ACT 2019
(Act XXI
of 2019)
Section Heading
1. Short
title, extent and commencement.
2. Definitions.
3. Punjab
Water Resources Commission.
4. Power
and duties of the Commission.
5. Working
of the Commission.
7. Punjab
Water Services Regulatory Authority.
8. Duties
and powers of the Authority.
9. Director
General of the Authority.
10. Water
Undertakers and Sewerage Undertakers.
11. Enforcement
12. Register
of undertakers.
13. Power
to assign services.
14. Duties
of water undertakers.
15. Duty
to provide supplies for domestic purposes.
16 Supply
of water for industrial purposes.
17. Duty
to supply water for other public purposes.
18. Constancy
and pressure of water supplies.
19. Quality
and sufficiency of water supplies.
20. Power
to require additional measures for ensuring quality of water.
21. Power
to disconnect service pipes and cut off supplies.
22. Offence
of supplying water unfit for human consumption.
23. Provision
of water where piped supplies are insufficient or are unwholesome.
24. Permission
to abstract water directly.
25. Offences
of contaminating, wastage and misuse of water.
26. Prevention
of contamination and waste etc.
27. Powers
to prevent damage, contamination and waste etc.
28. Standards
of wholesomeness of water.
29. Maps
of water mains etc.
30. Sewerage
31. Standards
of performance.
32. Supply
of sewerage services for domestic purposes.
33. Performance
of sewerage functions by local authorities etc.
34. Trade
35. Power
to disconnect connection for trade effluent.
36. Permission
to dispose of waste water or trade effluent directly.
37. Sewer
38. Powers
of the undertakers to charge.
39. Liability
of occupiers etc. to pay charges.
40. Provisions
relating to charging by volume.
41. Power
of the Authority to modify charges.
42. Offence
of tampering with meters etc.
43. Abstraction
44. Disposal
45. Terms
and conditions of licenses.
46. Drought
47. Offences
with regard to drought orders.
48. Environmental
and recreational duties.
49. Controlled
50. Offences
relating to controlled waters etc.
51. Water
protection zones.
52. Offences
related to deposits and vegetation.
53. Power
to investigate.
54. Prosecution
of offences.
55. Amendments.
56. Rules.
57. Regulations.
58. Removal
of difficulties.
First Schedule
Second Schedule
Third Schedule
Fourth Schedule
December 2019]
An Act to comprehensively manage and regulate water
resources in the Punjab in the interest of conservation and sustainability.
It is expedient to provide for comprehensive management
of all water resources in the Punjab and to regulate their use in the interest
of conservation and sustainability and matters connected with and ancillary
Be it enacted by Provincial Assembly of the Punjab as
1. Short title, extent and commencement. (1) This Act may be cited as the Punjab
Water Act, 2019.
(2) It extends to whole of the Punjab.
(3) It shall come into force at once.
2. Definitions. In this Act, unless the
context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall have the meanings
as respectively assigned to them:
(a) Act means the Punjab Water Act, 2019;
(b) Authority means the Punjab Water
Services Regulatory Authority established under section 7 of the Act;
(c) authorized functionary means a public
servant authorized by the Commission for the purpose of section 17 or 28 of the
(d) Commission means the Punjab Water
Resources Commission established under section 3 of the Act;
(e) company means a company established
under the Companies Act, 2017 (Act XIX of 2017) or any other law for the time
being in force;
(f) controlled waters means the waters as
defined in section 49 of the Act;
(g) Government means the Government of the
(h) local authority means a:
(i) land control authority established by
law for the time being in force to regulate or manage land use;
(ii) a local government; or
(iii) company set up by the Government to provide land related
(i) local government means a local
government established under the Punjab Local Government Act, 2019 (XIII of
2019) or any other law for the time being in force;
(j) meter means any approved apparatus for
measuring or showing the volume of water supplied to, or of effluent discharged
from any premises;
(k) person includes an undertaker, an
authority or a company;
(l) prescribed means prescribed by the
rules or the regulations made or framed under the Act;
(m) rules means the rules made under the
(n) regulations means the regulations
framed under the Act;
(o) technical assessor means a person
appointed as technical assessor under section 53 of the Act;
(p) trade effluent means the effluent from
industrial premises as defined in section 34 of the Act;
(q) undertaker means a provider of water or
sewerage services or, as the case may be, both services appointed under section
10 of the Act; and
(r) wholesome in relation to water means a
water which meets the standards as laid down under section 28 of the Act.
3. Punjab Water Resources Commission. (1) As soon as may be, but not later than
six months of the commencement of the Act, the Government shall establish the Punjab Water Resources Commission to
carry out functions assigned or transferred to it under the Act.
(2) The
Commission shall comprise the following:
(a) |
Minister |
Chairperson |
(b) |
for Irrigation Punjab; |
Co-Chairperson |
(c) |
for Environment Protection Punjab; |
Member |
(d) |
for Housing, Urban Development and Public Health Engineering Punjab; |
Member |
(e) |
for Agriculture Punjab; |
Member |
(f) |
for Industries, Commerce and Investment Punjab; |
Member |
(g) |
for Local Government and Community Development Punjab |
Member |
(h) |
for Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries Punjab; |
Member |
(i) |
Secretary Punjab; |
Vice- Chairperson |
(j) |
to the Government, Irrigation Department; |
Member |
(k) |
to the Government Housing, Urban Development and Public Health Engineering
Department; |
Member |
(l) |
to the Government, Local Government and Community Development Department; |
Member |
(m) |
to the Government Environment Protection Department; |
Member |
(n) |
to the Government, Agriculture Department; |
Member |
(o) |
to the Government, Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department; |
Member |
(p) |
to the Government, Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries Department; |
Member |
(q) |
to the Government, Industries, Commerce and Investment Department; |
Member |
(r) |
to the Government, Finance Department; |
Member |
(s) |
water quality experts to be appointed by the Government; |
Members |
(t) |
environmental expert to be appointed by the Government; |
Member |
(u) |
public health expert to be appointed by the Government; and |
Member |
(v) |
General of the Commission; |
Member/Secretary |
(3) All expert members of the Commission
shall be appointed in the prescribed manner.
(4) Every member of the Commission shall
attend the proceedings of the Commission in person.
4. Power and duties of the Commission. (1) It shall be the duty of the Commission
to take all such actions as it may, from time to time, consider necessary or
expedient for the purpose of:
redistributing or otherwise augmenting water resources in the Punjab;
allocating water
resources for domestic, agricultural, ecological, industrial or other purposes
in different areas of the Punjab; and
of securing the
proper use of water resources in the Punjab.
