(Act VI of 2025)



Section                                            Heading


           1.      Short title, extent and commencement.

           2.      Definitions.

           3.      Establishment and headquarters of the authority.

           4.      The Authority.

           5.      Meetings of the Authority.

           6.      Chief Executive Officer.

           7.      Wings of the Authority.

           8.      Committees.

           9.      Functions of the Authority.

           10.    Delegation of powers.

           11.    Policy directions of the Government.

           12.    Prohibitions.

           13.    Offence and penalty.

           14.    Forfeiture.

           15.    Cognizance and trial.

           16.    Appeal.

           17.    Employees, advisors, consultants and experts.

           18.    Fund.

           19.    Budget and accounts.

           20.    Maintenance of bank accounts.

           21.    Audit.

           22.    Annual report.

           23.    Rules.

           24.    Regulations.

           25.    Indemnity.

           26.    Public servants.

           27.    Overriding effect.

           28.    Removal of difficulties.

           29.    Repeal.

           30.    Succession, transition, validation and saving.





(ACT VI OF 2025)


[29th January 2025]

An Act to transform, innovate and raise educational standards to achieve excellence by cohesively coordinating curriculum and textbook development, student assessments and examinations, teacher training and robust monitoring and evaluation regime in the Punjab.

It is necessary and expedient to transform, innovate and raise educational standards to achieve excellence by cohesively coordinating curriculum and text book development, student assessments and examinations, teacher training and robust monitoring and evaluation regime in the Punjab and for the purpose herein appearing and for the matter ancillary thereto.

Be it enacted by the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab:

1.         Short title, extent and commencement.– (1) This Act shall be cited as the Punjab Education, Curriculum, Training and Assessment Authority Act 2025.

            (2)       It shall extend to the whole of the Punjab.

            (3)       It shall come into force at once.

2.         Definitions.- In the Act:

(a)               Act” means the Punjab Education, Curriculum, Training and Assessment Authority Act 2025;

(b)               Agency” means an entity owned, controlled or regulated by the Government or any local Government and includes a private publisher, printer, distributor, seller, firm or company and such like other private entities;

(c)               Authority” means the Punjab Education, Curriculum, Training and Assessment Authority established under the Act;

(d)               Chairperson” means the Chairperson of the Authority;

(e)               Chief Executive Officer” means the Chief Executive Officer of the Authority;

(f)                Department” means School Education Department, Government of the Punjab;

(g)               elementary education” means education pertaining to classes VI, VII and VIII;

(h)               Fund” means the Punjab Education, Curriculum, Training and Assessment Authority Fund established under the Act;

(i)                 Government” means the Government of the Punjab;

(j)                 higher secondary education” means the education pertaining to classes XI and XII;

(k)               institution” means a school or college in the public or private sector offering any level of education;

(l)                 levels of education” means primary, elementary, secondary or higher secondary education;

(m)             local government” means the local government as defined in the Punjab Local Government Act 2022 (XXXIII of 2022) or any other law for the time being in force;

(n)               Member” means a Member of the Authority;

(o)               “post” means any position against which an employee of the Authority is appointed;

(p)               prescribed” means prescribed by rules and regulations;

(q)               primary education” means an education pertaining to Early Childhood Education to class V;

(r)                regulations” mean the regulations framed under the Act;

(s)                rules” mean the rules made under the Act;

(t)                 secondary education” means an education pertaining to classes IX and X;

(u)               supplementary material” includes guides, past papers, model examination assessments, get through guides or any other reading material ancillary to a textbook, supports implementation and enhancement of learning given in curricula and which is printed, published or sold by any person or Agency with the prior permission of the Authority; and

(v)               textbook” means a book or work developed in accordance with the curricula.

3.         Establishment and headquarters of the authority.– (1) The Government shall, by notification in the official Gazette, establish the Punjab Education, Curriculum, Training and Assessment Authority for carrying out the purposes of the Act.

            (2)       The Authority shall be a body corporate having perpetual succession and a common seal, subject to the provisions of the Act, with powers to acquire, hold, utilize and dispose of property, both movable and immovable, and may, in its name, sue and be sued:

            Provided that the Authority shall not dispose of any immovable property without prior approval of the Government.

