(Act XXXIII of 2022)
Section Heading
Chapter - I
1. Short
title, extent and commencement.
2. Definitions.
Chapter - II
Succession of Local Governments
3. Succession
of the defunct local governments.
Chapter - III
Overriding Effect and Removal of Difficulties
4. Act
to override other laws.
5. Removal
of difficulties.
6. Certain
matters to be prescribed.
Chapter - IV
Demarcation, Classification, Delimitation,
of Local Governments and Review of Local Areas
7. Demarcation,
constitution and classification of Metropolitan Corporation and District
8. Notification
of local areas of Metropolitan Corporations and District Councils.
9. Review
of local areas of Metropolitan Corporations and District Councils.
10. Delimitation
of Union Councils by the Election Commission.
11. Principles
of delimitation of Union Councils.
12. Coordination
with Election Commission for delimitation.
Chapter - V
Composition and Structure of Local Governments
13. Local
government structure.
14. Head’s
Chapter - VI
Authority of Local Governments
15. Local
governments to work within the Provincial framework.
16. General
authority and responsibility of a local government.
17. Extent
of authority of local governments.
18. Assignment
of additional responsibilities by Government.
19. Manner
of exercise of authority by a local government.
20. All
acts and orders to be taken or made in the name of local government.
Chapter - VII
Functions of Local Governments
21. Functions
and powers of Metropolitan Corporation and District Council.
22. Functions
and powers of Union Council.
Chapter – VIII
Additional functions in relation to the
Authorities, etc.
23. Functions
and powers in relation to the Authorities, Agencies and Companies in the
Metropolitan Corporations.
Chapter – IX
District Local Government Authorities for the
Devolved District Level Offices
24. Exercise
of functions and powers in relation to the devolved district level offices of
the Government Departments.
25. District
26. Composition
and management of the District Authorities.
27. Performance
of functions by the District Authorities.
Chapter – X
Mode of Discharge of Functions by the local
governments – Agency Arrangement and Joint Authorities.
28. Discharge
of functions by local governments.
29. Delegation
of functions to Union Councils.
30. Agency
31. Establishment
of joint authorities.
32. Inter-agency
Chapter - XI
Duties of Certain Functionaries
33. Duties
and powers of a Head of the local government.
34. Duties
and powers of a Speaker.
35. Duties
of a Councillor.
36. Duties
and powers of Chief Officer.
37. Attendance
of Council meetings by Chief Officer.
38. Personal
responsibility for acts done and expenditure incurred without lawful authority.
Chapter - XII
Conduct of Business
39. Conduct
of business.
40. Meetings
of the House.
41. Contracts.
Chapter - XIII
Authority for Local Government Elections
42. Election
Commission to conduct local government elections.
43. Elections
Act to apply.
44. All
authorities and persons to assist the Election Commission.
45. Delegation
of powers.
46. Election
Commission to regulate its own procedure.
Chapter - XIV
Election Method, Franchise and Related Matters
47. Election
48. Opposition
49. Electoral
50. Enlistment
of an Electoral Group.
51. Electoral
52. Right
to vote.
Chapter - XV
Conduct of Elections
53. Notification
of election date and call up for election.
54. Only
nominated and eligible persons allowed to contest elections.
55. Manner
of conducting Elections.
56. Code
of Conduct for elections.
57. Returned
58. Announcement
of Results.
59. Election
to be called in question only before Election Tribunal.
60. Notification
of vacancy and bye-election.
Chapter - XVI
Qualifications and Term of Office of
61. Qualifications
and disqualifications.
62. Defection
from a Political Party or Electoral Group.
63. Effect
of being found to be disqualified to be a candidate, Head of the local
government, Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson, Speaker, or a Councillor.
64. Bar
against double membership.
65. Term
of office of the Council, Head of the local government, Deputy Mayor, Vice
Chairperson, Speaker or a Councillor.
66. First
Meeting and Oath of office.
67. Effect
of failure to take oath.
68. Resignation
by a Head of the local government, Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson, Speaker or
69. Fresh
elections in case of casual vacancy in the office of a Speaker.
70. Filling
up of casual vacancies of Head, Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson and Councillors.
71. Power
of the Chief Minister to appoint an administrator.
Chapter - XVII
Local Government Finance
72. Funds
of a local government.
73. Custody
of Local Fund and Public Account.
74. Charged
75. Application
of Local Fund.
76. Budget
77. Approval
of budget.
78. Bottom up planning and the community ownership incentive
79. Honoraria
and allowances.
80. Accounts.
81. Audit.
82. Local
government debt.
Chapter - XVIII
Punjab Local Government Finance Commission
83. Local
Government Finance Commission.
84. Term
of office and premature removal of certain members.
85. Casual
86. Eligibility
for appointment as an expert member.
87. Oath
of office of members of Finance Commission.
88. General
functions of the Finance Commission.
89. Right
of local governments to refer objections to Finance Commission.
90. Procedure
of Finance Commission.
91. Duty
of local governments and other public entities etc. to cooperate with Finance
92. Secretariat
of the Finance Commission.
Chapter - XIX
Local Government Properties
93. Local
government properties.
94. Use
and disposal of properties of local governments.
95. Acquisition
of immovable property.
96. Loss
of property of local government.
97. Annual
stock of local government properties.
98. Insurance
of certain local government properties.
Chapter - XX
Local Government Taxes, Fees, Rates and Tolls
99. Authority
of a local government to levy taxes etc.
100. Procedure
for imposition, revision or abolishment of a local tax, fee, etc.
101. Date
on which local taxes, fee, etc. become effective.
102. Rating
areas and property tax.
103. Unfair
local taxes etc.
104. Duty
to furnish information on liability to local tax, fee etc.
105. Power
of entry for valuation of local taxes etc.
106. Presentation
of bill for local taxes and rates etc.
107. Notice
of demand to be issued on non-payment of bill.
108. Payment
of local tax etc. and consequences of default.
109. Investigation
of objections by Chief Officer.
110. Appeal
against the order of Chief Officer.
111. Liability
for local tax etc. to be called in question only under this Act.
112. Payments
to be made in authorized banks against receipts.
113. Writing
off of irrecoverable taxes etc.
114. Tax,
fee etc. not to become invalid for a defect in form.
115. Records
pertaining to valuation, assessment and collection of local tax, fee etc.
Appointment of an agency or officer for collection of local tax, fee
Chapter - XXI
Inter-governmental Fiscal Transfers
117. Provincial
allocable amount and transfers to the local governments.
118. Process
for determination of provincial allocable amount and share of individual local
119. Duty
of Finance Commission to consider views of Government and local governments.
120. Term
of formulae on share of local governments and their revision.
121. Determination
of provincial allocable amount.
122. Principles
for determining transfers to individual local governments and related grants.
PART - 5
Chapter - XXII
Community Mobilization through Community
Council and Panchayat
123. Community
Council and Panchayat.
124. General
functions of Community Council or Panchayat.
125. Amicable
settlement of disputes.
126. Reference
by Courts etc.
127. Conflict
of interest.
128. Procedure
of settlement of disputes.
Community Based Organizations
129. Composition
of Community Based Organizations.
131. Raising
of funds by Community Based Organization.
132. Community
Based Organization to be a non-profit organization.
Chapter XXIV
Internal Controls
133. Power
of the Council to remove a Head of the local government, Deputy Mayor, Vice
Chairperson and Speaker.
134. Certain
limitations to apply in bringing a resolution for removal of a Head of local
government and Speaker.
135. Oversight
through committees of the Council.
136. Internal
137. Internal
138. Complaint
139. Right
to information.
Chapter - XXV
140. General
rules of conduct.
141. Conflict
of interest.
142. Duty
to abstain from proceedings in case of conflict of interest.
143. Code
of Conduct for elected officials and officers etc.
144. Misconduct.
145. Certain
orders to be in writing or to be reduced to writing.
PART - 7
Chapter - XXVI
Oversight by the Government
146. Supervision
of local governments.
147. Power
to call for information.
148. Power
of the Secretary to suspend and set aside certain resolutions or orders of local
149. Procedure
where Head of the local government fails to show cause or to take action on
directions under the Act.
150. Power
of the Secretary to take action on his own.
151. Suspension
or dissolution of a local government.
152. Effect
of suspension or dissolution of a local government.
153. Reinstatement
of suspended local government.
Chapter - XXVII
Punjab Local Government Commission
154. Establishment
of Punjab Local Government Commission.
155. Chairperson
and members of the Commission.
156. Term
of office and premature removal of certain members.
157. Casual
158. Eligibility
for appointment of expert members.
159. Oath
of office of members of the Commission.
160. Functions
of the Commission.
161. Certain
powers of a court to vest upon the Commission.
162. Procedure
of the Commission.
163. Duty
of the Government, local governments etc. to cooperate with the Commission.
164. Secretariat
of the Commission.
165. Responsibility
of the Commission.
Chapter – XXVIII
Planning, Development and Land use in Metropolitan
Corporation and District Council
166. Local
development plan.
167. Initiation
of proposals for new works etc..
168. Approval
of annual development plan.
169. Secretary
to certify annual development plan if not approved by a local government.
170. Planning
171. Duty
of every local government to maintain public service infrastructure maps.
Chapter - XXIX
Municipal Offences and their Cognizance
172. Offences,
punishments and their cognizance.
173. Appointment
and control of Inspectors.
174. Imposition
of fine through ticketing.
175. Court
proceedings for default in deposit of fine.
176. Compounding
of offences.
177. Municipal
178. General
powers of Inspectors.
179. Appointment
of Municipal Magistrates.
Chapter- XXX
Offences Relating to Code of Conduct and
Conflict of Interest
180. Punishment
for acting dishonestly.
181. Punishment
for acting despite conflict of interest.
182. Cognizance
of an offence under this Chapter by courts.
Chapter- XXXI
Offences Relating to Local Taxes
183. Punishment
for non-payment of tax etc..
184. Cognizance
of offences under this Chapter.
Chapter - XXXII
Officers and Servants of Local Governments
185. Chief
Officer, other officers and servants of local governments.
186. Security
of tenure for the Chief Officer and other officers.
187. Punjab
Local Government Service.
188. Service
cadre for servants of the local governments.
189. Continuation
of the Punjab Local Government Board.
190. Composition
of the Board.
191. Functions
of the Board and method for conduct of business.
Chapter - XXXIII
192. Appeal
against orders of local governments.
Chapter - XXXIV
Bar of Jurisdiction of Courts
193. Jurisdiction
of courts barred.
194. Indemnity
of actions taken in good faith.
Chapter - XXXV
195. General
powers of local governments, etc.
196. Delegation
of powers by the Government.
197. Delegation
of Powers by the Head of local government.
198. All
Heads of the local governments, Deputy Mayors, Vice Chairpersons, Speakers,
Councillors, officer and servants of the local governments to be public
199. Remuneration
etc. for elected officials.
200. Training
of functionaries of local governments.
201. Bar
against employment of the elected officials in the local government.
Chapter - XXXVI
Subordinate legislation
202. Rules.
203. Bye-laws.
PART - 14
Chapter - XXXVII
Repeal and Savings
204. Repeal
and Savings.
Chapter - XXXVIII
Transitional Arrangements
205. Interim
authorities and continuation of public services.
206. Interim
maintenance of offices and Authorities to be transferred to local governments
under this Act.
207. Fiscal
transfers and taxes etc. to continue.
208. Fiscal
transfers and budget of the succeeding local governments for the first year in
209. Salaries
and emoluments of officers and servants of the local governments during
[16th November 2022]
An Act to reconstitute local
governments in the Punjab and consolidate laws relating to powers and functions
of the local governments.
It is expedient to reconstitute the local governments and consolidate
laws relating to powers and functions of local governments for establishing an
effective elected local government system for meaningful devolution of
political, administrative and financial responsibility and authority to the
directly elected representatives of the local governments as envisaged under
Article 140A of the Constitution to promote good governance, effective delivery
of services and transparent decision making through institutionalized
participation of the people at local level; and to deal with ancillary matters.
Chapter - I
1. Short title, extent and commencement.– (1) This Act may be cited as the Punjab Local Government Act 2022.
(2) This Act shall extend to
whole of the Punjab except:
(a) the areas notified as
cantonments under the Cantonments Act, 1924 (II of 1924), or the Cantonments
Ordinance, 2002 (CXXXVII of 2002), or such other areas under active possession
and direct control of the Armed Forces of Pakistan that may be notified by the
Government for this purpose; and
(b) the area exempted by the
Government from any or all of the provisions of this Act through a notification
in the official Gazette.
(3) This Act shall come into
force at once.
2. Definitions.– (1) In this Act:
“administration” means administration of a local government other than
Union Council, comprising such officers of the prescribed services and servants
of local government; and in case of Union Council, such officials of
Directorate General Local Government and Community Development, as may be
determined by the Secretary in the schedule of establishment of the respective
local government;
“Auditor General‟ means the
Auditor General of Pakistan appointed under Article 168 of the
“Board” means the Punjab Local Government Board;
“budget” means the estimate of expected receipts and expenditure of a
local government for a given financial year, and as the case may be, includes
the estimate of receipts and expenditure of constituent offices, entities and
agencies of that local government;
“building control” means implementation of a
set of standards and regulatory framework established and enforced by a local
government, for the safety of a building and its surrounding environment;
“bye-laws” means bye-laws made by a local
government under this Act or rules made thereunder;
“candidate” means a candidate for election under this Act;
“cantonment” means a place or places notified as cantonment under the
Cantonments Act, 1924 (II of 1924), or the Cantonments Ordinance, 2002 (CXXXVII
of 2002);
“Code” means the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (V of 1898);
“census” means a population and housing census provisionally or finally
published under the General Statistics (Reorganization) Act, 2011 (XIV of 2011),
whichever is later;
“Chief Officer” means Head of the administration of the Metropolitan
Corporation and District Council, including
Officer in-charge of a Municipal Unit.
“Collector” means a Revenue Officer appointed under section 7 of the
Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1967 (XVII of 1967);
“Commission” means the Punjab Local Government Commission constituted
under this Act;
“committee” means a committee constituted under this Act;
“Community Council” means a Community Council constituted under this
“Constitution” means the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of
“Council” means the Council comprising the Speaker and other Councillors
of a local government;
“Councillor” means a Councillor of the Council and includes a Speaker
and a Councillor elected against a reserved seat;
“defunct local government” means a local
government constituted under any local government law existed prior to the
commencement of this Act;
“Department” means the Local Government and Community Development
Department of the Government;
“Directorate General” means the Directorate General Local Government and
Community Development;
“Directorate General (Inspections & Monitoring)” means the Directorate
General of Inspections & Monitoring of the Board;
"disabled person" means the same as
defined under the Disabled Persons (Employment and Rehabilitation) Ordinance,
1981 (XL of 1981) or any other law on this subject for the time being in force;
“district” means a District notified under the Punjab Land Revenue Act,
1967 (XVII of 1967);
“District Council” means a District Council constituted under this Act;
“elected office” means the office of a
local government against which a Head, Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson, Speaker
or a Councillor is elected;
“elected official” means a Head of local
government, Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson, Speaker, or a Councillor;
“Elections Act” means the Elections Act, 2017 (XXXIII of 2017);
“Election Commission” means the Election Commission of Pakistan
established under Article 218 of the Constitution;
“farmer” means a person who owns more than five acres of land;
“Election Tribunal” means the Election Tribunal constituted by the
Election Commission to decide election petitions;
“electoral group” means an Electoral Group
enlisted under this Act;
“electoral officer” means an officer appointed
for election under this Act and includes a Presiding Officer, an Assistant
Presiding Officer and a Polling Officer;
“electoral roll” means an electoral roll
prepared, revised or corrected under the Elections Act;
“electoral unit” means electoral unit
constituted for an election under this Act;
“Electronic Voting Machine (EVM)” means any device that is used by the
Election Commission for conduct of free and fair local government elections for
voting purposes, other than Ballot Papers whether for voting, counting of
votes, transmitting the final results or recounting of the votes purposes;
“emergency” means circumstances imminently endangering public health,
safety, life or significant or large scale harm to
property requiring an immediate action;
“fee” means fee against specific services provided by a local government
and includes a regulatory fee for regulation of a business or activity;
“Finance Commission” means the Punjab Local Government Finance
Commission constituted under this Act;
“financial year” means the year commencing on
the first day of July and ending on the thirtieth day of June;
“Government” means Government
of the Punjab;
“government agency” means a department, office,
authority, body, company, or institution of the Government or the Federal
“Head’s Cabinet” means the Cabinet of the Head of a local government
constituted under this Act;
“Head of local government” means:
Lord Mayor of Metropolitan Corporation Lahore;
City Mayor of a Metropolitan Corporation other than Lahore;
District Mayor of a District Council; and
(iv) Chairperson of a Union
“High Court” means the Lahore High Court, Lahore;
“House” means the elected Council of a local government;
“joint authority” means a joint authority
established under this Act;
“land use” means the human use of land, to
represent the economic and cultural activities e.g., agricultural, commercial,
residential, industrial, mining, and recreational use that are practiced at a
given place;
“land use control” means exercise of power to
restrict private and public use of land and natural resources, to conform to
master planning;
“land use plan” means a plan drawn up and
approved by a local government or any government agency competent to draw up
and approve which provides the actual land use and proposed land use for
permitted, permissible and prohibited development activities, both in the
planned areas and non-planned areas, within the local area of a local government;
“local area” means the area comprising
territorial jurisdiction of a local government demarcated or delimited under
this Act;
“local government” means a Metropolitan
Corporation, a District Council, and a Union Council;
“master plan” means a dynamic long term
planning and policy document that provides a conceptual lay out to guide future
growth and development and includes analysis and evaluation of standards,
proposals for population, economy, housing, transportation, community
facilities and land use;
“municipal unit” means a sub-office of a local
government administration established for performance of its functions in an urban area;
“operating officer” means the operating officer of a joint authority appointed under
this Act;
“Panchayat” means a panchayat constituted under this Act;
“peasant” means a person who is a landless farm worker, or one who
during the period of five years preceding the year in which election is held,
has been the owner of not more than five acers of land and depends directly on
it for subsistence living;
“Political Party” means a Political Party within the meanings of the
Elections Act;
“prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this Act;
“prescribed service” means the Punjab Local
Government Service, Provincial Management Service, or Pakistan Administrative
Service, whether called by this or any other title;
“Province” means Province of the Punjab;
“provincial allocable amount” means sums allocated out of the Provincial
Consolidated Fund
under this Act as a share for transfer to a local government
under this Act.
“Provincial Consolidated Fund” means the Provincial Consolidated Fund
within the meanings of Article 118 of the Constitution;
“public service” means a service provided by a
local government in relation to its functions for the residents;
“recognized institution” means an educational
institution recognized by the Higher Education Commission established under the
Higher Education Commission Ordinance, 2002 (LIII of 2002) or any other similar
agency mandated for this purpose under any other relevant law;
“rent” means whatever is lawfully payable in money or kind by a tenant
or lessee on account of the occupation of any building or land or use of any
machinery, equipment or vehicle;
“reserved seat” means a seat reserved for religious minorities, women, peasants or
workers, youth, disabled persons and traders or farmers;
“resident” means a person who ordinarily resides in the local area of a
local government, and where relevant as regards the functions of a joint
authority, includes persons from outside that area who regularly use facilities
or services provided by that joint authority;
“rules” means the rules made under this Act;
“Rural Union Council” means a Union Council delimited and constituted in
the local area demarcated as rural area under the Punjab Local Government Act,
2019 (XIII of 2019);
“Schedule” means a Schedule
appended to this Act;
“Secretary” means the Secretary as defined in the Punjab Government
Rules of Business, 2011, and where no suffix is mentioned therewith, it shall
mean the Secretary in charge of the Local Government and Community Development
Department of the Government;
“Secretary Union Council” means an official in-charge of the administration of a Union Council;
“servant” means an employee
of a local government;
“Speaker” means the Speaker of the Council, and in relation to the
holding of a meeting of the Council in the absence of the Speaker, a Councillor
chosen by the Council to preside over the meeting of such session; and in case
of Union Council, it means the Vice Chairperson;
“standing instructions” means the standing
instructions issued under this Act;
“tehsil” means an area notified under the Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1967
(XVII of 1967);
“trader” means a person who during the period of five years preceding
the year in which election is held, has been engaged in the business of buying
and selling of goods, commodities or services and primarily depends upon it to
earn his livelihood;
“Union Council” means an urban
Union Council or a rural Union Council delimited and constituted under this
“urban area” means an area demarcated and
notified as urban under the Punjab Local Government Act, 2019 (XIII of 2019);
“Urban Union Council” means a Union Council delimited and constituted in
the local area demarcated as urban area under the Punjab Local Government Act,
2019 (XIII of 2019);
“worker” means a person who
primarily depends upon personal labour for subsistence, or a worker as defined
in the “Punjab Industrial Relations Act 2010 (XIX of 2010), and in both cases,
has maintained such status for last five years preceding the year in which
election is held; and
“youth” means a person who is not less than eighteen years of age and
not more than thirty two years of age on the last date
fixed for filing of nomination papers.
(2) The words, terms or
expressions used but not defined in this Act shall have the same meaning as
assigned in the Constitution or other applicable laws in force.
Chapter - II
Succession of Local
3. Succession of the
defunct local governments.–
(1) Each local government shall succeed:
(a) such property of a
defunct local government located within the limits of its local area which, in
view of the Secretary, is required by it for the due discharge of any function
under this Act;
(b) such officers and
servants of a defunct local government who, in the view of the Secretary, are
required by it for the discharge of any function under this Act; and
(c) such rights, funds,
claims or liabilities or portions thereof which, in the view of the Secretary,
were respectively raised, made or accrued by a defunct local government in
relation to areas comprising its local area.
(2) Subject to subsection
(3), the Secretary shall, having regards to the circumstances appertaining to
each case, determine the share of a local government where:
(a) any property of a
defunct local government is required by two or more local governments for the
discharge of a function under this Act;
(b) any officer or servant of
a defunct local government is required by two or more local governments for the
discharge of a function under this Act; and
(c) any fund, claim or
liability or portion thereof which was respectively raised, made or accrued by
a defunct local government in relation to areas comprising the local areas of
two or more local governments.
(3) No local government
shall, unless otherwise provided by the Secretary, succeed to any property,
right, fund, claim or liability or portion thereof of a defunct local
government which does not pertain to a function assigned to it under this Act:
provided that all
properties, rights, funds, claims and liabilities of a defunct local government
which pertain to a function not assigned to any local government under this Act
shall be succeeded to by the Government.
(4) The Secretary shall, by a
general or special order, provide for the manner of succession and discharge of
liabilities, if any, of a defunct local government.
(5) The Secretary shall assign all properties,
rights, funds, claims or liabilities among local governments under this section
and all disputes relating to this matter shall be referred to and decided by it
and such decision shall be final.
Explanation: For the purpose of this
section, the term “property” shall include any land, building, office, work,
facility, amenity, vehicle, equipment, plant, store or apparatus.
Chapter - III
Overriding Effect and
Removal of Difficulties
4. Act to override other laws.– The provisions of this Act shall have effect notwithstanding anything
contained in any other law for the time being in force.
5. Removal of difficulties.– The Chief Minister may, by order not inconsistent with the object of
this Act, provide for the removal of any difficulty which may arise in giving
effect to the provisions of this Act.
6. Certain matters to be prescribed.– Wherever this Act requires anything to be done but does not make any
provision or sufficient provision as to the authority by whom it shall be done,
or the manner in which it shall be done, then it shall be done by such
authority and in such manner, as may be prescribed.
Chapter - IV
Classification, Delimitation, Constitution
of Local Governments and
Review of Local Areas
7. Demarcation,
constitution and classification of Metropolitan Corporation and District Council.– (1) The urban and rural areas demarcated and notified under Punjab Local
Government Act, 2019 (XIII of 2019) shall be deemed to have been demarcated and
notified, unless altered under this Act, for constitution of the local areas of
the following local governments and in the manner given below:
(a) a Metropolitan
Corporation as follows:
(i) all areas comprising
district Lahore as Metropolitan Corporation Lahore; and
(ii) Largest urban area in the districts of Sialkot, Gujrat, Bahawalpur, Dera Ghazi Khan, Faisalabad Gujranwala, Multan, Rawalpindi,
Sahiwal and Sargodha, as the Metropolitan Corporation of the respective local
area; and
(b) a District Council as
(i) area of District of
Sialkot, Gujrat, Bahawalpur, Dera Ghazi Khan, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Multan,
Rawalpindi, Sahiwal and Sargodha, excluding the local area of Metropolitan
Corporation in that district; and
(ii) whole area of a district
except the districts of Lahore, Sialkot, Gujrat, Bahawalpur, Dera Ghazi Khan,
Faisalabad Gujranwala, Multan, Rawalpindi, Sahiwal and Sargodha.
(2) Each local area shall
constitute territorial jurisdiction of the respective local government.
8. Notification of local
areas of Metropolitan Corporations and District Councils.- Subject to section 7, the Deputy Commissioner shall issue fresh
notifications of demarcation of local areas of Metropolitan Corporations and
District Councils mentioning therein urban and rural areas and population of
each census block as per latest census results.
9. Review of local areas of
Metropolitan Corporations and District Councils.- The Government may, through a notification in official gazette,
increase or decrease the limit of the local areas of Metropolitan Corporations
and District Councils.
Provided that any
change in the limit of the local areas shall be effective from the next
elections of such local governments.
10. Delimitation of Union Councils by the Election Commission.– (1) The Election Commission shall delimit the Union Councils under the
Elections Act in the prescribed manner.
(2) The local areas of Union Councils shall
be identified with a specific number given by Election Commission and name
which may be assigned by the Government.
(3) The Election Commission shall delimit
the urban area in a district constituting the Metropolitan Corporation, defunct
Municipal Corporation, defunct Municipal Committee, defunct Town Committee
demarcated and constituted under the Punjab Local Government Act, 2019 (XIII of
2019) into urban Union Councils, with an average population of twenty-five
(4) Subject to subsection (3), the Election
Commission shall delimit rural area in a District Council into rural Union
Councils, with an average population of twenty-five thousand.
(5) Government may through a notification in
official gazette, declare a rural Union Council having urban characteristics as
Urban Union Council on the recommendation of Deputy Commissioner concerned.
(6) Government may through a notification in
official gazette, declare an urban Union Council as rural Union Council, if the
local area has no urban characteristics, on the recommendation of Deputy
Commissioner concerned:
Provided that any change
under sub-section (5) and (6) shall be effective from the next elections of
such local governments.
11. Principles of
delimitation of Union Councils.–
(1) A variation in the limit of population of local areas shall be
permissible up to ten percent, in order to avoid splitting of census blocks.
(2) For delimitation of the
local areas of Union Councils, it shall be ensured that:
population of local area of each Union Councils shall be uniform, as far
as possible, as per the latest census;
the local area shall be a territorial unit;
the boundaries of a rural Union Council shall not cross the limits of the respective tehsil in a district; and
the boundaries of urban Union Council shall not cross the limits of the respective Metropolitan Corporation,
defunct Municipal Corporation or Municipal Committee or Town Committee
constituted under the Punjab Local Government Act, 2019 (XIII of 2019), as the
case may be.
12. Coordination with
Election Commission for delimitation.– (1) The Deputy Commissioners shall coordinate and facilitate the
Election Commission in whole process of delimitation and provide required
details about the local area of each local government demarcated under section
7 in identifying the distribution of
population in geographically compact areas, physical features, existing
boundaries of administrative units, facilities of communication and public
convenience and other cognate factors to ensure homogeneity in the delimitation
of Union Councils.
(2) The Deputy Commissioner
shall provide to the Election Commission all notifications of local areas
showing notified population along with their census block codes and copies of
authenticated maps of local governments showing the clear boundaries.
(3) The Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, specify the
name by which a Union Council shall
be known and unless the name of a Union Council is so specified, it shall be known as the Union Council of the
place where its office is situated.
Chapter - V
Composition and Structure
of Local Governments
13. Local government structure.– (1) A local government of a Metropolitan Corporation and a District
Council shall consist of:
(a) Head of a local
(b) two Deputy Mayors in
Metropolitan Corporations;
(c) one Deputy Mayor of each
Tehsil in each District Council;
(d) a nominated Head’s
cabinet comprising of such Councillors and technocrats as provided in section
14 of this Act except for a Union Council;
(e) a Council comprising of
such number and description of Councillors, including the Speaker, as is given
in First Schedule of this Act; and
(f) an administration
comprising of officers and servants in a local government.
(2) The Secretary with the approval of Minister, may establish one or more
municipal units in a local government for performance of its functions.
(3) The local governments of
Union Councils shall consist of:
(a) Chairperson and Vice
(b) five Councillors elected
on general seats;
(c) one seat reserved for
workers in an urban Union Council or for peasants in a rural Union Council;
(d) one seat reserved for
religious minorities;
(e) two seats reserved for
(f) one seat reserved for
youth; and
(g) an administration
comprising a Secretary Union Council and the members of ancillary staff, as may be determined by the
provided that in case there is no candidate in an electoral unit to
contest election against the seat reserved for religious minority, such seat
shall be deemed to be an additional seat reserved for worker or peasant, as the
case may be.
(4) The Vice-Chairperson of
a Union Council shall act as the Speaker of the Council.
(5) Every local government,
so constituted, shall be a body corporate having perpetual succession and a
common seal, and subject to the provisions of this Act, shall have power to
acquire, hold and transfer property, both movable and immovable, to contract and
to do all other things necessary for the purposes of its constitution; and
shall by its name sue and be sued.
14. Head’s Cabinet.– (1) There shall be a Head’s Cabinet of a local government, except Union
Councils, to aid and advise the Head in exercise of his functions, to be
appointed by the head, not later than forty five days from taking of his oath:
provided that the Cabinet Members shall hold the office during the
pleasure of the Head:
provided further that with the removal of the Head or on expiry of his
term, the Head’s Cabinet shall also be dissolved forthwith.
(2) The Head’s Cabinet, for
local governments shall comprise of such number of Councillors and Technocrats
nominated by the Head of a local government, as mentioned in the Second
(3) No person shall be
appointed as a Technocrat in the Head’s Cabinet, unless he is a technocrat
holding a degree requiring conclusion of at least sixteen years of education,
recognized by the Higher Education Commission and has a professional experience
of not less than five years in public or municipal administration, public
finance, law, education, public health, Commerce and Industry, Information
Technology, Mass Communication or any other area relating to functions of the
local government:
provided that no person shall be appointed as a Technocrat member of the
Head’s Cabinet, unless he is otherwise eligible to be a candidate for the
office of Head of a local government, Speaker or Councillor.
(4) Before entering upon
office, a Head’s Cabinet member shall make before the Head of the local
government, oath in the form set out in the Fourth Schedule.
(5) The Head’s Cabinet shall
be responsible to the Head of the local government.