(2) Nothing in this section shall be
construed as relieving any water undertaker of the obligations to develop water
resources for the purpose of any duty imposed on it by virtue of the Act.
(3) Without any prejudice to the provisions
of sub-section (1) above, the Commission shall also:
maintain, improve
and develop wildlife and fisheries in bodies of water from which water is drawn
or into which it is discharged;
establish an
Advisory Committee, having such composition as may be prescribed, for advising
it on maintenance and development of water resources, wildlife, fisheries,
flora and fauna.
(4). Subject to the Act and the rules, the Commission shall
determine its own procedure.
5. Working of the Commission. (1) The
Commission shall meet at least once every six months.
(2) The meetings of the Commission shall be
chaired by the Chairperson and in his absence by the Co-Chairperson or the Vice
Chairperson as the case may be.
(3) The Commission shall, on yearly basis,
determine the allocation of water for domestic, agricultural, industrial,
ecological and other purposes.
(4) The quorum for a meeting of the
Commission shall be twelve members out of which at least three shall be the
6. Director General of the Commission. (1) The Commission shall have a Director
General who shall be appointed in the prescribed manner.
(2) The Director General shall be responsible
for the due discharge of the functions of the Commission under this Act.
(3) The Director General shall be assisted in
his work by such number of officers and staff as the Government may, from time
to time, determine.
7. Punjab Water Services Regulatory Authority.
As soon as may be, but not later than six months of the commencement of the
Act, the Government shall establish Punjab Water Services Regulatory Authority
for the purposes of carrying out the functions conferred on it by the Act or by
any other law for the time being in force.
(2) The
Authority shall consist of the following:
(a) |
Chief Secretary Punjab |
Chairperson |
(b) |
Secretary to the Government,
Housing, Urban Development and Public Health Engineering Department; |
Member |
(c) |
Secretary to the Government,
Local Government and Community Development; |
Member |
(d) |
Secretary to the Government,
Irrigation Department; |
Member |
(e) |
Secretary to the Government,
Environment Protection Department; |
Member |
(f) |
to the Government, Industries, Commerce and Investment Department; |
Member |
(g) |
Secretary to the Government,
Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department; |
Member |
(h) |
a water quality expert; |
Member |
(i) |
a public health expert; and |
Member |
(j) |
General of the Authority |
Member/Secretary |
8. Duties and powers of the Authority.
(1) The
Authority shall:
ensure that the
undertakers discharge their duties and perform their functions in accordance
with the Act or any other law for the time being in force;
revise tariffs set
by water and sewerage undertakers, if deemed necessary, as per the prescribed
(2) The Authority shall exercise powers and
perform duties mentioned in subsection (1) in a well calculated manner which
may be prescribed:
to further the
consumer objective;
to ensure that the
functions of water undertaker and of a sewerage undertaker are properly carried
to secure that
bodies or companies holding appointments as water undertaker or sewerage
undertaker are able to finance the proper carrying out of water and sewerage
services under this Act; and
to ensure that the
activities authorized under the license of water abstraction or license of
water disposal are properly carried out in addition to any other duty imposed
for the said purposes under any other law for the time being in force.
(3) For the purpose of clause (a) of
subsection (2), the Authority shall have regard to the interests of among other
those who are
disabled or chronically sick or of an old age;
those with low
those residing in
rural areas; and
customers of
companies, holding an appointment of undertaker, whose premises are not
eligible to be supplied by a licensed water supplier.
(4) Subject to subsection (2), the Authority
shall exercise powers and perform duties mentioned in subsection (1) ) in a well calculated manner which may be prescribed to:
promote economy
and efficiency on the part of bodies or companies holding an appointment as an
secure that no
undue preference is shown, and that there is no undue discrimination in the
fixing, by such companies, of water and drainage charges;
ensure that the
interests of every person who is a customer or, as the case may be, potential
customer are protected as respects the fixing and recovery by that undertaker
charges in respect
of any services provided in the course of carrying out functions of an undertaker; and
amounts of any
other description which such an undertaker is authorized by or under any law to
require such person to pay; and
to ensure that the
interests of every such person are protected as respects the other terms on
which any services are provided and as respects the quality of those services.
9. Director General of the Authority.
The Authority shall have a Director General who shall be appointed in the
prescribed manner.
(2) The
Director General shall be responsible for the due discharge of the work of the
(3) The
Director General shall be assisted in his work by such number of officers and
staff as the Government may, from time to time, determine.
10. Water Undertakers and Sewerage Undertakers. (1) The Commission may appoint a company,
a local government or a statutory authority to be the water undertaker or
sewerage undertaker for any area.
(2) Where the Commission appoints a company
or a statutory authority, not under the control of the relevant local
government, to be an undertaker for any area, it shall obtain prior permission
from the relevant local government.
(3) Subject to the provisions of sub-section
(4) below, the appointment of a company, local government or a statutory
authority to be an undertaker shall be by an instrument in writing containing
the appointment, including the terms and conditions thereof, and describing the
area for which it is made:
(4) No company, local government or statutory
authority shall be appointed as an undertaker beyond the area in which it may
by law operate.
11. Enforcement orders. (1)
Where in the case of any undertaker, the Authority is satisfied that:
such undertaker is
contravening any condition of its appointment or any statutory requirement
which is enforceable, and in relation to which it is the enforcement authority;
such undertaker
has contravened any such condition or requirement and there is an apprehension
that such undertaker may repeat the contravention,
the Authority shall by a
provisional order make such provisions as may be required for the purpose of
securing compliance with that condition or requirement.
(2) Where an order has been passed under
subsection (1), and its noncompliance is likely to have a serious impact on the
provision of water or sewerage services including impact on health and hygiene
of the public, the Authority shall inform the Government of such order and the
consequences of its non-compliance.
(3) Before making a final order or confirming
a provisional order, the Authority shall give a notice to the undertaker:
stating that it
proposes to make a final order or confirm the provisional order and setting out
the effect of the order; and
setting out:
the conditions or
requirements for the purpose of securing compliance of such order;
the acts of
omission or commission which in its opinion constitute or would constitute
contravention of such conditions or requirements; and
any other fact
which in its opinion justify the passing of such order.
(4) A final or provisional order:
shall require the
undertaker, to which it relates, to do or not to do such things as are
specified in the order;
shall take effect
at such time, being the earliest practicable time, as is determined by or under
the order; and
may be revoked or
modified by the Authority or the Government.