            (3)       The headquarters of the Authority shall be at Lahore and the Authority may establish its sub-offices at such other places as it may consider appropriate.

4.         The Authority.– (1) The Authority shall consist of:

(a)         Minister for School Education


(b)         Parliamentary Secretary for School Education

Vice Chairperson/


(c)         Secretary, School Education Department


(d)         Secretary, Special Education Department


(e)         Secretary, Higher Education Department


(f)          Secretary, Finance Department


(g)         Secretary, Planning and Development Board


(h)         Managing Director, Punjab Education Foundation


(i)           Chief Executive Officer, Punjab Education Initiative Management Authority


(j)           Programme Director, Programme Monitoring Implementation Unit, School Education Department


(k)         three Members including one female Member and one from Minority Members of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab to be nominated by the Chief Minister


(l)           three academicians with substantial contributions to the field of education.


(m)       three members, including at least one woman, from non-governmental organizations, philanthropists, technocrats or civil society;


(n)   Chief Executive Officer.


(2)       The Members at clauses (c) to (g) of sub-section (1), may be represented by their nominee officers not below the rank of Additional Secretaries.

(3)        The Members mentioned in clauses (l) and (m) of sub-section (1) shall be appointed by the Chief Minister for a period of three years who shall serve during the pleasure of the Chief Minister.

(4)       The Members at clauses (l) and (m) of sub-section (1), shall not be nominated as a Members for more than two terms.

            (5)       The Members at clauses (k) to (m) of sub-section (1), may resign by writing under his hand addressed to the Chief Minister, through the Chairperson.

            (6)       A person appointed as Chairperson or Member shall divest himself of any other directorship or other interest held by him in any company, corporation or concern which has any dealing with the Authority.

(7)       No act or proceedings of the Authority shall be invalid merely by reason of any vacancy in the constitution of the Authority.

5.         Meetings of the Authority.– (1) The Authority shall meet at least once in every quarter of a calendar year. However, the Authority may meet at any time on the direction of the Chairperson or on the requisition, in writing, of not less than nine Members of the Authority.

            (2)       The Chairperson shall preside over meetings of the Authority and in his absence, Members present shall elect a Member to preside the meeting of the Authority.

            (3)        Nine Members out of which at least five non-officio and four ex-officio Members, shall constitute the quorum for a meeting.

            (4)       All decisions of the Authority shall be made with a majority of the Members present and voting. In the event of a tie, the Chairperson or the Member presiding over a meeting shall have a casting vote.

            (5)        The decisions of the Authority shall be recorded in writing and signed by the person presiding over the meeting and the Chief Executive Officer.

            (6)       The Chief Executive Officer shall maintain a complete record of the minutes of the meetings and the decisions of the Authority in the prescribed manner.

6.         Chief Executive Officer.– (1) The Chief Minister shall appoint the Chief Executive Officer, for a term of three years, having such qualifications and on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed through regulations until so prescribed as may be determined by the Authority.

            (2)       Subject to the performance and eligibility, a Chief Executive Officer may be re-appointed for a second term of three years, but no person appointed as Chief Executive Officer may hold office for more than two terms.

(3)       The Chief Executive Officer shall serve as a Member and Secretary of the Authority and work under the general supervision of the Authority.

            (4)        The Chief Executive Officer shall be responsible for day-to-day administration of the affairs of the Authority and shall exercise such powers and functions as are mentioned in the Act and regulations made thereunder or as may be delegated or assigned to him by the Authority.

            (5)       The Chief Executive Officer may, for the effective administration of the affairs of the Authority, subject to such conditions and limitations as may be deemed fit by the Authority, delegate any of its powers or authority to a committee, or officer of the Authority:

            Provided that Chief Executive Officer shall not delegate such powers or functions as delegated to him by the Authority.

7.         Wings of the Authority. – (1) The Authority may constitute such wings consisting of such number of units as may be determined by it for the purposes of the Act.

            (2)        The wings and their constituted units shall perform such functions as may be prescribed through regulations and as may be assigned by the Authority from time to time.