(6) A Head’s Cabinet member
may, by writing under his hand addressed to the Head of the local government,
resign his office.
Chapter - VI
Authority of Local
15. Local governments to work
within the Provincial framework.–
(1) Every local government shall function within the framework of the
Province and adhere to all applicable federal and provincial laws.
(2) No local government shall
do anything or act in a manner that impedes or is otherwise prejudicial to the
exercise of executive authority of the Government.
16. General authority and
responsibility of a local government.– (1) Subject to and to the
extent given under this Act, every local government shall have the authority to
run the affairs of respective local area without interference.
(2) A local government shall,
having regard to the practical considerations:
(a) exercise its authority
and incur expenditure in the best interests of the residents without any favour
or prejudice in a democratic and accountable manner;
(b) involve residents in
running its affairs and from time to time consult them on the level, quality,
range and impact of services; and
(c) give equitable access to
17. Extent of authority of
local governments.–
(1) The authority of every local government shall be limited to the
discharge of functions assigned to it under this Act or any other law for the
time being in force.
(2) Subject to the provisions
of this Act, the authority of a local government shall extend to doing of all
acts that are necessary for the due discharge of its functions or acts that are
likely to facilitate or are conducive or incidental to the discharge of its
functions under this Act or any other law for the time being in force.
18. Assignment of additional
responsibilities by Government.–
Nothing in this Act shall prevent the Government from assigning any
function to a local government which is not included in its power and
19. Manner of exercise of
authority by a local government.–
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the executive authority of a
local government shall vest in and be exercised by its Head in accordance with
this Act.
(2) A Deputy Mayor or a Vice
Chairperson shall generally exercise such powers and perform such functions as
may be delegated by the Head of the local government.
(3) In case of temporary absence of the Head of a local government, the
Deputy Mayor or the Vice Chairperson nominated by the Head shall deputize his
(4) The Head of a local
government may, direct, guide or supervise officer or servant of a local
(5) The Council and its
committees and sub-committees shall act through resolutions in accordance with
the provisions of this Act.
20. All acts and orders to be
taken or made in the name of local government.– All acts and orders of a local government shall be expressed to be taken
or made in its name.
Chapter - VII
Functions of Local
21. Functions and powers of
Metropolitan Corporation and District Council.– (1) A Metropolitan Corporation and a District Council shall:
implement the provisions of this Act, rules and bye-laws;
exercise control over land-use including land-subdivision, land
development and zoning by public and private sectors for any purpose, including
for agriculture, housing, industry, commerce markets, shopping and other
employment centers, residential, recreation, parks, entertainment etc., as per
the approved Master Plan;
subject to any other special law relating to preparation and approval of
Regional, Master and land use plan for the time being in force; approve spatial
plans, zoning, land use plans, including classification and reclassification of
land, as per the approved Master Plan;
enforce building control as may be prescribed;
undertake urban design and urban renewal programmes;
approve development schemes for beautification of urban areas;
prepare, approve, execute and manage development plans;
regulate development and management of site development and housing
manage properties, assets and funds vested in the local government;
lease and rent out properties owned or otherwise vested in, managed or
maintained by the local governments;
undertake landscape, parks, monuments and municipal ornamentation;
prepare and approve budget, revised budget and annual and long term municipal development programmes;
approve taxes and fees etc.;
collect approved taxes, fees, rates, rents, tolls, charges, fines and
prepare and approve proposals for construction of express ways,
fly-overs, bridges, roads, under passes owned by or vested in local
regulate affixing of sign-boards and advertisements except where this
function is being performed by the Park and
Horticulture Authority;
naming and renaming of roads, streets and public places vested in,
managed or maintained by the local governments;
develop integrated system of water reservoirs, water sources, water
supply and treatment plants, drainage including storm water drainage, liquid
and solid waste collection, disposal and treatment including landfill site and
recycling plants, sanitation and other municipal services;
provide, develop, manage, operate, maintain and improve the municipal
infrastructure and services, including –
roads and streets;
traffic planning, engineering and management including traffic signaling
systems, signs on roads, street markings, parking places, transport stations,
stops, stands and terminals;
street lighting; and
playgrounds, open spaces, graveyards and arboriculture.
maintain municipal records and archives;
maintain a comprehensive data base and information system and provide
public access to it on nominal charges;
regulate and organize sports, cultural, traditional and recreational
events, fairs and shows;
undertake adaptive reuse strategies to restore, preserve and undertake
heritage and historical assets through agency arrangement, in the local area;
establish and manage municipal libraries;
promote school sports and traditional local sports;
ensure environmental protection;
encourage tree afforestation and plantation at local level;
provide assistance through grants to registered and credible Government
and Non-Government Organizations for provision of public service;
regulate and establish street markets in the manner prescribed;
undertake steps to implement population control policy of Government;
regulate private markets and establish and maintain public markets;
regulate, establish and maintain cattle and other animal markets and
slaughter houses;
regulate sale of cattle;
enforce all municipal laws, rules and bye-laws governing its
authorize an officer or officers to issue notice to a person committing
any municipal offence and initiate legal proceedings for continuance of
commission of such offence or for failure to comply with the directions
contained in such notice;
sue, prosecute and defend court cases;
assist relevant authorities in disaster management and relief
provide relief for the widows, orphans, poor, trans genders and other
persons in distress, and children and persons with disabilities;
make arrangements for enhancement of
the care of disabled persons, paupers, aged, sick, persons of unsound mind,
abandoned minors, juvenile delinquents, drug addicts, victims of child abuse,
needy and disadvantaged persons; and
exercise administrative, operational and management control of the
devolved district level offices of the Government departments as may be
notified by the Government.
(2) A Metropolitan
Corporation and a District Council may:
(a) entrust any of its
functions to a person, any public-private, public or private organization,
authority, agency or company through a contractual arrangement, on such terms
and conditions as may be prescribed:
provided that responsibility for discharge of such functions shall
continue to vest with such local government;
(b) on such terms and
conditions as are mutually agreed, transfer its functions or responsibilities
with regard to providing municipal services to the Union Council falling within
its local area:
provided that no function or
responsibility shall be transferred without allocation of corresponding
resources and funds:
provided further that the
responsibility to regulate and monitor such functions and services shall remain
with the transferring local government;
(c) perform such other
functions as may be assigned or entrusted to it by the Government;
(d) by an agreement and on
such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed, perform any function of
the Government;
(e) with funds raised
through voluntary contributions or external grant, undertake any development
(f) with the approval of the
Government and concerned regulatory authorities of the Federal Government and
the Government, set-up, acquire, manage and operate any commercial activity on
a self-financing basis; and
(g) setup a corporate body
to perform any of its functions, singly or jointly with other public or private
provided that responsibility for
discharge of such functions shall continue to vest with the local government.
(3) The Metropolitan
Corporation and a District Council may also:
(a) review public service
delivery of departments including Police and Revenue Administration; and
(b) seek written response
and clarification from district Head of such departments on queries of the
local government regarding their performance, functions and operations:
provided that in case of unsatisfactory response, Head of a local
government may send a reference to the Chief Minister for resolution of the
22. Functions and powers of
Union Council.– (1) The functions and powers of Union Council shall be to:
approve its budget;
approve the levy of tax and fee etc;
collect approved taxes, fees, rates, rents, tolls, charges, fines and
enforce this Act, rules and bye-laws regulating its functioning;
nominate members of the Community Councils in its respective urban area
and monitor their performance;
nominate members of the Panchayats
within its respective rural area and monitor their performance;
mobilize the community:
(i) for maintenance of
public ways, public streets, street lights, culverts, bridges, public buildings
and local drains;
(ii) for plantation of trees,
landscaping and beautification of public places;
(iii) for prevention and
removal of encroachments on public ways, streets and places;
provide and maintain public sources of drinking water, such as wells,
water pumps, tanks and ponds, and open drains;
coordinate with the community organizations for proper maintenance of
water supply schemes, sewerage, waste collection and removal;
manage and maintain grazing areas, common meeting places and other
common property;
hold local fairs and recreational activities;
registration of births, deaths, marriages and divorces;
promote local, school and traditional sports;
take other measures likely to promote the welfare, health, safety,
comfort or convenience of the inhabitants of its local area;
identify deficiencies in delivery of public services and make
recommendations for improvement of services;
execute small scale development works relating to its functions;
report illegal excavation of earth, sand, stones or other material to
the relevant authorities;
celebration of public festivals;
assist the relevant authorities in disaster management and relief
manage properties, assets and funds vested in it; and
maintain such statistics and data as may be specified and disseminate information on matters of public interest; and
(2) A Union Council may
perform any other function entrusted to it by the Government or its respective upper level local government, in whose local area the Union
Council is situated.
Chapter – VIII
Additional functions in
relation to the Authorities, etc.
23. Functions and powers in
relation to the Authorities, Agencies and Companies in the Metropolitan Corporations.– (1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Act or
any other law for the time being in force, the following companies, authorities
and agencies providing municipal services and facilities in Metropolitan
Corporations, shall stand entrusted to the respective Metropolitan Corporation:
Parks and Horticulture Authorities;
Development Authorities;
Water and Sanitation Agencies;
Traffic Engineering and Planning Agency; and
Waste Management Companies.
(2) Subject to any specific
direction and policy of the Government, the Metropolitan Corporation shall
perform the following functions and powers in respect of the companies,
authorities and agencies:
administrative and financial control; and
approval of policies, taxes, fees etc.
(3) The Head of the
respective Metropolitan Corporation or his nominated Deputy Mayor or an elected
member of the Head’s Cabinet shall be the ex-officio chairperson of the
respective Authority, company or agency.
(4) A Development Authority shall, in discharge of its regulatory functions,
where required by the local government due to its inability to act because of
lack of resources or capacity, act as an agency in aid and support of such
local government.
(5) Where a Development Authority intends to perform functions assigned to
it under the law but such functions are assigned to the local government under
the Act, the Development Authority shall perform such functions after
consultation and with the consent of the concerned local government on such
terms and conditions as may be determined by the concerned local government.
(6) No Development Authority
shall extend or curtail the boundaries of its existing controlled area without
the consent of the concerned local government.
(7) Where in the performance
of the functions under subsections (5) and (6), the issue needs further
guidance and direction, it shall be referred to the Commission for final
Chapter – IX
District Local Government
Authorities for the Devolved District Level Offices
24. Exercise of functions and
powers in relation to the devolved district level offices of the Government Departments.– (1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any other law
for the time being in force, subject to the provisions of subsection (2), the
following district level offices of the Government departments, shall stand
devolved on the local governments:
Health (Primary and Secondary);
Education (School Education);
Social Welfare;
Population Welfare; and
Civil Defence
(2) The Government may,
through a notification published in the official Gazette, devolve any other
district level office of a Government Department or de-notify any such district
level office.
(3) The devolved offices
shall be administered, operated and managed at the district level, through the
respective District Authority established under this Act.
(4) The respective District
Authority shall exercise such authority within the district in accordance with
the general policy of the Government.
25. District Authorities.– For each devolved district level office of a Government Department, a
separate District Authority shall be established by the Government in each
district through a notification published in official Gazette, as follows:
(i) A District Health
Authority for the devolved function of district level office of Primary and
Secondary Healthcare Department;
(ii) District Education
Authority for the devolved function of district level offices of School
Education Department and Literacy and Non-Formal Basic Education Department;
(iii) District Social Welfare
Authority for the devolved function of district level office of Social Welfare
(iv) District Population
Control Authority for the devolved function of district level office of
Population Welfare Department;
(v) District Sports and
Recreation Authority for the devolved function of district level office of
Sports Department;
District Civil Defence Authority for the devolved function of district
level office of Civil Defence; and
(vii) Any other District
Authority established by the Government, for each district level office of a
Government Department, which is notified to have been devolved on the local
26. Composition and
management of the District Authorities.– (1) The administration,
operation and management of the
respective District Authority shall vest in its Executive Board, comprising:
the Lord Mayor of Lahore Metropolitan Corporation as the Chairperson of
all the District Authorities in the District and his nominated Deputy Mayor or
one of the elected Member of the Head’s Cabinet or the Council as the Vice
Chairperson of a District Authority, in Lahore district:
provided that a Vice Chairperson of a District Authority in Lahore
district shall not hold the office of Vice Chairperson of more than one
District Authority;
the District Mayor of a district as the Chairperson of all the District
Authorities in the District and his nominated Deputy Mayor or one of the
elected Members of the Head’s Cabinet or the Council as the Vice Chairperson of
a District Authority, except districts of Sialkot, Gujrat, Bahawalpur, Dera
Ghazi Khan, Faisalabad Gujranwala, Multan, Rawalpindi, Sahiwal and Sargodha:
provided that a Vice Chairperson of a District Authority shall not hold
office of Vice Chairperson of more than one District Authority;
the District Mayor of a District Council and City Mayor of Metropolitan
Corporation, as the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson respectively in the
districts of Sialkot, Gujrat, Bahawalpur, Dera Ghazi Khan, Faisalabad,
Gujranwala, Multan, Rawalpindi, Sahiwal and Sargodha ;
Deputy Commissioner of the concerned District or his nominee not below
BS-18 as member;
Chief Executive Officer of the District Authority as member and
Secretary of the Executive Board;
Director or Deputy Director of the Directorate General as member;
a representative of the Commissioner of the Division concerned not below
BS-18 as member;
two experts as members including one woman having qualification and
experience as given in subsection (3) of section 14 of this Act to be nominated
by the Chairperson of the Authority; and
District Attorney of the concerned district as member.
(2) The District Authority
shall be responsible for management and supervision of the respective devolved
office and its public service delivery.
(3) The District Authority
shall be a body corporate having perpetual succession and a common seal, with
power to acquire and hold property and enter into any contract and may sue and
be sued in its name.
(4) The Departmental District
Head of each devolved district level office of the respective Government
Department shall be the ex-officio Chief Executive Officer of the Authority.
(5) The Chief Executive
Officer shall be the Principal Accounting Officer of the Authority and shall
perform such functions as are mentioned in this Act or as may be prescribed or
as may be delegated by the District Authority or as the Government may assign.
(6) The District Office of
each devolved district level office of the respective Government Department
shall be the secretariat of the respective District Authority.
(7) The Authority shall
receive its funds from Provincial Budget, directly from Finance Department.
27. Performance of functions
by the District Authorities.– (1) The respective District
Authority shall perform all the functions of the district level office
of the respective Government Departments devolved on the local government to
carry out purposes of this Act.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the
foregoing powers, a District Authority shall:
(a) establish, manage and
supervise all the facilities and institutions of the respective devolved
(b) approve the budget of the
Authority and allocate funds to the institutions under its administrative
(c) provide stewardship,
ownership and oversight of service delivery of the devolved office within the
policy framework given by the Government;
(d) coordinate planning and
allocate finances for provision of service delivery at District level;
(e) develop linkages between
private and public sectors for enhancing access and coverage of service
facilities to the general public and improving quality of these services;
(f) coordinate emergency
response during any natural calamity or emergency;
(g) ensure human resource
management and capacity development of service delivery personnel under the
policy framework given by the Government;
(h) ensure performance based contracts with service delivery managers
as per prescribed indicators;
(i) monitor, exercise
oversight and performance evaluation of service delivery managers as per agreed
performance indicators either directly or through a third party;
(j) liaison with the
Government for technical and logistic support in case of any emergency or
(k) implement policies and
directions of the Government including achievement of key performance
indicators set by the Government for the respective devolved function;
(l) ensure implementation
of minimum service delivery standards, infrastructure standards, as prescribed
by the Government; and
(m) perform any other
function as may be assigned by the Government.
(3) In the performance of
their functions, the District Authorities shall also be bound and be guided by
the policies and instructions issued, from time to time, by the Government.
Chapter – X
Mode of Discharge of
Functions by the local governments – Agency Arrangement and Joint Authorities.
28. Discharge of functions by
local governments.–
(1) Subject to subsection (2), a local government may discharge its
functions through one or more of the following means:
(a) an officer or servant of
the local government;
(b) a joint authority
established under this Act;
(c) another local government
by mutual agreement;
(d) an office, authority or
agency owned or operated by the Government by mutual agreement; and
(e) by otherwise contracting
(2) No local government shall
contract out any public service which constitutes or involves the exercise of
power to award administrative or other penalties, interferes with or otherwise
affects the liberty of an individual, involves the power to enter, search or
seize any property, or power or duty to enforce any law.
29. Delegation of functions
to Union Councils.– (1) A Metropolitan Corporation and a District Council may, by a mutual
agreement, delegate one or more of its functions or one or more public services
relating to any such function, to a Union Council.
(2) In the performance of a
function or delivery of a public service delegated under subsection (1), the
Union Council, as the case may be, shall adhere to the general or specific
directions of the local government delegating that function.
30. Agency arrangements.– (1) A local government may, through a written agreement, make
arrangements with any other local government, or an office, Authority, agency
or company of the Government or the Federal Government, for performance of any
of its function.
(2) The expenses incurred for
carrying into effect the agreement under subsection (1) shall be defrayed by
the local government etc., for whom services are provided.
(3) In case of a disagreement
on the amount of expenses or the actual value of expenses to be paid or
received by a local government during a particular period, the expenses shall
be paid and received in such amount and in such manner as may be determined by
the Commission.
(4) Every local government
shall keep separate accounts for the purposes of this section in the prescribed
provided that arrangements made under this Act shall not diminish, in
any respect, the responsibility of a local government with regards to the
function or public service.
31. Establishment of joint authorities.– (1) Two or more local governments may, in the prescribed manner,
establish a joint authority for the provision of one or more of such public
services which relate to a function assigned to them under this Act.
(2) For the purpose to
oversee the functions of the joint authority, the constituting local
governments may notify a joint Committee.
32. Inter-agency coordination.– (1) A Deputy Commissioner shall, in relation to the district under his
(a) establish coordination
between the local governments and the Provincial or Federal agencies, in
respect of matter which relates to or affects the work of one or more
provincial or federal agencies in the district;
(b) establish coordination
between one or more local governments and a cantonment adjoining such local
government, for cooperation in respect of integrated services relating to
provision of sanitation, water supply, sewerage collection and disposal and
similar other services;
(c) advise local governments
on avoiding duplication by prioritization of works of similar nature being
undertaken by the Government or one or more local governments in the district;
(d) amicable settlement of
disputes among Union Councils or a Union Council with other Government agencies
in the district; and
(d) convey Provincial or
Federal Government initiative, direction or measure as principal representative
of the Government under the Punjab Civil Administration Act, 2017 (Act III of
(2) Every local government
shall generally cooperate with the Deputy Commissioner in performance of his
functions under this section.
(3) Where an act of the
Deputy Commissioner under subsection (1) is, in the opinion of the Head of a
local government, unfair or unreasonable, he may make a reference to the
(4) The Secretary may, after
having considered the reference and the related circumstances, issue
appropriate directions, to the Deputy Commissioner or take such other action in
respect of the matter as may, in his opinion, be just or expedient having
regards to the circumstances of the case.
Chapter - XI
Duties of Certain
33. Duties and powers of a
Head of the local government.–
(1) In addition to any other duty assigned to him under this Act or any
other law for the time being in force, a Head of the local government shall be
responsible for:
(a) ensuring that the
business of the local government is carried out strictly in accordance with
this Act and all other relevant laws for the time being in force;
(b) efficient, effective and
transparent functioning of the local government;
(c) accomplishment of
operational, developmental and fiscal objectives set out by the Council or as
the case may be by the Government;
(d) presenting annual report
on the performance of local government to the Council during each financial
(e) representation of the
local government at civic or ceremonial functions;
(f) any other duty, as the
Council may, by a general or special resolution direct;
(g) any other duty as may be
assigned to him by the Government; and
(h) general supervision and
control over officers of the local government for the above purposes.
(2) At the end of each
calendar year or at such other appointed interval, the Head of the local
government shall evaluate the work done and results obtained by the Chief
Officer as against his duties and the manner in which he exercised his powers
under this Act and submit a report to the House and in case of unsatisfactory performance, House may send its recommendation
to the Secretary for appropriate action.
(3) A Head of the local
government shall have the right to be present and participate in the
proceedings of the House and exercise the right to address the House, its
committees or a sub-committees, but he shall not vote.
34. Duties and powers of a Speaker.– (1) In addition to any other duty assigned to him under this Act, a
Speaker shall:
(a) convene meetings of the
Council as required under this Act;
(b) preside over, and ensure
orderly conduct of meetings of the Council at which he is present;
(c) maintain record of
meetings of the Council; and
(d) constitute committees of
the Council under this Act and oversee their working.
(2) A Speaker shall, in
relation to the above duties, exercise such powers as are conferred upon him
under this Act or any other law for the time being in force.
(3) Without prejudice to the
provisions of subsection (2), a Speaker may, in
relation to above duties, direct a Councillor to abstain from or withdraw
immediately from a meeting, where in his opinion:
(a) the attendance of
meeting by that Councillor would constitute conflict of interest under this
Act; or
(b) if the Councilor’s
conduct, during the meeting, is grossly disorderly.
35. Duties of a Councillor.– While acting under this Act, a Councillor shall:
(a) serve the overall
interest of the local area which he represents; and
(b) ensure that there is no
conflict, or possible conflict between his private interest and honest
performance of his role of serving public interest.
36. Duties and powers of
Chief Officer.–
(1) In addition to any other
duty assigned to him under this Act or any other law for the time being in
force, a Chief Officer shall:
(a) work as the principal
accounting officer of the local government;
(b) assist and advise the
Head of a local government, Speaker, committees and sub-committees of the
Council in proper discharge of their duties under this Act;
(c) ensure timely, effective
and efficient implementation of local government policy and decisions;
(d) supervise and control
officers and servants of the local government and coordinate and synergize the
work of all offices of the local government;
(e) maintain financial and
administrative discipline and ensure that the business of the local government
is carried out strictly in accordance with the provisions of this Act and other
laws for the time being in force;
(f) enter into and manage
all contracts on behalf of a local government, with the approval of the Head of
a local government;
(g) undertake all
procurements on behalf of a local government;
(h) maintain records
pertaining to the functions of a local government;
(i) act for and on behalf of
a local government, in every action or other legal proceedings whether
instituted by or against the local government;
(j) assist relevant
authorities in the circumstances of emergency; and
(k) perform such other duties
as are assigned to him by the Government, Secretary, Head of a local
government, Council or a committee or sub-committee of the Council.
(2) A Chief Officer shall, in
relation to the above duties, exercise:
(a) such powers as are
conferred upon him under this Act or any other law for the time being in force;
(b) such powers of the local
government as are delegated upon him by the Council through a resolution; and
(c) such powers of the Head
of the local government as are delegated upon him by the Head of the local
37. Attendance of Council
meetings by Chief Officer.–
The Chief Officer shall, when required by the Speaker, attend a meeting
of the Council or a committee or sub-committee of the Council and render such
advice or provide such assistance as may reasonably be required of him.
38. Personal responsibility
for acts done and expenditure incurred without lawful authority.– Every person exercising any authority for the purposes of this Act,
shall be personally responsible for:
(a) any act done by him
personally or done under his direction; or any loss, financial or otherwise,
suffered by a local government due to a decision made by him personally or
under his direction;
(b) any expenditure incurred
by him personally or incurred under his direction, if such action, direction,
or decision is taken or expenditure is incurred, without lawful authority or in
violation of any provision of this Act or any other law for the time being in
Chapter - XII
Conduct of Business
39. Conduct of business.– (1) The business of a local government shall be conducted in the
prescribed manner.
(2) Any proceedings or
decision of a local government shall not be invalid merely because of a vacancy
or defect in the membership of the local government.
(3) A local government may
appoint committees consisting of such number of its members and other persons
to perform such functions and in such manner as may be prescribed.
(4) One half of the existing
membership of the House shall constitute quorum for a meeting and a decision
shall be taken by the majority of the votes of the members.
40. Meetings of the House.– (1) A local government shall, within three months of the assumption of
office, frame bye-laws for the conduct of its meetings.
(2) A meeting of a local
government shall be presided over by its Speaker.
(3) A local government shall
hold at least one meeting during a month.
(4) A meeting of a local
government shall be open to general public, except when a local government, by
simple majority, decides to consider any matter in a session attended
exclusively by its Councillors, officers and officials.
(5) The Chief Officer or an
officer authorised by him shall record minutes of
every meeting of the House and submit the same to the person who presided the
meeting for approval.
(6) The Chief Officer shall,
after approval, issue the minutes of a meeting under his signatures.
(7) The Speaker may, grant
observer status to teachers, physically disadvantaged persons, or any other
category of individuals or organizations to represent stakeholders, to enable
them to attend the proceedings of the House:
provided that such observer shall have no right to vote or interfere in
the proceedings of the House.
provided further that such observer shall have no right to speak except
with the prior permission granted by the Speaker before commencement of the
41. Contracts.– (1) All contracts made by or on behalf of a local government shall be:
(a) in writing and expressed
to be made in the name of the local government;
(b) executed in such manner
as may be prescribed; and
(c) reported to the local
government by the Head of the local government in the meeting next following
the execution of the contract.
(2) A local government may
assign any of its functions to a public or private organization on such terms
and conditions as may be prescribed or enter into public-private partnership
for efficient performance of any of its functions.
Chapter - XIII
Authority for Local
Government Elections
42. Election Commission to conduct
local government elections.–
(1) All elections under this Act shall be conducted by the Election
(2) The Election Commission
shall undertake such measures and make such arrangements as are necessary for
the conduct of elections in accordance with the law and in a just, fair and
transparent manner.
43. Elections Act to apply.– For the purpose of local government elections, the Elections Act shall,
as nearly as possible, apply to an election under this Act.
44. All authorities and
persons to assist the Election Commission.– (1) The Election Commission may require any person or authority in the
Province to perform such function or render such assistance as may be required
for the purposes of this Act.
(2) It shall be the duty of
all persons and authorities required to perform a function or render any
assistance under subsection (1) to perform such function or render such
assistance, in as much as may be reasonably possible.
(3) The Government shall make
available to the Election Commission the services of such of its officers and
servants as the Election Commission may require for the purposes of this Act.
Explanation: For the purpose of this section, any reference to an Authority shall
include an authority which is not owned or controlled by the Government.
45. Delegation of powers.– The Election Commission may delegate any of its functions or powers in
accordance with the Elections Act.
46. Election Commission to
regulate its own procedure.–
The Election Commission shall, subject to this Act and the rules,
regulate its own procedure for the conduct of elections under this Act.
Chapter - XIV
Method, Franchise and Related Matters
47. Election Method.– (1) Election of local governments shall be held on party basis through
secret ballot on the basis of adult franchise, through Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) and I-voting, in the prescribed manner.
(2) The Head of a local
government, Deputy Mayor, or Vice Chairperson, and the Councillors to the
reserved seats shall be elected, as joint candidates, on the basis of simple
majority in terms of section 57.
(3) The general Councillors
shall be elected on closed list proportional representation basis in terms of
section 57.
(4) The Head of a local
government, Deputy Mayor, or Vice Chairperson, as the case may be, and all
Councillors on reserved seats shall be elected by eligible voters of the
respective electoral unit.
(5) Only a Political Party or
an Electoral Group shall be entitled to contest elections by fielding qualified
candidates for the office of Head of the local government, Deputy Mayor, or
Vice Chairperson, as the case maybe, and at least as many qualified candidates
for elections as there are seats of Councillors.
(6) No Political Party or an
Electoral Group shall be entitled to contest if it is unable to field qualified
candidates for all the categories of candidates under subsection (5).
(7) Where a Political Party
or an Electoral Group is contesting an election under this Act, its candidates
for the Head, Deputy Mayor, or Vice Chairperson, as the case may be, and
reserved seats, as joint candidates, and general Councillors shall contest election on the lists of the Political
Party or the Electoral Group prepared under subsections (8) and (9).
(8) A Political Party or an
Electoral Group contesting election under this Act shall indicate the names of
the candidates for seats of Head, Deputy Mayor or Vice Chairperson, as the case
may be, of a local government and Councillors for reserved seats, as joint
candidates, on a list which shall not be varied after expiry of the date for
submission of nomination papers for an election under this Act.
(9) A Political Party or an
Electoral Group contesting election under this Act shall indicate the names of
the candidates for seats of general Councillors on a list in ranking order in
which they may be elected on the basis of votes obtained by the Political Party
or the Electoral Group, on the basis of proportional representation.
(10) Subject to sub-section (7)
of Section 70, after expiry of the date fixed for submission of nomination
papers for an election under this Act, the list referred to in subsection (9)
shall not be varied by any Political Party or, as the case may be, any
Electoral Group in terms of ranking order of the candidates or the name of the
candidates by way of addition of a fresh name or omission of an existing name
in the list.
(11) Nothing in this section
shall prevent a Political Party or an Electoral Group from fielding additional
qualified candidates in ranking order to the seats of the Head of a local
government, Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson and Councillors, keeping in view any
possibility of rejection of nomination papers to avoid disenfranchisement, or
for filling casual vacancies during the term of the Council for any reason.
(12) The Speaker of a local
government, except Union Council, shall be elected by the Councillors from
amongst themselves, in the prescribed manner, through simple majority of votes,
in the first meeting of the Council.
(13) Where the seat of the
Head of a local government or Deputy Mayor or Vice Chairperson, as the case may
be, the seat of the Speaker and a Councillor falls vacant during their term of
office, they shall be elected in the manner given in sections 69 and 70 of this
48. Opposition Leader.– The Councillors representing majority of opposition in the House shall
soon after assumption of their office, through written intimation to the Speaker,
nominate the opposition leader in the House to represent them.
49. Electoral units.– (1) The entire local area of a local government shall constitute one
multi-member electoral unit for elections to the respective local government.
(2) The Election Commission
shall, at least forty
five days prior to the date fixed for the election, notify
electoral units in the official Gazette.
(3) The electoral units
constituted under this section shall remain valid for every subsequent election
under this Act unless altered by the Election Commission subsequent to review
of local areas under this Act.
50. Enlistment of an
Electoral Group.– (1) The Election Commission shall, through public notice, specify the
dates for enlistment of Electoral Groups of a local government, with the office
of the Election Commission for election under this Act.
(2) The Head of a proposed
Electoral Group may, in the prescribed manner, apply for enlistment of the
Electoral Group, by submitting a list of his members of the Electoral Group
which shall not be less than the total seats of Head, Deputy Mayors or Vice
Chairpersons as the case may be, and Councillors including reserved seats for
the local government, for which his Electoral Group wishes to contest election.
(3) For enlistment of an
Electoral Group, a non-refundable fee of one thousand rupee per member shall be
deposited along with the application for enlistment.
51. Electoral rolls.– The Election Commission shall use the electoral rolls prepared under the
Elections Act for elections under this Act.
52. Right to vote.– (1) No person shall be eligible to vote in an electoral unit unless his
name, for the time being, appears in the electoral roll of that electoral unit.