(5) The obligation to undertaker with a final
or provisional order shall be a duty owed both to the Authority as well as to
any person who may be affected by the contravention of such order.
12. Register of undertakers. The Authority shall, in
the prescribed manner, maintain in paper as well as in electronic form, a
register of the following information:
every appointment
made under this Chapter;
every termination
of any such appointment;
every variation of
the area for which any undertaker holds any such appointment;
the conditions of
any appointment;
every undertaking
given to and accepted by the Authority or the Government; and
details of
abstraction licenses or disposal licenses granted to water undertakers and
sewerage undertakers by the Commission.
13. Power to assign services. (1) Subject to the
provisions of subsection (2) below, an undertaker may assign water or sewerage
or, as the case may be, both services to a company registered for the purpose
of provision of water or sewerage services or a local authority, temporarily or
for a specified period, by way of a written agreement executed with the
(2) An undertaker shall obtain prior
permission of the Authority and the relevant local government before making an
assignment where the undertaker is not the local government itself.
(3) An assignee shall act on behalf of the
undertaker, and the undertaker shall continue to be responsible for the due
discharge of services in accordance with the provisions of the Act.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in the
written agreement, the Authority may require the undertaker to perform the
services directly where it determines that the assignee is likely to fail or
has failed to act according to the provisions of the Act.
14. Duties of water undertakers. (1) Every water undertaker shall
develop and maintain an efficient and economical system of water supply
within its area and to ensure that all such arrangements have been made for:
providing supplies
of water to premises in that area and for making such supplies available to
persons who demand them; and
for maintaining,
improving and extending the water mains and other pipes.
(2) The Commission may, by regulations,
prescribe such standards of performance in connection with the provision of
water as in its opinion ought to be achieved, and such regulations may provide
that if a water undertaker fails to meet a prescribed standard it shall pay
such amount, as may be prescribed, to any person who is affected by the
15. Duty to provide supplies for domestic purposes.
Every water undertaker shall provide a water main to be used for supplies of
water to a premises in a particular locality in its area, if the water
undertaker is required to provide such water main, by a notice, served upon the
water undertaker by one or more persons who are entitled under subsection (2)
to receive water supply through such mains.
(2) The following persons shall be entitled
to require the provision of water supply under subsection (1):
the owner of
premises approved by the local authority;
a housing society
duly approved by the local authority;
the concerned
local government; or
any other person
as specified by the regulations.
(3) The water undertaker shall not be in
breach of his obligations under subsection (1) if the applicant does not
provide an undertaking to pay, to the water undertaker, costs reasonably
incurred in providing the main over a prescribed period of time.
(4) Any dispute between a water undertaker
and any other person regarding costs to be paid shall be referred to the
arbitration of a single arbitrator by agreement between the water undertaker
and that person and in default of such agreement the dispute shall be finally
and conclusively decided by the Authority.
16 Supply of water for industrial purposes.
Every water undertaker shall provide a water main to be used for providing
supplies of water to duly approved industrial premises in a particular locality
if the water undertaker is required to provide the main, by a notice, served
upon the water undertaker by one or more persons who are entitled under
subsection (2) to get water supply through the mains.
(2) The following persons shall be entitled
to require the provision of water under subsection (1):
(a) the owner of an industrial premises duly
approved by the local authority;
(b) an industrial estate established by the
Government; and
(c) the relevant local government.
(3) A water undertaker shall not be required
by virtue of this section to provide a new supply to industrial premises if:
(a) the supply of water requires him to incur
unreasonable expenditure in carrying out works;
(b) it puts at risk the ability of the water
undertaker to meet any of its existing or probable future obligations to supply
water for domestic or other purposes;
(c) there is a contravention in relation to
the water fittings used or to be used in connection with the supply of water to
those premises or with the use of water in those premises; and
(d) if arrangements of industrial premises
for disposal of waste water or trade effluent from such premises are not in
accordance with the provisions of this Act or the regulations made thereunder.
(4) The water undertaker shall not be in
breach of his obligations under subsection (1) if the applicant does not
provide an undertaking to pay, to the water undertaker, costs reasonably
incurred in providing the main over a prescribed period of time.
(5) Any dispute between a water undertaker
and any other person regarding costs to be paid shall be referred to the
arbitration of a single arbitrator by agreement between the water undertaker
and that person, and in default of such agreement by the Authority.
17. Duty to supply water for other public
purposes. (1) A
water undertaker shall, at the request of a sewerage undertaker, local
authority, an authorized functionary or the Authority, provide for such of its
pipes as are of an appropriate capacity to supply water for cleansing sewers
and drains, for cleansing and watering highways, for supplying any public
pumps, baths or wash houses, for maintaining parks and green areas and for such
other public purposes as may be necessary.
(2) A supply of water provided by a water
undertaker under this section shall be provided upon such terms as may be
(3) The obligations of a water undertaker
under this section shall be enforceable through an enforcement order under
section 11 of the Act.
18. Constancy and pressure of water supplies.
It shall be the duty of every water undertaker to cause the water in such of
its water mains and other pipes, which are used for providing supplies of water
for domestic purposes, to be run with such constancy and at such pressure as
shall be required to maintain its wholesomeness or to cause it to reach such
height as may be required by the Authority.
(2) Nothing in subsection (1) shall impose
any duty on a water undertaker to maintain the constancy or pressure of any
supply of water during any period during which it is reasonable for that supply
to be cut off or get reduced for the purposes of the carrying out any necessary
(3) The obligations of a water undertaker
under this section shall be enforceable under section 11 of the Act.
(4) Where a water undertaker is in breach of
a duty under this section, the water undertaker shall be guilty of an offence
and liable, upon conviction, to a fine which may extend to rupees five hundred
(5) In any proceedings against any water
undertaker for an offence under subsection (4), it shall be a defence for that
undertaker to show that it took all reasonable steps and exercised all due
diligence to avoid the commission of the offence.
19. Quality and sufficiency of water supplies.
It shall be the duty of a water undertaker that:
while supplying
water to any premises for domestic purposes to supply only water which is
wholesome at the time of supply; and
so far as
reasonably practicable, to ensure, in relation to each source or combination of
sources from which it supplies water to premises for domestic purposes, that
there is in general no deterioration in the quality of water.
For the purposes
of this section, water supplied by a water undertaker to any premises shall not
be regarded as unwholesome at the time of supply where it has ceased to be
wholesome only after leaving the pipes laid and maintained by the water
The obligations of
a water undertaker under this section shall be enforceable under section 11 of
the Act.