            (3)        A wing shall be headed by a Managing Director and a unit shall be headed by a Director.

8.         Committees.– The Authority may, in order to carry out its functions,  constitute such committees as it may deem necessary.

9.         Functions of the Authority.– (1) The Authority shall:

(a)               ensure effective coordination and cohesion among all wings for raising educational standards;       

(b)               implement the educational policies of the Government in respect of the curricula, textbook manuscripts, development, approval, production and publication of the textbooks and supplementary material for all levels of education;

(c)               develop, implement, evaluate and update curricula for all levels of education;

(d)               prepare schemes of studies, curricula, manuscripts of textbooks and schedules or strategy for its introduction in classes of institutions imparting all levels of education;

(e)               approve manuscripts of textbooks and supplementary material produced by a person or an Agency before they are introduced in classes of an institution imparting all levels of education;

(f)                arrange for the development, production and publication of textbook and supplementary material relating to the textbooks pertaining to all levels of education;

(g)               regulate, monitor and control production, printing, publication and sale of textbooks and other supplementary material pertaining to all levels of education, in the manners as may be prescribed through regulations;

(h)               produce reference and research material relating to the problems of curricula and preparation of textbooks;

(i)                 control, implement and execute the policy relating to the distribution of textbooks and supplementary material for all levels of education and may make contractual arrangements with the agencies for the purpose;

(j)                 hold training courses for the compilers and reviewers of curricula and writers of textbooks;

(k)               hold workshops and seminars for effective use of textbooks and supplementary materials;

(l)                 collect data for research to enrich curricula, textbooks, assessment and training for all levels of education;

(m)             review approved curricula, textbooks and supplementary materials;

(n)               design, develop, implement, maintain, monitor and evaluate a system of assessments and examinations for primary and elementary education in public sector institutions;

(o)               formulate policy and program for the conduct of assessments and examinations relating to primary and elementary education in public sector institutions;

(p)               collect data for research and make recommendations to improve assessment and examination systems for primary and elementary education;

(q)               identify the areas where improvement in teaching methodologies, training of the teachers or educationists is required in public sector institutions;

(r)                recommend measures for capacity building of the teachers, educationists and policy makers for improving the system of assessment of students in public sector institutions;

(s)                design, plan, develop, implement, assess and improve a system of teacher training and training certification and licensing prior to and during service for teachers and educationists in public sector institutions;

(t)                 design, plan, develop, implement, assess, assist and provide teacher training, and training certification and licensing systems as and when required by private sector institutions or individuals as may be prescribed;

(u)               prepare and execute schemes of professional development of teachers and educationists in public sector institutions at the district, divisional and provincial level;

(v)               develop and implement programmes for Institution leadership and management in public sector institutions;

(w)             undertake research to develop teacher training and institution management systems, methodologies and techniques for public sector institutions;

(x)               undertake research and recommend educational guidelines for preparatory education of children prior to commencement of primary education;

(y)               research, design, and develop mechanisms, strategies and schemes to inspect, monitor and evaluate all public sector institutions imparting all levels of education;

(z)               inspect, monitor and evaluate all public sector institutions imparting all levels of education;

(aa)            check and control the application of, amongst other things, the policies, guidelines, instructions, schemes and programs concerning curriculum, training and assessment and examination;

(bb)           guide, mentor, monitor and evaluate the performance of teachers and educationists in public sector institutions;

(cc)            design, develop and implement guidelines to ensure a positive and conducive learning environment in public sector institutions; 

(dd)           monitor and evaluate human resource requirements in public sector institutions;

(ee)            design and implement grievance redressal mechanisms for Institution management, teachers and educationists, students and their parents in public sector institutions;

(ff)              collaborate with national and international bodies, persons and entities;

(gg)           monitor and implement the policies of the Government for the purposes of the Act;

(hh)           advise the Government on all policy matters relating to the objectives of the Act;

(ii)              prepare and adapt curricula, textbooks and supplementary material for children with special needs studying in inclusive education institutions;

(jj)              design, develop, implement, maintain, monitor and evaluate a system of alternative assessments and examinations for children with special needs studying in public sector institutions imparting primary and elementary education;

