” for the purpose of
filing petition before a special court, means the overseas Pakistani or anyone
authorized by him in his behalf;
(e) “prescribed” means prescribed by
(f) “property” means immoveable property as
defined in the Registration Act, 1908 (XVI of 1908);
(g) “rules” means rules made under this
Act; and
(h) “special court” means the special court
established or designated as such under this Act.
Establishment of special court, etc.- (1) The Government may, by
notification in the official Gazette, establish, in consultation with the Chief
Justice of the Lahore High Court, as many special courts in the Punjab as it
may deem necessary to try petitions filed by overseas Pakistanis in relation to
their immovable properties and where more than one special court are
established, the notification shall specify jurisdiction of each such special
The Government may, in consultation with the Chief Justice of the Lahore High
Court, Lahore, appoint any person as a judge of the special court who is or has
been a district judge or an additional district judge or who is or has been an
advocate of the High Court for a period of not less than ten years and is not
more than sixty-five years of age at the time of appointment as such judge.
In addition to or in lieu of establishment of the special court under
sub-section (1), the Government may, in consultation with the Chief Justice of
the Lahore High Court, Lahore and by notification in the official Gazette
designate in the Punjab as many courts of district judge or additional district
judges as special court as it may deem fit and where more than one special
court are designated, the notification shall specify jurisdiction of each such
A judge of the special court shall have the same powers and jurisdiction as
vested in the court of district judge under the Code.
A judge of the special court shall be appointed for a period of three years on
such terms and conditions as may be determined by the Chief Justice of the
Lahore High Court, Lahore.
A judge of the special court shall not be removed before the expiry of his
tenure unless found guilty of misconduct.
The disciplinary proceedings against a judge of a special court shall be
conducted in the same manner and under the same legal provision and rules as
prescribed for a district and sessions judge in the Punjab.
During his tenure, a judge of a special court may be transferred to another
special court within the Punjab by the Chief Justice of the Lahore High Court.
Filing of petition.-
(1) A petition
under this Act shall be filed in special court having the jurisdiction, in such
manner as may be prescribed.
(2) A petition under sub-section (1)
shall contain a concise statement of facts which shall include status of
ownership and unlawful possession or control of property, estimated market
value of property, details of rent or profits received by person in unlawful
possession or control of property, if any, and the relief claimed and such
other information or documents as may be prescribed.
(3) Notwithstanding anything
contained in the Code or any other law for the time being in force, all
actions, disputes, petitions, suits, proceedings and matters connected
therewith in which one or more of the parties are overseas Pakistanis, shall be
heard and adjudicated exclusively by a special court.
E-filing of petitions, etc.- (1) The Lahore High Court shall make
rules to enable filing of petitions, responses, applications, hearing of
parties including recording of evidence under this Act and all matter connected
therewith or incidental thereto through digital and electronic means.
(2) Subject to the provisions of
Punjab Public Financial Management Act 2022 and to carry out purposes of this
Act, there shall be maintained by designated officer or the special court in
the prescribed manner, bank account for deposit of court fee and other charges
manually or through modern devices including e-filing, etc.
(3) There shall be maintained
physical and electronic record of all the cases filed and pending before the
special Courts along with the details of the proceedings that have taken place
Notice to appear and consequences of non-appearance.- (1) The Special Court shall issue notice to
the respondents in the form as given in the Code for appearance on a date fixed
not later than ten days through process server, registered post acknowledgement
due and courier service.
In addition to the service under sub-section (1), the special court shall
order for effecting service by:
affixing a copy of the
notice at some conspicuous part of the dispossessed property or residence of
the respondent in which he is known to have last resided or carries on business
or personally works for gain;
any modern device
including electronic or digital device of communication which may include mobile
phone, telephone, telegram, phonogram, telex, fax, radio, television etc. in a
prescribed manner;
urgent mail service or
public courier services;
through mosque,
temple, community center, etc.;
publication in the press in the prescribed
manner; or
any other manner or
mode as it may think fit;
Provided that the
Special Court may order the use of all or any of the aforesaid modes of
service simultaneously.
(3) If the respondent fails to
appear, the special court may direct service again by any of the modes
mentioned in sub-section (2) to appear on a date not later than seven days.
(4) If the respondent fails to appear
again, the special court may proceed ex-parte
against the respondent and may pass any order under the law applicable thereto.
(5) If an ex-parte
order is passed against a respondent, the respondent may, within ten days
from the date of knowledge thereof, apply to the special court for setting
aside the ex-parte order along-with an
application for leave to appear and defend.
(6) If the respondent shows a
sufficient cause for his non-appearance, the special court may set aside the
ex-parte order on such terms as it may deem fit.
Leave to defend.-
(1) A special court
shall not allow respondent to defend the application unless he obtains from
this special court leave to defend.
(2) Subject to other provisions of
this Act, a respondent shall file an application for leave to defend within
fifteen days, in default of which, the allegations of fact in the petition
shall be deemed to have been admitted and the special court may pass the
judgment and decree in favour of the petitioner.