Where a water
undertaker is in breach of a duty under this section, the water undertaker
shall be guilty of an offence and liable, upon conviction, to a fine which may
extend to rupees five hundred thousand.
20. Power to require additional measures for
ensuring quality of water. (1) The Commission
may, by regulations, require a water undertaker to take all necessary steps for
securing compliance with section 19 of the Act.
(2) Without any prejudice to the generality
of the powers conferred under subsection (1), the Commission may impose an
obligation on a water undertaker to:
take all necessary
steps for monitoring and recording whether the water which that water
undertaker supplies to premises for domestic purposes is wholesome at the time
of supply;
take all necessary
steps for monitoring and recording the quality of water from any source, or
combination of sources which that water undertaker uses or is proposing to use
for supplying water to any premises for domestic purposes;
ensure that a
source which that water undertaker is using or is proposing to use for
supplying water for domestic purposes is not so used until all requirements for
establishing the quality of water which may be supplied from that source have
been complied with;
keep records of
localities within which all premises supplied with water for domestic purposes
by that water undertaker are normally supplied from the same source or
combination of sources; and
analyze water
samples and to put in place internal arrangements in this respect and report
such analysis.
21. Power to disconnect service pipes and cut
off supplies. (1) Subject to the provisions of this
section, a water undertaker may disconnect a service pipe, which, for the
purposes of providing supply of water to any premises, is connected with any
water main of that water undertaker or may otherwise cut off a supply of water
to any premises if:
it is reasonable
for the disconnection to be made or the supply of water be cut off for the
purposes of carrying out any necessary works;
the occupier of
the premises is liable to pay charges, due to the water undertaker, in respect
of the supply of water to such premises and has failed to pay such charges
within a period of fifteen days of service of the notice requiring him to pay
such charges; or
occupier of the premises is found liable for willful waste of water and has
failed to adopt remedial measures to rectify the prevailing situation with
respect to waste of water within a period of ten days beginning with the day
after he is served with the notice requiring him to correct such situation.
Where a water
undertaker exercises its power by virtue of clause (a) of sub-section (1), and
effects a disconnection for the purpose of carrying out any necessary works, it
shall owe a duty to the occupier of the premises to ensure:
(a) that such necessary works are carried out
with reasonable dispatch; and
(b) that, only after an emergency water
supply has been made available, whether or not through pipes, for domestic
purposes, and any supply of water to such premises is not interrupted for more
than twenty-four hours for the purpose of carrying out of those necessary
Where a water
undertaker has served a notice under clause (b) of subsection (1) on a person,
who within the period of fifteen days of the receipt of such notice, furnishes
a reply to such notice disputing his liability to pay the charges demanded, the
water undertaker shall not exercise its power to disconnect the water supply
unless so authorized by the Authority after determination of liability or by
order of a court.
Where a water
undertaker has cut off supply of water under
subsection (1)(c), it shall restore such supply upon an undertaking by the
occupier of the premises that he was not involved in willful waste of water or,
as the case may be, he shall not indulge in willful waste of water in future.
restoring a supply under subsection (4), the water undertaker may, after giving
him a reasonable notice, make an inspection of the premises of the occupier to
assure that sufficient remedial measures have been taken to prevent waste of
If a water
undertaker disconnects a service pipe or otherwise cuts off supply of water to
any premises in a case in which it has no power to do so under this section or
fails to connect such service pipe or restore such supply, it shall be guilty
of an offence and liable, upon conviction, to a fine which may extend to rupees
one hundred thousand.
22. Offence of supplying water unfit for
human consumption. (1) Subject to subsection (2), where a
water undertaker supplies water by means of pipes to any premises and that
water is unfit for human consumption, the water undertaker shall be guilty of
an offence and liable, upon conviction, to a fine which may extend to rupees
five hundred thousand.
(2) Where a person authorized to stop a
supply of water finds that the supply is unfit for human consumption and
continues to authorize supply of such unfit water, the person shall be guilty
of an offence and liable, upon conviction, to a fine which may extend to rupees
fifty thousand or imprisonment which may extend to three months or both.
(3) In any proceedings against a water
undertaker for an offence under this section, it shall be a defense for that
undertaker to show that it:
had no reasonable
grounds for suspecting that the water was to be used for human consumption; and
took all
reasonable steps and exercised all due diligence in securing that the water was
fit for human consumption on leaving its pipes or was not used for human
23. Provision of water where piped supplies
are insufficient or are unwholesome. (1) Where:
it is not
practicable, at reasonable cost, for a water undertaker to provide wholesome
water in pipes or to maintain such a supply of wholesome water, to any
particular premises in its area as is sufficient for domestic purposes;
it is practicable,
at reasonable cost, for the water undertaker to provide such a supply of
wholesome water for domestic purposes to those premises otherwise than in
the insufficiency
or unwholesomeness of the supply of water for domestic purposes is such as to
cause a danger to life or health; and
the local
authority in whose area those premises are situated notify the water undertaker
of that danger and require the water undertaker to provide a supply otherwise
than in pipes;
it shall be the duty of
the water undertaker, for such period as may be required by the local authority
and where it is practicable at reasonable cost, to provide water otherwise than
in pipes.
(2) In this section, reference to the
provision of a supply of water to any premises otherwise than in pipes shall
have effect, in a case in which it is practicable for the water undertaker to
provide a supply of water, whether or not in pipes, at reasonable cost, to a
place within a reasonable distance of those premises, as including reference to
the provision of a supply of water to those premises.
24. Permission to abstract water directly.
it is not
practicable, at reasonable cost, for a water undertaker to supply water in
ground water is
not unwholesome such as to cause any danger to life or health of a person;
the water undertaker may
allow a person, through a sub-license, to abstract water from within his
premises or from an area in close proximity thereof for his domestic purposes
(2) A sub-license issued under subsection (1)
shall be granted in accordance with any conditions that the Commission may
impose on such sub-licenses specifically or generally.
(3) Water abstracted under a sub-license
under subsection (1), shall form part of the overall abstraction limit granted
to a water undertaker under an abstraction license issued by the Commission.