(kk)           prescribe and receive fee or charges;

(ll)              generate income to contribute to the Fund;

(mm)      maintain archives and libraries including digital and mobile libraries;

(nn)           maintain data, information on a cloud server, which the authority may subscribed to;

(oo)           gather evidence-based data and information on quality of teaching, quality of learning and school environment;

(pp)           use diagnostic and analytical tools for trainings;

(qq)           issue certificates and licenses for teachers, educational managers, trainers and master trainers who qualify or successfully complete training modules offered by the Authority;

(rr)              collate information and provide consolidated reports of inspections of institutions;

(ss)             perform such other functions in accordance with the provisions of this Act and as may be prescribed;

(tt)              engage and collaborate with any Agency for the purposes of the Act; and

(uu)           create, abolish, re-designate, upgrade or downgrade any post in the Authority.

(2)       The Authority may:

(a)        issue instructions or guidelines to a local government and district government for data collection and conduct of an assessment and examination of primary and elementary education in public sector institutions;

(b)        outsource research in the sphere of assessment and examinations pertaining to primary and elementary education; and

(c)        register students for the purpose of assessments and examination of primary and elementary education in public sector institutions.

10.       Delegation of powers.– The Authority may, subject to such conditions and limitations as it may deem fit to impose, delegate any of its powers or functions to the Chairperson, Member, Chief Executive Officer, committee or sub-committee, or officer of the Authority except to:

(a)        frame, amend or repeal regulations;

(b)        approve policy decisions, guidelines or procedures for the operation of the Fund;

(c)        approve policies and guidelines of the Authority; and

(d)       approve the annual budget, audited accounts and annual reports of the Authority.

11.       Policy directions of the Government.– The Government may, subject to the provisions of the Act, issue policy guidelines and directions to the Authority which shall be implemented by the Authority.

12.       Prohibitions.– (1) No person or Agency shall, except with the prior approval of the Authority, print, publish, sell or introduce in an institution, imparting any level of education, any textbook or supplementary material.

            (2)       An application for approval to print, publish, sell or introduce in an institution, a textbook or supplementary material shall be made to the Authority on such form and manner and on the payment of such fee as may be prescribed.

            (3)       No person or Agency shall publish any textbook or curriculum pertaining to any subject including Islamiyat, History, Pakistan Studies, Urdu, Literature, the content of which relates to Islam except with the prior approval of the Muttahida Ulama Board Punjab on the recommendation of the Authority.

            (4)        The Authority may, subject to recording reasons, direct any person or Agency to amend, delete or withdraw any portion or the whole of textbook or supplementary material.

            (5)        The Authority may prohibit any person or Agency from producing, printing, publishing, selling or using in an institution any textbook or supplementary material or any part of it.

            (6)        The Authority shall not approve the printing, publication, selling or introducing in an institution of any textbook or supplementary material which is or likely to be detrimental for examination or assessment purposes, or which contains anything repugnant to the injunctions of Islam, or contrary to the integrity, defence or security of Pakistan or any part of Pakistan, public order or morality.

            (7)        If the Authority issues a direction or prohibition under subsections (4) or (5) to a person or an Agency, such person or Agency shall, within the time specified by the Authority, submit an implementation report to the Authority.

            (8)        No person or Agency shall print, publish, sell, utilize, or misappropriate any examination or assessment questions formulated by the Authority for examination or assessment purposes or any other information to which such person is privy in order to gain any direct or indirect financial gain or gratification.

            (9)        In case, any violation of any provision of the Act or directions or prohibition order issued by the Authority, is reported to the Authority, the officer, authorized by the Authority may seize such material in the manner to be prescribed through regulations.

13.       Offence and penalty.– (1) If any person or Agency to whom a direction or prohibition has been issued under the Act, fails to carry out such direction or prohibition order, or violates any provision of the Act, he shall be liable to punishment of imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years and with fine up to three million rupees.