(2) A voter shall be entitled
to cast only one vote for the Political Party or the Electoral Group,
representing candidates of his choice for election of a local government.
Chapter - XV
Conduct of
53. Notification of election
date and call up for election.–
(1) Through an order published in the official Gazette, the Election
Commission shall, after consultation with the Secretary, fix a date or several
dates for elections to one or more electoral units under this Act:
(2) The Election Commission
shall thereby call upon:
(a) the voters of the
electoral unit to elect the Head of the local government, Deputy Mayors or Vice
Chairperson as the case maybe, and Councillors; and
(b) the Councillors, other
than the Councillors of the Union Council, to elect the Speaker.
54. Only nominated and
eligible persons allowed to contest elections.– (1) No person shall be nominated for an election under this Act unless
he is otherwise eligible for an election in terms of section 61 of this Act.
(2) No person, shall contest
an election under this Act unless a Political Party or an Electoral Group
includes that person as candidate for Head of the local government, Deputy
Mayor, Vice Chairperson or a Councillor on its lists of candidates.
(3) The Returning Officer
shall not accept the nomination of a candidate unless the amount as may be
prescribed, is paid in cash or in the form of a bank draft or pay order in
favour of the Election Commission by or on behalf of the candidate as
candidature fee.
(4) The candidature fee paid
by or on behalf of the candidate shall be non-refundable.
(5) A candidate may pay only
one candidature fee even if such candidate is nominated for the same seat by
more than one nomination papers.
The Returning Officer shall, in the
prescribed manner, after public notice and hearing the person nominated as a
candidate or a person authorized by him in this behalf, satisfy himself that
each nomination has been properly made and the person nominated as a candidate
is eligible to be a candidate for the relevant election, under this Act.
55. Manner of conducting Elections.– Subject to the provisions of this Act and the Elections Act, the
elections under this Act shall be conducted in the prescribed manner.
56. Code of Conduct for elections.– (1) The Election Commission shall by an order published in the official
Gazette, issue a Code of Conduct for candidates, election agents, polling
agents and other relevant persons for every election under this Act.
(2) The Code of Conduct
issued under subsection (1) shall, among other things, define the consequences
of violation of its provisions and the authority responsible for taking
cognizance of such violations and their powers for such purpose.
57. Returned Candidates.– (1) The candidates to the office of the Head of the local government,
Deputy Mayor or Vice Chairperson as the case may be, and Councillors to the
reserved seats, as joint candidates, appointed by the Political Party or the
Electoral Group, securing highest number of votes in the respective electoral
unit shall stand elected.
(2) The candidates to the
office of a general Councillor shall be elected in the ranking order given by
the Political Party or the Electoral Group on whose list they are contesting,
in proportion to the votes secured by that Political Party or, as the case may
be, Electoral Group in the respective electoral unit.
(3) Where there is equality
of votes between two or more political parties or Electoral Groups obtaining
highest votes, the Returning Officer shall recount the votes and in case
equality still exists, forthwith draw a lot in respect of such political
parties or Electoral Groups and on whom the lot falls, its candidate shall be
declared elected.
(4) The Councillor of a local
government, except a Union Council, securing highest number of votes of the
Councillors, in the first meeting of the Council shall stand elected as the
58. Announcement of Results. – Immediately after the
counting of votes, the results of every election under this Act shall be
announced through a public notice by the Returning Officer which shall be
followed by a notification in the official Gazette by the Election Commission.
59. Election to be called in
question only before Election Tribunal.– (1) No
election under this Act shall be called in question except through an election
petition made to the Election Tribunal constituted under the Elections Act.
(2) The Election Tribunal
shall follow procedures and exercise powers under the Elections Act.
60. Notification of vacancy
and bye-election.– (1) The Election Commission shall, on receiving information, within
fifteen days from the date of receipt of information, notify a vacancy occurred
due to death, resignation, disqualification or removal of a Head of a local government,
Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson, Speaker or Councillor and publish the same in
the official Gazette, and thereafter, Election
Commission shall notify Election Programme and also publish the same in the
official Gazette.
(2) Election Commission shall
notify returned candidates elected under section 69 and 70 of the Act.
Chapter - XVI
Qualifications and Term of
Office of Candidates
61. Qualifications and disqualifications.– (1) A person shall be eligible to be a candidate for the office of a
Head of a local government, Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson, Speaker, or a
Councillor if:
(a) his name appears for the
time being in the electoral roll of the electoral unit from where he is a
candidate; and
(b) he, on the last day fixed
for the filing of nomination papers for that election, is not less than twenty one years of age in case of a Councillor, and not
less than twenty five years of age in case of a Head or a Deputy Mayor or Vice
Chairperson or a Speaker:
provided that the age for a candidate for the seat reserved for Youth
shall not be less than eighteen years and more than thirty
two years.
(2) Without any prejudice to
the provisions of subsection (1), no person shall be eligible to be a candidate
or to hold the office of a Head of a local government, Deputy Mayor, Vice
Chairperson, Speaker, or a Councillor, if:
(a) he is not eligible or
becomes ineligible to be enrolled as a voter under the Elections Act;
(b) he has been convicted by
a Court of competent jurisdiction on a charge of corrupt practice, moral
turpitude or misuse of power or authority under any law for the time being in
force unless a period of five years has elapsed;
(c) he is under contract for
work to be done or goods to be supplied to that local government or has
otherwise any pecuniary interest in its affairs;
(d) he is in or enters into
the service of Pakistan, or any statutory body or other body which is set up,
or owned or controlled by the Federal Government or
Government, or a local government in Pakistan, or in which the Government or a local government has controlling share
or interest or he is or becomes a salaried official of a public or statutory
(e) he holds an office of
profit in the service of Pakistan other than an office which is not a
whole-time office remunerated either by salary or by fee, or the office of Lumbardar, whether called by this or any other title, or
the office of Qaumi Razakar;
(f) he has been dismissed,
discharged or compulsorily retired from the service of Pakistan, or the service
of a local government or a public or statutory corporation on the charge of
misconduct or a corrupt practice unless a period of three years has elapsed;
(g) he has obtained a loan
for an amount of ten hundred thousand rupees or more, from any bank, financial
institution, cooperative society or cooperative body in his own name or in the
name of his spouse or any of his dependents, which stands unpaid for more than
one year from the due date, or has had such loan written off unlawfully;
(h) he, his spouse or any of
his dependents has not paid any tax, fee or any other charge payable to the
Government or a local government, or any amount exceeding ten thousand rupees
due upon him, his spouse or any of his dependent for the use of any service such
as Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited, electricity, gas or water for
over six months; and
(i) he is declared to have
defected his Political Party or, as the case may be, the Electoral Group under
this Act.
(3) Where a person contesting
an election to any office in the local government claims to be a Muslim, he
shall submit to the Returning Officer a declaration given in the Third Schedule
along with his nomination papers for the election.
provided that a person contesting election to the Head of Metropolitan
Corporation and District Council shall submit declaration of assets and
liabilities alongwith his nomination papers.
62. Defection from a
Political Party or Electoral Group.– (1) The Head of a Political
Party or an Electoral Group may, after giving him an opportunity to show cause,
declare a Head of the local government, Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson, Speaker
or a Councillor to have defected his Political Party or, as the case may be,
the Electoral Group who, after having been elected on its list:
(a) joins another Political
Party or an Electoral Group; or
(b) votes or abstains from
voting in the Council contrary to any direction of the Political Party or, as
the case may be, Electoral Group in relation to the election of the Speaker, or
a vote for removal of the Head of the local government, Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson,
or a Speaker.
(2) After having declared a
Councillor to have defected, the Head of the Political Party or, as the case
may be, Electoral Group shall forthwith forward a copy of the declaration to
the Election Commission.
(3) Where the declaration is
confirmed by the Election Commission after due notice and inquiry, the Head of
the local government, Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson, Speaker or Councillor
referred to in subsection (1) shall cease to hold office.
Explanation: For the purpose of this section, the Head of a Political Party or
Electoral Group shall mean any person by whatever name called, declared as such
by the Political Party or, as the case may be, Electoral Group.
63. Effect of being found to
be disqualified to be a candidate, Head of the local government, Deputy Mayor,
Vice Chairperson, Speaker, or a Councillor.– (1) A person, on being found by the
Election Commission to have filed nomination papers for a local government
election or holding the office of a Head of the local government, Deputy Mayor,
Vice Chairperson, Speaker or a Councillor, while knowing that he is not
eligible to file such nomination papers or to hold such office; or have made
election expenses in excess of the prescribed limit; or have failed to file a
return on election expenses; or filed a return that contains particulars that
to his knowledge are false or misleading, shall:
(a) in case he is a
candidate to a local government election, stand disqualified from being a
candidate for the office of the Head of the local government, Deputy Mayor,
Vice Chairperson, Speaker or a Councillor, for a period of four years from the
date of disqualification.
(b) in case he is a Head of
the local government, Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson, Speaker or a Councillor
shall, cease forthwith to hold such office, and shall also stand disqualified
from being a candidate in the local government election, for a period of four
years from the date he ceased to hold such office.
(2) Any resident of the
relevant local area may make a written complaint to the Returning Officer or
the Election Commission to seek disqualification of a candidate from contesting
local government election or from holding office on any ground mentioned in
this section.
(3) Every order of the Returning
Officer or the Election Commission under this section shall be passed in
writing and after conducting inquiry as deemed appropriate and after affording
right of hearing to such candidate or office holder as the case may be.
64. Bar against double membership.– (1) No person shall
simultaneously hold the office of a Head of the local government, Deputy Mayor,
Vice Chairperson, Speaker, or a Councillor in more than one local governments.
(2) No person shall
simultaneously hold more than one such elected offices in the same local
government except a Councillor who is elected as the Speaker.
(3) No person shall
simultaneously hold the office of a Head of the local government, Deputy Mayor,
Vice Chairperson, Speaker or a Councillor and a Member of the Parliament or
Provincial Assembly.
(4) Where a Head of the local
government, Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson, Speaker, or a Councillor is elected
to any other such political office, his seat held in the local government shall
become vacant, immediately upon taking oath of such office.
65. Term of office of the
Council, Head of the local government, Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson, Speaker
or a Councillor.–
(1) Subject to this Act, the term of office of a Council shall be four
years commencing on the date on which it holds its first meeting.
(2) The term of office of
every Head of the local government, Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson, Speaker,
and Councillor shall, unless removed earlier under this Act, be the same as
that of the term of office of the Council.
66. First Meeting and Oath of
office.– (1) As soon as may be but not later than one month after the
notification of results of an election by the Election Commission, the date or
several dates of the first meeting of the Councils shall be fixed by the
Election Commission.
(2) A person elected as a
Head of the local government, Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson, Speaker or
Councillor shall, before assuming his office, make and subscribe to an oath,
appropriate to his office, in the form set out in the Fourth Schedule.
(3) The Election Commission shall
nominate the Presiding Officers who shall administer the oath.
67. Effect of failure to take
oath.– (1) The Election Commission shall, after giving an opportunity to show
cause, disqualify an elected Head of the local government, Deputy Mayor, Vice
Chairperson, Speaker or Councillor from holding office, who fails to take
oath within sixty days from the date of
first meeting of the Council.
(2) Chief Officer or any
resident of the relevant local area may make a written complaint within one
month to the Election Commission for disqualification of a Head of the local
government, Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson, Speaker or Councillor under this
68. Resignation by a Head of
the local government, Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson, Speaker or Councillor.– (1) Any Head of the local government, Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson,
Speaker or Councillor of the Metropolitan Corporation or District Council may,
at any time, resign from his office by writing under his hand to the respective
Chief Officer, whereupon his resignation shall be deemed to have been accepted
and effective forthwith.
(2) The
Chief Officer upon receipt of resignation under sub-section (1) shall forthwith
forward it to the Deputy Director of the Directorate in the district concerned,
who shall forward it to Secretary.
(3) The Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, or Councillor of Union Council
may, at any time, resign from his office by writing under his hand to the
respective Secretary of Union Council, whereupon his resignation shall be deemed
to have been accepted and effective forthwith.
(4) The
Secretary of Union Council upon receipt of
resignation under sub-section (3) shall forthwith forward it to the Assistant
Director of the Directorate in the tehsil concerned, who shall forward it to
(5) The Secretary upon
receipt of resignation under sub-section (2) or (4) shall immediately send the
copy of resignation to the Election Commission which shall, by notification to
be issued within fifteen days from the date of receipt of resignation, declare
the office of the resigning Head of the local government, Deputy Mayor, Vice
Chairperson, Speaker or Councillor to be vacant from the date of receipt of
(6) Notwithstanding the
resignation of a Head of the local government, Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson,
Speaker or Councillor under subsections (1) and (3), any proceedings for his
removal under this Act, if already initiated, shall not abate as the same may result
in his disqualification.
69. Fresh elections in case
of casual vacancy in the office of a Speaker.– (1) If the office of
the Speaker of a Council, other than a
Union Council falls vacant during the term of the Council due to his removal on
the basis of misconduct, disqualification or any other reason, the Election
Commission shall hold a fresh election to the office of the Speaker of the
(2) The Speaker of a Council
elected through a fresh election under this section shall, unless removed
earlier under this Act, hold office only for the residual term of the Council.
70. Filling up of casual
vacancies of Head, Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson and Councillors.– (1) If, for any reason, the office of a Head in a Metropolitan
Corporation or a District Council falls vacant during the term of a Council,
the Deputy Mayor nominated by the Political Party or the Electoral Group to
which the Head belonged, shall stand elected as Head.
(2) If, for any reason, the
office of a Deputy Mayor of a Metropolitan Corporation or a District Council
falls vacant, the councillor nominated by the
Political Party or the Electoral Group to which the Deputy Mayor belonged,
shall stand elected as Deputy Mayor.
provided that in case of District Councillor, the nominated Councillor
shall be the voter of the respective Tehsil from which the Deputy Mayor
(3) If, for any reason, the
office of a Chairman in a Union Council falls vacant during the term of a
Council, the Vice Chairman shall stand elected as Chairman.
(4) If, for any reason, the
office of a Vice Chairman falls vacant, the councillor
nominated by the political party or electoral group to which the Vice Chairman
belonged, shall stand elected as Vice Chairman.
(5) If, for any reason, the
office of General Councillor in a local government falls vacant during the term
of a Council, the candidate immediately below the last elected candidate in the
ranking order in the list of the political party or electoral group to which
the General Councillor belonged, shall stand elected.
(6) If, for any reason, the
office of a Councillor on reserved seat in a local government falls vacant
during the term of a Council, the additional candidate from the list of the
political party or electoral group to which the Councillor on reserved seat
belonged, shall stand elected to that office.
(7) If at any time, the list
is exhausted, the concerned Political Party or Electoral Group may submit
additional names for any vacancy, which may occur thereafter.
(8) A Head, Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson or Councillor elected
under this section shall, unless removed earlier under this Act, hold office
for the residual term of the Council.
71. Power of the Chief
Minister to appoint an administrator.– On expiry of the term of a
Council, or otherwise pending the constitution of a new local government or a
Council, the Chief Minister shall, by an order published in the official
Gazette, appoint any of its officers to perform such functions and exercise such
powers and authority of the respective local government as may be specified in
that order.
Chapter - XVII
Local Government Finance
72. Funds of a local government.– (1) A local government shall establish a Local Fund, and all the
revenues received by the local government from the following sources shall be
credited to the Fund:
(a) the proceeds of taxes,
tolls, fees, rates or charges levied by the local government;
(b) grants made to or monies
received by the local government from the Government or other sources;
(c) rents and profits
payable or accruing to the local government from immovable property owned or
otherwise vested in or controlled or managed by it;
(d) proceeds or any other
profits from any investment;
(e) gifts, grants or
contributions to the local government by individual or institutions;
(f) income accruing from
markets or fairs regulated by the local government;
(g) fines and penalties
imposed under this Act;
(h) proceeds from other
sources of income which are placed at the disposal of the local government
under directions of the Government;
(i) all monies transferred
to the local government by the Government; and
(j) monies transferred by
another local government under this Act.
(2) The Government shall
transfer the grants of a local government in the shape of share of the local
government in the Punjab Finance Commission Award and share in the proceeds of
taxes, tolls, fees, rates or charges levied by the local government collected
by the Government to the Local Fund of the local government on monthly basis.
(3) Every local government
shall maintain a Public Account to place all revenues received by the local
government from the following sources:
(a) receipts accruing from
trusts administered or managed by the local government;
(b) refundable deposits
received by the local government; and
(c) deferred liabilities.
(4) A local government may
establish and maintain a separate account for any special purpose to which one
or more sources of revenue mentioned in subsection (1) or any part of these
sources or any specified portion of the Local Fund may be assigned.
(5) The separate account
under subsection (1) shall be maintained, administered and regulated as a Local
73. Custody of Local Fund and
Public Account.– The monies credited to the Local Fund or the Public Account of a local
government shall be kept and operated in separate accounts of a local
government in such manner as may be prescribed.
74. Charged expenditure.– (1) The following expenditure shall be charged upon the Local Fund:
(a) the money required for
repayment of loans;
(b) the money required to
satisfy any judgment, decree or award against the local government;
(c) the money required by
the Government to contribute for deferred liabilities of the local government;
(d) such other expenditure of
local government as may be directed by the Secretary, in case of calamity or
(2) If any expenditure is a
charge upon the Local Fund and is not paid, the Secretary may, by order, direct
the person having the custody of the respective Local Fund to pay such amount
from the Local Fund.
75. Application of Local Fund.– (1) The monies credited to a Fund shall be expended by a local
government in accordance with the annual budget and supplementary budget
approved by its Council.
(2) A local government may transfer approved
budgeted amounts to any local government or Community Council or Panchayat or
Community Based Organization, within its local area, for expenditure for the
purpose of carrying out a project service or activity transferred to, or
managed by, the recipient local government, Community Council, Panchayat or
Community Based Organization, in the prescribed manner.
(3) The application of Local
Fund shall be subject to the budgetary constraints and according to the minimum
prescribed ratio of development and non-development expenditures.
(4) The development budget
shall be prioritized in accordance with the bottom up
planning system as laid down in section 78:
not more than twenty percent of the development budget shall be set
apart for utilization in accordance with the provisions of section 78; and
the amount referred to in clause (a) which remains unspent shall be
credited under the same Head in the following year’s budget in addition to the
fresh allocation under the said clause for that year.
(5) Every local government shall allocate
not less than twenty percent of its budget for maintenance and repair of
existing infrastructure and provision of earlier initiated services.
(6) Every local government shall allocate
two percent of its budget for sports and cultural activities.
(7) Where a new local government
is to take over during a financial year as a result of fresh elections, the
outgoing local government shall not spend funds or make commitments for any
expenditure under any Demand for Grant or Appropriation in excess of eight
percent per month of the budgeted funds for the remainder of its term in office
in that financial year .
(8) In every budget, a
provision may be made for payment of such performance incentive bonuses as may
be prescribed.
(9) Expenditure from the
Fund of a local government on total establishment expenditures in a financial
year shall not increase more than ten percent in total from the establishment
expenditures of the previous year:
provided that this
subsection shall not apply to a general salary increase of existing schedule of
establishment prescribed by the Government.
76. Budget preparation.– (1) The annual budget for a local government shall contain estimates
(a) grants from the
(b) amounts available in the
Local Fund;
(c) receipts for the next
year; and
(d) expenditure to be
incurred for the next year.
(2) The Government shall,
sufficiently before the beginning of each financial year, notify the
provisional share which may be credited to the Local Fund of a local government
from the Provincial Allocable Amount.
(3) The functionaries of a
local government may re-appropriate budget in accordance with the powers of
re-appropriation delegated to them by the local government, and at the end of
the financial year, a revised budget shall be submitted to the local government
for approval.
(4) A demand for a grant
shall not be made except on the recommendation of the Head of local government.
(5) Conditional grants from
the Government or other local government shall be shown separately in the
budget and shall be governed by the conditions on which such grants were made.
(6) Before the commencement
of a financial year each local government shall, for its Fund, prepare in the
prescribed manner, a budget for that year in conformity with the provisions of
section 78.
(7) A local government shall
prepare the budget in the prescribed manner and in accordance with the chart of
accounts notified by the Auditor-General of Pakistan.
77. Approval of budget.– (1) Before the commencement of the next financial year, the Head of
local government shall present the budget for consideration and approval of the
local government.
(2) The local government may
discuss the charged expenditure but shall not vote on such expenditure.
(3) The budget of a local
government shall, subject to quorum, be approved by simple majority and the
local government shall not take up any other business during the budget
(4) Secretary may review
approved budget of a local government, and if found contrary to the budget
rules, may require the local government to rectify it.
(5) A budget shall not be
approved if the sums required to meet estimated expenditure including previous
liabilities and commitments exceed the estimated receipts.
(6) In case a budget is not
approved by a local government before the commencement of the financial year to
which it relates, the local government shall spend money under various objects,
on pro-rata basis in accordance with the budgetary provisions of the preceding
financial year for a period not exceeding thirty days.
(7) A local government shall
not spend funds or make commitments for any expenditure under any demand for
grant or appropriation in excess of eight percent of the amount budgeted in the
preceding year within the period of thirty days mentioned in subsection (6).
(8) In case, a local
government fails to pass the budget within the extended period as specified in
subsection (6), the Secretary shall prepare, approve and authenticate the
budget of the local government for full year.
(9) After approval of the
budget by a local government, the Head of local government shall authenticate
under his signature a schedule specifying:
(a) grants made or deemed to
have been made by the local government; and
(b) sums required to meet the
expenditure charged upon the Local Fund.
(10) The budget authenticated
under subsection (8) shall be laid before the local government but shall not be
open to discussion or vote.
(11) The authenticated budget
shall be communicated to the local government functionaries, accounts
officials, the Secretary and posted on the official website or a portal
designated by the Department for this purpose.
(12) At any time before the
expiry of the financial year to which the budget relates, a revised budget for
the year may, if necessary, be prepared and such revised budget shall be
approved in the manner as that of annual budget.
78. Bottom up planning and the community ownership incentive system.– (1) Before the beginning of the financial year the respective local
government shall lay down and announce the classification of development
schemes to be undertaken exclusively under the provisions of this section.
(2) A local government may grant to the
Community Based Organization within its local areas, up to eighty percent of
the budgeted amount of an approved development scheme in the manner prescribed:
provided that a scheme
shall be deemed to be an approved scheme if:
(a) the prescribed
departmental procedure for estimating the cost of the scheme has been followed;
(b) the estimating officer certifies
that the scheme meets the requirements laid down by law;
(c) the Community Based
Organization has deposited its share of the cost of the development scheme with
the concerned local government; and
(d) the complete departmental
estimates and the proof of deposit of the contribution of Community Based
Organization are attached.
(3) The grant referred to in subsection (2)
shall be spent from the reserved amount of the annual development budget as
provided in section 75.
(4) A cut-off date for submission of all
schemes proposed by the Community Based Organization shall be announced by the
local government concerned before the presentation of its budget.
(5) The respective local
government shall authorize an official to draw up a statement specifying the
schemes submitted by the cut-off date specified in subsection (4) by
classification including the total amount of contributions for a particular
classification of schemes.
(6) A second statement shall determine
contributions for a particular classification of schemes as a ratio of the
total contributions for all schemes submitted with a particular local
government for that year, and the statement shall be used to determine amounts
of allocations for a classification of schemes from the budget reserved for the
(7) A third statement shall be drawn up
which shall identify the number of schemes submitted in a particular
classification, beginning with the scheme containing the highest contribution
by the Community Based Organization in a classification until all the schemes
in the classification are selected or the funds allocated for that particular
classification in the amount determined in subsection (6) are exhausted.
(8) The funds for Community Based
Organization under section 75 shall be communicated to the authorized officer
under subsection (5).
(9) The identified schemes
shall be included in the budget before submission to the concerned Council.
(10) The statement referred to
in subsection (7) shall be approved by a simple majority of the members of the
respective Council in a budget session to be held by the respective Council.
(11) The schemes approved by
the respective Councils shall be carried out as prescribed.
(12) Subject to subsection
(10), the Accounts Official of the respective local government shall release
funds in the prescribed manner in accordance with the schedule of expenditure.
79. Honoraria and allowances.– A local government may, subject to the specified limitations approved
by the Government, make budgetary provisions for honoraria and allowances of
the Head of local government, Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson, Speaker,
Opposition Leader or a Councillor of the local government.
Provided that
remuneration and allowances would be allowed only in one capacity.
80. Accounts.– (1) The accounts of all receipts and expenditures of a local government
shall be kept in such form and in accordance with such principles and methods
as may be prescribed by the Auditor-General of Pakistan.
(2) In addition to maintenance
of accounts by a local government, Provincial Director, Local Fund Audit of the
Government shall maintain the accounts of the local governments, other than the
accounts of the Union Council, and devolved offices managed under the
respective District Local Government Authority.
(3) The Secretary of a Union
Council, shall maintain the accounts of the Union Council.
(4) Accountant General and
District Accounts Officer of the District shall maintain the accounts of the
devolved offices managed under the respective District Local Government
(5) The Provincial Director,
Local Fund Audit of the Government shall pre-audit all the payments from the
Local Fund of a local government other than the payments from the Local Fund of
the Union Council and accounts of the devolved offices managed under the
respective District Local Government Authority.
(6) The Secretary of the
Union Council shall pre-audit all the payments from the Local Fund of the Union
(7) The Accountant General and
the District Accounts Officer shall pre-audit all the payments from the Local
Funds of the devolved offices managed under the respective District Local
Government Authority.
(8) A local government shall
not withdraw or disburse money from the Local Fund unless it is pre-audited in
the prescribed manner.
(9) The Provincial Director,
Local Fund Audit and the Accountant General shall, by fifteenth day of July,
prepare an annual statement of receipts and expenditures of the accounts of
local governments and District Local Government Authorities, for the preceding
financial year, and shall transmit the statement to the Government and the
concerned local government.
(10) A copy of the annual
statement of accounts shall be displayed at a conspicuous place in the office
of the local government for public inspection, and all objections or
suggestions concerning such accounts received from the public shall be
considered by the local government and appropriate decision shall be taken.
81. Audit.– (1) The Auditor-General of Pakistan shall, on the basis of such audit
as he may consider appropriate or necessary, certify the accounts of a local
government for each financial year.
(2) The Auditor-General shall
audit the accounts of a local government in such form and manner as may be
deemed appropriate.
(3) The audit report of the
Auditor-General shall be considered by the Public Accounts Committee of the
Provincial Assembly of the Punjab.
(4) If in the opinion of the
Government, it is necessary in public interest to have a special audit of a
local government, it may cause it to be conducted by Auditor General of
Pakistan or the Provincial Director Local Fund Audit .
(5) After the receipt of
special audit report of a local government, the Government may, after enquiry
by the Punjab Local Government Commission, take appropriate action on the
recommendations of the Commission.
82. Local government debt.– (1) A local government shall not incur any debt without previous
approval of the Government.
(2) A local government may
invest surplus funds, if any, in such securities and financial institutions, as
may be approved by the Government.
Chapter - XVIII
Punjab Local Government
Finance Commission
83. Local Government Finance Commission.– (1) The Government shall constitute the Punjab Local Government Finance
Commission to perform functions under this Act.
(2) The Finance Commission
shall comprise of members including the Chairperson as under:
(a) Minister in charge of
Finance Department of the Government, who shall also be the Chairperson of the
Finance Commission;
(b) Minister in charge of the
Department, who shall be the co-Chairperson of the Finance Commission;
(c) four members of the
Provincial Assembly of the Punjab, out of whom two shall be appointed by the
leader of the house and the other two by the leader of the opposition in the
(d) Secretary to the
Government, Finance Department, who shall also be the Secretary of the Finance
(e) Secretary of the
(f) Secretary to the
Government, Planning and Development Department;
(g) four experts including
one woman, on local governments and local government finance appointed in terms
of section 86 of this Act; and
(h) four Heads of the local governments to be nominated by the Chief Minister.
(3) In case of absence of the
chairperson for any reason, the co-chairperson shall chair the Finance
Commission and in case he is also absent, the present members shall elect one
of them to chair the Finance Commission for the duration of his absence.
(4) The Finance Commission
may co-opt any other person for advice in relation to a particular matter under
its consideration; however, the co-opted member shall have no right of vote.
(5) No proceedings or act of
the Finance Commission shall be invalid merely on ground of existence of a
vacancy or defect in composition of the Finance Commission.
(6) The members of the
Finance Commission shall be paid such remuneration and other allowances as the
Government may determine from time to time.
(7) The remuneration and
other allowances of a member of the Finance Commission shall not be varied to
his disadvantage during his term in office.
84. Term of office and premature
removal of certain members.–
(1) The Ministers and Secretaries referred to in section 83 of this Act
shall be ex-officio members of the Finance Commission.
(2) A Head of the local
government referred to in section 83 of this Act shall hold the office of
member of Finance Commission for four years from the date of assumption of
(3) An expert member referred
to in section 83 of this Act shall hold office for four years from the date of
assumption of office.
(4) The Chief Minister may, after
due notice and inquiry in the prescribed manner, remove any member of the
Finance Commission, not being the member referred to in subsection (1), during
the tenure of his office on ground of inefficiency, misconduct, misuse of
office or inability to perform functions on account of bad health or physical
or mental incapacity.
(5) Any member of the Finance
Commission, not being the member referred to in subsection (1), may resign from
his office by writing under his hand to the Chairperson of the Commission.
85. Casual vacancies.– (1) Where the position of a member, not being the Minister or a
Secretary to the Government, becomes vacant on account of his resignation,
removal, death or for any other cause, the Government shall appoint a person to
fill this vacancy in the same manner as was applicable for the selection of
that member.
(2) A person appointed under
subsection (1) shall hold office for the remainder of the term of office of the
member to whom he replaces.
86. Eligibility for appointment
as an expert member.–
(1) A person shall be eligible for appointment as an expert member under
section 83 of this Act if:
(a) he has at least sixteen
years education in a discipline related to the functions of the Finance
Commission, possesses adequate knowledge of economics, public finance,
accounts, or working of the local governments in general with at least
fifteen-year experience in the aforesaid or any other related affairs;
(b) he is, for the time
being, qualified to be a candidate for an election under this Act;
(c) he is not in the service
of Pakistan or any office or body which is set up, or owned or controlled by
the Government, or a local government in the Punjab, or in which the Government
or a local government has a controlling share or interest or otherwise holds
any office of profit in the Government;
(2) Subject to the provisions
of subsection (4), a person who has previously remained as an expert member
shall be eligible for re-appointment as a member of the Finance Commission.
(3) No Head of the local government
shall be eligible for appointment as a member of the Finance Commission if he
has previously remained its member as a Head of the local government during the
preceding four calendar years.