25. Offences of contaminating, wastage and
misuse of water. (1) If any person who is the owner or
occupier of any premises to which a supply of water is provided by a water
undertaker, intentionally or negligently, causes or suffers any water fitting
for which he is responsible to be or remain so out of order, so in need of
repair or so constructed or adapted or to be used:
that water in a
water main or other pipes of a water undertaker or in a pipe connected with
such water main or pipe, is or is likely to be contaminated by the return of
any substance from those premises to that main or pipe;
that water that
has been supplied by the water undertaker to those premises is or is likely to
be contaminated before it is used; or
that water so
supplied is or is likely to be wasted, or having regard to the purposes for
which it is supplied, misused or unduly consumed;
that person shall be
guilty of an offence and liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding
rupees one hundred thousand.
(2) Any person who uses any water supplied to
any premises by a water undertaker for a purpose other than the one for which
it is supplied shall, unless the other purpose is the extinguishment of fire,
be guilty of an offence and liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding
rupees two hundred thousand.
26. Prevention of contamination and waste etc. (1) The
Commission may, by regulations, make such provisions as it considers
appropriate for any of the following purposes:
securing that
water in a water main or other pipes of a water undertaker is not contaminated,
and that its quality and suitability for particular purposes is not prejudiced,
by the return of any substance from any premises to that main or pipe;
preventing the
wastage, undue consumption and misuse of any water at any time after it has
left the pipes of a water undertaker for the purpose of being supplied by that
water undertaker to any premises; and
securing that
water fittings installed and used by persons to whom water is or is to be
supplied by a water undertaker are safe, minimize wastage and do not cause or
contribute to erroneous measurement of any water or the reverberation of any
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of
the power contained in subsection (1), regulations made under this section may
also make provision for the following matters:
installation, connection or use of pipe related fittings if they have not been
approved under the regulations or if they contravene the regulations;
requiring the
fittings for the purpose of provision made by virtue of sub section (2)(a) to
be of such a size, nature, strength or workmanship, to be made of such
materials or in such a manner or to conform to such standards as may be
prescribed or approved under the regulations;
imposing such
other requirements as may be prescribed with respect to the installation,
arrangement, connection, testing, disconnection, alteration and repair of the
fittings and with respect to the materials used in their manufacture;
refusing and revoking, by authorized persons, of the approvals required for the
purposes of regulations; and
such approvals and
revocations as capable of being made under the Act.
(3) Without any prejudice to the provisions
of sub section (1) and (2), above, the regulations under this section may also:
impose separate or
concurrent duties with respect to the enforcement of regulations;
confer powers on a
water undertaker or a local authority to carry out works and take other steps,
in prescribed circumstances, for remedying any contravention of the
provide for the
recovery by a water undertaker or local authority of expenses reasonably
incurred by the water undertaker or local authority in the exercise of any
powers conferred under sub section (3) (b) above;
provide that
contravention of a regulations shall constitute an offence punishable with fine
not exceeding rupees one hundred thousand or any other smaller sum;
require the
disputes arising because of application of a regulation be referred to
arbitration in suitable cases; and
provide for a
right of appeal in appropriate cases.
27. Powers to prevent damage, contamination
and waste etc.
Without prejudice to any power conferred upon the water undertaker by
regulations made under section 20 of the Act, where a water undertaker
providing a supply of water to any premises, has reason to believe that:
the damage to
person or property is being or is likely to be caused by any damage to, or
defect in, any water fitting used in connection with the supply of water to
those premises which is not a service pipe belonging to the water undertaker;
the water in a
water main or other pipe of the water undertaker is being or is likely to be
contaminated by the return of any substance from those premises to that main or
the water which is
in any pipe connected with any such main or other pipe or which has been
supplied by the water undertaker to those premises is being or is likely to be
contaminated before it is used; or
the water which
has been or is to be so supplied is being or is likely to be wasted or, having
regard to the purposes for which it is supplied, misused or unduly consumed;
the water undertaker may
exercise the power conferred upon it by subsection (2) in relation to such
(2) The powers of the undertaker in relation
to subsection (1) are:
where the case
constitutes an emergency, power to disconnect the service pipe or otherwise to
cut off the supply of water to those premises; and
in any other case,
power to serve notice on the occupier of the premises requiring him to take
such steps as may be specified in the notice as necessary to secure the system
of the water undertaker and that damage, contamination, wastage, misuse or
undue consumption ceases or, as the case may be, does not occur.
(3) Where a water undertaker, in exercise of
the power conferred under clause (a) of subsection (2), disconnects a service
pipe to any premises or otherwise cuts off any supply of water to any premises,
the water undertaker shall, as soon as reasonably practicable after the supply
is disconnected or cut off, serve a notice on the person specifying the steps
which that person is required to take before the water undertaker restores the
water supply to that premises.
(4) The steps specified in the notice under
subsection (3) shall be the steps necessary to secure that, as the case may be:
the damage,
contamination, wastage, misuse or undue consumption; or
the likelihood of
damage, contamination, wastage, misuse or undue consumption,
shall not recur if the
supply is restored, and a water undertaker which fails, without reasonable
excuse, to serve the notice in accordance with the requirements of subsection
(4) shall be guilty of an offence and liable, upon conviction through a summary
trial, to a fine not exceeding rupees ten thousand.
(5) A notice served for the purposes of
clause (b) of subsection (2) shall:
specify the
period, not being less than seven days of the service of the notice, within
which the steps specified in the notice are to be taken by the consumer; and
set out the powers
of the water undertaker under subsection (6) and (7).
(6) Where a water undertaker has served a
notice under clause (b) of subsection (2) in relation to any premises, and:
the case becomes
an emergency; or
the premises
appears to be unoccupied and the steps specified in the notice are not taken
before the expiry of the period so specified;
the water undertaker may
disconnect the service pipe to those premises or otherwise cut off the supply
of water to those premises; and subsections (3) and (4) shall apply where a
water undertaker exercises its power under this subsection as they apply where
such an undertaker exercises its power by virtue of under clause (a) of
subsection (2).
(7) Where, in a case not falling within
clause (a) or clause (b) of subsection (6), any steps specified in a notice
served by the water undertaker under clause (b) of subsection (2) have not been
taken by occupier of the premises by the end of the period so specified, the
water undertaker shall have power to take such steps itself, and subject to
subsection (8), to recover any expenses reasonably incurred by the water
undertaker in taking those steps from the occupier on whom the notice was
(8) Where any steps are taken by virtue of
subsection (7) and it is shown that, in the circumstances of the case, those
steps were not necessary as mentioned in subsection (2) or, as the case may be,
subsection (4), such water undertaker:
shall not be
entitled to recover any expenses incurred by it in taking those steps; and
shall be liable to
pay to any other person who took any of those steps an amount equal to any
expenses reasonably incurred by that person in taking any of those steps.