            (2)        Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law and in addition to prosecution of the person under sub-section (1), the Authority may impose or recommend to the concerned authority any one or more of the following actions against such person or Agency, as the case may be:

(a)        initiation of disciplinary action;

(b)       revocation of license or permit or cancellation of any registration pertaining to printing, publication or sale of any textbook or any other supplementary material under the Act; and

(c)        disqualify the person for registration or grant of any license or permission under the Act relating to printing, publication or sale of any textbook, or any other supplementary material for a maximum period of five years.

14.       Forfeiture.– On conviction for an offence under sub-sections (1) of section 13, all copies of the textbooks, examination or assessment questions or supplementary material, in respect of which the offence had been committed, shall stand forfeited to the Authority.

15.       Cognizance and trial.– An offence under the Act shall be cognizable, non-bailable and triable by a Magistrate of the first class in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Criminal procedure, 1898 (V of 1898).

16.       Appeal– (1) Any person, aggrieved by a direction or prohibition order made under the Act or any other order, action or omission of the officer of the Authority made or taken in performance of his duties and functions under the Act, may, within thirty days of communication of such direction, prohibition order, order, action or omission, prefer an appeal to the Authority which shall decide such appeal within sixty days of its receipt.

            (2)        Any person, aggrieved by a direction or prohibition order under the Act or any other order, action or omission of the Authority, may, within thirty days of communication of such direction, prohibition order, order, action or omission, prefer an appeal to the Chief Minister whose decision shall be final.

            (3)        The Chief Minister may, for the purpose of hearing of appeal received under sub-section (2), appoint a hearing officer who shall, after hearing, submit report to the Chief Minister for his decision.

17.       Employees, advisors, consultants and experts.– (1) Subject to the provisions of the Act, the Authority may appoint such persons in its service as it considers necessary for the performance of its functions under the Act, on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed through regulations and until so prescribed as may be determined by the Authority;

            (2)        The Authority may appoint advisors, consultants and experts if it deems necessary for the performance of its functions under the Act on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed through regulations and until so prescribed as may be determined by the Authority.

18.       Fund.– (1) There shall be established a Fund to be called the Punjab Education, Curriculum, Training and Assessment Authority Fund which shall vest in the Authority and shall be utilized by the Authority or its officer as such authorized, in connection with its functions under the Act.

            (2)        The Fund shall comprise of the following:

(a)        such sum as the Government may, from time to time, allocate to it in the annual budget;

(b)        grants received from the local government, Government, or Federal Government;

(c)        donations endowments and grants received from any other person, body, authority or non-governmental organization;

(d)       donations and grants from international persons, donors, bodies and organizations;

(e)        sale proceeds, fees, charges, fines or confiscations collected by the Authority in the performance of its functions;

(f)        any funds received by the Authority as a consequence of section 30 of the Act; and

(g)        income from any investments made by the Authority;

19.       Budget and accounts.– (1) The Chief Executive Officer shall, before the commencement of a financial year, prepare a statement of the estimated receipts and expenditure for that financial year and submit it to the Authority for approval.

            (2)       The Authority shall maintain proper accounts and other records relating to its financial affairs including its income and expenditure and its assets and liabilities in such form and manner as may be prescribed through regulations.

            (3)        As soon as may be, after the end of each financial year, the Authority shall, for that financial year, prepare and approve in the manner prescribed, statements of account of the Authority which shall include a balance-sheet and an account of income and expenditure.

            (4)       The Authority shall submit to Government the annual statement of the accounts within three months of the close of the financial year.

20.       Maintenance of bank accounts. The Authority may open and maintain its accounts in such scheduled bank as may be prescribed, subject to any instructions issued by the Government from time to time.

21.       Audit.– (1) The Auditor General of Pakistan shall, annually, audit the accounts of the Authority.

(2)        The Authority may, in addition to the audit under sub-section (1), cause the annual accounts of the Authority to be audited by a reputable firm of chartered accountants.

(3)        The Chief Executive Officer shall submit to the Authority, at the close of each financial year, the duly audited accounts of the Authority together with the report of the Auditor General of Pakistan along with an audit report under sub-section (2), if any.

22.       Annual report.– (1) The Authority shall, within three months of the close of a financial year, submit an annual report to the Government which shall include:

(a)               a comprehensive statement of the work and activities of the Authority during the preceding financial year;

(b)               a statement of accounts and audit report; 

(c)               the plans and goals for the future; and

(d)               such other matters as may be prescribed or as the Authority may consider appropriate.