(4) An expert member or a
Head of the local government who has previously been removed from the office of
a member of the Finance Commission under subsection (4) of section 84 of this
Act shall not be eligible for appointment as a member of the Finance Commission
87. Oath of office of members
of Finance Commission.–
Before entering upon office, every member of the Finance Commission
shall make an oath in the form set out in the Fourth Schedule before Governor
of the Punjab.
88. General functions of the
Finance Commission.–
(1) In addition to any other work assigned to it under this Act or any
other law for the time being in force, the Finance Commission shall:
(a) establish formulae for
determining the size of provincial allocable amount and the share of local
governments from this amount;
(b) oversee and report upon
the transfer of share of local governments from the provincial allocable amount
in accordance with the formulae referred to in clause (a);
(c) advise the Government or
a local government on matters relating to fiscal transfers to and fiscal
performance of local governments;
(d) advise the Government or
a local government on specific matters, objections or claims in relation to
fiscal transfers;
(e) support local
governments in effecting improvements in their fiscal capacity and performance,
better budget management and increased adherence to financial and procurement
(f) fix an enhanced incidence
of a local tax, fee, rate, toll, rent or other charge of a local government if
it is under fiscal distress;
(g) recommend the schedule,
nature and structure of independent audits of the local governments;
(h) monitor fiscal health of
local governments on an annual basis in particular their fiscal effort and
performance; their ability to meet budgetary and development targets, their
debt management and to make a determination of fiscal distress defined in terms
of the ability of a local government to balance their budgets by ensuring that
the sum of estimated net revenues and appropriated fund balances are sufficient
to cover appropriations and other liabilities including pension and general
provident fund liabilities;
(i) during the first month
of each financial year, present to the Government and all local governments in
the Punjab an annual report on fiscal performance of local governments during
the previous financial year which shall, among other things, include an
analysis of the matters referred to in this subsection and fiscal transfers
made to the local governments and own resources raised by them and their
performance in meeting budgetary and performance objectives.
(2) The report referred to in
clause (h) and (i) of subsection (1) shall be laid before the Provincial
(3) The Finance Commission
shall not be subject to or take cognizance of the directions of any person as
to the manner in which it shall discharge its duties.
(4) The Secretary shall,
during the exercise of its powers under this Act, shall have regard to the
recommendations, reports and advice of the Finance Commission in relation to
the matters mentioned under subsection (1).
Explanation: For the purpose of this
section, the term fiscal stress shall mean the condition under which a local
government is unable to generate sufficient receipts within the period under
question to meet its expenditure and other liabilities.
89. Right of local
governments to refer objections to Finance Commission.– (1) Where a local government has any objection on the sums to be
transferred or likely to be transferred to it or to any other local government
from provincial allocable amount under this Act, that local government may make
a reference to the Finance Commission.
(2) Every reference under
subsection (1) shall be made in writing and contain grounds of objection.
(3) The Finance Commission
shall, after due notice and inquiry, decide every reference made to it under
this section in not more than sixty days.
90. Procedure of Finance Commission.– (1) The Finance Commission shall, subject to this Act and the rules,
regulate its own procedure.
(2) All decisions of the
Finance Commission shall be made through a simple majority of votes of the
members present and voting on one member one vote basis.
(3) The quorum necessary for
transaction of business at an ordinary or special meeting of the Finance
Commission shall be one-half of the members holding office at the time out of
whom not less than two shall be the expert members.
(4) All meetings of the Finance
Commission shall be public unless the members present, by a simple majority
vote, decide to exclude public from the whole or part of the proceedings on the
ground that public information of the proceedings of its meeting shall be
prejudicial to public interest by reason of the confidential nature of business
to be transacted at that meeting or for such other special reasons as may arise
from the nature of business to be transacted or the proceedings at the meeting.
(5) The Finance Commission
shall exercise the same powers as are vested in a Civil Court under the Code of
Civil Procedure, 1908 (V of 1908) with regards to summoning and enforcing the
attendance of any person and compelling the production of documents and records
for the purposes of this Act.
91. Duty of local governments
and other public entities etc. to cooperate with Finance Commission.– (1) The Finance Commission may require the Government, a local
government, an agency owned or managed by the Government or a local government,
or any other person or authority in the Punjab to render assistance to it or to
provide all information which it reasonably requires for the purposes of this
(2) It shall be the duty of
the Government and all such local governments, public entities, or other
persons and authorities to render assistance or to provide information as is
required by the Finance Commission under subsection (1).
92. Secretariat of the
Finance Commission.–
(1) The Finance Commission shall have a secretariat comprising such number
of officers and staff as the Government may from time to time determine
(2) There shall be a separate
budget for the Finance Commission in the annual budget of the Punjab.
(3) The secretariat of the
Finance Commission shall be headed by the Secretary to the Government, Finance
Department who shall also be the Principal Accounting Officer of the Finance
Chapter - XIX
Local Government Properties
93. Local government properties.– (1) Subject to any conditions imposed by the Government, all properties
whether movable or immovable specified hereunder, and all interests of
whatsoever nature or kind therein, shall vest in a local government:
(a) all lands, buildings or
other properties which were vested in any defunct local government of which the
local government is the successor under section 4 of this Act;
(b) all lands or other
properties transferred to the local government or acquired by gift, purchase or
otherwise for the purposes of this Act;
(c) all public and other buildings
of every description and all works, materials and things appertaining thereto
which are maintained by the local government in relation to its functions under
this Act;
(d) all lands, open spaces,
play grounds, gardens, parks and other places of public resort transferred to
the local government with the title, by gift, purchase or otherwise for the
purposes of this Act;
(e) all public streets,
roads, bridges and other means of public communication which are transferred to
the local government and the pavements, stone and other material thereof and
trees growing on, and erections, materials, implements and things provided with
(f) all public sewers and
drains except those owned and maintained under the Canal and Drainage Act, 1873
(VIII of 1873) or any other law on the subject of the Act ibid, and all sewers, culverts and other channels for sullage in or
under any public street, or constructed by or for the local government in the
respective local area and all works, materials and things appertaining thereto;
(g) all works for the
disposal of refuse and night soil maintained by the local government;
(h) all public lamps, lamp
posts and other appliances for street lighting maintained by the local
(i) all public streams,
springs and works for supply, storage and distribution of drinking water for
public purposes maintained by the local government and all buildings, machines,
materials and things or land, not being privately owned land, appertaining
(j) all trees, plants and
flowers on roadsides and other places maintained by the local government; and
(k) any other property which
may vest in the local government under any law for the time being in force or
under an order of the Government.
(2) Every local government
shall maintain a register of all properties along with a map of all immovable
properties of which it is the proprietor or which vests in it or which it holds
in trust for the Government or any other authority or person.
Explanation: For the purpose of this
section, a building map shall include any location maps as well as a map
indicating the layout of the building.
(3) The Government shall not, except with
the prior consent of the local government concerned, reallocate or in any other
manner divest title of properties vested in that local government under this
94. Use and disposal of properties of local governments.– (1) The properties of local governments shall be used only for public
(2) The immovable properties of local
governments shall not be sold or permanently alienated without prior approval
of the Government:
provided that in case
title of an immoveable property is transferred to a Government department,
authority, or agency, the price of property not less than the amount assessed
by District Price Assessment Committee shall be transferred to such local
(3) The properties of the local government
may be given on lease through competitive bidding by public auction.
(4) The local government may
through a written agreement, lease a property to a Government
department, authority or agency, without public auction on a rent approved by
the Council.
(5) The local government may constitute a
Committee headed by the Head of the local government to identify encroached or
redundant properties that may be sold in the prescribed manner with the
approval of the Government, and the funds generated from the sale of such
properties shall be kept in a separate head of account and be used only for development
(6) Where a lease of immoveable property of
a local government under a valid lease agreement has expired or is about to
expire and it does not contain any condition for extension of lease period, the
period of lease may be extended upto ten years after
fresh assessment by Rent Assessment Committee on a rate not below the rate
assessed by it with an annual increase of ten percent, consisting of following
(a) Head of the local
government as convenor;
(b) Assistant Commissioner concerned
or his nominee;
(c) Chief Officer of the
local government;
(d) Incharge of Finance Wing
of the local government as Secretary of Committee;
(e) Incharge of Regulation
Wing of the local government; and
(f) District Excise and
Taxation Officer or his nominee not below the rank of BS-16.
(7) Where no written lease agreement is
available but the occupant of immoveable property has been paying rent to the
local government for at least last five years, the local government may enter
into written agreement with the occupant for a period of five years after fresh
assessment by Rent Assessment Committee on a rate not below the rate assessed
by it with an annual increase of ten percent.
(8) In case of failure to enter into written
agreement under subsection (6) or (7), the local government shall, within one
month, take over the possession of the immoveable property and shall proceed in
accordance with subsection (3).
(9) The movable property of a local
government including all articles declared unserviceable which are required to
be disposed of, shall be sold through competitive bidding by public auction.
(10) A local government shall inspect, manage,
maintain and whenever so required develop or improve any property which is
owned by or vested in it or which is otherwise placed under its charge.
95. Acquisition of immovable property.– Whenever any local government considers it necessary or expedient, it
may acquire or purchase any immovable property for public purposes, with the
prior permission of the Government:
provided that in case
of purchase of property, the agreement of purchase shall be in writing:
provided further that
the development authorities entrusted to local governments, may acquire land
for development purposes and may sell or dispose of thereafter in accordance
with the existing laws and the rules made thereunder.
96. Loss of property of local government.– In case of any loss of property of the local government, the
responsibility for such loss shall be fixed by the concerned local government
and the amount of the loss shall be recovered from the defaulting person and a
report to this effect shall forthwith be submitted to the concerned Council in
the meeting next following.
97. Annual stock of local government properties.– Every local government shall, in the prescribed manner, at least once
in every financial year, take the physical stock of movable and immovable
properties of the concerned local government, submit a report to the concerned
Council and shall publish the same.
98. Insurance of certain
local government properties.–
A local government may, subject to the rules and any other relevant law
for the time being in force, insure any property, whether moveable or
immoveable in which it has an insurable interest, against any contingency which
may result in the imposition of any liability or loss to the local government.
Chapter - XX
Local Government Taxes,
Fees, Rates and Tolls
99. Authority of a local
government to levy taxes etc.– (1) A local government
may, through a notification published in the official Gazette, levy all or any
of the taxes, fees, rates, tolls, rent and other charges given in the Fifth
(2) Every resident shall,
where applicable, pay toll, tax, fee, rates or other charges imposed by the
local government, allow officers and servants of the local government
reasonable access to his property in relation to the performance of their
duties, and comply with bye-laws and instructions of the local government
applicable to him.
100. Procedure for imposition,
revision or abolishment of a local tax, fee, etc.– (1) A Head may make
proposal with respect to:
(a) levy of a new tax, fee,
rate, rent, toll or other charges
under the Act; or
(b) increase or reduction in
the incidence of a tax, fee, rate, rent, toll or other charge or otherwise
revision of a tax, fee, toll or other charges which is for the time being in
force under the Act; or
(c) suspension or
abolishment of a tax, fee, rate, rent, toll or other charges which is for the
time being in force under the Act; or
(d) exemption of any person
or class of persons, or property or goods or class of property or goods, or
services or other things from the levy of a tax, fee, rate, rent, toll or other
charges which is for the time being in force under the Act.
(2) Every proposal for levy
of a tax, fee, rate, rent, toll or other charges under subsection (1) shall,
amongst others, mention:
(a) the class of persons, or
description of property or goods, or services or other things on which the
proposed tax, fee, rate, rent, toll or other charges shall apply;
(b) the method of assessment
of the proposed tax, fee, rate, rent, toll or other charges; and
(c) the incidence at which
the tax, fee, rate, rent, toll or other charge is to be levied.
(3) As soon as may be after
making of a proposal under subsection (1), the Head shall, through a public
notice, invite suggestions and objections on the proposal mentioning therein,
amongst others, the date and time by which the suggestions and objections shall
be submitted.
(4) The last date of
submission of objections under subsection (3) shall be fixed in such manner as
to allow not less than thirty days commencing from the date of publication of
the notice.
(5) Any resident of the
relevant local area or a person affected by the proposal referred to in
subsection (1), may submit his suggestions or objections or both in writing to
the Chief Officer by the date and time appointed under subsection (3).
(6) After having considered
all suggestions and, as the case may be, objections received under subsection
(5), the Head may:
(a) accept suggestions and
objections inasmuch as he deems appropriate and present a revised proposal
before the Council in a public meeting; or
(b) reject the suggestions
and objections and present his original proposal before the Council in a public
(7) The Council may with a
simple majority of votes of existing members, approve the proposal with or
without revision.
(8) The local government
shall, through notification in the official Gazette, publish approved tax, fee,
rate, rent, toll or other charge, or the suspension or abolishment or increase
or decrease of the incidence or any other revision of such tax, fee, rate, rent,
toll or other charge.
(9) Notwithstanding anything
contained in the previous local government laws, any tax, cess,
fee, rate, rent, toll, charge or surcharge, levied and recovered without
fulfilling the requisite procedure or authority, up to the coming into force of
the Act, shall be deemed to have been validly levied and recovered under the
Act; provided that the tax, cess, fee, rate, rent, toll, charge or surcharge is levied prior to coming
into force of the Act.
(10) Subsection (9) shall
apply retrospectively to all legal proceeding before any legal forum.
101. Date on which local taxes,
fee, etc. become effective.–
Tax, fee, rate, rent, toll or other charge approved or the suspension or
abolishment or increase or decrease of the incidence or any other revision of
such tax, fee, rate, rent, toll or other charge under the Act, shall become
effective from the commencement of next financial year.
102. Rating areas and property tax.– (1) On commencement of this
Act, a rating area in which tax has been imposed or saved under the Punjab
Local Government Act, 2019 (XIII of 2019) shall continue to be the rating area
within the meaning of the Punjab Immovable Property Tax Act, 1958 (V of 1958)
and under this Act until revised.
(2) Notwithstanding anything
contained in Act V of 1958, a local government to which urban immovable
property tax relates to, may determine the rate of this tax in accordance with
section 100 of this Act.
(3) If no determination under
subsection (2) is made, the rate of urban immovable property tax shall be
determined under Act V of 1958.
103. Unfair local taxes etc.– (1) If at any time, on a
representation by the resident of that local area made to it for this purpose or otherwise, it appears to the Secretary that
the incidence of a tax, fee, rate, rent, toll or other charge imposed under the
Act is unfair or excessive, the
Secretary may, after affording opportunity of hearing, through an order
require the concerned local government to take, within a specified period,
measures to remove the objection.
(2) If a local government
fails to comply with the order of the Secretary under subsection (1) to their
satisfaction within the specified period, the Secretary, may suspend the levy
of the objectionable tax, fee, rate, rent, toll or other charge or of such part
thereof until the objection is removed by the concerned local government.
(3) Any resident of the
relevant local area or a person or entity affected by the imposition or levy of
a tax, fee, rate, rent, toll or other charges may make a representation to the
Secretary under subsection (1).
104. Duty to furnish
information on liability to local tax, fee etc.– Every resident of the respective local area and every other person
subject to any tax, fee, rate, rent, toll or other charges imposed under this
Act, shall on demand of the Chief Officer or an officer authorized by him in
this behalf, furnish such information, produce such record or accounts, or
present such goods, vehicles, animals or other things which are liable to the
tax, fee, rate, rent, toll, or other charges, as may be necessary for the
purpose of determining their liability to pay the tax, fee, rate, rent, toll,
or other charges as the case may be or the assessment thereof.
105. Power of entry for
valuation of local taxes etc.– The Chief Officer or an
officer authorized by him in this behalf, may after giving due notice to the
occupier, or, if there is no occupier, to the owner of a building or premises,
at any time between sunrise and sunset, enter upon any building or premises to
assess the liability of that building or premises to any tax or inspecting any
goods, vehicles, animals or other things therein liable to any tax, fee, rate,
rent, toll or other charges under this Act.
106. Presentation of bill for
local taxes and rates etc.– (1) When any sums become
due for payment on account of any tax, fee, rate, rent, toll or other charges
under this Act, the Chief Officer or any other officer authorized by him shall
cause to be presented to any person liable for payment thereof a bill for the
sum claimed as due.
(2) Every such bill shall
specify the period for which and the property, occupation, services or things
in respect of which the sum is claimed and shall also give notice of the time
by which the sums shall be paid and liability incurred in default of payment
and the time within which an objection may be preferred against such claim
under this Act.
107. Notice of demand to be
issued on non-payment of bill.–
(1) If the sum for which a bill has been presented under section 106 of
this Act is not paid within the time specified therein, the Chief Officer or
any other officer authorized by him may cause to be served upon the person to
whom such bill has been presented a notice of demand in the specified form.
(2) For every such notice of
demand, a fee of such amount not exceeding fifteen per centum of the sums due
shall be payable by the said person, and the said amount shall be included in
the cost of recovery.
108. Payment of local tax etc.
and consequences of default.–
(1) A person upon whom a bill or notice of demand has been served under
section 106 or 107 of this Act, may:
(a) pay the sum demanded in
the bill or notice of demand to the local government concerned as directed in
the bill or notice; or
(b) within fifteen days from
the service of such bill or notice of demand make an objection in writing to
the Chief Officer and show cause to his satisfaction as to why he should not
pay the sum indicated in the notice; or
(c) prefer an appeal in
accordance with the provisions of section 110 of this Act against the
determination of a Chief Officer under clause (b) above.
(2) Where such person does
not pay the sum demanded, or show cause or prefer an appeal under subsection
(1), the Chief Officer may refer a case for the recovery of such sums as an
arrear of land revenue to the respective Collector.
(3) Every person liable to
pay tax, fee, rates, rents or other charges imposed by the local government
shall be personally liable to pay such tax and fee etc. directly to the local
government or its authorized person as per the determined amount.
Provided that any person liable to pay tax, fee etc. shall not enter
into a contract with a third party for any lesser fixed fee arrangement, which
shall be strictly prohibited and any contravention thereof shall be an offence
under this Act.
109. Investigation of
objections by Chief Officer.–
(1) The Chief Officer shall cause all objections made before him under
section 108 of this Act to be entered in a register to be maintained for this
purpose and shall give a notice in writing to the objector of a time and place
at which his objection shall be investigated.
(2) At the time and place
fixed under subsection (1), the Chief Officer or any other officer authorized
by him for this purpose, shall hear the objection, in the presence of the
objector or his authorized agent if he appears or may, for reasonable cause,
adjourn the investigation.
(3) When the objection has
been determined, the order passed on such objection shall be recorded in the
register mentioned in subsection (1) and if necessary, the bill or demand
notice shall be amended or withdrawn in accordance with the result of
(4) The Chief Officer shall
cause to be immediately delivered to the objector, free of any charge, a
certified copy of the order made by him under subsection (3).
110. Appeal against the order
of Chief Officer.–
(1) A person aggrieved from the order of a Chief Officer passed under
section 109 of the Act, may, within thirty days of the receipt of such order,
file an appeal before Head of the local government which shall be decided
within thirty days.
(2) No appeal shall be
entertained by Head of the local government unless it is made in writing and is
accompanied by an order of the Chief Officer appealed against.
111. Liability for local tax
etc. to be called in question only under this Act.– No assessment of a tax, fee, rate, rent, toll or other charges under
this Act or the liability of a person for such tax, fee, rate, rent or toll
shall be called in question except in accordance with the provisions of this
112. Payments to be made in
authorized banks against receipts.– (1) All sums on account of
a tax, fee, rate, rent and any other charges under this Act shall be paid to
the local government through an authorized bank either manually or electronically
unless permission for any other method of payment is obtained from the
(2) For all sums paid to a
local government on account of any tax, fee, rate, rent, toll or other charge
under this Act, a receipt, stating among other things the amount and the tax,
fee, rate, toll or other charges on account of which it has been paid, shall be
tendered by the person receiving such payment on behalf of the local
113. Writing off of
irrecoverable taxes etc.– (1) At the close of each financial year, every Chief Officer shall
prepare a statement of all such sums due to the respective local government on
account of any tax, fee, rate, toll or other charges which, in his opinion, are
(2) The Chief Officer shall
present the statement prepared under subsection (1) to the Council and after
due consideration, the Council may order that such sums or any part thereof
shall be struck off the relevant books kept under section 115 of this Act.
(3) The Chief Officer shall
cause an authenticated copy of the statement prepared under subsection (1)
along with an authenticated copy of the statement of struck off dues to be
displayed at a conspicuous place in the office of the local government for
public inspection and shall, on application of any person, also cause to be
furnished to him a copy thereof or any extract thereof on payment of such
reasonable fee as may, from time to time, be fixed by the Council.
114. Tax, fee etc. not to
become invalid for a defect in form.– (1) No assessment of value,
or charge or demand of any tax, fee, rate, rent, toll or other levy made under
this Act, shall be called in question or in any way be effected by reason of:-
(a) any mistake in the name,
residence, place of business or occupation of any person liable to pay such
tax, fee, rate, rent, toll or other charges; or
(b) any mistake in the
description of any property, service or thing liable to such tax, fee, rate,
toll or other charges; or
(c) any mistake in the
amount of assessment of such tax, fee, rate, rent, toll or other charges; or
(d) any clerical error; or
(e) any other defect of
(2) It shall suffice for any
assessment of value, or levy or demand of a tax, fee, rate, rent, toll or other
charges that the person, property, service or any other thing subject thereof
is so described as to be sufficiently identifiable.
115. Records pertaining to
valuation, assessment and collection of local tax, fee etc.– (1) Every Chief Officer
shall prepare and maintain records pertaining to valuation, assessment and
collection of all taxes, fees, rates, rents, tolls and other charges levied by
the local government in the prescribed manner.
(2) All records prepared and
maintained by the Chief Officer under subsection (1) above shall be
authenticated by the respective Head of the local government.
(3) The Chief Officer shall
cause to be displayed at a conspicuous place in the office of the local
government a copy of all records authenticated under subsection (2) above for
public inspection and shall, on an application by any person, also cause to be
furnished to him a copy thereof or any extract thereof on payment of such
reasonable fee as may, from time to time, be fixed by the Council.
116. Appointment of an agency or
officer for collection of local tax, fee etc.– (1) In the interest of
economy, efficiency and effectiveness, the Chief Minister may by a notification
in the official Gazette, direct that an agency or an officer of the Government
engaged in collection of its tax, fee, rate, rent, toll, or other charges shall
also collect one or more taxes, fees, rates, tolls, rents or other charges on the
behalf of one or more local governments or constitute a separate agency for
this purpose and provisions relating to the authority of the Chief Officer in
relation to collection of local tax, fee, rate, rent, toll or other charges
under this Act shall mutatis mutandis apply
on that agency or officer.
(2) The Agency or officer
referred to in subsection (1) shall, to the extent of collection of a local
tax, fee, rate, rent, toll or other charge be responsible to the respective
local government.
Chapter - XXI
Inter-governmental Fiscal
117. Provincial allocable
amount and transfers to the local governments.– (1) Before the commencement of each financial year, the Government shall
set aside a portion of moneys likely to be received in the consolidated fund
during that financial year to be called the provincial allocable amount.
(2) The provincial allocable
amount shall be transferred to local governments, in accordance with the
provisions of section 118 of this Act.
118. Process for determination
of provincial allocable amount and share of individual local governments.– (1) As soon as may be, but not later than six months of the commencement
of this Act and at least six months prior to the commencement of every fourth financial
year thereafter, the Finance Commission shall make recommendation to the
Government for establishing formulae for determining:
(a) the size of provincial
allocable amount in accordance with the principles set out at section 121 of
this Act; and
(b) the share of individual
local governments from the provincial allocable amount in accordance with the
principles set out in section 122 of this Act.
(2) Not less than two months
before the commencement of each financial year, the Finance Commission shall
make recommendation to the Government in respect of:
(a) the value of provincial
allocable amount for that financial year as per formula determined under clause
(a) of subsection (1); and
(b) the moneys to be
transferred to each local government in the Punjab as per formula determined
under clause (b) of subsection (1).
(3) The Government shall,
within twenty-one days of the receipt of a recommendation under subsection (1)
or subsection (2) may:
(a) accept it; or
(b) refer it back to the
Finance Commission if it considers that it is not in accordance with this Act
or suffers from a factual error.
(4) The Finance Commission
shall, within fifteen days of the receipt of a reference under clause (b) of
subsection (3), consider the views of the Government and resubmit its
recommendation with or without any amendment.
(5) As soon as may be after
accepting a recommendation under clause (a) of subsection (3) or resubmission
of a recommendation under subsection (4), the Government shall, having regards
to the merits of the recommendation and the provisions of this Act, approve the
aforesaid formulae with or without any amendment and where required also
allocate provincial allocable amount and the share of individual local
governments from the provincial allocable amount.
(6) The formulae, provincial
allocable amount and the shares of individual local governments from the
provincial allocable amount approved by the Government and the related
recommendation of the Finance Commission shall be tabled in the Provincial
Assembly as part of the Finance Bill for the relevant financial year.
119. Duty of Finance Commission
to consider views of Government and local governments.– In preparing a recommendation for the Government under section 118 of
this Act, the Finance Commission may inform itself in the way it considers
appropriate and shall also receive, consider and decide any submission made to
it by the Secretary or a local government in this respect.
120. Term of formulae on share
of local governments and their revision.– (1) After their approval by the Government, formulae referred to in
section 118 of this Act shall remain in force for the following four financial
(2) The Finance Commission
shall, at least six months prior to the expiry of enforcement period of a
formula referred to in subsection (1), make recommendation to the Government
for establishing a fresh formula.
(3) In case the
recommendation of the Finance Commission under subsection (2) is not approved
by the Government before the expiry of aforesaid enforcement period, the last
approved formula shall continue to remain in force till such time that a new
formula is approved.
121. Determination of
provincial allocable amount.–
(1). The provincial allocable amount shall constitute not less than
twenty-six per-centum of the general revenue receipts of the Province
in the relevant financial year for the first two financial years following the
commencement of this Act and thereafter constitute not less than twenty-eight
per centum of the general revenue receipt of the Province in the relevant
financial year
(2) The grant in lieu of
Octroi and Zilla Tax being received by local governments at the commencement of
this Act shall be included in the provincial allocable amount to meet the
minimum threshold fixed at subsection (1).
(3) Where, after the
commencement of this Act, the Government withdraws any local tax, fee, rate,
rent, toll or any other charge of a local government in lieu of an equivalent
grant, such grant shall not be included in the provincial allocable amount but
shall be transferred to the local governments by the Finance Commission in
accordance with the principles set out in section 122 of this Act.
(4) The final value of the
provincial allocable amount shall be worked out on the basis of actual receipts
of the Province during a given financial year and any
adjustments shall be made accordingly in that or the following financial year.
122. Principles for determining
transfers to individual local governments and related grants.– (1) In so far as possible, the
share of a local government in the provincial allocable amount shall be worked
out having regard to the following:
(a) fiscal needs of the
local government that is moneys required by it to maintain minimum service
standards in relation to the functions assigned to it under this Act;
(b) equalization payments
that are the moneys transferred to the local government to compensate for
comparative poverty and backwardness of the local area;
(c) fiscal capacity that is
the potential of the local government to raise local taxes, toll, fees, rates
and other charges under this Act;
(d) fiscal effort that is the
local government is compensated for collecting higher local taxes, toll, fees,
rates, rents and other charges as against the potential to raise them;
(e) better expenditure
management that is the local government is compensated for adherence to financial and procurement rules, bringing
innovations and transparency in its working and achieving higher value for
money; and
(f) quality of public
services that is the local government is compensated for maintaining higher
quality of public services.
(2) Based on the above,
provincial allocable amount shall be transferred to the local governments
through any one or more of the following means, namely:
(a) General purpose transfers
worked out on the basis of principle given at clause (a), (b) and (c) of
subsection (1); and
(b) Performance grants
worked out on the basis of principles given in clause (d), (e) and (f) of
subsection (1).
PART - 5
Chapter - XXII
Community Mobilization through Community Council and Panchayat
123. Community Council and Panchayat.– (1) A urban Union Council may constitute Community Councils for its local area, in the prescribed manner.
(2) A rural Union Council may constitute Panchayats for its local area, in the prescribed manner.
(3) A Community Council or a
Panchayat shall consist of a panel of not more than five members, including at
least two women, to be nominated by the concerned Union Council as the case may be, from amongst residents of its local area.
Provided that no elected official of a local government shall be
appointed as a member of the Community Council or Panchayat.
(4) In case a Union Council fails to constitute their respective Community Councils or
Panchayats respectively or nominate its members, the Head of local government
in whose local area, such Union Council as the case may be, is situated shall, constitute the same and
also nominate the members.
(5) The members of Community
Council or Panchayat shall be nominated for the term of Union Council.
(6) Any casual vacancy in the
panel of members of the Community Council or Panchayat shall be filled, as soon
as may be, but not later than thirty days from the occurrence of the vacancy.
(7) Where in the opinion of
the nominating local government, a member of Community Council or Panchayat is
accused of consistent partiality and malpractices in the performance of its
functions, the respective Union Council may, subject to an opportunity of hearing, remove such member
and nominate another member in his place to complete the residual term of such removed member.
(8) An appeals
against the decision under sub-section (7) may be filed within fifteen days to
the Assistant Director of the Department of concerned Tehsil, who shall decide
the same within the period of one month.
124. General functions of
Community Council or Panchayat.–
(1) The general functions of the Community Council or Panchayat shall be
prevent and abate nuisances in public ways, public streets and public
mobilize voluntary resources, including physical labour and manpower,
property and cash contributions for municipal and welfare activities in the
local area including provision of education and arrangement of marriages of
deserving poor and needy residents;
facilitate the formation of co-operatives for improving economic returns
and reduction of interstitial poverty and consumer protection;
report cases of handicapped, destitute, and of extreme poverty to the
respective local government and raise funds on self-help basis for their
mobilise the community involvement
in maintenance of public streets, play grounds, parks, culverts and public
buildings, de-silting of canals and watercourses;
promote plantation of trees, landscaping and beautification of the Union Council;
reporting attendance and absence of government officials;
organise watch and ward in the area
through unarmed Union Council guards;
reporting price control violations and represent the interest of
reporting bonded and child labor and efforts for their rehabilitation;
reporting instances of domestic violence and crime against children and
reporting of crime;
reporting of loss, damage or threat to public property and
reporting of outbreak of diseases and fire etc;
reporting violations of laws committing or being apprehended in the
vicinity / local area, to the concerned authorities;
assisting the Government and the local governments in public awareness
coordination with other adjoining Community Councils and Panchayats and
to perform any other function given by the local governments or the
(2) The Community Council or
Panchayat shall assist its respective Union Council in-
conducting surveys in the Union Council and collecting socio-economic data;
selecting sites for providing municipal facilities and services;
identifying encroachments;
managing burial places and cremation grounds of the rural Union Council;
managing and lighting of Union Council roads, streets, and paths; and
facilitate in collecting land revenue and other taxes.