28. Standards of wholesomeness of water.
The Commission may, by regulations, make provisions that the water supplied to
any premises is or is not to be regarded as wholesome for purposes of this
Chapter, if it satisfies or, as the case may be, fails to satisfy such
provisions as may be prescribed.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of
subsection (1), regulations under this section may, for the purpose of
determining the wholesomeness of any water shall:
provide general
requirements as to the purposes for which the water is to be suitable;
provide specific
requirements as to the substances that are to be present in or absent from the
water, and as to the concentrations of substances which are or are required to
be present in the water;
provide specific
requirements as to other characteristics of the water;
provide that the
question whether prescribed requirements are satisfied may be determined by
reference to such samples;
enable the
Commission to authorize such relaxations of and departures from the
requirements referred to in clause (a) above, and to make any such
authorization subject to one or more conditions which it considers appropriate,
and to modify or revoke any such authorization or conditions; and
enable the
Commission to authorize a local authority, Authority or an authorized
functionary to, either instead of the Commission or concurrently with it, to
exercise any power conferred on the Commission by regulations framed under
clause (e) of subsection (2) above.
29. Maps of water mains etc. (1)
Subject to subsection (4), it shall be the duty of the Authority and every
water undertaker to keep record of:
every resource
main, water main or discharge pipe used by the water undertaker; and
any other
underground works, other than a service pipe, which are owned or operated by
the water undertaker.
It shall be the
duty of the Authority and of every water undertaker to ensure that the contents
of any records for the time being kept by it under this section are updated and
available, at all reasonable times, for inspection by the public free of charge
at an office of the Authority or as the case may be of the water undertaker.
Any information
which is required under this section to be made available, by the Authority or
a water undertaker, for inspection by the public shall be so made available in
the form of a map.
For the purposes
of determining whether any failure to make a modification of any records kept
under this section constitutes a breach of the duty, imposed by sub section
(1), above, that duly shall be taken to
require any modifications of the records to be made as soon as reasonably
practicable after the completion of such works, which make the modification
necessary; and where records kept under this section are modified, the date of
the modification and of the completion of the works making the modification
necessary shall be incorporated in the records.
The duties of a
water undertaker under this section shall be enforceable under section 11 of
the Act.
30. Sewerage functions. (1)
Every sewerage undertaker shall:
provide, improve,
rehabilitate and extend such a system of public sewers, whether inside its area
or elsewhere, and so to cleanse and maintain such sewers as to ensure that such
area is and continues to be effectually drained; and
make provision for
the emptying of those sewers and for effectually dealing by means or sewage
disposal works or otherwise with the content of those sewers.
In performing its
duty under subsection (1), the sewerage undertaker shall have regard to:
its existing and
future obligations to allow discharge of effluent into its public sewers; and
the need to
provide for the disposal of effluent which is so discharged.
31. Standards of performance. (1) The
Commission may by regulations prescribe the standards of performance for the
provision of sewerage services.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of
the power conferred by subsection (1), the regulations may:
include in a
standard of performance, a requirement for a sewerage undertaker to inform
persons of their rights and duties by virtue of any such regulations; and
provide for any
dispute under the regulations to be referred to by either party to the
32. Supply of sewerage services for domestic purposes.
Every sewerage undertaker shall provide a public sewer to be used for drainage
of premises in a particular locality in its area if the sewerage undertaker is
required to provide the sewer by a notice served on the sewerage undertaker by
one or more persons who are entitled under subsection (2) to require the
provision of the sewer for that locality.
(2) The following persons shall be entitled
to require the provision of a public sewer for any locality:
the owner of a
premises in that locality;
a housing
the concerned
local government; and
any other person
as specified by rules.
(3) The sewerage undertaker shall not be in
breach of his obligations under subsection (1) if the applicant does not
provide an undertaking to pay, to the sewerage undertaker, costs reasonably
incurred in providing the main over a prescribed period of time.
(4) Any dispute between a sewerage undertaker
and any other person in respect of cost to be paid shall be referred to the
arbitration of a single arbitrator by agreement between the sewerage undertaker
and that person and in default of such agreement the dispute shall be finally
decided by the Authority.
33. Performance of sewerage functions by
local authorities etc. (1) A local
authority may, in accordance with any arrangement which it has entered into for
the purpose with any sewerage undertaker, carry out sewerage functions on
behalf of that undertaker in relation to such area comprising the whole or any
part of that local authoritys relevant area with parts of any adjacent
relevant areas of other relevant local authority, as may be specified in the
(2) Arrangements entered into for the
purposes of this section may contain any such provision as may be agreed
between the relevant authority and the sewerage undertaker but shall not affect
the availability to any person, other than the relevant authority, of any
remedy against the sewerage undertaker in respect of the carrying out of the
sewerage undertakers sewerage functions or of any failure to carry them out.
(3) Where arrangements entered into for the
purposes of this section so provide, a relevant authority shall be entitled to
exercise on behalf of a sewerage undertaker any power which by or under the Act
or any other law for the time being in force is exercisable by the sewerage
undertaker for the purposes of, or in connection with, the carrying out of the
functions of the sewerage undertaker.
34. Trade effluent. (1) It
shall be the duty of every sewerage undertaker to provide a sewer to be used
for the drainage of trade effluent to premises in a particular locality in its
area if the sewerage undertaker is required to provide the sewer by a notice
served on the sewerage undertaker by one or more persons who are entitled under
subsection (2) to require the provision of the sewer for that locality.
(2) The following persons shall be entitled
to require the provision of a pipe for discharge of trade effluent:
(a) owner of an industrial premises in a
locality duly approved by the local authority; and
(b) an industrial authority managing
industrial estates;
(3) The sewerage undertaker shall not be in
breach of his obligations under subsection (1) if:
(a) the person does not provide an
undertaking to pay, to the sewerage undertaker, costs reasonably incurred in
providing the main over a prescribed period of time;
(b) the trade effluent is of a nature that
shall make it difficult for the sewerage undertaker to discharge its
obligations to domestic consumers; or
(c) the trade effluent cannot be safely
carried in the pipes of the sewerage undertaker or needs to be carried
separately for specialized treatment.
(4) Any
dispute between a sewerage undertaker and any other person regarding costs to
be paid shall be referred to the arbitration of a single arbitrator by
agreement between the sewerage undertaker and that person and in default of
such agreement the dispute shall be finally decided by the Authority.