(3) The application for leave to
defend shall be in the form of a written statement containing a summary of
substantial questions of law as well as facts in respect of which, in the
opinion of the respondent, evidence needs to be recorded.
(4) The application for leave to
defend shall be accompanied by an affidavit of the respondent, copy of all
relevant documents in possession or power and affidavits of not more than two
witnesses which, in the opinion of the respondent, support the question of law
and facts raised by him.
(5) An application for leave to
defend which does not comply with the requirements of sub-section (4) shall be
rejected, unless the respondent discloses sufficient cause for his inability to
comply with any such requirement.
(6) The petitioner may file a reply
to the application for leave to defend.
(7) The special court shall grant the
respondent leave to defend if on consideration of contents of the petition,
application for leave to defend and its reply thereto it is of the view that
substantial questions of law or facts have been raised in respect of which
evidence needs recording.
(8) The special court shall decide
the application for leave to defend within a period of fifteen days from the
date of its filing.
(9) In granting leave under
sub-section (7), the Special court may impose such conditions as it may deem
appropriate in circumstances of the case, including furnishing of security
which shall not be less than ten percent of estimated market value of property
of overseas Pakistani prevailing at that time
(10) If leave to defend is granted the special
court shall treat the application for leave to defend as a defence
of respondent and in its order granting leave it shall
frame issues relating to substantial questions of law or facts and, subject to
fulfillment of any conditions attached to grant of leave, fix a date for
recording of evidence thereon and disposal of the proceedings.
(11) Where the application for leave to defend is
rejected or where a respondent fails to fulfill conditions attached to the
grant of leave to defend, the special court shall proceed to pass judgment and
decree against the respondent.
Recording of evidence.- (1) The special court shall direct
the party concerned to produce its evidence on a date fixed.
The special court shall treat an affidavit filed by a party as
examination-in-chief and:
may, of its own motion,
order attendance of the deponent for cross examination; and
shall, if so requested by a party, direct production of the dependent
for cross-examination.
(3) The special court shall not grant
more than two opportunities to a party for production of the evidence.
The special court shall not grant an adjournment for cross examination of a
witness except for a sufficient cause and on payment of the costs to the
witness as it may deem fit.
A special court, on request of an overseas Pakistani litigant, shall make
arrangements to enable the litigant to participate in the court proceedings
through video link.
A special court shall allow evidence of an overseas litigant or a witness
through the concerned high commissioner, embassy or consulate, as the case may
be by use of video linkor legally acceptable mode:
Provided that such evidence shall be
recorded under supervision of an official of the concerned high commission,
etc. especially notified for this purpose.
(7) A special court shall enable that
cause list and short orders of such cases to be uploaded on the web portal
especially established for this purpose.
After recording evidence of the parties, if any, and hearing the arguments, the
special court shall pass the judgment and decree.
Period for disposal of petition.- (1) The special court shall
pass a judgment as expeditiously as possible but not later than ninety days
from the date of grant of application for leave to defend.’
(2) In case the proceedings are not
completed within ninety days, the respondent may be required to furnish security
in such amount as the special court deems fit, and on failure of the respondent
to furnish security the special court shall pass judgment.
The requirement of furnishing security under sub-section (2) shall be
dispensed with, if in opinion of the special court on appreciation of material
available on record, the delay is not attributable to conduct of the
(4) At any time during the course of
proceedings, the special court shall not allow adjournment for more than seven
The special court if it deems necessary for expeditious disposal of the suit or
petition, for reasons to be recorded in writing, shall on its own motion have
the power to summon official record maintained by the public authorities in
respect of any matter connected with or arising from the subject matter of the
suit or petition.
Appeal.- (1) Any person aggrieved by
a judgment, decree or final order of the special court may, within fifteen
days, prefer an appeal to the High Court.
The admission of appeal shall not be deemed to suspend operation of
judgment, decree or final order unless a notice has been served on the decree
The High Court shall decide an appeal within a period of ninety days from
the date of its filing.
An appeal may be preferred under this section from a decree passed ex-parte.
No appeal, review or revision shall lie against an order accepting or
rejecting an application for leave to defend or any interlocutory order of the
special court which does not dispose of the entire proceedings before the
special court.
Any order for stay of execution of decree in appeal shall automatically lapse
on expiry of two months from date of such order.
Execution of decree.- (1) Notwithstanding anything
contained in any other law for the time being in force, upon issuance of decree
by a special court, the suit shall automatically stand converted into execution
proceedings without the need to file separate application and the case shall be
heard by the special court for execution of its decree on the expiry of fifteen
days from the date of issuance of decree or order.
The decree of the special court shall be executed in accordance with the
provisions of the Code or any other law for the time being in force or in such
manner as the special court may at request of the decree holder may consider
The special court shall be entitled to seek services and assistance of the
police or any law enforcement agency in exercise of powers conferred by this
Notwithstanding anything confined in the Code or any other law,
for the time being in force, if the claim or objections are found by the
special court to be mala-fide or filed merely to delay the execution
process the special court shall impose such penalty as it deems fit in facts
and circumstances of the justice.