(3) A Union Council may, subject to such terms and conditions as may be mutually
agreed, entrust any of its functions to the Community Council or Panchayat:
provided that responsibility for discharge of such functions shall
continue to vest with the Union Council:
provided further that no function or responsibility shall be transferred
without allocation of corresponding resources and funds.
125. Amicable settlement of disputes.– (1) A Community Council or Panchayat shall use their good offices to
achieve the amicable settlement of disputes amongst the people in their
respective local areas, in the prescribed manner.
(2) Any person may refer his
civil, family or criminal dispute to the Community Council or Panchayat where
the dispute has arisen within the territorial jurisdiction of the Community
Council or Panchayat or where parties to the dispute are residing in such area
or where the parties to the dispute have agreed to submit themselves to the
jurisdiction of the Community Council or Panchayat.
(3) The Community Council or
Panchayat shall make efforts for amicable settlement of the dispute between the
parties and it shall record its findings through agreement between the parties.
(4) If, in the opinion of the
Community Council or Panchayat, a party to the dispute has willfully obstructed
settlement of such dispute, it may record its findings to that effect for further
consideration of the competent forum.
(5) The Community Council or
Panchayat shall not assume jurisdiction in a non-compoundable offence.
(6) Every settlement of a
dispute by Community Council or Panchayat in a case pending before a court
shall be subject to the approval of such court.
(7) The parties to the
dispute may agree to add any other person as a member of Community Council or
Panchayat for their dispute and such person shall be treated as a member of the
Community Council or Panchayat only to the extent of that particular case.
126. Reference by Courts etc.– (1) A court may refer a dispute to any Community Council or Panchayat
functioning within its territorial jurisdiction for amicable settlement of the
(2) The court making a
reference to the Community Council or Panchayat under subsection (1) may lay
down the procedure for summoning the parties to the dispute, the terms of
reference, the period during which settlement is to be made, the manner in
which report of the settlement is to be submitted and such other matters as it
may deem appropriate for resolution of the dispute.
(3) Where, on a reference
made by the court under subsection (1), the dispute is settled between the
parties, the court may make such settlement as a ruling of the court.
(4) The Community Council or
Panchayat shall inform the court if the dispute is not settled within the time
fixed by the court or may ask for extension in time for settlement of the
(5) An officer in charge of a
police station may refer a compoundable case to a Community Council or
Panchayat, for amicable settlement of dispute between the parties.
127. Conflict of interest.– (1) A member of a Community Council or Panchayat shall not take part in
the proceedings of the Community Council or Panchayat relating to a dispute if
he has any conflict of interest.
(2) If there is a conflict of
interest of a member of the Community Council or Panchayat in a particular
case, the Chairperson of the Union Council may appoint any other eligible person as member of the
Community Council or Panchayat for that case, in place of the member who has
conflict of interest in the case.
128. Procedure of settlement of
disputes.– (1) The Convener of the Community Council or Panchayat, selected in the
prescribed manner, shall:
(a) convene meetings of the
Community Council or Panchayat on such date and at such place in its local
area, as may be necessary or appropriate; and
(b) conduct the proceedings
informally for amicable settlement of disputes.
(2) A legal practitioner shall not be permitted to take part in the
proceedings of a Community Council or Panchayat on behalf of any party.
129. Composition of Community Based Organizations.– (1) In every local area, groups of non-elected citizens may, through
voluntary, proactive and self-help initiatives, set up any number of Community
Based Organizations, and such Community Based Organizations shall be set up for
the purposes of, inter alia,
energizing the community for development and improvement in service delivery,
development and management of a new or existing public facility, identification
of development and municipal needs, mobilization of stakeholders for community
involvement in the improvement and maintenance of facilities, welfare of the
handicapped, destitute, widows and families in extreme poverty, establishment
of farming, marketing and consumers cooperatives; provided that grants shall be
available subject to the provisions of section 78.
(2) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
contained in subsection (1), no person shall be eligible to set up a Community
Based Organization or become its member or hold the office of the President or
General Secretary of a Community Based Organization, if such person-
(a) is a minor; or
(b) is of unsound mind; or
(c) has applied to be adjudicated as an insolvent and his
application is pending; or
(d) is an undischarged
insolvent; or
(e) is a defaulter under law
and his name has been published as such.
(3) In carrying out its purposes, a
Community Based Organization may interact with voluntary organizations for
community welfare.
(4) A Community Based Organization shall be
registered with the registration authority and shall carry on its functions and
activities in such manner and subject to such rules as may be prescribed.
(5) A Community Based Organization shall
have a general body of its members who shall elect a President, Executive
Committee and a General Secretary of the Organization for carrying out its functions.
(6) The term of office of the President,
Executive Committee and a General Secretary of a Community Based Organization
shall be two years extendable through election for a similar term or terms by
the general body.
(7) The liability of the Executive Committee
of a Community Based Organization, its officers and members shall be as
130. Conduct of Business.– (1) All business of the Community Based Organization shall be disposed
of in its meetings which shall be presided over by the President.
(2) The Executive Committee of the Community
Based Organization shall hold its meetings at least once in every three months.
(3) The quorum of the meetings of the
Executive Committee of the Community Based Organizations shall be forty per
centum of the total membership of the Executive Committee.
(4) The quorum of the meetings of the
general body of the Community Based Organization shall be one fourth of its
total membership.
(5) The General Secretary of the Community
Based Organizations shall be responsible for recording the proceedings of the
meetings and maintaining financial and accounting records.
(6) The General Secretary shall present the
annual statement of accounts in the annual meeting of the Community Based
Organization and after its approval the statement shall be submitted to the
registration authority or, such other authority as may be prescribed, within
thirty days or such other period specified in this behalf.
(7) The Community Based Organization may, in
its general meeting, remove any office bearer or member by a resolution on
account of unsatisfactory performance or misconduct.
(8) The President and General Secretary
shall be responsible for safe custody and management of property and assets of
the Community Based Organization.
(9) All funds of the Community Based
Organization shall be kept in a bank or post office and all transactions shall
be made through cheques.
(10) The accounts of the
Community Based Organization shall be operated jointly by the President and the
General Secretary.
(11) The accounts of the
Community Based Organization shall be maintained by the Secretary.
131. Raising of funds by Community Based Organization.– (1) The Community Based Organizations may raise funds through voluntary
contributions, gifts, donations, grants and endowments for its declared
purposes without compromising the larger interest of the community.
(2) A Community Based Organization may also
receive project-based cost-sharing support from any local government in
accordance with the provisions of this Act.
132. Community Based
Organization to be a non-profit organization.– (1) The Community Based Organization shall be a non-profit organization
and its income and assets shall be used solely for the attainment of its objectives.
(2) The properties and income of a Community
Based Organization shall vest, and be held, in the name of its Executive
Committee and shall sue and be sued in the name of its Executive Committee. No
portion of its income shall be paid by way of salary, dividend, profit or bonus
or otherwise be distributed to any of its members or contributors.
(3) If a Community Based Organization is not
carrying on its functions and activities in accordance with this Act, the
registration authority may appoint an administrator, with such powers and
functions as the registration authority deems appropriate for running its
affairs, taking over its assets, dissolving it, holding fresh elections or for
the disposal of any other matter.
(4) Where a local government has contributed
towards creation of any assets or funds of a Community Based Organization, in
case of dissolution or de-registration, its assets shall pass on to such local
government and the assets shall continue to be used for community welfare by
the local government through any of its agencies or any other Community Based
Organization designated by such local government in this behalf.
(5) The accounts of the Community Based
Organization shall be subject to audit as may be prescribed.
Chapter XXIV
Internal Controls
133. Power of the Council to
remove a Head of the local government, Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson and
Speaker.– (1) A Head of the local
government, Deputy Mayor, a Vice Chairperson or a speaker shall, in the
prescribed manner, stand removed from his office if the respective Council,
through a resolution passed by two-third majority of the Councillors for the
time being holding office, decide to remove him on the ground of misconduct
under this Act or if, in their opinion, his removal appears to have become
necessary for effective performance of functions by the local government.
(2) Without prejudice to any other provision of this Act, where a
resolution for the removal of a Head of the local government, Deputy Mayor,
Vice Chairman or a Speaker succeeds, he shall stand removed and the vacancy
shall be filled in the manner provided under section 69 and 70 of this Act.
134. Certain limitations to
apply in bringing a resolution for removal of a Head of local government and Speaker.– No resolution for the removal of a Head of the local government, Deputy
Mayor, Vice Chairman, or a Speaker shall be proposed or approved by the Council
unless a period of twelve months has elapsed after the assumption of office by
him or where a period of twelve months is remaining in completion of the term
of the Council.
135. Oversight through
committees of the Council.–
(1) A Council may constitute such monitoring committees as it deems
appropriate to oversee and report upon the performance of local government in
its various functions and ancillary matters.
(2) Among other things, such
committees shall report upon:
(a) achievement of any
targets set out by the Head of the local government or the Council;
(b) degree of responsiveness
of the local government to citizens needs; and
(c) access to and quality of
public services delivered by the local government.
(3) Upon consideration of
report submitted by a committee, the Council may, through a resolution passed
with simple majority of votes of Councillors present and voting, require the
Head of the local government to take such action as it considers appropriate to
effect improvement or remedy a defect or irregularity.
(4) During its work, a
monitoring committee shall not intrude or interfere in or control the work of
any officer of the local government.
(5) A member of the
monitoring committee involved in violation of any provision of subsection (4)
shall be removed from the monitoring committee by the respective Council.
136. Internal inspections.– (1) A Head of the local government may, through a written order, require
the Chief Officer to conduct inspections to examine and report upon the
performance of the local government either personally or through such other
officer of the local government as the Head of the local government considers
(2) Nothing in subsection (1)
shall be construed to curtail the authority of the Head of the local government
to inspect various offices and performance of the local government personally.
137. Internal inquiries.– The Head of the local government may, by an order in writing, require
the Chief Officer to inquire into any matter concerning the local government
either personally or through any other officer of the local government and
submit a report along with the proceedings of the inquiry to him within such
period as he may direct.
138. Complaint Cell.–
Every local government shall set up a complaint cell for redressal of
grievances within the ambit of their responsibilities under this Act.
139. Right to information.– (1) Every resident may seek any information which is in the possession of the
respective local government.
(2) It shall be the duty of
the local government to provide full and correct information referred to in
subsection (1) within fourteen days of receipt of every request.
(3) Such information, which
the Secretary may from time to time direct, shall as far as possible, be
displayed at a prominent place within the premises of the office of the local
government for access by the citizens.
Chapter - XXV
140. General rules of conduct.– (1) While performing any
duty or exercising any power under this Act, it shall be the duty of every
elected official, Chief Officer, officer, and servant of the local government
(a) act honestly, fairly and
(b) exercise due care and diligence;
(c) not to make improper use
of his office or information acquired by him because of his being in such
office to gain or attempt to gain, directly or indirectly, an advantage for
himself or for any other person; or cause or attempt to cause any detriment to a
local government.
141. Conflict of interest.– (1) For the purpose of this Chapter, an elected official, Chief Officer,
officer or servant of the local government or any other person shall be deemed
to have a conflict of interest in respect of a contract, proposed contract or
any other matter to be discussed or decided by that local government, Council
or any of its committee or sub-committee, as the case may be, of which he is a
member, if:
(a) he or any of his
immediate relatives, or his employer or employee in relation to that contract,
proposed contract or any other matter:
(i) would receive or have a
reasonable expectation of receiving, a direct or indirect pecuniary or some
other benefit, share or interest; or
(ii) would suffer or have a
reasonable expectation of suffering, a direct or indirect pecuniary or some
other detriment; or
(iii) could be reasonably
perceived as receiving a direct or indirect pecuniary or some other benefit,
share or interest or suffering a direct or indirect pecuniary or some other
detriment; or
(b) he has professionally
acted in relation to that contract, proposed contract or any other matter on
behalf of any person having therein such share or interest as aforesaid; or
(c) he is of the opinion or
could be reasonably perceived to have such opinion that the nature of his
interest in the contract, proposed contract or other matter is such that it may
conflict with the proper performance of his public duties in respect of that
contract, proposed contract or other matter.
(2) No person shall be deemed
to have a conflict of interest in a contract, proposed contract or any other
matter for the purposes of this section if his interest arises solely due to
his being a voter, local resident or tax payer to the local government and is
held in common with other voters, local residents and tax payers.
142. Duty to abstain from
proceedings in case of conflict of interest.– (1) When any contract, proposed contract or any other matter is to be,
or is likely to be considered or discussed at a meeting of a local government,
Council or any of its committee or sub-committee, the elected official, officer
or servant of that local government or any other relevant person, who has a
conflict of interest in respect of such contract, proposed contract or any
other matter shall:
(a) if he is present at the
meeting, forthwith disclose the nature of his conflict of interest and leave
the meeting after notifying the Speaker or the person presiding the meeting or
the chairperson of the committee or sub-committee, as the case may;
(b) if he has a prior
knowledge of the consideration or discussion as aforesaid, disclose the nature
of his conflict of interest to the Speaker or the chairperson of the committee
or sub-committee as the case may be and abstain from the meeting.
(2) A person who has a
conflict of interest shall not preside over, take part in the proceedings or
vote on any question with respect to the contract, proposed contract or any
other matter in respect of which his conflict of interest exists.
Explanation: For the purpose of
this section “gain” means and includes any form of enrichment, benefit or
advantage whatsoever which may have accrued to or been acquired by or which may
accrue to or be acquired by the person or his immediate relatives, or an
employer or employee.
143. Code of Conduct for
elected officials and officers etc.– (1) The Government shall prescribe a Code of Conduct for the
elected officials, officers and servants of the local government.
(2) In addition to any other
matter considered appropriate by the Government, the Code of Conduct shall
address the following matters:
(a) standards for ethical
(b) procedures for resolution
of disputes between the elected officials; and
(c) procedure for dealing or
interacting with Chief Officer, officers and servants of the local government
and officers and servants of the Government.
(3) The Chief Officer shall
cause a copy of the Code of Conduct to be made available to the public for inspection
at the office of the local government during usual office hours.
144. Misconduct.– For the purpose of this Act, an elected official, Chief Officer, any
other officer or servant of the local government, or any other person shall be
guilty of misconduct if he:
(a) violates any provision
of the Code of Conduct prescribed under this Act;
(b) derelicts from duty or
shows gross negligence in performance of duties with manifest wrongful intent;
(c) knowingly violates any
provision of this Act or lawful directions or orders of the Government;
(d) involves in an act that
results in wrongful gain to himself or to any other person;
(e) exercises powers or
authority vested in him under this Act or any other law for the time being in
force or fails to or refuses to exercise such powers or authority, for corrupt,
unlawful or improper motives; and
(f) attempts at, or abets
any act which constitutes misconduct under this section.
145. Certain orders to be in
writing or to be reduced to writing.– (1) A Head, Deputy Mayor,
Vice Chairman, Speaker, committee or sub-committee of the Council, and all
officers and servants of the local government shall act through or under a
written order, if:
(a) this Act or any other
law for the time being in force requires that the act shall be done through a
written order;
(b) the act pertains to
exercise of any authority under this Act or any other law for the time being in
(c) the act is, in view of
the Head of the local government or the Chief Officer, of sufficient
importance; and
(d) it has been required as
such by the Government for the purposes of this section.
(2) A verbal instruction
which in view of the officer or servant of the local government receiving it:
(a) requires a written order
in terms of subsection (1) above, shall be referred back by him to the
authority giving such instruction for obtaining a written order;
(b) is lawful and otherwise
appropriate and requires immediate action, shall be acted upon and thereafter
reduced to writing and submitted by him to the authority giving such
instruction for confirmation;
(c) is unlawful or otherwise
inappropriate, shall forthwith be reduced in writing and submitted by him to
the authority giving such instruction with the reasons for considering the
instruction unlawful or, as the case may be, inappropriate; or
(d) is lawful and otherwise
appropriate but does not require immediate action, shall be reduced in writing
and submitted by him to the authority giving such instruction for approval
before acting upon.
PART - 7
Chapter - XXVI
Oversight by the Government
146. Supervision of local governments.– (1) The Chief Minister may, from time to time, give policy directions
and fix objectives for the effective, transparent and efficient undertaking of
functions by a local government.
(2) The Minister in charge of
the Department may, by a general or special order, direct a local government to
take any measure in the public interest, where situation demands immediate
(3) The Secretary shall
exercise supervision and general control over the local governments to ensure
that they always act in the public interest and perform their functions
strictly in accordance with the provisions of this Act and all other relevant
laws for the time being in force.
(4) The Secretary may direct office of Directorate General
Inspections and Monitoring to probe into any matter relating to the functions
of the local government or conduct of elected Officials, Officers and officials
of the local governments and submit a fact finding
report with specific recommendations to deal with the matter.
(5) Based on the above
report, the Secretary may direct the concerned local government to take
measures for effective service delivery and smooth functioning in accordance
with the law.
(6) The Secretary may, in
case of elected officials, refer the matter to the Commission for appropriate
proceedings under this Act, and in case of other officials take action under
the law.
(7) The Secretary, with the
approval of Minister, may issue standing instructions on general matters
relating to the work of local governments which shall be consistent with this
Act and rules made thereunder.
(8) The Secretary, may issue
an advice on general matters relating to the work of local governments which
shall be consistent with the Act, rules and standing instructions.
147. Power to call for information.– (1) Chief Minister, Minister or Secretary may, through a general or
specific order, require a Chief Officer to provide to him, by such time or at
such intervals as is specified in the order:
(a) any record pertaining to
the proceedings of the Council, a committee or sub-committee of the Council or
any other meeting of the local government;
(b) a resolution of the
Council or any record pertaining to such resolution;
(c) a bye-law promulgated by
the local government or any record pertaining to such bye-law;
(d) an order or instruction
of the Head, Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson, Speaker, Councillor, or any
officer or servant of the local government and record pertaining to such order
or instruction;
(e) a document, return,
statement, estimate, statistics or other information regarding any matter
pertaining to or under the control of the local government;
(f) a report on any matter
pertaining to or under the control of a local government; and
(g) a copy of a document in
his charge or under the control of a local government.
(2) It shall be duty of the
Head, Deputy Mayor, Vice Chairperson, Speaker, Councillor, officer and servant
of the local government to provide such information, documents and record to
the Chief Officer as he may require and otherwise assist him for the purposes
of this section.
148. Power of the Secretary to suspend
and set aside certain resolutions or orders of local government.– (1) The Secretary may, by a speaking order in writing, suspend a
resolution or order of a local government if he finds that the resolution or
(a) is not in conformity
with this Act or with the rules or bye-laws made thereunder or any other law
for the time being in force;
(b) is prejudicial to the
public interest; or
(c) is likely to lead to a
breach of peace or to cause injury or annoyance to the public or any class or
body of a person.
(2) A copy of the order under
subsection (1) shall be sent to the respective Head of the local government who
shall consider the matter afresh.
(3) The local government
shall, after taking the matter into consideration, pass a resolution or an
order afresh and send a copy thereof together with a copy of the proceedings
relating to that resolution or order to the Secretary.
(4) The Secretary may, after
considering the resolution or the order passed by the local government under
subsection (3) and the proceedings related to that resolution, either cancel,
modify or confirm the order passed by him under subsection (1) or take such
other action in respect of the matter including setting aside of the resolution
or order, if it is considered just or expedient having regards to the
circumstances of the case.
(5) Any resolution or order
passed by a local government or any act or thing done or intended to be done by
a local government which is revoked or prohibited by the Secretary shall cease
to have effect from the date of setting aside of the resolution or order.
(6) A local government or any person aggrieved from the order under
subsection (4,) may within thirty days, file an appeal before the Commission.
(7) The Commission shall
decide the appeal within ninety days.
149. Procedure where Head of
the local government fails to show cause or to take action on directions under
the Act.– If within the period specified in an order under section 148, any
measure or arrangement directed thereunder has not been duly taken or made, or
cause has not been shown as aforesaid, the Minister in charge of the Department
may, by a written order:
(a) withhold transfer of all
moneys or such portion of moneys receivable by that local government from the
provincial allocable amount as it deems appropriate till such time as the
measures or arrangements directed are duly taken or made; or
(b) impose a fine on the
local government not exceeding two per centum of the moneys receivable by the
local government from the provincial allocable amount during the relevant
financial year.
150. Power of the Secretary to take action on his own.– (1) Where, in view of the
circumstances of the local government or the immediate nature of the
arrangement or measure, the Secretary is of the opinion that the arrangements
or measures should be made or taken, he may, by an order, direct the Head of
the local government, to make such arrangement or take such measures within a
specified period.
(2) Where the Head of a local
government fails to act within the period specified under subsection (1) or the
cause shown by him, in the opinion of the Secretary, is unsatisfactory, the
Secretary may by an order appoint any of his subordinate officer to take the
action so directed.
(3) The Secretary or an
officer appointed under subsection (2) may for the purpose of taking the action
directed, exercise all powers and authority conferred upon the local government
or an officer of the local government by or under this Act which are specified
in that behalf in the order issued under subsection (2).
151. Suspension or dissolution
of a local government.–
(1) Without any prejudice to other provisions of this Act, where, in
view of the appertaining circumstances, the Chief Minister is of the opinion
that a local government may be suspended for any of the following reasons:
the Council has been unable to meet its statutory obligations for the
last two financial years; or
the local government becomes insolvent and remains so for a period of
one financial year
(2) The Chief Minister
shall, through an order direct the respective Head of the local government to
show cause within a specified period as to why proceedings for suspension of
the local government shall not be initiated.
(3) Where the Head of the
local government fails to show cause within the specified period or the cause
shown by him is, in the opinion of the Chief Minister, unsatisfactory, the
Chief Minister may suspend it for a specified period, which shall in no
circumstances exceed six months and shall make a reference to the Commission
for an inquiry as to whether such reason or reasons exist for the dissolution
of such local government.
(4) Where, as a result of an
inquiry under subsection (3), after hearing all the stakeholders, the
Commission is of the view that one or more reasons mentioned in this section
exist and the local government may be dissolved, the Commission shall submit
its findings to the Chief Minister who may, by an order published in the
official Gazette, dissolve that local government.
152. Effect of suspension or
dissolution of a local government.– (1) Without any prejudice
to other provisions of this Act, consequent to an order under section 151 of
this Act:
(a) all elected officials of
the suspended or dissolved local government shall stand suspended or dissolved
(b) all powers, duties and
functions of the local government shall, during the period of suspension or
dissolution, be exercised and performed by such of its officer or authority as
the Secretary may appoint in this behalf; and
(c) all funds and properties
vested in the local government shall, during the period of suspension or
dissolution, vest in the officer or authority referred to in clause (b) above
as a trust for the purpose of this Act.
(2) Where, at the time of dissolution, the
remaining term in office of the council is in excess of one hundred and twenty
days, the Election Commission shall order fresh elections in the respective
local area, so far as possible, and if, at the time of such dissolution, the
remaining term in office of the council is less than one hundred and twenty
days, the officer or authority referred to in clause (b) of subsection (1)
above shall continue to exercise powers and perform duties and functions of the
local government and its funds and properties shall continue to vest in him till
an elected council resumes office.
153. Reinstatement of suspended
local government.–
A local government, if not earlier reinstated by the Chief Minister,
shall stand reinstated into office immediately on the expiry of period of
suspension subject to provisions of Section 151.
Chapter - XXVII
Punjab Local Government
154. Establishment of Punjab
Local Government Commission.–
The Government shall constitute Punjab Local Government Commission to
perform such functions as are conferred upon it by or under this Act.
155. Chairperson and members of
the Commission.–
(1) The Commission shall comprise of eleven members including the
Chairperson as under:
(a) Minister in charge of
the Department, who shall also be the Chairperson of the Commission;
(b) four members of
Provincial Assembly of the Punjab, of whom two shall be appointed by the leader
of the house and the other two by the leader of the opposition in the Assembly;
(c) the Secretary of the
Department who shall also be the Secretary of the Commission;
(d) Secretary to the
Government, Law and Parliamentary Affairs Department;
(e) Four expert members
including one woman, to be appointed by the Chief Minister, in terms of section
158 of this Act.
(2) In the case of absence of
the Minister for any reason, the members shall elect one of the members present
at the meeting to be the Chairperson for that particular meeting.
(3) The Commission may co-opt
any other person for advice or assistance in relation to a particular matter
under its consideration; however, the co-opted members shall have no right of
(4) No proceedings or act of
the Commission shall be invalid merely on the ground of existence of a vacancy
or defect in composition of the Commission.
(5) The members of the
Commission shall be paid such remuneration as the Government may, from time to
time, determine and the honorarium of a member shall not be varied to his
disadvantage during his term in office.
156. Term of office and
premature removal of certain members.– (1) The Minister and
Secretaries referred to in section 155 shall hold office on ex officio basis.
(2) A member of the
Commission mentioned under clause (e) of subsection (1) of section 155 shall
hold office for four years and may, at any time, resign from office under his
hand to the Chairperson of the Commission.
(3) The Chief Minister may,
after due notice and inquiry, remove any member of the Commission, not being
the Minister or a Secretary referred to in section 155 of this Act, during the
tenure of his office on the grounds of inefficiency, misconduct, misuse of
office or inability to perform functions due to bad health or physical or
mental incapacity.
(4) A person shall not be
eligible for appointment as a member of the Commission if he has previously
been removed from his office under subsection (3).
157. Casual vacancy.– (1) Where the position of a member, not being the Minister or a
Secretary to the Government, becomes vacant on account of his resignation,
removal, death or for any other cause, the Government shall appoint a person to
fill this vacancy in the same manner as was applicable for the selection of
that member.
(2) A person appointed under
subsection (1) shall hold office for the remainder of the term of office of the
member whom he replaces.
158. Eligibility for
appointment of expert members.–
(1) A person shall be eligible for appointment as an expert member under
section 155 of this Act, only if:
(a) he has at least sixteen
years education from an institution recognized by the Higher Education
Commission of Pakistan, in a discipline related to one or more functions of the
Commission, possesses special knowledge of local government and their work with
at least ten years relevant experience in municipal services and finance,
public administration and local governance, law and dispensation of justice,
community development or any other related areas relevant for the purposes of
this Act; and
(b) he is not in the service
of Pakistan or any office or body which is set up, or owned or controlled by
the Government, or a local government in the Punjab, or in which the Government
or a local government has a controlling share or interest.
(2) A person who has
previously remained as an expert member shall be eligible for re-appointment as
a member of the Commission.
159. Oath of office of members
of the Commission.–
Before assuming the charge of office, every member of the Commission
shall make an oath in the form set out in the Fourth Schedule before the
Governor of the Punjab.
160. Functions of the Commission.– (1) Without prejudice to other provisions of this Act, the Commission
shall carry out the following functions:
(a) steer the implementation
of the Act and its transition;
(b) remove hindrances for
the local government to discharge its functions under the Act;
(c) ensure prescription of
subordinate legislations;
(d) recommend amendments in
the legislations and subordinate legislations;
(e) conduct annual and
special inspections of the local governments and submit its reports to the
Chief Minister;
(f) conduct an inquiry by
itself or through any other Government entity about any matter concerning a
local government or a defunct local government;
(g) resolve the dispute
between any Department of the Government and a local government or between two
or more local governments;
(h) probe into the matters
referred to it by the Chief Minster, Minister or Secretary and give its
decision on such matter;
(i) submit an annual report
on the over-all performance of the local governments to the Chief Minster and
Provincial Assembly of the Punjab; and
(j) take cognizance of
violations of laws and rules by a local government or a defunct local government;
(k) conduct annual and
special inspections of the local governments and submit its reports to the
Chief Minister;
(l) if so
directed by the Chief Minster or the Government, conduct an inquiry by itself
or through any other agency including office of the Secretary, about any matter
concerning a local government or a defunct local government;
(m) resolve the disputes
between any Department of the Government and a local government or between two
or more local governments and if the Commission fails to settle the dispute,
the aggrieved party may move the Chief Minister for resolution of the dispute;
(n) enquire into the matters
referred to it by the Chief Minster, Minister, Secretary or a Chief Officer and
give its decision on such matter;
(o) conduct social and
performance audit of a category of the local governments or a defunct local
government on the basis of specific performance indicators through a third
party and publish the report of such audit;
(p) submit to the Chief
Minster an annual report on the over-all performance of the local governments;
(q) take cognizance of
violations of laws and rules by a local government or a defunct local
government in the performance of its functions; and
(r) organize consultative
planning meetings of National and Provincial legislators, the Mayors and the
Chairpersons on a periodic basis to provide their participation in development
activities with regard to-
(i) consultative process of
the annual development plan;
(ii) formulating procedures
for utilization of the Legislators’ development grant;
(iii) assessing implementation
of decision of these meetings;
(iv) reviewing development
schemes; and
(v) facilitation in the
performance of Provincial departmental functions of the decentralized offices
and authorities, relating to policy analysis, oversight, checks and balances,
capacity building and coordination through the Commission.
(2) The decision of the
Commission shall be binding on the local government, failing which, the
Commission may report the matter with specific recommendations to the Chief
Minister for appropriate action.
(3) The Chief Minster may, on
the recommendation of the Commission, suspend an elected official for a maximum
period of ninety days for fair conduct of inquiry under subsection (1) or for
preventing such elected official from continuing with any unlawful activity
during the pendency of the inquiry.
(4) Where, on an inquiry
under subsection (1), the elected official is found guilty of misconduct by the
Commission, the Commission shall recommend to the Chief Minister any
appropriate action including removal of such elected official, and the Chief
Minister may pass appropriate orders including the removal of such elected
(5) The Government or Chief
Minister shall, during the exercise of its powers under this Act, have regards
to the reports of the Commission submitted in relation to the matters mentioned
under subsection (1).
161. Certain powers of a court
to vest upon the Commission.–
(1) The Commission shall have the powers of a civil court under the Code
of Civil Procedure, 1908 (V of 1908) in respect of:
(a) summoning and enforcing
the attendance of any person and examining him on oath;
(b) compelling the production
of documents;
(c) receiving evidence on
affidavits; and
(d) issuing commission for
the examination of witnesses.
(2) The Commission shall be
deemed to be a Court within the meaning of sections 480 and 482 of the Code of
Criminal Procedure, 1898 (V of 1898).
162. Procedure of the Commission.– (1) The Commission shall, subject to this Act and the rules, regulate
its own procedure.
(2) All decisions of the
Commission shall be made through a simple majority vote of the members present
and voting.
(3) A meeting of the
Commission shall be open to public unless the members present, by a simple
majority vote, consider that public information of the proceedings of the
meeting shall be prejudicial to public interest by reason of confidential
nature of business to be transacted in the meeting.