35. Power to disconnect connection for trade effluent.
A sewerage undertaker may disconnect a pipe which carries trade effluent if:
it is reasonable
for the disconnection to be made for the purposes of carrying out any necessary
works; or
the occupier of
the premises is liable to pay charges due to the sewerage undertaker in respect
of services to those premises and has failed to pay such charges within fifteen
days beginning with the day after he is served with notice requiring him to do
(2) Where a sewerage undertaker exercises its
power by virtue of clause (a) of subsection (1), it shall owe a duty to the
consumer to secure:
that those works
are carried out with reasonable dispatch; and
that no service is
interrupted for more than seven days for the purpose of carrying out of those
36. Permission to dispose of waste water or
trade effluent directly. (1) Where:
it is not
practicable, at reasonable cost, for a sewerage undertaker to provide sewerage
it is practicable
and safe for the owner or occupier of industrial premises to drain waste water
or trade effluent in pipes not owned or operated by the sewerage undertaker;
the local
authority in whose area those premises are situated permits the sewerage
undertaker to allow discharge of waste water or trade effluent in pipes not
owned or operated by the sewerage undertaker.
the sewerage undertaker
may allow a person, by a sub-license, to discharge waste water or trade
effluent in those pipes.
(2) A sub-license issued under subsection (1)
shall be granted in accordance with any conditions that the Commission may
impose on such sub-licenses specifically or generally.
37. Sewer maps. (1) Subject to the provisions of
subsection (5) below, it shall be the duty of the Authority and every sewerage
undertaker to keep records of the location and other relevant particulars of:
every public sewer
or disposal main operated by the sewerage undertaker or other persons with the
permission of the sewerage undertaker; and
any other
underground works other than a service pipe which are owned or operated by the
sewerage undertaker.
(2) For the purposes of this section, the
relevant particulars of a drain, sewer or disposal main, in addition to its
location, shall also include particulars as to:
whether it is a
drain, sewer or disposal main and of the description of effluent for the
conveyance of which it is or is to be used, and
whether it is
operated by sewerage undertaker or, if it is not, whether it is operated with
the permission of sewerage undertaker.
(4) The records kept by a sewerage undertaker
under this section shall be kept separately in relation to the area of each
local authority within whose area there is any drain, sewer, or disposal main
of which that sewerage undertaker is required to keep records
(5) It shall be the duty of every sewerage
undertaker to:
provide to the
local authorities, without any fee, the copies of the contents of records kept
under this section, and with copies of any modifications of those records, so
as to ensure that every local authority to whose area any of the records relate
are at all times informed of the contents of the record, for the time being,
relating to their area; and
ensure that the
contents of all the records for the time being kept by the sewerage undertaker
under this section are available, at all reasonable times, for inspection by
the public free of charge at any office of the sewerage undertaker.
(6) Any information which is required to be
kept by this section shall be so provided or made available in the form of a
(7) For the purposes of determining whether
any failure to make a modification of any records kept under this section
constitutes a breach of the duty, imposed by sub section (1) above which make
the modification necessary; and where records kept under this section are
modified, the date of the modification and of the completion of the works
making the modification necessary shall be incorporated in the records.
(8) The duties of a sewerage undertaker under
this section shall be enforceable under section 11 of the Act.
38. Powers of the undertakers to charge.
Subject to the provisions of this chapter, the powers of every undertaker shall
include the power to:
fix charges for
any services provided in the course of carrying out its functions and, in the
case of a sewerage undertaker, charges to be paid in connection with the
carrying out of its trade effluent functions; and
demand and recover
charges fixed under this section from any person to whom that undertaker
provides services or in relation to whom it carries out trade effluent
(2) The powers conferred under subsection (1)
shall be exercisable:
by undertakers:
in the case of
supply of water after taking into consideration the cost of abstraction,
improvement in quality of water and protection of water from contamination till
it is supplied to premises; and
in the case of
sewerage or waste water after taking into consideration the cost of carrying
it, treating it and protecting soil and water from the waste water till it is
treated; or
by or in
accordance with agreements with persons to be charged.
39. Liability of occupiers etc. to pay charges.
in so far as provision to the contrary is made by any agreement to which the
undertaker is a party:
supplies of water
provided by a water undertaker shall be treated for purposes of this Chapter as
services provided to the occupiers, for the time being, of any premises
supplied; and
sewerage services
provided by a sewerage undertaker shall be treated for the purposes of this
Chapter as provided to the occupiers, for the time being, of any premises which
are drained by a sewer or drain connecting, either directly or through an
intermediate sewer or drain, with such a public sewer of the sewerage
undertaker as is provided for sewerage water or surface water or both.
40. Provisions relating to charging by volume.
Where the Authority so requires, the undertakers shall install meters and make
other provision in relation to the meters and the premises where these are
(2) The Commission may, by regulations, make
such provision as it considers appropriate with respect to the connection,
disconnection, use, maintenance, authentication and testing of meters and with
respect to any other related matter.
(3) Without prejudice to the generality of
subsection (2), the regulations may, among other things:
address the
positioning, whether inside or outside of the building or other premises in
relation to which the meter is to be used, of any meter or of any pipes or
apparatus appearing to any water undertaker or sewerage undertaker to be
required for the purpose of facilitating the use of any meter;
make any other
provision which appears to the Commission to be appropriate with respect to any
such pipes or apparatus;
provide for a
reading from a meter to be proved and for a reading from a meter to be such
evidence of the volume of water supplied to, or of effluent discharged from,
any premises;
fix the method of
determining the amount of the charges to be paid where it appears that a meter
has given, or may have given, an incorrect reading;
require a person
who is not an undertaker to pay the expenses incurred by an undertaker in doing
anything under the regulations or to pay contributions towards those expenses;
provide for the
payment of compensation in respect of anything done by an undertaker under the
regulations; and
require disputes
arising under the regulations to be referred to arbitration.
41. Power of the Authority to modify charges. The Authority may, through a written
order, modify the charges fixed or demanded by an undertaker under section 38
of the Act where it finds that an undertaker:
has not spread
costs over a reasonable period of time;
has charged
consumers unfairly;
has not acted in
support of the consumer objective;
has not applied
aquifer charges; and
has not charged as
prescribed or levied by the Government.
42. Offence of tampering with meters etc. (1) If any person:
interferes with a meter used by an undertaker in determining the amount of any
charges fixed in relation to any premises to prevent the meter from showing or
from accurately showing the volume of water supplied to or of effluent
discharged from those premises; or
carries out any
works which he knows are likely to affect the operation of such a meter;
he shall be guilty of an
offence and liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding rupees fifty
(2) A person shall not be guilty of an
offence under subsection (1) in respect of anything done by him with the
consent of the undertaker who uses the meter.