Attachment before judgment, injunction or appointment of receivers.- (1) The special courts may, on its own or on
an application, by the petitioners, with a view to preventing property from
being transferred, alienated encumbered, wasted or otherwise dealt with in a
manner which is likely to impair or prejudice the rights of overseas
Pakistanis, or otherwise in the interest of justice:
restrain the respondent
or others from transferring, alienating, parting with possession or otherwise
encumbering, charging, disposing of or dealing with the property in any manner;
attach such property;
transfer possession of
such property to the aggrieved person; or
appoint one or more
receivers of such property on such terms and conditions as it may deem fit.
An order under sub-section (1) may also be passed by the special court against
any third party to whom the property is sold in contravention of provisions of
this Act or held benami by respondent in the name of an ostensible
Transfer of pending cases.-
On the commencement
of this Act:
(a) all petitions, suits, execution petitions
and all other proceedings pending in any other court, in which overseas
Pakistani is a party, shall stand transferred to the special court and on
transfer of the cases, the special court may proceed with the cases from the
stage at which it was pending; and
(b) all appeals, revisions, in which any
or all the parties are overseas Pakistanis, pending before any court after the
commencement of this Act, shall stand transferred to special bench or benches
of the concerned High Court for adjudication.
Application of fines and costs.- (1) A special court may direct that
the whole or part of any fine or costs imposed under this Act shall be applied
in or towards:
payment of costs of all
or any proceedings under this Act to the aggrieved person; and
payment of compensation
to overseas Pakistanis.
An order under sub-section (1) shall be deemed to be a decree passed under this
Act for purposes of execution.
Restriction on transfer of property.- After publication of notices under sub-section (1) of section 6, no
respondent shall transfer, alienate, encumber, remove or part with possession
of property pending final decision of the suit or petition filed by the
petitioner under this Act and any such transfer, alienation, encumbrance or
other disposition by the respondent in violation of this section shall be void
and of no legal effect.
16. Application
of the Limitation Act, 1908 (Act IX of 1908).- Save as otherwise provided in this Act,
the provisions of the Limitation Act, 1908 (IX of 1908) shall apply to all
cases instituted or filed in special court after coming into force of the this
Powers of special court.-
(1) Subject to the
provisions of this Act, the special court shall in exercise of its civil
jurisdiction have all the powers vested in a civil court under the Code.
The special court in all matters with respect to which the procedure has not
been provided for in this Act, follow the procedure laid down in the Code.
All proceedings before a special court shall be deemed to be judicial
proceedings within the meaning of sections 193 and 228 of the Pakistan Penal
Code, (XLV of 1860) and sections 476 and 480 of the Code of Criminal Procedure,
1898 (V of 1898).
18. Finality
of order.- Subject
to the provisions of section 10, no court or other authority shall revise or
review or call or permit to be called into question any proceeding, judgment,
decree or order of a special court or the legality or propriety of anything
done or intended to be done by the special court in exercise of its
jurisdiction under this Act:
Provided that the special court may on its own accord
or on application of any party and with notice to the other party or, as the
case may be, to both the parties, correct any clerical or typographical mistake
in any judgment, decree or order passed by it.
Registrar.- (1) A senior civil judge or any
other officer so designated shall be posted as registrar of the special court.
The registrar shall be responsible for performance of functions that may be
assigned to him by the Government in consultation with the Chief Justice of the
Lahore High Court.
Report.- (1) The registrar shall prepare and
present an annual report of the implementation of this Act to the committee
which shall consist of:
a judge of the High
Court to be nominated by the Chief Justice of the Lahore High Court;
secretary of the
department to which business of the special courts stands allocated or his nomine not below the rank of an additional Secretary or
secretary of the
department to which business of overseas Pakistanis stands allocated or his nomine not below the rank of an additional secretary or
equivalent; and
commissioner, Overseas
Pakistanis Foundation or his nomine.
The committee constituted under sub-section (1) may from time to time propose
amendments in this Act.
Power to make rules.- The Government may, by notification
in the official Gazette, make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act.
Removal of difficulties.-
lf a difficulty arises in giving
effect to any of the provisions of this Act, the Government may, by
notification in official Gazette, make such provisions not inconsistent in with
the provisions of this Act as it thinks fit for removing such difficulty.
Act to override other laws.- The provisions of this Act or any
order or rule made thereunder shall have effect notwithstanding anything
inconsistent therewith contained in any other law for the time being in force
or in any instrument having effect by virtue of any such law.
[1]This Act was passed by
Provincial Assembly of the Punjab on 20 January 2025; assented to by the
Governor of the Punjab on 29 January 2025; and was published in the Punjab
Gazette (Extraordinary), dated 29 January 2025, pages 2711-17.