163. Duty of the Government,
local governments etc. to cooperate with the Commission.– (1) The Commission may require the Government, a local government, or
any person, office or authority in the Punjab to render such assistance or to
make available such information or records which it reasonably requires for the
purposes of this Act.
(2) It shall be the duty of
the Government, every local government, person, office or authority in the
Punjab to render assistance or to make available such information or record as
is required by the Commission under subsection (1).
164. Secretariat of the Commission.– (1) The Commission shall have a secretariat comprising such number of
officers and staff as the Government may from time to time determine.
(2) There shall be a separate
budget for the Commission in the annual budget of the Punjab.
(3) The secretariat of the
Commission shall be Headed by the Secretary who shall also be the Principal
Accounting Officer of the Commission.
(4) The Directorate General (Inspections & Monitoring), if so required, shall
assist the Commission in conduct of inspection, inquiries, monitoring and
implementation of the directions of the Commission.
165. Responsibility of the Commission.– The Punjab Local Government Commission shall be responsible to the
Chief Minister and the Government.
Chapter – XXVIII
Planning, Development and
Land use in Metropolitan Corporation and District Council
166. Local development plan.– (1) Within six months of the assumption of office, every Head of the
local government shall prepare a plan for the development of respective local
area in relation to the functions of the local government under this Act during
the next four years, to be called the local development plan.
(2) A local development plan
shall be prepared in such form and in such manner as the Secretary may by an
order specify and, among other things, include:
(a) objectives of the local
government with respect to development of local area;
(b) strategies for
achievement of these objectives and indicators for monitoring such achievement;
(c) resource plan describing
financial and other resources required for the attainment of stated objectives
and how such resources shall become available to the local government.
(3) In the like manner,
sufficiently before the commencement of a financial year, every Head of the
local government shall prepare a draft plan of construction or other works and
activities by or on behalf of the local government to be carried out during
that financial year, called the draft annual development plan.
(4) Every draft annual
development plan prepared under subsection (3) shall be aligned to and
contribute towards the objectives of the local development plan.
167. Initiation of proposals
for new works etc..–
(1) For the purpose of drawing up an annual development plan, the Head
of the local government shall call for proposals for carrying out construction
or other works or activity by or on behalf of a local government.
(2) A proposal under
subsection (1) may be initiated by any one or more of the following:
(a) a Head of local
(b) a Deputy Mayor;
(c) a Vice Chairperson;
(d) the Speaker;
(e) a Councillor;
(f) the Chief Officer;
(g) the Council through a
(h) a resident of the local
(i) a Community Council or
Panchayat located in the relevant local area; and
(j) by or under the authority
of the Secretary or any officer authorized by him.
(3) Every proposal under
subsection (1) shall be drawn in the prescribed form and made to the Chief
Officer of the relevant local government by such dates as may be specified by
the Head of the local government.
(4) The provisions of this
section shall not apply to any construction or other work or activity by or on
behalf of a local government for the maintenance, repair or renewing of any of
its existing facility or amenity, the value of which does not exceed such
amounts as the Secretary may, from time to time, specify.
168. Approval of annual
development plan.–
(1) The Head of the local government shall present the draft annual
development plan before the Council at a public meeting.
(2) The Council may, with a
simple majority of vote of all Councillors holding office:
(a) revise the draft annual
development plan; or
(b) approve the draft annual
development plan.
(3) Where in the view of the
Head of the local government, revision of the draft annual development plan by
Council is not in accordance with the provisions of this Act or is otherwise
inappropriate, he may, again present the draft annual development plan, with or
without any revision, before the Council, and after due consideration, the
Council may:
(a) approve it with a simple
majority of vote of all Councillors holding office; or
(b) revise or reject it with
a two-third majority of vote of all Councillors holding office.
(4) Without any prejudice to
other provisions of this section, the annual development plan presented by the
Head of the local government under subsection (3) which is not rejected or
revised by the Council with two-third majority, should be deemed to have been
169. Secretary to certify
annual development plan if not approved by a local government.– (1) In case where annual
development plan of a local government is not approved under section 168 of
this Act within thirty days of the commencement of the financial year to which
it pertains, the Secretary may, after due notice to the relevant Head of the
local government and having regards to the needs of that local area, cause such
annual development plan to be prepared on its own and may also certify it.
(2) The annual development
plan certified under subsection (1) shall be deemed to be the approved annual
development plan of the local government for that financial year.
170. Planning guidelines.– (1) As soon as may be, but not later than six months of the commencement
of this Act, the Secretary shall by an order notified in the official Gazette,
specify planning guidelines for approval of construction or other works or
activity by or on behalf of local government.
(2) Every planning guideline
shall, among other things:
(a) set out the value, size
or type of work or other activity which may be undertaken by various local
(b) set out criteria to be
applied for deciding actual need for a particular work or activity on the basis
of its sustainability, cost-effectiveness and likely economic and social
(c) identify one or more
undertakers as appropriate persons to carry out a specified description of
work; and
(d) set out circumstances in
which it is appropriate for a specified type of action to be taken to mitigate
the impact of a specified description of work.
(3) Every order under
subsection (1) shall remain applicable for three financial years following the
date of its commencement unless it is otherwise amended or replaced by the
Chief Minister.
171. Duty of every local
government to maintain public service infrastructure maps.– It shall be the duty of every local government to prepare and maintain
detailed maps of the infrastructure relating to public services provided by it
under this Act or any other law for the time being in force and from time to
time modify and update such maps.
Chapter - XXIX
Municipal Offences and
their Cognizance
172. Offences, punishments and
their cognizance.– (1) The offences specified in Eight and Ninth Schedules shall be liable
to punishment by way of imprisonment, fine, seizure, forfeiture, confiscation
and impounding and such other penalties as are provided in this Act.
(2) If a person commits an
offence specified in -
(a) Part-I of Eight
Schedule, such person shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which
may extend to seven years, or with fine which may extend to five hundred
thousand rupees or with both and where an accused was directed by the Inspector
for immediate discontinuance of the offence, the Court may impose a further
fine which may extend to fifty thousand rupees for every day for the period the
accused has persisted in the offence from the date of its commission;
(b) Part-II of Eight
Schedule, such person shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which
may extend to three years, or with fine which may extend to one hundred
thousand rupees or with both and where an accused was directed by the Inspector
for immediate discontinuance of the offence, the Court may impose a further
fine which may extend to ten thousand rupees for every day for the period the
accused has persisted in the offence from the date of its commission
(c) Part-III of Eight
Schedule, such person shall be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to
six months or fine which may extend to twenty five
thousand rupees or with both and where an accused was directed by the Inspector
for immediate discontinuance of the offence, the Court may impose a further
fine which may extend to five hundred rupees for every day for the period the
accused persisted in the offence from the date of its commission; and
(d) Ninth Schedule, such
person shall, in the first instance, be liable to fine by issuing a ticket
specified in Tenth Schedule and where an accused repeats the offence within a
period of three months for which the accused was subjected to fine, he shall be
liable to the same punishment as provided in clause (c).
(3) If an offence of illegal
dumping of solid waste and refuse under Part-II of the Eight Schedule is
committed by a person for the first time, he shall be administered a warning;
and, in case he repeats the offence within one year from earlier commission, he
shall be punished with imprisonment which may extend to three years but which
shall not be less than seven days, and with fine which may extend to one
hundred thousand rupees but which shall not be less than twenty thousand
rupees; and, where an accused was directed in writing by the Inspector for
immediate discontinuance of the offence, the Court may impose a further fine
which may extend to ten thousand rupees for every day for the period the
accused has persisted in the offence from the date of its commission.
(4) The offences specified in
clauses (a) and (b) of subsection (2) shall be cognizable and information in
this regard shall be forwarded to the officer in-charge of a police station by
the Inspector after prior approval of the Chief Officer for registration of a
case against the accused in accordance with the provisions of section 154 of
the Code.
(5) A Court shall take
cognizance of the offences specified in clause (c) of subsection (2) on a
complaint made in writing by the Inspector after prior approval of the Chief
Officer in accordance with the provisions of section 200 of the Code.
(6) The offences specified in
Part-III of Eight Schedule and Ninth Schedule shall be tried in a summary
manner in accordance with the provisions of section 260 to 265 of the Code but
the limit of punishment mentioned in subsection (2) of section 262 of the Code
shall not be applicable.
(7) The fines imposed by a
Court for an offence specified in Ninth Schedule shall on collection be
deposited in the Public Account of the local government.
(8) The Secretary may, by
notification in the official Gazette, entrust to a local government the
enforcement of any other law.
173. Appointment and control of
Inspectors.– (1) The Head of the local government shall, with the approval of the
local government, authorize the officials of the local government as Inspectors
for the enforcement of the offences specified in the Schedules.
(2) The prescribed officer
shall be the controlling authority and administrative Head of an Inspector and
the Inspector shall report to the officer for the enforcement of provisions of
this Chapter.
174. Imposition of fine through
ticketing.– (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Chapter, where any
person, in the opinion of an Inspector, is contravening any provision of the
law relating to the offences specified in Ninth Schedule, the Inspector shall
charge the accused by issuing a ticket in the form for payment of fine
specified in Tenth Schedule, if such offence has been committed for the first
time by the accused within three months.
(2) The ticket referred to in
subsection (1) shall be issued in quadruplicate by delivering three copies to
the accused after obtaining his signatures or thumb impression on the fourth
copy to be retained by the Inspector for record.
(3) The fine may be deposited
in the bank account of the local government within ten days from the date of
imposition of fine for credit in the Public Account of the local government.
(4) The person to whom a
ticket has been issued under this section may either contest the imposition of
fine in the Court within ten days from the date of the issuance of the ticket
or deposit the fine within that period and provide a copy of payment receipt to
the office of the local government.
175. Court proceedings for
default in deposit of fine.– (1) An official / servant of the local government authorized by the
Head of local government shall on weekly basis provide a scroll of all unpaid
tickets to the Court.
(2) The Court receiving the
scroll shall issue summons to the accused forthwith stating the date of hearing
for summary trial in accordance with the provisions of section 260 to 265 of
the Code but the limit of punishment mentioned in subsection (2) of section 262
of the Code shall not be applicable.
(3) Where on the first date
of hearing, the accused appears before the Court and produces the proof of
deposit of fine, or unconditionally admitting his failure, deposits the fine
forthwith along with the penalty which shall not be less than ten percent and
not more than twenty five percent of the amount of fine determined by the Court
in accordance with the procedure provided in subsection (2) of section 388 of
the Code further proceedings against the accused may be dropped and no
conviction shall be recorded against him.
(4) Upon failure of the
accused to appear before the Court in response to the summons issued by it, the
Court shall forthwith issue warrants for arrest of the accused and upon
issuance of such warrants the accused shall be liable to punishment under
clause (c) of subsection (2) of section 172.
176. Compounding of offences.– Subject to this Act, a local government shall constitute a committee
consisting of the Head of local government as its Convener, an officer of the
local government and a Councillor of the local government as its members for
compounding the offences.
177. Municipal Wardens.– (1) A local government, other than a Union Council, may establish and
maintain Municipal Wardens in the prescribed manner.
(2) The Government may,
notwithstanding anything contained in the Police Order, 2002(C.E. Order No.22
of 2002), or in any other law, specify the duties which such force may be
required to perform.
178. General powers of Inspectors.– (1) In case of any serious threat to the public health, safety or
welfare or danger to life and property, or where violation of any rule or
bye-law is being committed, the Inspector may, in his area of jurisdiction, in
addition to imposition of fine or initiating prosecution under this Act -
(a) suspend any work;
(b) seize the goods;
(c) seal the premises;
(d) demolish or remove the
work; or
(e) issue directions for
taking corrective measures within the specified time.
(2) An Inspector shall not
enter any dwelling unit without permission of the occupier or the Court.
(3) An Inspector authorized
under section 173 may, in relation to the offences specified in Eight Schedule
(a) issue notices in
writing on behalf
of the local government;
(b) initiate legal
proceedings in the court;
(c) assist in defending
legal proceeding initiated against the local government.
179. Appointment of Municipal Magistrates.– The Government may, in consultation with the High Court, appoint one or
more Special Judicial Magistrates under section 14 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure, 1898 (V of 1898), to be called Municipal Magistrates, for cognizance
of offences under this Act.
Chapter- XXX
Offences Relating to Code
of Conduct and Conflict of Interest
180. Punishment for acting
dishonestly.– In addition to any
punishment for this Act provided for under any other law for the time being in
force, an elected official, Chief Officer or any other officer or servant of
the local government, who knowingly fails to act honestly and in a fair and transparent
manner in relation to his duties or exercise of powers under this Act, or makes
improper use of his office or information acquired by him because of his being
in such office to gain or attempt to gain, directly or indirectly, an advantage
for himself or for any other person, or cause any detriment to the local
government, shall be guilty of an offence punishable with imprisonment for a
term not exceeding three years or a fine not exceeding two hundred thousand
rupees or with both.
181. Punishment for acting
despite conflict of interest.– A person who has a conflict of interest as defined under section
141 of this or and he, knowingly and for the purpose of any gain, acts in
contravention of any provision of section 141 of this Act or otherwise influences
or seeks to influence any action of the local government with respect to a
relevant transaction, shall be guilty of an offence punishable with
imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or a fine not exceeding two
hundred thousand rupees or with both.
182. Cognizance of an offence
under this Chapter by courts.–
No court shall take cognizance of an offence under this Chapter except
on a complaint by or under the authority of the Secretary.
Chapter- XXXI
Offences Relating to Local
183. Punishment for non-payment
of tax etc..– A person against whom a tax, fee, rate, rent, toll or other charge
imposed upon him under this Act has become final and he does not pay the same
despite demand of the Chief Officer or an officer authorized by him in this
behalf, shall be guilty of an offence punishable with imprisonment for a term
not exceeding six months or a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand rupees,
or with both.
184. Cognizance of offences
under this Chapter.–
(1) All offences under section 182 shall be non-cognizable within the
meaning of section 2(l) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (V of 1898).
(2) No court shall take
cognizance of an offence under section 183(1) of this Act except upon a
complaint in writing of the respective Chief Officer or a person authorized by
him in this behalf.
Chapter - XXXII
Officers and Servants of
Local Governments
185. Chief Officer, other
officers and servants of local governments.– (1) Every local government shall have such number of Chief Officers from
amongst the officers of prescribed service and such number and description of
other officers and servants as the Secretary may from time to time determine.
(2) All officers of a local
government shall be appointed by the Secretary in the prescribed manner.
(3) All servants of a local
government shall be appointed by that local government in the prescribed manner
and subject to such general directions and conditions as the Secretary may,
from time to time, consider appropriate.
186. Security of tenure for the
Chief Officer and other officers.– All Chief Officers and such
other officers of the local governments that may be specified by the Secretary
from time to time, shall ordinarily hold office for a period of not less than
two years.
187. Punjab Local Government Service.– (1) The local government
service continued under the Punjab Local Government Act, 2019 (XIII of 2019)
shall continue, and be called the Punjab Local Government Service and the terms
and conditions of the service shall be governed under the respective laws and
rules made thereunder.
(2) The employees of the Punjab Local
Government Service shall be appointed through Punjab Public Service Commission.
(3) The employees of the Punjab Local
Government Service shall be liable to serve anywhere within the province for
the purposes of the Act.
(4) All the employees of the Punjab Local
Government Service appointed through Punjab Public Service Commission against
sanctioned posts on contract basis, prior to commencement of the Act, shall
stand regularized in the Punjab Local Government Service on completion of their
contract period.
188. Service cadre for servants
of the local governments.–
(1) There shall be a separate service cadre for the servants of the
local governments called the Local Council Service.
(2) For the sake of
uniformity, the Secretary may specify functional groups within the Local
Council Service in view of qualifications, experience and skills required for
effective undertaking of various functions assigned to the local governments
under this Act, and may also specify the method for their recruitment and
general terms and conditions of their service.
(3) No local government shall
employ servants in excess of the number specified under section 185 of this
189. Continuation of the Punjab
Local Government Board.–
(1) The Punjab Local Government Board, hereinafter called the Board,
continued under section 298 of the Punjab Local Government Act, 2022 (XIII of 2022) shall continue.
(2) The Board shall continue
to be a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal with power
to acquire, hold and transfer property, and by its name, sue or be sued.
(3) Directorate General
(Inspections & Monitoring) shall continue and consist of a Director General
(Inspections & Monitoring) who shall be an officer of the prescribed
services not below the rank of BS-20.
(4) The Board shall consist
of such number of officers and officials as may be notified by the Secretary.
190. Composition of the Board.– (1) The Board shall consist of following ex-officio members:
(a) The Secretary as
(b) An officer of the
Pakistan Administrative Service or the Provincial Management Service appointed
by the Chief Minister as Secretary of the Board;
(c) A representative of
Finance Department not below the rank of Additional Secretary;
(d) A representative of
Regulations Wing of Services and General
Administration Department, not below the rank of Additional Secretary;
(e) A representative of Law
Department, not below the rank of Additional Secretary.
191. Functions of the Board and
method for conduct of business.–
(1) In addition to any other function or duty assigned to it under any
other law for the time being in force, the Board shall, among any other things:
(a) deal with service
matters of the officers and servants of the Board, Local Government Service and
such servants of the Local Council Service as may be prescribed;
(b) set up and maintain
common services for all the local governments, including those relating to the
training of officers and servants of local governments;
(c) undertake research and
policy work relating to any aspect of the local governments;
(d) support the Government
and local governments in adherence to this Act and other relevant laws; and in
fair, just and transparent working of the local governments;
(e) set up and operate an
employee’s fund for the receipt of contributions in respect of pension and
other post-retirement benefits of officers and staff of the Board, Local
Government Service, investment of such receipts and payment of pension and
other post-retirement benefits;
(f) set up and operate one
or more other funds as may be required in relation to its work; and
(g) perform such other
functions as may be prescribed.
(2) All expenditures of the
Board shall be contributed by local governments in the Punjab in accordance
with their share apportioned by the Government from time to time.
(3) The business of the Board
shall be conducted in the prescribed manner.
Chapter - XXXIII
192. Appeal against orders of
local governments.–
Any person aggrieved by any order passed by a local government or its
officers or servants or other functionaries passed in pursuance of this Act or
the rules or bye-laws made thereunder, may appeal to such authority, in such
manner and within such period as may be prescribed and order of such authority
shall be final.
Chapter - XXXIV
Bar of Jurisdiction of
193. Jurisdiction of courts barred.– No suit, prosecution, or other legal proceedings shall lie in respect of
any matter covered under the provisions of this Act.
194. Indemnity of actions taken in good faith.– No suit, prosecution, or other legal proceedings shall lie against any
public servant serving in local government for any act done or function
performed in good faith under this Act.
Chapter - XXXV
195. General powers of local
governments, etc.– Notwithstanding any specific provision of this Act, every local
government shall perform their functions conferred by or under this Act and in performance
of their respective functions, shall exercise such powers and follow such
procedures as are enumerated in the Seventh Schedule.
196. Delegation of powers by the Government.–
The Government may, by order published in the official Gazette, delegate any of
its powers under this Act, or the rules, to any officer subordinate to it, any
elected official, or any officer or Authority under this Act.
197. Delegation of Powers by
the Head of local government.– A Head of local government may delegate any of his powers under this
Act or rules or bye-laws to any Deputy Mayor or Vice Chairperson, Member of
Head’s Cabinet, Speaker, Councillor, Chief Officer or any other officers of the
local government, partly or fully, and subject to such restrictions or conditions
as he may deem fit, after approval by the Council concerned.
198. All Heads of the local
governments, Deputy Mayors, Vice Chairpersons, Speakers, Councillors, officer
and servants of the local governments to be public servants.– All elected officials, Chief officers, other officers and servants of
the local government and any other person authorized to act under this Act,
shall be deemed to be a public servant within the meanings of section 21 of the
Pakistan Penal Code (XLV of 1860).
199. Remuneration etc. for
elected officials.–
With the previous approval of the Government, a Council may, with a
simple majority of vote, allow such remuneration, honoraria, allowance and
other benefits to the elected officials and technocrat members of the Head’s
cabinet, within the approved limit notified by the Government.
200. Training of functionaries
of local governments.– (1) A local government shall, in annual budget, allocate funds for the
training of various elected officials and non-elected functionaries of the
local government.
(2) The training shall be
attended virtually or otherwise at the place and for the duration, as the
Secretary may direct.
201. Bar against employment of
the elected officials in the local government.– No elected official of a local government shall be employed by or under
that local government unless a period of three years has lapsed since he ceased
to hold such elected office.
Chapter - XXXVI
Subordinate legislation
202. Rules.– (1) The Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, make
rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to
the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of
the matters specified in Part-I of Sixth Schedule.
(3) The rules made under sub-section (1)
shall meet the following considerations:
(a) consistency with democratic
decentralization and subsidiarity;
(b) enhancement of welfare of the people;
(c) fairness and clarity; and
(d) natural justice and due process of law.
203. Bye-laws.–
(1) A local government may, in
its ambit of responsibilities, make bye-laws to carry out the purposes of this
(2) In particular and
without prejudice to the generality of the fore-going power, such bye-laws may
provide for all or any of the matters specified in Part-II of the Sixth
(3) A local government, if
required so by the Government shall, within ninety days of such instruction, by
notification in the official Gazette, make bye-laws not inconsistent with the
rules and this Act.
(4) Where a local government
fails to meet the requirements of subsection (2), the Secretary with the
approval of the Minister in charge of the Department may notify bye-laws for
that local government which shall be valid as if framed by that local
PART - 14
Chapter - XXXVII
Repeal and Savings
204. Repeal and Savings.– (1) The Punjab Local Government Act, 2022 (XIII of 2022), is hereby
(2) Save as otherwise
provided, the repeal of laws under sub-section (1) shall not affect:
(a) the previous operation
of the laws repealed under subsection (1), or any other previously repealed
local government law, or anything duly done or made thereunder;
(b) the local areas of the
local governments demarcated and notified under the Punjab Local Government
Act, 2019 (XIII of 2019), shall remain intact for the purpose of this Act
unless altered or reviewed;
(c) any right, privilege,
obligation or liability acquired, accrued or incurred under the repealed local
government law(s);
(d) any penalty, forfeiture
or punishment incurred in respect of any offence committed under the repealed
local government law(s); and
(e) any investigation, legal
proceedings or remedy in respect of any such right, privilege, obligation,
liability, penalty, forfeiture or punishment as aforesaid, and any such
investigation, legal proceedings or remedy may be instituted, continued or
enforced and any such penalty, forfeiture and punishment may be imposed as if
any other previously repealed local government law has not been repealed.
(3) Notwithstanding its
repeal, anything done or any action taken under any other previously repealed
local government law, including:
(a) every proceeding,
appointment, notification, notice, license, rule, regulation, bye-law,
resolution or direction issued, made or saved;
(b) every tax, rent, fee,
rate, toll or other charge or sums of money assessed, imposed, collected or due
to a local government;
(c) every scheme drawn up,
contracted or executed; and
(d) every instrument or
contract executed,
which so far as is in force at the commencement of this Act and not
inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, shall be deemed to have been done
or taken under this Act unless previously altered, modified, cancelled,
suspended, surrendered, withdrawn or superseded, as the case may be, under this
Chapter - XXXVIII
Transitional Arrangements
205. Interim authorities and
continuation of public services.–
(1) All offices, agencies and authorities of the defunct local
governments established under the Punjab Local Government Act, 2013 (XVIII of
2013) shall continue providing public services in their respective local areas
without any interruption till such time new local governments are established
under this Act.
(2) Subject to any other
relevant law, all officers and servants of the defunct local governments shall
continue to discharge their respective duties and exercise their powers with
the successor local governments under this Act, till such time they are
assigned or transferred to any other local government.
(3) Nothing in this section
shall preclude the Government from appropriately re-organizing the defunct
local governments or for that matter reorganizing or reassigning any other
office or authority established under the Punjab Local Government Act 2013
(XVIII of 2013).
206. Interim maintenance of
offices and Authorities to be transferred to local governments under this Act.– Pending the transfer of
control of the office, agency or Authority to be transferred to local
governments under this Act, any public service, or duty or other function which
at the commencement of this Act is being undertaken or performed by that
office, agency or authority shall, notwithstanding any provision of this Act,
continue to be undertaken by that office or authority till such time that it is
transferred to the local government.
207. Fiscal transfers and taxes
etc. to continue.–
(1) On coming into force of this Act, where a local government was
receiving any fiscal transfer, grant or compensation in lieu of Zilla tax or
Octroi, the successor local government shall continue to receive such transfer,
grant or compensation. m
(2) All taxes, cess, fee, toll, rates, rent, fee or other charges which
were being charged under the Punjab Local Government Act, 2022 (XIII of 2022)
or any other repealed law shall continue to be charged under this Act, and
every person liable to pay such tax, cess, fee, toll,
rate, rent, fee or other charge shall continue to pay, unless such tax, cess, fee, toll, rate, fee or other charge is revised,
withdrawn or varied under this Act.
208. Fiscal transfers and
budget of the succeeding local governments for the first year in office.– (1) If for any reason, on
the date of assumption of office by a local government under this Act for the
first time, no Finance Commission has been established under this Act,
provincial allocable amount and the share of transfers to local governments from
the provincial allocable amount shall be determined by the interim committee
constituted under the repealed Punjab Local Government Act, 2019 (XIII of
(2) Notwithstanding anything
contained in this Act, where a local government assumes office under this Act
during the currency of a financial year, the estimate of receipts and
expenditure of that local government for that year shall cover the remaining
209. Salaries and emoluments of
officers and servants of the local governments during transition.– (1) On their allocation, re-allocation or transfer under this Act, the
salary, pensionary benefits and other emoluments of the officers and servants
of the defunct local governments and any other office, agency or authority
established under the repealed local government laws, shall not be reduced or
varied to their detriment.
(2) For the removal of any
ambiguity in this regard, all officers and servants of the defunct local
governments and any other office, agency or authority established under the
repealed local government laws, shall continue to receive their authorized
salary, pensionary benefits and other emoluments up till the time they are
allocated, re-allocated or transferred to local governments constituted under
this Act.
(See sections 13, 50)
Seats of Councillors in Metropolitan Corporations and District Councils
Sr. |
Population Size as per latest census |
minorities |
women |
workers/ |
Youth |
Trader/farmer |
Disabled |
Total Reserved |
Total General Councilors |
Total |
1 |
More than Ten Million |
6 |
23 |
15 |
8 |
4 |
4 |
60 |
90 |
150 |
2 |
More than Five Million up to Ten |
5 |
18 |
12 |
6 |
4 |
3 |
48 |
72 |
120 |
3 |
More than Four Million up to Five Million |
4 |
14 |
9 |
5 |
2 |
2 |
36 |
54 |
90 |
4 |
More than Three Million up to Four Million |
4 |
12 |
8 |
4 |
2 |
2 |
32 |
48 |
80 |
5 |
More than Two Million up to Three Million |
3 |
10 |
7 |
4 |
2 |
2 |
28 |
42 |
70 |
6 |
More than One Million up to Two Million |
2 |
9 |
6 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
24 |
36 |
60 |
7 |
Up to One Million |
2 |
8 |
5 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
20 |
30 |
50 |
Note: Provided that each Tehsil of a local government shall have representation
not less than ten percent of the total allocated seats to such local
(See section 14)
Composition of Head’s Cabinet for Metropolitan Corporations and District
Sr. No. |
Range of Population of Local
area to determine the number of Members of a Head’s Cabinet |
Total allocated members
of Head’s Cabinet |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
1 |
10,000,001 and above |
12 |
2 |
1,000,001 to 10,000,000 |
9 |
3 |
Up to 1,000,000 |
6 |
4 |
Up to 500,000 |
3 |
Explanation 1: The number of female
members shall be at least one for local governments having population less than
ten million and Two for local governments having
population ten million and above.
Explanation 2: The number of technocrat members shall be one third of total number of Head’s
(See section 61)
Declaration on Finality of Prophethood
I, son
/ wife / daughter of (mention here the name of the candidate taking oath)
__________________ do hereby solemnly swear ( mention here the name of father /
husband) that I believe in the
absolute and unqualified
finality of the
Prophethood of:
Date: Signature
of the Declarant
(See sections 14, 66, 87, 159)
Oath of Assumption of an Office under the PLGA 2021
(in the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the
most Merciful)
I, ___________________ son / wife / daughter of (mention here the name
of the candidate taking oath) ___________________ (mention here the name of
father / husband) elected / nominated / appointed as
_______________________________________________do hereby declare on oath /
solemnly affirm:
That, I shall bear true faith and allegiance to Pakistan and would
always work to strengthen its ideology, integrity, solidarity and prosperity;
And that, I shall perform my duties under the Punjab Local Government
Act, 2022, rules and bye-laws made thereunder and all other applicable laws,
honestly, efficaciously and efficiently to the best of my ability;
And that I shall, always work in the best interest of the residents
without any favour or prejudice and shall not allow my personal interest to
influence my official conduct or my official decision;
And that I shall, to the best of my ability, use moneys and resources of
the local government in the best interest of the residents and would do all
what is required to prevent misuse or misappropriation of such money or
And that in all circumstances I shall do right to all people according
to law without fear or favour, ill will, or discrimination;
And that I shall, always act according to and uphold and promote
democratic values;
And that I shall not directly or indirectly communicate or reveal to any
person any matter which shall become known to me in my official capacity,
except as may be required for the due discharge of my duties.
May Allah Almighty / God, help and guide me (Ameen)
Dated: _________________
Countersigned Signature and seal of the Designated person to administer Oath |
Signature of the Declarant |
(see section 99)
Taxes & Fees
Metropolitan Corporation and District Council
Tax on urban immovable property;
Tax on the transfer of immovable property;
Water use charges / fee;
Drainage rate;
Conservancy rate;
Fee for approval of building plans, erection and re-erection of
Fee for compounding of offence and violations;
Fee for change of land use of a land or building as prescribed;
Fee for licenses, sanctions and permits;
Fee on the slaughter of animals;
Fee for establishment of Private Markets;
Fee for regulation of advertisement through sign boards, hoardings,
cutouts, neon-signs, pole signs, sky signs and boards; billboards; directional
boards, banners, streamers, moppy signs, temporary
advertisement structures and stalls, posters, one way visions, hot air balloons and blimps, moving
vehicles, electronic display screens including Light Emitting Diode (LED) and
Surface Mounted Device (SMD), etc.,
Toll fee on roads, bridges and ferries maintained by the respective
local government;
Parking fee;
Fees on sale of cattle;
Fee for specific services rendered by the office of local government or
any of its authority, agency or company;
Fee on installation of Base Transceiver Station/Tower; and
Any other tax or fee or levy authorized by the Government.
Part- II
Union Council
Fee for registration and certification of birth, marriage, divorce and deaths;
Fee for specific services rendered;
Any other tax or fee or levy authorized by the Government.