(2)        Government shall, within sixty days of the receipt of the report under sub-section (1), approve to lay such report before the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab.

23.       Rules.– The Government may, by notification in the official Gazette and with the recommendations of the Authority, make rules for carrying out the purposes of the Act.

24.       Regulations.– The Authority may, by notification in the official Gazette, frame regulations for carrying out the purposes of the Act.

25.       Indemnity.– No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against the Government, the Authority or any Member or employee of the Authority acting for and on its behalf in furtherance of the functions of the Authority, as the case may be, provided that such actions or omissions are in good faith or done under the Act or rules and regulations framed hereunder.

26.       Public servants.– The Chairperson, Members, Chief Executive Officer, officers, employees, and other persons authorized to perform or exercise any function or power under the Act, shall be deemed to be public servants within the meanings of section 21 of the Pakistan Penal Code 1860 (Act XLV of 1860). 

27.       Overriding effect.– The provisions of the Act shall have overriding effect notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force.

28.       Removal of difficulties.– If any difficulty arises in giving effect to or applying the provisions of the Act, the Government may make such order, not inconsistent with the Act, as may be necessary for removal of such difficulty.

29.       Repeal.– The Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board Act 2015 (Act VI of 2015), and the Punjab Examination Commission Act 2010 (Act XI of 2010) are hereby repealed.

30.       Succession, transition, validation and saving.– (1) Notwithstanding repeal under section 29, upon coming into force of the Act:

(a)        all programs, schemes, projects and other matters under the domain of the Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board, the Punjab Examination Commission and the Quaid-e-Azam Academy of Educational Development shall stand transferred to the Authority;

(b)        all assets of the Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board, the Punjab Examination Commission and the Quaid-e-Azam Academy of Educational Development including but not limited to immovable, movable and intellectual properties, monies, funds, investments, shall stand transferred to the Authority;

(c)        all liabilities of the Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board, the Punjab Examination Commission and the Quaid-e-Azam Academy of Educational Development shall stand transferred to the Authority;

(d)       all employees, regular or on contract basis, serving the Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board, the Punjab Examination Commission and the Quaid-e-Azam Academy of Educational Development shall be deemed to be employees of the Authority on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the Authority but such terms and conditions shall not be less favorable in any regard than the terms and conditions admissible to them immediately before enactment of the Act:

            Provided that such terms and conditions include but are not limited to financial terms, promotion and disciplinary matters, matters of seniority, and post-retirement benefits and emoluments;

(e)        all employees of the Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board, the Punjab Examination Commission and the Quaid-e-Azam Academy of Educational Development, on deputation, shall, after the coming into force of the Act, be deemed to be on deputation with the Authority. The services of such persons on deputation, may either be retained or returned to the parent department at the discretion of the Authority; 

(f)        all the posts sanctioned for the Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board, the Punjab Examination Commission and the Quaid-e-Azam Academy of Educational Development shall stand transferred to the Authority; and

(g)        save as otherwise specifically provided, nothing in the Act shall affect or be deemed to affect anything done, action taken, proceedings commenced, orders, rules, regulations, appointments, agreements made, directions given or instruments executed or issued under or in pursuance of The Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board Act 2015, and the Punjab Examination Commission Act 2010 or by the Quaid-e-Azam Academy of Educational Development and any such thing, action, proceedings, orders, rules, regulations, appointments, agreements, directions or instruments shall, if in force at the commencement of the Act and not inconsistent with any of the provisions of the Act, continue to be in force and have effect as if they were respectively done, taken, commenced, made, directed, given, executed or issued under the Act.

            (2)        The Government shall ensure the smooth succession and transition of all matters from the Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board, the Punjab Examination Commission and the Quaid-e-Azam Academy of Educational Development to the Authority within forty-five days of the commencement of the Act. 


[1]This Act was passed by Provincial Assembly of the Punjab on 20 January 2025; assented to by the Governor of the Punjab on 29 January 2025; and was published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated 29 January 2025, pages 2687-96.