[See sections 213, 214]
Part - I (Rules)
Conduct of Elections.
Conduct of Business.
Conduct of meetings.
Auction of Collection Rights.
Regulation of Private Housing Schemes.
Local Government Service.
Servants of Local Governments.
Conduct of Inspections.
Conduct of elected officials.
Fiscal Transfers.
Delegation of Financial Powers.
Births, Deaths, Marriages and Divorces.
Cattle Markets.
street markets .
Land use Plan.
Naming of Roads, Streets and Public Places.
Any other set of rules necessary for carrying out the purposes of this
Part–II (Bye-laws)
Burial and cremation places.
Building Control.
Slaughter of animals and maintenance of slaughterhouses.
Regulation of parking.
Organization and regulation of fairs, shows, tournaments and other
public gatherings.
Parks and open places.
Picketing, parking animals or collecting carts or vehicles on any
Street Markets
Prevention and removal of encroachments.
Municipal Libraries.
Throwing or placing any refuse on any street, or in any place not
provided or appointed for the purpose.
Tampering with any main, pipe, or any apparatus or appliance for the
supply of water.
Disposing of carcasses of animals.
Use of sewer water for farming.
Flow or drain to be put upon any street, or public place, or into an irrigation
channel or any sewer or drain not set apart for the purpose.
Fixing any bill, notice, placard, or other paper or means of
advertisement against or upon any building or place other than the places fixed
for the purpose by the local government.
Fixing of wooden khokhas, plying of handcarts
for the sale of goods, and temporary or permanent shops or extensions thereof.
Watering cattle or animals, or bathing or washing at, or, near a well or
other source of drinking water for the public.
Any other matters as in the opinion of a local government are necessary
or expedient to be provided for in the bye-laws to achieve the objectives of
this Act.
[See section 206]
1. Prohibition of picketing
or tethering in streets.– No animal shall be picketed or tethered in such streets or places as may
be specified by the concerned local government and any animal found picketed or
tethered in any such street or place shall be liable to seizure and impounding.
2. Prohibition against
keeping and maintaining cattle.– (1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any other law
or any agreement, instrument, custom or usage or decree, judgment or order of
any court or other authority, the concerned local government may declare any
part of its local area as a prohibited zone.
(2) At any time after declaration under
sub-paragraph (1) has been made, the local government may, by general or
special notice, prohibit the keeping and maintaining the cattle by any person
in the prohibited zone.
(3) No person shall, after the expiry of the
period fixed under sub-paragraph (2), keep or maintain cattle in any part of
the prohibited zone:
provided that the
prohibition shall not apply to–
(i) cattle kept bona fide for sacrificial
(ii) cattle kept for drawing carts or use in
mills, with the permission of the local
government and subject to such conditions as it may impose;
(iii) cattle under treatment in any veterinary
(iv) cattle brought to a cattle market
demarcated by the local government for
the purpose of sale; and
(v) cattle brought to a slaughterhouse or
kept by butchers for the purpose of
slaughter within the area demarcated by the local government.
(4) Persons affected by the prohibition
order under sub-paragraph (2) to meet their genuine needs may be allowed to
keep and maintain their cattle at the places earmarked as “cattle colonies” by
the local government on such terms and conditions as it may impose.
3. Dangerous animals.– The concerned local government may, by byelaw, establish a complaints
mechanism through which complaints against specific dangerous animals can be
received and a mechanism to determine if an individual animal against which a
complaint has been received is a dangerous animal and such byelaws, among other
matters, may provide for the identification, detention, relocation and, as a
measure of last resort, humane euthanasia of specific individual animals
reported and determined to be dangerous.
4. Disposal of carcasses.– Whenever an animal in the
charge of a person dies, otherwise than by being slaughtered for sale or
consumption or for some other religious purpose such person shall either–
(a) convey the carcasses within twenty-four
hours to a place, if any, fixed by the concerned local government for the
disposal of the dead bodies of animals or to a place beyond the limits of its
local area, not being a place within two kilometers of such limits; or
(b) give notice of the death to the local
government whereupon the local government shall cause the carcass to be
disposed of and charge such fees from the person concerned as the byelaws may
5. Registration of the sale
of cattle.– The concerned local government may, by byelaws, require that sale of
such animals as may be specified shall be registered with the concerned local
government in such manner and subject to the payment of such fees as the
byelaws may provide.
Animal Trespass
6. Power to seize.– (1) A cultivator, tenant,
occupier, vendee or mortgagee of any land or crop or produce or any part
thereof or any person who has advanced cash for the cultivation of crop may
seize or cause to be seized any animal trespassing on such land and doing
damage thereto, or any crop or produce thereon, to send them or cause them to
be sent within twenty-four hours to a pound established under the Act.
(2) Persons in charge of public roads, play
grounds, parks, plantations, canals, drainage works, embankments and the like,
or the officers of police, may seize or cause to be seized animals doing damage
thereto, and shall send them or cause them to be sent, within twenty-four hours
of the seizure, to the nearest animal pound.
7. Pounds.–
The concerned local government may establish such number of animal
pounds as may be necessary and may fix, from time to time, the location of the
animal pounds, the rate of feeding, watering and accommodating the impounded
8. Pound keepers.– The local government may appoint pound-keepers on whole-time or
part-time basis on such terms and conditions as may be fixed by the concerned
local government.
9. Registers and returns.– (1) A pound-keeper shall
keep such registers and furnish such returns as may be required by the
concerned local government.
(2) When animals are brought to the pounds,
the pound-keeper shall enter in the register the number and description of
animals, the day and hour on which they were so brought, the name and residence
of the seizurer and that of the owner, if known, and
shall give the seizurer or his agent a copy of such
10. Possession and feeding.– The pound-keeper shall
take charge of, feed and water the animals until they are disposed of as
hereinafter provided.
11. Fines for impounded animals.– For every animal impounded
under the Act, the pound-keeper shall levy a fine in accordance with the scale
fixed by the concerned local government and the fines so charged shall form
part of and be credited to the local fund.
12. Delivery or sale of animals.– (1) If the owner of an
impounded animal or his agent appears and claims the animal, the pound-keeper
shall deliver it to him on payment of the fine and charges incurred in respect
of such animal under proper receipt to be recorded by the owner or his agent in
the register.
(2) If the animal is not claimed within
seven days of impounding, the pound-keepers shall inform the officer in charge
of the Police Station who shall thereupon display at a conspicuous place in his
office a notice stating the number and description of animals and places of
seizure and impounding. A similar notice shall be displayed at a conspicuous
place in the office of the concerned local government.
(3) If the animal is not claimed within
seven days of the notice it shall be sold by the local government by open
auction after giving sufficient publicity in the local area:
Provided that the
person auctioning the animals or the pound-keeper or his relatives shall not
bid for or purchase the impounded animals.
(4) The proceeds of the sale of the animal
shall be paid to the owner if he appears within six months of the sale, after
deduction of fines, feeding and other charges.
13. Arboriculture.– The concerned local government shall plant trees on public streets and
other public places within its local area and take all such steps as may be
necessary for the plantation and protection of trees on such streets and
14. Nuisance pertaining to
trees and plantations.– (1) A government may, by byelaws, determine the pests of trees and
plants and provide for their destruction.
(2) If any land or premises within the local
area of the concerned local government is grown with rank or noxious vegetation,
or under-growth, the local government may by notice require the owner or the
occupier of such land or premises to clear such vegetation or under-growth
within a specified time and if he fails to do so within such time, the local
government may have such vegetation or under-growth cleared and the cost
incurred shall be deemed to be a tax levied on the owner or occupier under the
(3) The concerned local government may, in
the manner provided in the byelaws, prohibit the cultivation of any crop which
is considered dangerous to public health within such part of its local area as
may be specified.
Boundaries and Trees
15. Boundary walls, hedges and fences.– (1) No
boundary wall, hedge or fence of any material or description shall be erected
in such parts of a local area as are specified by a local government without
the permission in writing of the concerned local government.
(2) A local government may, by notice in
writing, require the owner or lessee of any land in its local area–
(a) to remove from the land
any boundary wall, hedge or fence which is, in its opinion unsuitable,
unsightly or otherwise objectionable; or
(b) to construct on the land
sufficient boundary walls, hedges or fences of such material, description or
dimensions as may be specified in the notice; or
(c) to main the boundary
walls, hedges or fences of such lands in good order:
provided that, in the
case of any such boundary wall, hedge or fence which was erected with the
consent or under the orders of the concerned local government or which was in
existence at the commencement of the Act the concerned local government shall
make compensation for any damage caused by the removal thereof.
(3) A local government may, by notice in
writing, require the owner, lessee or occupier of any such land to cut or trim
any hedge on the land in such manner and within such time as may be specified
in the notice.
16. Felling, lopping and trimming of trees.– (1)
Where, in the opinion of the concerned local government the felling of any tree
of mature growth standing in a private enclosure in its local area is necessary
for any reason, the concerned local government may, by notice in writing,
require the owner, lessee or occupier of the land to fell the tree within such
time as may be specified in the notice.
(2) A local government may–
(a) cause
to be lopped or trimmed any tree standing on land in its local area which
belongs to the local government; or
(b) by
public notice require all owners, lessees or occupiers of land in its local
area or by notice in writing require the owner, lessee or occupier of any such
land, to lop or trim, in such manner as may be specified in the notice, all or
any trees standing on such land or to remove any dead trees from such land.
17. Digging of Public Land.– No person shall, without the permission in writing of the concerned
local government, dig up the surface of any open space which is not a private
property or take out earth therefrom.
18. Improper use of land.– (1) If in the opinion of a local government the working of a quarry in
its local area or the removal of stone, sand, earth or other material from the
soil in any place in its local area is dangerous, to persons residing in or
frequenting the neighbourhood of such quarry or place, or creates, or is likely
to create, a nuisance, the concerned local government may, by notice in
writing, prohibit the owner, lessee or occupier of such quarry or place or the
person responsible for such working or removal, from continuing or permitting
the working of such quarry or the moving of such material, or require him to
take such steps in the matter as the local government may direct for the
purpose of preventing danger or abating the nuisance or likely to arise
(2) If, in any case referred to in
sub-paragraph (1), the concerned local government is of the opinion that such a
course is necessary in order to prevent imminent danger, it may, by order in
writing, require a proper hoarding or fence to be put up for the protection of
Building and Land Use Control
19. Sanction for buildings.– No person shall erect or
re-erect a building or commence to erect or re-erect a building on any land in
a local area except with the previous sanction of the concerned local
government nor otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of the Act and
of the rules and bye-laws made under the Act relating to the erection and
re-erection of buildings:
20. Notice of new buildings.– (1) Whoever intends to
erect or re-erect any building in a local area shall apply for sanction by
giving notice in writing of his intention to the concerned local government.
(2) For the purposes of the Act, a person
shall be deemed to erect or re-erect a building who–
(a) makes any material
alteration of enlargement of any building, or
(b) converts into a place
for human habitation any building not originally constructed for that purpose,
(c) converts into more than
one place for human habitation a building originally constructed as one such
place, or
(d) converts two or more
places of human habitation into one such place or into greater number of such
places, or
(e) converts a building or a
site or land meant for one particular use or in one particular zoning area into
any other use or a use meant for another zoning area, or
(f) converts into a stable,
cattle-shed or cow-house any building originally constructed for human
habitation, or
(g) makes any alteration
which there is reason to believe is likely to affect prejudicially the
stability or safety of any building or the condition of any building in respect
of drainage, sanitation or hygiene, or
(h) makes any alteration to
any building which increases or diminishes the height of, or area converted by,
or the cubic capacity of, the building, or which reduces the cubic capacity of
any room in the building below the minimum prescribed by any bye-law made under
the Act.
21. Conditions of valid notice.– (1) A person giving the
required notice shall specify the purpose for which he intends to use the
(2) Where a plan to re-lay a street has been
approved by the concerned local government, a person who intends to erect or
re-erect a building or commences to erect or re-erect a building shall adopt
the approved building or street line and for this purpose any space required to
be left vacant shall vest in the local government.
(3) No notice shall be valid until it is
made in the manner prescribed in the bye-laws made under the Act along with
plans and other information which may be required therein, have been furnished
to the satisfaction of the concerned local government along with the notice.
22. Power of Local Government
to sanction or refuse.– (1) The concerned local government may, for reasons to be recorded in
writing, either refuse to sanction the erection or re-erection, as the case may
be, of the building, or may sanction it either absolutely or subject to such
directions as it thinks fit in respect of all or any of the following matters,
(a) the free passage or way to be left in
front of the building;
(b) the space to be left around the
(c) the
ventilation of the building, the minimum cubic area of the rooms and the number
and height of the storeys of which the building may
(d) the
provision and position of drains, latrines, urinals, cesspools or other
receptacles for wastes;
(e) the level
and width of the foundation, the level of the lowest floor and the stability of
the structure;
(f) the line
of frontage with neighbouring buildings if the
building abuts on a street;
(g) the means
to be provided for egress from the building in case of fire;
(h) the
materials and method of construction to be used for external and internal walls
for rooms, floors, fire-places and chimneys;
(i) the
height and slope of the roof above the uppermost floor upon which human beings
are to live or cooking operations are to be carried on; and
(j) any
other matter affecting the ventilation, sanitation safety or environmental
aspects of the building and its relationship with the surrounding buildings or
and the person erecting or re-erecting the building shall obey all such
written directions in every particular.
(2) The concerned local government may
refuse to sanction the erection or re-erection of any building, either on
grounds sufficient in the opinion of the concerned local government affecting
the particular building, or in pursuance of a notified general scheme or plan
of the concerned local government, restricting the erection or re-erection of
buildings within specified limits or for any other public purpose.
(3) The concerned local government before
sanctioning the erection or re-erection of a building on land which is under
the management of the Federal or Provincial Government or any agency thereof,
shall ascertain in writing within thirty days of application whether there is
any objection on the part of the concerned Government to such erection or
(4) The concerned local government may
refuse to sanction the erection or re-erection of any building–
(a) when the land on which it is proposed to
erect or re-erect the building is held on a lease from the Federal or
Provincial Government if, the erection or re-erection constitutes a breach of
the terms of the lease, or
(b) when the land
on which it is proposed to erect or re-erect the building is not held on a
lease from the Government, if the right to build on such land is in dispute
between the person applying for sanction and the Government.
(5) If the concerned local government
decides to refuse to sanction the erection or re-erection of the building, it
shall communicate in writing the reasons for such refusal to the person by whom
notice was given.
(6) The concerned local government may,
after giving notice and for reasons to be recorded, cancel, modify or withdraw
the sanction of a site plan at any time.
23. Compensation.–
(1) No compensation shall be claimed by any person for any damage or
loss which he may sustain in consequence of the refusal of the local government
of sanction to the erection of any building or in respect of any direction
issued by it.
(2) The concerned local government shall
make compensation to the owner of any building for any actual damage or loss
sustained by him in consequence of the prohibition of the re-erection of any
building or of its requiring any land belonging to him
to be added to the street:
Provided that the
concerned local government shall not be liable to make any compensation in
respect of the prohibition of the re-erection of any building which for a
period of three years or more immediately preceding such refusal has not been
in existence or has been unfit for human habitation.
24. Lapse of sanction.–Every sanction for the erection or re-erection of a building given or
deemed to have been given by the concerned local government as hereinbefore
provided shall be available for one year from the date on which it is given,
and, if the building so sanctioned is not begun by the person who has obtained
the sanction or someone lawfully claiming under him within that period, it
shall not thereafter be begun unless the concerned local government on
application made therefor has allowed an extension of that period.
25. Period for completion of
building.–The concerned local government, when sanctioning the erection or re-erection
of a building as hereinbefore provided, shall specify a reasonable period after
the work has commenced within which the erection or re-erection is to be
completed, and, if the erection or re-erection is not completed within the
period so fixed, it shall not be continued thereafter without fresh sanction
obtained in the manner hereinbefore provided, unless the concerned local
government on application made therefor has allowed an extension of that
Provided that not more
than two such extensions shall be allowed by the concerned local government in
any case.
26. Illegal erection and re-erection.– No person shall begin,
continue or complete the erection or re-erection of a building–
(a) before
the building has been sanctioned, or
(b) without
complying with any direction made to him, or
(c) when
sanction has been refused, or has ceased to be available, or has been suspended
by the concerned local government.
27. Power to stop erection or
re-erection or to demolish.– (1) A local government may, at any time, by notice in writing, direct the
owner, lessee or occupier of any land in its local area to stop the erection or
re-erection of a building in any case in which the concerned local government
considers that such erection or re-erection is an offence and may direct the
alteration or demolition, as it thinks necessary, of the building, or any part
thereof, so erected or re-erected:
Provided that the
concerned local government may, instead of requiring the alteration or
demolition of any such building or part thereof, accept by way of composition
such sum as notified
by the concerned local government.
28. Completion of building or
alteration of buildings.– (1) Every person who has erected or re-erected a building shall, within
thirty days of the completion of the building, report such completion to the
concerned local government.
(2) The concerned local government may cause
to be inspected any building of which construction has begun or which has been
erected or re-erected in violation or contravention of any provision of the
Act, rules or the bye-laws or of the master plan or site development scheme, if
any. The local government may require the alteration of the building so as to
be in compliance therewith, and where such alteration is not possible, it may
require the building or any part thereof to be demolished, or on the
application of the owner of such building compound the offence on payment of
such composition fee as
notified by the concerned local government.
(3) If a building is required to be
demolished under the provisions of sub-paragraph (2) and such requirement is
not complied with, within the specified period, the local government may have
the building demolished through its own agency and the cost so incurred shall
be deemed to be a tax levied on the owner or occupier of the building under the
29. Regulation of buildings.– (1) Except with the prior
sanction of the concerned local government, no building shall be put to a use
other than shown in the building plan according to which it was erected or
Provided that the local
government shall not sanction any change in the use of a building which may be
in violation or contravention of the master plan or site development scheme, if
(2) If any building or anything fixed
thereon be deemed by the concerned local government to be in a ruinous state or
likely to fall or in any way dangerous to any inhabitant of such building or of
any neighbouring building or to any occupier thereof
or to passers-by, the local government may, by notice, require the owner or
occupier of such building to demolish it or to take such action in regard to
the building as may be specified in the notice, and if there is default, the
local government may take necessary action and the cost so incurred shall be
deemed to be a tax levied on the owner or occupier of the building under the
(3) If a building is so ill constructed, or
dilapidated or in dangerous condition or otherwise unfit for human habitation,
the concerned local government may prohibit the occupation of such building
till it has been suitably repaired to the satisfaction of the local government.
(4) If the building is in dangerous condition
and declared unfit for human habitation, the concerned local government may,
for the purpose of demolition, eject the owner or occupier from such building
with such necessary force as may be required or in the laid down manner.
(5) Where it appears to the concerned local
government that any block of buildings is in an unhealthy condition by reason
of the manner in which the buildings are crowded together, or of the narrowness
or closeness of the street, or of the want of proper drainage or ventilation,
or of the impracticability of cleansing the buildings or other similar cause,
it may cause the block to be inspected by a committee consisting of such
officials of the concerned local government as prescribed in the bye-laws.
The committee shall
make a report in writing to the concerned local government on the sanitary
condition of the block, and if it considers that the condition thereof is
likely to cause risk of disease to the inhabitants of the building or of the
neighbourhood or otherwise to endanger the public health it shall clearly
indicate on a plan verified by a senior technical professional of the concerned
local government the buildings which should in its opinion wholly or in part be
removed in order to abate the unhealthy condition of the block.
If, upon receipt of
such report, the concerned local government is of the opinion that all or any
building indicated should be removed, it may, by notice in writing, require the
owners, thereof to remove them:
For the purposes of
this sub-paragraph “buildings” includes enclosure walls and fences appertaining
to buildings.
(6) Where it appears to a local government
that any building or part of a building which is used as a dwelling house is so
overcrowded as to endanger the health of the inmates thereof, it may, after
such inquiry as it thinks fit, by notice in writing require the owner or
occupier of the building or part thereof, as the case may be, within such time
not being less than one month as may be specified in the notice, to abate the
overcrowding of the same by reducing the number of lodgers, tenants, or other
inmates to such number as may be specified in the notice.
30 Projections and obstructions.– (1) No owner or occupier of any building in a local area shall, without
the permission in writing of the concerned local government add to or place
against or in front of the building any projection or structure overhanging,
projecting into, or encroaching on, any street or any drain, sewer or aqueduct
(2) The concerned local government may, by
notice in writing, require the owner or occupier of any such building to alter
or remove any such projection or encroachment as aforesaid.
31. Unauthorized buildings
over drains, etc.– A local government may, by
notice in writing, require any person who has, without its permission in
writing, newly erected or re-erected any structure over any public sewer,
drain, culvert, water-course or water-pipe in its local area to pull down or
otherwise deal with the same as it thinks fit.
32. Drainage and sewer
connections.– (1) A local government may, by notice in writing, require the owner or
lessee of any building or land in any street, at his own expense and in such
manner as the concerned local government thinks fit, to put up and keep in good
condition proper troughs and pipes for receiving and carrying rain water from
the building or land and for discharging the same or to establish and maintain
any other connection or communication between such building or land and any
drain or sewer.
(2) For the purpose of efficiently draining
any building or land in its local area, the concerned local government may, by
notice in writing, require the owner or lessee of the building or land–
(a) to pave, with such materials and in such
manner as it thinks fit, any courtyard, ally or passage between two or more
buildings, or
(b) to keep
any such paving in proper repair.
33. Power to attach brackets
for lamps.–A local government may attach to the outside of any building, or to any
tree in its local area, brackets for lamps in such manner as not to occasion
injury thereto or inconvenience.
34. Power to make bye-laws.–A local government may make
bye-laws prescribing–
(a) the
manner in which notice of the intention to erect or re-erect a building in its
local area shall be given to the local government and the information and plans
to be furnished with the notice;
(b) the type
or description of buildings which may or may not, and the purpose for which a
building may or may not, be erected or re-erected in its local area or any part
(c) the
minimum cubic capacity of any room or rooms in a building which is to be
erected or re-erected;
(d) the fees
payable on provision by the concerned local government of plans or
specifications of the type of buildings which may be erected in the local area
or any part thereof;
(e) the
circumstances in which a mosque, temple or church or other sacred building may
be erected or re-erected; and
(f) any other
matter which the concerned local government may consider necessary.
Burial Places and Cremation
35. Power to call for
information regarding burial and burning grounds.– (1) The concerned local government may, by notice in writing, require
the owner or person in charge of any burial or burning ground within its area
to supply such information as may be specified in the notice concerning the
condition, management or position of such ground.
(2) No place which has not been used as a
burial or burning ground before the commencement of the Act shall be so used without
the permission in writing of the concerned local government.
(3) No new burial or burning place shall be
established within the local area of a local government except under a license
granted by the local government and in conformity with the condition of such
(4) A burial or burning place which is not
administered by a local government shall be registered with the concerned local
government and shall be subject to regulation, supervision and inspection by it
in such manner as the byelaws may provide.
(5) The Government may, by notification in
the official Gazette, declare that any burial or burning place which is open to
public for burial or burning shall vest in a local government and thereupon
such burial or burning place shall vest in the local government and it shall
take all measures necessary for the proper maintenance and administration
(6) The concerned local government may
provide suitable places for the burial or burning of the dead, and shall take
necessary measures for the proper maintenance and administration of such burial
and burning places.
(7) Where a local government after making or
causing to be made a local inquiry, is of opinion that any burial or burning
ground in its local area has become offensive, to, or dangerous to, the health
of, persons living in the neighbourhood, it may, by notice in writing, require
the owner or person in charge of such ground to close the same from such date
as may be specified in the notice.
(8) Where such notice is issued, the concerned
local government may provide at its own expense or, if the community concerned
is willing to provide a new burial or burning ground, shall provide a grant to
be made towards the cost of the same.
(9) No corpse shall be buried or burnt in
any burial or burning ground in respect of which a notice issued under this
paragraph is for the time being in force.
Fairs and Shows
36. Fairs and shows.– The concerned local
government may make such arrangements on the occasion of any fairs, shows or
public festivals within its local area as may be necessary for the public
health, public safety and public convenience..
Drainage and Sewerage
37. Drainage.– (1) The concerned local government shall provide an adequate system of
public drains in its local area and all such drains shall be constructed,
maintained, kept cleared and emptied with due regard to the health and
convenience of the public.
(2) Every owner or occupier of any land or
building within the local area of the concerned local government may, with its
previous permission, and subject to such terms and conditions, including the
payment of fees, as it may impose, cause his drains to be emptied into public
(3) All private drains shall be subject to
control, regulation and inspection by the concerned local government.
(4) Subject to the provisions of any other
law for the time being in force, the concerned local government may by notice
direct a commercial or industrial concern to provide for the disposal of its
waste or effluent in the manner specified, and failure on the part of owner,
tenant or occupier thereof to comply with such directions, shall be a municipal
(5) The concerned local government may, by
notice, require the owner of any building, land or an industrial concern within
its local area–
(a) to construct such drains
within the building or land or the street adjoining such building or land and
to take such other measures for treatment and disposal of effluent as may be
specified in the notice;
(b) to remove, alter or
improve any such drains; and
(c) to take other steps for
the effective drainage of the building or land as may be specified.
(6) In case of failure of owner to comply
with the requirements of notice under sub-paragraph (5), the concerned local
government may itself cause such requirements to be carried out, and the cost
so incurred shall be deemed to be a tax levied on the owner of the building or
land, as the case may be, under the Act.
38. Drainage and sewerage
schemes for commercial and industrial area.– (1) The concerned local government may, by notice, require the owners,
tenants and occupiers of commercial and industrial concerns in any area or
areas within its local area to have at their own cost prepared a scheme for the
adequate and safe drainage and disposal of their wastes and effluent of the
quality permitted under the rule or the byelaws and submit it to the local
government within the time specified in the notice:
provided that the time
limit may be extended by the local government for a maximum period of three
months at the request of the owners, tenants or occupiers of the commercial and
the industrial units concerned.
(2) The drainage, sewerage and disposal
scheme as approved by the local government with modifications, if any, shall be
executed and implemented by the owners, tenants or occupiers of the commercial
or industrial units at their expense in such manner and within such time as may
be specified by the local government.
(3) In case of the failure of the owners,
tenants or occupiers of the commercial or industrial concerns to comply with
the provisions of sub-paragraphs (1) and (2), the concerned local government
may itself prepare the drainage, sewerage and disposal scheme and execute and
implement it at its own expense, and the cost so incurred shall, under the Act,
be deemed to be a tax levied on the owners, tenants or occupiers of the
industrial and commercial units concerned.
39. Encroachment
.– (1) No person shall make an encroachment movable or immovable on an
open space or land vested in or managed, maintained or controlled by a local
government, or on, over or under a street, road, graveyard, within its local
area or a drain.
(2) The local government may, after such
notice as may be considered reasonable, remove the encroachment mentioned in
sub-paragraph (1) with such force as may be necessary.
(3) A person who trespasses into or is in
wrongful occupation of a building or property which is vested in or is managed,
maintained or controlled by a local government may, in addition to any other
penalty to which he may be liable under the Act or any other law for the time
being in force, after such notice as may be considered reasonable by the local
government, be ejected from such building or property by the local government
with such force as may be necessary.
(4) Any person aggrieved by the notice
issued under sub-paragraph (3) may, within seven days, of the service of
notice, appeal to such authority as may be prescribed in the bye-laws and its
decision thereon shall be final.
(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in
any other law, no compensation shall be payable for any encroachment removed or
ejectment carried out under this paragraph.
(6) The cost of removal of encroachment or
ejectment under this paragraph shall be payable to the local government by the
encroacher or wrongful occupier, and if the cost is not paid on demand the
local government may cause it to be recovered as arrears of land revenue or
cause the materials or articles used by the encroacher or the wrongful occupier
of encroachment or wrongful occupation to be sold in auction and if the
proceeds of the sale are not sufficient to cover the cost the balance shall be
recoverable as arrears of land revenue but if such proceeds exceed the cost,
the excess shall be paid to the encroacher or the wrongful occupier.
(7) In this paragraph, “encroacher” or
“wrongful occupier” shall include a person who owns the materials or articles
used for encroachment or wrongful occupation at the time of removal of
encroachment or ejectment and also any person in possession thereof on his
behalf or with his permission or connivance.
Food and Markets
40. Public markets and
slaughter-houses.– (1) A local government may
provide and maintain within its own local area, public markets and public
slaughter-houses, in such number as it thinks fit, together with stalls, shops,
sheds, pens and other buildings or conveniences for the use of persons carrying
on trade or business in or frequenting such markets or slaughter-houses, and
may provide and maintain in any such market buildings, places, machines,
weights, scales and measures for the weighment or measurement of goods sold
(2) The concerned local government may at
any time, by public notice either close or relocate any public market or public
slaughterhouse or any part thereof.
41. Use of public markets.– (1) No person shall,
without the general or special permission for sale by such person be summarily
removed from the market by or under the orders of the concerned local
government by any officer or servant of the concerned local government
authorized by it in this behalf.
(2) Any person contravening the provisions
of this paragraph and any animal or article exposed for sale by such person may
be summarily removed from the market by or under the orders of the concerned
local government by an officer or servant of the concerned local government
authorized by it in this behalf.
42. Levy of stallages, rents
and fees.– A local government may, in respect of pubic market and public slaughter
(a) charge
for the occupation or use of any stall, shop standing, shed or pen in a public
market, or public slaughter-house; or for the right to expose goods for sale in
a public market; or for weighing or measuring goods sold therein; or for the
right to bring in goods on vehicles or animals or for animals brought for sale
or sold; or for the right to slaughter animals in any public slaughter-house;
such stallages, rents and fees as it thinks fit; including that from brokers
commission agents, and others practicing their calling therein;
(b) or direct
the concerned local government to receive such approved rents and fees leviable
as aforesaid or any portion thereof for any period not exceeding one year at a
time; or
(c) put up to
public auctions or dispose of by private sale, the privilege of occupying or
using any stall, shops, standing, shed or pen in a public market or public
slaughter house for such term and on such conditions as it may approve.
43. Stallages, rents, etc. to
be published.–A copy of the table of stallages, rents and fees, if any, leviable in
any public market or public slaughter-house, and of the bye-laws made under the
Act for the purpose of regulating the use of such market or slaughter-house,
printed in Urdu and in such other language or languages as the local government
may direct, shall be affixed in some conspicuous place in the market or
44. Private markets and
slaughter-houses.– (1) No place in a local area other than a public market shall be used as
a market, and no place in a local area other than a public slaughter-house
shall be used as a slaughter-house, unless such place has been licensed as a
market or slaughter-house, as the case may be, by the concerned local
(2) Nothing in sub-paragraph (1) shall be
deemed to restrict the slaughter of any animal in any place on the occasion of
any festival or ceremony, subject to such conditions as to prior or subsequent
notice as the concerned local government with the previous sanction of the
local government may, by public or special notice, impose in this behalf.
45. Conditions of grant of
license for private market or slaughter-house.– (1) A local government may charge such fees as approved by its local
government for the grant of a licnese to any person
to open a private market or private slaughter-house and may grant such license
subject to such conditions, consistent with the Act and any bye-laws made
thereunder, as it thinks fit to impose.
(2) The concerned local government may
refuse to grant any such licence for reasons to be
46. Prohibition of keeping
market or slaughter-house open without licence, etc.–
(1) No person shall keep open for public use any market or
slaughter-house in respect of which a licence
therefor is suspended, or after the same has been cancelled.
(2) When a licence
to open a private market or private slaughter-house is granted or refused or is
suspended or cancelled, the concerned local government shall cause a notice of
the grant, refusal, suspension or cancellation to be pasted in Urdu and in such
other language or languages as it thinks necessary, in some conspicuous place
nearby the entrance of the place to which the notice relates.
47. Prohibition of using
unlicensed market or slaughter-houses.– No person shall, knowing that any market or slaughter-house has been
opened to the public without a licence having been
obtained therefor when such licence is required by or
under the Act, or that the licence granted therefor
is for the time being suspended or that it has been cancelled, sell or expose
for sale any article in such market, or slaughters any animal in such
48. Prohibition and
restriction of use of slaughter-houses.– (1) Where, in the opinion of the concerned local government it is necessary
on sanitary grounds so to do, it may, by public notice, prohibit for such
period, not exceeding one month as may be specified in the notice, or for such
further period, not exceeding one month, as it may specify by a like notice,
the use of any private slaughter-house specified in the notice, or the
slaughter therein of any animal of any description so specified.
(2) A copy of every notice issued under
sub-paragraph (1) shall be conspicuously posted in the slaughter-house to which
it relates.
49. Power to inspect
slaughter-house.– (1) Any servant of a local government authorized by order in writing in
this behalf by the concerned local government may, if he has reason to believe
that any animal has been, is being, or is about to be slaughtered in any place
in contravention of the provisions of the Act enter into and inspect any such
place at any time, whether by day or by night.
(2) Every such order shall specify the place
to be entered and the locality in which the same is situated and the period,
which shall not exceed seven days, for which the order is to remain in force.
50. Power to make bye-laws.–A local government may make
bye-laws consistent with the Act to provide for all or any of the following
matters, namely:-
(a) the days on, and the hours during, which
any private market or private slaughterhouse may be kept open for use;
(b) the regulation of the design,
ventilation and drainage of such markets and slaughterhouses, and the material
to be used in the construction thereof;
(c) the keeping of such markets and
slaughter-houses and lands and buildings appertaining thereto in a clean and
sanitary condition, the removal of filth and refuse therefrom, and the supply
therein of pure water and of a sufficient number of latrines and urinals for
the use of persons using or frequenting the same;
(d) the manner in which animals shall be
stalled at a slaughter-house;
(e) the manner in which animals may be
(f) the disposal or destruction of animals
offered for slaughter which are, from disease or any other cause, unfit for
human consumption;
(g) the destruction of carcasses which from
disease or any other cause are found after slaughter to be unfit for human
(h) any other matter which the concerned
local government may consider necessary including any specific exemptions from
the application of the bye-laws.
Licensing: General Provisions
51. Power to vary license.–If a local government is satisfied that any place used under a license
granted by it under the Act is a nuisance or is likely to be dangerous to life,
health or property, the concerned local government may, by notice in writing,
require the owner, lessee or occupier thereof to discontinue the use of such
place or to effect such alterations, additions, or improvements as will, in the
opinion of the concerned local government, render it no longer a nuisance or
Open Spaces
52. Gardens.– (1) The concerned local government may lay-out and maintain within its
local area such public gardens as may be necessary for the recreation and
convenience of the public and such public gardens shall be maintained and
administered in such manner as the byelaws, may provide.
(2) For every public garden there shall be
framed and enforced, in the manner prescribed, a garden development plan, which
shall provide for the development and improvement of the garden.
53. Open spaces.– The concerned local government may provide and maintain within its
local area such open spaces as may be necessary for the convenience of the
public and such spaces shall be grassed, hedged, planted and equipped with such
amenities and in such manner as the byelaws may provide.
54. Land use plan.– Subject to any other
special law for the time being in force, the concerned local government may
draw up or cause to draw up land use plan for its local area which shall, among
other matters, provide for–
(a) a survey of its local area including its
history, statistics, public service and other particulars;
(b) development, expansion and improvement
of any area within the local area;
(c) restrictions, regulations and
prohibitions to be imposed with regard to the development of sites, and the
erection and re-erection of buildings within the local area; and
(d) such other matters as the concerned local
government may require to be included in the plan.
55. Site development schemes.– (1) Where a plan has been
drawn up and such plan has been approved, no owner of land exceeding such area
as may be specified in this behalf in the plan so approved shall develop the
site or erect or re-erect a building on any plot of land covered by the plan,
except in conformity with the provisions of a site development scheme
sanctioned for the area in the manner prescribed.
(2) Where a plan has not been drawn up, no
owner of land shall develop the site or erect or re-erect any building on any
plot or land except in conformity with the provisions of the site development
scheme sanctioned by the concerned local government.
(3) An owner of land who desires to develop
a plot or a piece of land belonging to him for which no sanctioned site
development scheme exists, or where the proposed development is not in
conformity with the existing development scheme, he may apply to the concerned
local government for sanction of his development scheme and the local
government may, on such terms and conditions and on payment of such fees or
charges as may be laid down by it in its byelaws, sanction the same:
provided further that
the concerned local government may, after giving notice and for reasons to be
recorded, cancel, modify or withdraw the sanction any time.
(4) Among other matters, the site
development scheme shall provide for–
(a) the division of the site
into plots;
(b) provision for streets,
drains and open spaces;
(c) reservation of land for
public utility services to be transferred to the concerned local government;
(d) provisions for
acquisition of land by the local government, if any;
(e) the works that shall be
executed at the cost of the owners of the site or sites; and
(f) the period during which
the area shall be developed.
(5) The land reserved for public utility
services in the Site Development Scheme shall be transferred, free of cost, by
the owner or the owners to the local government before the sanction of the
scheme. Such land shall not be converted or used for any purpose other than
that shown in the same scheme.
56. Execution of site
development schemes.– (1) The execution of site development scheme shall be subject to the
inspection and control of the concerned local government and the local
government may from time to time give such directions with regard to the
execution of the scheme as may be deemed necessary.
(2) If any area is developed or otherwise
dealt with in contravention of the provisions of the sanctioned scheme, the
local government may, by notice, require the owner of such area or the person
who has contravened the provisions to make such alteration, in the site as may
be specified in the notice, and where such alteration is not made or for any
reason cannot be carried out, the local government may require and enforce the
demolition of unauthorized structure and notwithstanding anything to the
contrary contained in any law, no compensation shall be payable for such
(3) If an area for which a scheme has been
sanctioned is not developed within the period provided in the scheme and
further extension is not allowed by the local government, or if the development
is not in conformity with the terms of the site development scheme, the local
government may take over the development of the scheme and execute the
necessary works as prescribed.
57. Insanitary buildings and lands.– (1) The concerned local
government may, by notice, require the owners or occupier of any building or
land which is in insanitary or unwholesome state–
(a) to clean or otherwise
put in it in a proper state;
(b) to make arrangements to
the satisfaction of the local government for its proper sanitation; and
(c) to limewash the building
and to make such essential repairs as may be specified in the notice.
(2) If in the opinion of a local government any
well, tank, reservoir, pool, depression, or excavation, or any bank or tree, is
in a ruinous state or for want of sufficient repairs, protection or enclosure a
nuisance or dangerous to persons passing by or dwelling or working in the
neighbourhood, the concerned local government may by notice in writing, require
the owner or part-owner or person claiming to be the owner or part-owner
thereof, or, failing any of them, the occupier thereof to remove the same, or
may require him to repair, or to protect or enclose the same in such manner as
it thinks necessary; and, if the danger is, in the opinion of the concerned
local government imminent, it shall forthwith take such steps as it thinks
necessary to avert the same.
58. Removal, collection and
disposal of refuse.– (1) The concerned local government shall make adequate arrangements for
the removal of refuse from all public roads and streets, public latrines,
urinals, drains and all buildings and lands vested in the local government and
for the collection and proper disposal of such refuse.
(2) The occupiers of all other buildings and
lands within the local area of a local government shall be responsible for the
removal of refuse from such buildings and land subject to the general control
and supervision of the local government where relevant.
(3) The concerned local government shall
cause public dustbins or other suitable receptacles to be provided at suitable
places and where such dustbins or receptacles are provided, the concerned local
government may, by public notice, require that all refuse accumulating in any
premises or land shall be deposited by the owner or occupier of such premises
or land in such dustbins or receptacles.
(4) All refuse removed and collected by the
staff of a local government or under their control and supervision and all
refuse deposited in the dustbins and other receptacles provided by the local
government shall be property of the local government.
(5) The concerned local government may, by
notice issue directions at which the manner in which and the conditions subject
to which, any matter referred to in this paragraph may be carried out.
59. Latrines and urinals.– (1) The concerned local
government shall provide and maintain in sufficient number and in proper
situations public latrines and urinals for the separate use of each sex, and
shall cause the same to be kept in proper order and to be regularly and
properly cleaned.
(2) A local government may, by notice in writing:-
(a) require any person
having the control whether as owner, lessee or occupier of any land or
(i) to close any cesspool
appertaining to the land or building which is, in the opinion of the concerned
local government a nuisance; or
(ii) to keep in a clean
condition, in such manner as may be specified in the notice, any receptacle or
filth or sewage accumulating on the land or in the building; or
(iii) to prevent the water of
any private latrine, urinal, sink or bath-room or any other offensive matter,
from soaking, draining or flowing, or being put, from the land or building upon
any street or other public place or into any water-course or other specified
waterbody or into any drain not intended for the purpose; or
(iv) to collect and deposit
for removal by the conservancy establishment of the concerned local government
within such time and in such receptacle or place, situated at not more than thirty five meters from the nearest boundary of the
premises, as may be specified in the notice, any offensive matter or rubbish
which such person has allowed to accumulate or remain under, in or on such
building or land; or
(b) require any person to
desist from making or altering any drain leading into a public drain; or
(c) require any person
having the control of a drain to cleanse, purify, repair or alter the same, or
otherwise put it in good order, within such time as may be specified in the
(3) Where any premises are without privy or
urinal accommodation, or without adequate privy or urinal accommodation, or the
privy or urinal is on any ground objectionable, the concerned local government
may, by notice, require the owner or occupier of such premises–
(a) to provide such or such
additional privy or urinal accommodation as may be specified in the notice;
(b) to make such structural
or other alteration in the existing privy or urinal accommodation as may be so
(c) to remove the privy or
urinal; and
(d) where there is any
underground sewerage system to substitute connected privy or connected urinal
accommodation for any service privy or service-urinal accommodation.
(4) In case the owner or occupier of any
building or land who has been served notice under sub-paragraph (3), fails to
make arrangements to the satisfaction of the concerned local authority for the
matter referred to in this paragraph, the concerned local government may
undertake such roles and the cost so incurred shall be deemed to be a tax
levied under the Act on the owner or occupier.
60. Private latrines.–The concerned local
government may, by notice in writing,–
(a) require the owner or
other person having the control of any private latrine or urinal not to put the
same to public use; or
(b) where any plan for the
construction of private latrines or urinals has been approved by the concerned
local government and copies thereof may be obtained free of charge on application,–
(i) require any person
repairing or constructing any private latrine or urinal not to allow the same
to be used until it has been inspected by or under the direction of the
concerned local government and approved by it as conforming with such plan; or
(ii) require any person
having control of any private latrine or urinal to re-build or alter the same
in accordance with such plan; or
(c) require the owner or
other person having the control of any such private latrine or urinal which, in
the opinion of the concerned local government constitutes a nuisance, to remove
the latrine or urinal; or
(d) require any person having
the control whether as owner, lessee or occupier of any land or building–
(i) to have any latrines
provided for the same covered by a sufficient roof and wall or fence from the
view of persons passing by or dwelling in the neighbourhood, or
(ii) to keep such latrine or
urinal in proper state to the satisfaction of the concerned local government
and shall employ such staff for the purpose as may be necessary or as may be
specified by the local government.
(e) require any person being
the owner and having the control of any drain to provide, within ten days from
the service of the notice, such covering as may be specified in the notice.
61. Bathing and washing places.– The concerned local government may from time to time–
(a) set apart suitable
places for use by the public for bathing;
(b) specify the time at
which and the gender of persons by whom such places may be used; and
(c) prohibit by public
notice, the use by the public for any of the said purposes of any place not so
set apart.
Registration of Births and Deaths
62. Births and deaths.– The concerned local
government shall register all births and deaths within the limits of its local
area and information of such births and deaths shall be given by such persons
or authorities, and shall be registered in such manner, as may be prescribed.
Streets and Street Lighting
63. Public streets.–
(1) The concerned local government shall provide and maintain such
public streets and other means of public communications as may be necessary.
(2) The concerned local government shall, in
the manner prescribed, prepare and execute a road maintenance and development
64. Streets.–
(1) No new street shall be laid out except with the previous sanction of
the concerned local government and in conformity with the terms and conditions
of such sanction.
(2) All streets other than public streets
shall be maintained in such manner as the byelaws may provide.
(3) The concerned local government may, by
notice, require that any street may be paved, metalled,
drained, channeled, approved or lighted in such manner as may be specified and
in the event of default, the local government may have the necessary work done
through its agency and the cost so incurred shall be deemed to be a tax levied
on the person concerned under the Act.
(4) Government may prescribe
the manner in which a street other than a public street may be converted into a
public street.
65. Street lighting and electrification.– (1) The concerned local government shall take such measures as may be
necessary for the proper lighting of the public streets and other public places
vested in the local government by oil, gas, electricity, solar or such other
illuminant as the local government may determine.
(2) The local government shall also provide
or cause to be provided electricity in coordination with the concerned
department to its local area for public and private purposes.
(3) The concerned local government may frame
and enforce street lighting and electrification schemes.
66 Street watering.–
The concerned local government shall take such measures as may be
necessary for the watering of public streets for the comfort and convenience of
the public, and may, for this purpose, maintain such vehicles, staff and other
apparatus as may be necessary.
67. Provision of washing places.– (1) A local government may
provide suitable places for the exercise by washermen of their calling, and may
require payment of such fees as may be prescribed by the local government.
(2) Where the concerned local government has
provided such places as aforesaid it may, by public notice, prohibit the
washing of clothes by washermen at any other place within that part of the
local area:
Provided that such
prohibition shall not be deemed to apply to the washing by a washerman of his
own clothes or of the clothes of any other person who is an occupier of the
place at which they are washed.
68. Public ferries.–
(1) The concerned local government may, by byelaws, provide for the
licensing of boats and other vessels plying for hire in a public watercourse
and may specify the terms and conditions for the grant of licences
and the fees to be charged therefor.
(2) Government may declare any part of the
public watercourse to be a public ferry and may entrust the management thereof
to the concerned local government which shall manage and operate the public
ferry in such manner and levy such toll as may be necessary.
Water Supply
69. Water supply.–
(1) The concerned local government shall provide or cause to be provided
to its local area a supply of wholesome water sufficient for public and private
(2) Where a piped water supply is provided,
the concerned local government shall supply water to private and public
premises in such manner and on payment of such charges as the byelaws may
70. Private source of water supply.– (1) All private sources of
water supply within the local area of the concerned local government shall be
subject to control, regulation and inspection by the local government.
(2) No new well, water-pump or any other
source of water for drinking purposes, shall be dug, constructed or provided
except with the sanction of the concerned local government.
(3) The concerned local government may, by
notice, require the owner or any person having the control of any private
source of water supply used for drinking purposes–
(a) to keep the same in good
order and to clean it from time to time of silt, refuse and decaying matter;
(b) to protect the same from
contamination in such manner as the local government directs; and
(c) if the water therein is
proved to the satisfaction of the local government to be unfit for drinking
purposes, to take such measures as may be specified in the notice to prevent
the use of such water for drinking purposes.
71. Public watercourses.–
(1) The concerned local government may, with the previous sanction of
the Government, declare any source of water, river, spring, tank, pond or
public stream, or any part thereof within its local area, which is not private
property, to be a public watercourse.
(2) The concerned local government may, in
respect of any public watercourse, provide such amenities, make such
arrangements for lifesaving, execute such works, and subject to the provisions
of any law for the time being in force relating to irrigation, drainage and
navigation, regulate the use thereof, as the byelaws may provide.
72. Tanks, ponds and
low-lying areas.– The concerned local government may take such steps with regard to the
excavation or re-excavation of tanks and ponds and the reclamation of low-lying
areas as it thinks fit or, as the case may be, Government directs.
Naming or Re-Naming of Roads, Streets or Public Places
73. Power to Name
or Rename a road, a street or a public place.– The concerned local government may, in the prescribed manner, name or
re-name, any road, street or public place within its local area.
[see sections 172, 178]
Sr.# |
Offence |
1. |
Failure of industrial or commercial concerns to provide adequate and
safe disposal of affluent or prevention of their mixing up with the water
supply or sewerage system; or Discharging any dangerous chemical, inflammable, hazardous or
offensive article in any drain, or sewer, public water course or public land
vested in or managed, maintained or controlled by the local government in
such manner as causes or is likely to cause danger to persons passing by or
living or working in neighbourhood, or risk or injury to property. |
2. |
Development of a private housing scheme: without approval of a local
government; or on a non-conforming use. |
Sr. # |
Offence |
3. |
Overcharging or illegally charging any tax, fee, fine, charge or rate
by an employee of a local government or a contractor or his staff without the
authority of a local government. |
4. |
Preparing or using counterfeit or prescribed Forms of the local
government. |
5. |
Willfully obstructing any officer or servant of a local government or
any person authorized to exercise power conferred under this Act. |
6. |
Failure to deliver back possession of property to the local government
on cancellation and expiration of lease. |
7. |
Doing an act without license or permission when the doing of such act
requires a license or permission under any of the provisions of this Act or
the rules or bye-laws. |
8. |
Evasion of payment of tax or other impost lawfully levied by a local
government. |
9. |
Supplying or marketing drinking water for human consumption in any
form, from any source which is contaminated or suspected to be dangerous to
public health, or its use has been prohibited by a local government on the
ground of being unsafe for human consumption, or whose quality and
suitability for human consumption has not been ascertained and certified by a
laboratory authorized by the Government. |
10. |
Cultivation of agriculture produce or crop, for supply or sale to
public using such manure, or irrigating it with sewer water or any such
liquid as may be injurious to public health or offensive to the
neighbourhood. |
11. |
Violation of the prohibitions provided in the Master Plan, the
sanctioned Site Development Schemes under this Act or any other law for the
time being in force including the plans and schemes sanctioned under the
repealed enactments. |
12. |
Immovable encroachment in or on or under any property or any open
space or land vested in or managed, maintained or controlled by
a local government. |
13. |
Erection or re-erection of building over set back area or parking area
or building line area required to be left open under the rules for using such
space for any purpose which is not approved. |
14. |
Changing or converting into any other use any portion of a commercial
building or area specified or earmarked for public parking. |
15. |
Failure to demolish or otherwise secure a building declared by the
local government to be dangerous building. |
16. |
Establishing any parking stand on any property or on any open space
and public park or land vested in or managed, maintained or controlled by a
local government on or under a street, road, graveyard or a drain without the
sanction of the concerned local government. |
17. |
Quarrying, blasting, cutting timber or carrying building operations in
such manner as causes or is likely to cause danger to persons passing by or
living or working in the neighbourhood. |
18. |
Erection or re-erection of a building without the sanction required
under this Act or using a building for a purpose which may endanger the
security of people. |
19. |
Dyeing or tanning skins within such distance of any commercial or
residential areas as may be specified by the local government. |
20. |
Dumping of solid waste and refuse by any person or entity on a place
other than landfill or dumping site, notified or designated by the concerned
local government. |
21. |
Contravention of the prohibition or attempt or abetment of any of the
offences in this Part |
Sr.# |
Offence |
22. |
Establishing any cattle market without permission of the local
government. |
23. |
Establishing any bus, wagon, taxi or other commercial motorized or
non-motorized vehicle stand, for purposes of plying them on different routes,
on any road, street, footpath, public place or any other property vested or
managed or controlled or maintained by a local government without its
permission. |
24. |
Establishing or running any restaurant or vending stalls for eatables
on any road, street, footpath, public place, over a drain, or any other
property vesting in or managed or controlled or maintained by a local
government without its permission. |
25. |
Establishing a brick kiln and lime kiln within such distance of a
residential area as may be specified by the local government. |
26. |
Cutting down of any tree, or erection or demolition of any building or
part of a building where such action is declared under this Act to be a cause
of danger or annoyance to the public. |
27. |
Contravention of the prohibition or attempt or abetment of any of the
offences in this Part. |
[see sections 172, 174]
Sr.# |
Offence |
Amount of Fine |
1. |
Fixing of wooden khokhas, and
temporary shops or extension thereof on footpaths or beyond the street line. |
Rs.4,000 |
2. |
Plying of handcarts for the sale of goods without permission. |
Rs.500 |
3. |
Failure by the owner or occupier of any land to clear away and remove
any vegetation declared by a local government to be injurious to health or
offensive to neighbourhoods. |
Rs.1,000 |
4. |
Slaughtering of animals for the sale of meat at a place other than the
place set apart for the purpose. |
Rs.4,000 |
5. |
Without the permission of the local government, causing or knowingly
or negligently allowing the contents of any sink, sewer or cesspool or any
other offensive matter to flow, or drain or to be put upon any street, or
public place, or into irrigation channel or any sewer or drain not set apart
for the purpose. |
Rs.10,000 in case of industrial concerns, Rs.5,000 in case of
commercial concerns and Rs.2,000 for others. |
6. |
Keeping or maintaining any cattle in any part of the prohibited zone
or failure to remove the cattle from the prohibited zone within the specified
time when an order to this effect has been made. |
Rs.5,000 |
7. |
Keeping ferocious dogs or other animals in residential areas or taking
such animals to public places or the areas specified by the local government,
without leash or chain and without being muzzled or to set at large any
animal or dog infected with rabies or any other infectious disease. |
Rs.10,000 |
8. |
Obstructing or tampering with any road, street, drain or pavement. |
Rs.5,000 |
9. |
Obstructing or tampering with any main pipe, meter or any apparatus or
appliance for the supply of water or sewerage system. |
Rs.5,000 |
10. |
Without the previous sanction of the local government: 1. laying out a drain or altering any drain in a street or road; 2. connecting any house drain with a drain in a public street; and 3. drawing off, diverting or taking any water except with the
permission required under this Act. |
Rs.5,000 |
11. |
Without prior permission of the local government, excavation of earth,
stone or any other material within such distance of the residential area as
specified by the local government. |
Rs.5,000 |
12. |
Burying or burning a dead body at a place which is not a public or
registered burial or burning place, except with the sanction of the local
government. |
Rs.5,000 |
13. |
Failure to furnish, on requisition, information in respect of any
matter which a local government is authorized to call for under any of the
provisions of this Act, rules or bye-laws or furnishing wrong information. |
Rs.5000 |
14. |
Obstructing lawful seizure of animals liable to be impounded on the
ground of violations of rules or by-laws governing the picketing, tethering,
keeping, milching or slaughter of animals or their
trespass of private or public property. |
Rs.5,000 |
15. |
Picketing, parking animals or collecting carts or vehicles on any
street, using any street as a halting place for vehicle or animals or as a
place encampment without the permission of the local government. |
Rs.1,000 |
16. |
Causing or permitting animals to stray or keeping, tethering,
stalling, feeding or gazing any cattle on any road, street or thoroughfare or
in any public place or damaging or causing or permitting to be damaged any
road, street or thoroughfare by allowing cattle to move thereon. |
Rs.1,000 |
17. |
Disposal of carcasses of animals within prohibited distance. |
Rs.5,000 |
18. |
Failure to dispose of offal, fat or any organ or part of a dead animal
in a place set apart for the purpose by the local government. |
Rs.3,000 |
19. |
Throwing or placing any refuse, litter or garbage on any street, or in
any place, not provided or appointed for the purpose by a local government. |
Rs.1,000 |
20. |
Failure to provide for disposal of litter or garbage inside or outside
a shop by its owner or occupier. |
Rs.1,000 |
21. |
Failure to maintain clean premises of the area in front of a shop,
office or factory up to the public street or road serving this facility. |
Rs.2,000 |
22. |
Watering cattle or animals, or bathing or washing at or near a well or
other source of drinking water for the public. |
Rs.1,000 |
23. |
Steeping hemp, jute or any other plant in or near a pond or any other
excavation within such distance of the residential area as may be specified
by a local government. |
Rs.2,000 |
24. |
Failure to provide, close, remove, alter, repair, clean, disinfect or
put in proper order any latrine, urinal drain, cesspool or other receptacle
for filth, sullage, water or refuse by an owner or occupier of a house, shop,
office, industry or premises. |
Rs.5,000 in case of industrial concerns, Rs.3,000 in case of
commercial concerns and Rs.2,000 for others. |
25. |
Failure to clean the premises, houses, shops and cultivated lands of
the plastic bags and other non-perishable materials. |
Rs.1,000 |
26. |
Damaging or polluting physical environment, inside or outside private
or public premises, in a manner to endanger public health. |
Rs.4,000 for public premises and Rs.1,000 for private premises |
27. |
Failure by the owner or occupier of any land to cut or trim the hedges
growing thereon which overhang any well, tank or other source from which
water is derived for public use. |
Rs.1,000 |
28. |
Failure by the owner or occupier of any land or building to clean,
repair, cover, fill up or drain off any private well, tank or other source of
water supply, which is declared under this Act to be injurious to health or
offensive to the neighbourhood. |
Rs.2,000 |
29. |
Failure to stop leakages of water pipes, faucets and sanitary fittings
resulting in dirty water pools affecting physical environments and breeding
of mosquitoes. |
Rs.2,000 |
30. |
Failure of an owner or occupier of any building or land to put up and
keep in good condition troughs and pipes for receiving or carrying water or
sullage water. |
Rs.2,000 |
31. |
Defacing or disturbing, without due authorization, any direction-post,
lamp post or lamp extinguishing or any light arranged by a local government. |
Rs.2,000 |
32. |
Fixing any bill, notice, playcard, poster or
other paper or means of advertisement against or upon any private or public
building or place other than the places fixed for the purpose by a local
government. |
Rs.10,000 |
33. |
Exhibiting any obscene advertisement. |
Rs.20,000 |
34. |
Loud playing of music or radio, beating of drum or tom-tom, blowing a
horn or beating or sounding any brass or other instruments or utensils in
contravention of any general or special prohibition issued by a local
government or in and around a hospital or an educational institution. |
Rs.5,000 |
35. |
Loud shouting in abusive language causing distress to the inhabitants
of a neighbourhood or Village or any other public place. |
Rs.2,000 |
36. |
Using or allowing the use for human habitation of a building declared
by a local government to be unfit for human habitation. |
Rs.2,000 |
37. |
Failure to lime-wash or repair a building, if so
required by local government. |
Rs.2,000 |
38. |
Begging importunately for alms by exposing any deformity or disease or
any offensive sore or wound to solicit charity. |
Rs.1,000 |
39. |
Causing or permitting to be caused by any owner or keeper of an animal
which, through neglect or otherwise, damages any land or crop or produce of
land, or any public road. |
Rs.2,000 |
40. |
Selling cattle and animals in contravention of any law, rule or
by-laws of a local government. |
Rs.2,000 |
41. |
Digging of public land without the permission in writing of local
government. |
Rs.2,000 |
42. |
Contravention of any prohibition or direction of the local government
issued under this Act or the rules. |
Rs.1,000 |
43. |
Attempt or abetment of any of the offence in this Schedule. |
Same as for the offence specified in the Schedule |
[see sections 172, 174]
Name & Address of the
Offender: ______________ NIC No. _____________ Particulars of
Offence:(Section of Law with details of offences:
____________________________________ Date of commission of
Offence: Amount of Fine: Rs.
________________ (in
letters) Date by which the Fine is
to be paid ________________ (Note: The amount of fine shall be deposited in Bank) Corrective actions ordered:_________________________ |
Name & Address of the
Offender: ______________ NIC No. _____________ Particulars of
Offence:(Section of Law with details of offences: ________________________________
Date of commission of
Offence: Amount of Fine: Rs.____________ (in
letters) Date by which the Fine is
to be paid _______________ (Note: The amount of fine shall be deposited in Bank) Corrective actions ordered:_______________________ |
Name & Address of the
Offender: ______________ NIC No. _____________ Particulars of
Offence:(Section of Law with details of offences:
_________________________________ Date of commission of
Offence: Amount of Fine: Rs._____________ (in letters) Date by which the Fine is
to be paid _______________ (Note: The amount of fine shall be deposited in Bank) Corrective actions ordered:________________________ |
Name & Address of the
Offender: ______________ NIC No. ______________ Particulars of
Offence:(Section of Law with details of offences:
____________________________________ Date of commission of
Offence: Amount of Fine: Rs.
________________ (in
letters) Date by which the Fine is
to be paid ________________ (Note: The
amount of fine shall be deposited in Bank) Corrective actions ordered:_________________________ |
Name of the Court having
jurisdiction: ________________________________
Signature or Thumb
Impression of the Offender: __________________________________
Signatures of Inspector/
Seal __________________________________
Copy-1 (To be retained by Inspector) |
Name of the Court having
jurisdiction: ________________________ Signature or Thumb
Impression of the Offender: ______________________________
Signatures of Inspector/
Seal _____________________________ Copy-2 (To be retained by Offender on payment of fine) |
Name of the Court having
jurisdiction: ______________________________
Signature or Thumb
Impression of the Offender: ________________________________
Signatures of Inspector/
Seal _________________ Copy-3 (To be returned to Inspector by offender after payment within
ten days) |
Name of the Court having
jurisdiction: ________________________________ Signature or Thumb
Impression of the Offender: __________________________________
Signatures of Inspector/
Seal _________________ Copy-4 (To be sent by the Bank to the local Accounts Officer) |
[1]This Act was originally passed by the Punjab
Assembly on 19 October 2022; The Governor returned the Bill for reconsideration
by the Assembly. The Assembly again passed on 1st day of November 2022;
Since the Governor has not assented within the stipulated period of ten days,
the same is deemed to have been assented to in terms of clause (3) of Article
116 of the Constitution, and is published as an Act of the Provincial Assembly
of the Punjab on 16 November 2022,; pages 2099-2189.