43. Abstraction licenses. (1) The
license to abstract water may be one of the following three types:
(a) a license to abstract water from one
source of supply;
(b) a license to abstract water form one
source of supply for the purpose of transferring to another source of supply;
(c) a license to abstract water from one
source of supply for the purposes of transferring to the same source of supply
at another point.
(2) A license to abstract water from one
source of supply shall be of one or more of the following seven types:
(a) a license to abstract water for supply to
consumers by a water undertaker;
(b) a license to abstract water for
agricultural purposes;
(c) a license to abstract water for domestic
(d) a license to abstract water for
industrial purposes;
(e) a license to abstract water for mining
(f) a license to abstract water for
ecological purposes; and
(g) a license to abstract water for any
purpose not listed above.
(3) No person shall abstract water from
controlled waters without a license.
(4) Abstraction licenses shall be granted by
the authorities listed in the First Schedule of the Act.
44. Disposal licenses. (1) The
license for disposal of water may be one of the following four types:
a license for
disposal of naturally clean water into controlled waters;
a license for
disposal of sewage water into controlled waters;
a license for
disposal of trade effluent into controlled waters; and
a license for
disposal of any other water into controlled waters.
(2) No person shall dispose water into
controlled waters without a license.
(3) A disposal licenses shall be granted by
the authorities listed in the Second Schedule of the Act.
45. Terms and conditions of licenses.
Every abstraction and disposal license under this Act shall be in the
prescribed form and shall be valid for a fixed duration of time, which may or
may not be extendable.
(2) Every license shall be subject to such
terms and conditions as the Commission may prescribe.
(3) Every license shall provide for the point
at which abstraction and disposal shall take place.
(4) The fee to be charged for an abstraction
and disposal licence shall be such as may be fixed by the Government from time
to time.
(5). Notwithstanding anything contained in this
section, a disposal license shall include the following conditions that:
the disposed of
water shall comply with applicable environmental standards; and
the samples of
disposed of water shall be collected and tested at suitable intervals as fixed
by the Authority from time to time.
(5) Any person who knowingly contravenes the
terms and conditions of a license shall be guilty of an offence and liable,
upon conviction, to a fine which may extend to rupees two hundred thousand.
46. Drought orders. (1)
Where the Commission is satisfied that by reason of an exceptional shortage of
rain, a serious deficiency of water in any area exists or is likely to exist
then it may, by order, make such provisions as are authorized by this section,
which appear to be expedient, with a view to meeting the deficiency.
(2) An order made under this section may
contain one or more of the following provisions authorizing:
the Authority,
water undertaker or licensee to take water from any source specified in the
order subject to any conditions or restrictions specified in it;
the Authority or
the sewerage undertaker or licensee to discharge water to any place specified
in the order subject to any conditions or restrictions specified in it;
the Authority to
prohibit or limit the taking of water by a water undertaker or any other person
from a source specified in the order if the Authority is satisfied that the
taking of water from that source shall seriously affect the supply of water to
the Commission, any water undertaker or any other person;
the Authority to
suspend or vary or attach conditions to any consent specified in the order for
the discharge of any effluent by any person including any water undertaker or
sewerage undertaker; and
the Authority or
water undertaker to prohibit or limit the use of water for such purpose as the
Authority or, as the case may be, the water undertaker thinks fit.
47. Offences with regard to drought orders.
(1) If
any person:
takes or uses
water in contravention of a prohibition or limitation imposed by or under an
order referred to in section 46 of the Act or takes or uses water otherwise
than in accordance with any condition or restriction so imposed; or
discharges water
otherwise than in accordance with any condition or restriction imposed by or
under such an order
he shall be guilty of an
offence under this section.
(2) If any person:
fails to construct
or maintain, in good order, a gauge or other apparatus for measuring the flow
of water which he is required to construct or maintain under an order referred
to in section 48 of the Act; or
fails to allow
some person authorized for the purpose by or under any such order to inspect
and examine any such apparatus or any records made thereby or kept by that
person in connection therewith or to take copies of any such record;
he shall be guilty of an offence under this
(3) In any proceedings against a person for
an offence under this section, it shall be a defense for that person to show
that he took all reasonable precautions and exercised all due diligence to
avoid the commission of the offence.
(4) A person who is guilty of an offence
under this section shall be liable, upon conviction, to a fine which may extend
to rupees five hundred thousand.
48. Environmental and recreational duties.
It shall be the duty of the Government and every authority established under
the Act to formulate or consider any proposal:
to further the
conservation and enhancement of natural beauty and the conservation of flora
and fauna and geological or physio-geographical features or special interest;
to have regard to
the desirability of protecting and conserving buildings, sites and objects of
archeological, architectural or historic interest;
to take into
account any effect which the proposal would have on the beauty or amenity of
any rural or urban area or on any such flora, fauna, features, buildings, sites
or objects; and
to have regard to
the desirability of preserving and maintaining for the public freedom of access
and visiting any place of natural beauty or building or site or object of
archeological, architectural or historic interest.
(2) Without prejudice to any other duty
imposed by this Act, it shall be the duty of every authority to promote:
the conservation
and enhancement of natural beauty; and
the conservation
of flora or fauna which are dependent on rivers, streams and large bodies of
49. Controlled waters. The
following shall be deemed to be the controlled waters for the purpose of this
waters in rivers
and their tributaries, nullahs and streams flowing in the Punjab;
canals falling
within the definition of the Canal and Drainage Act, 1873 (VIII of 1873);
waters in lakes or
other natural reservoirs, as well as man-made reservoirs with a surface area
larger than five square acres;
ground and subsoil
storm water in
drains; and
any other water
declared as such by the Commission.
50. Offences relating to controlled waters
etc. (1)
Contravention of this section shall include causing or knowingly permitting:
any poisonous,
noxious or polluting matter or any solid waste matter to enter into any
controlled waters;
any matter to
enter controlled waters by being discharged from a drain or sewer without the
requisite treatment;
any trade effluent
or sewage effluent to be discharged, in contravention of any relevant
prohibition from a building or from any fixed plant onto or into any land; and
any action which
tends, either directly or otherwise, to impede the proper flow of the waters
including flood waters.
(2) A person who contravenes any provision of
this section shall be guilty of an offence and liable, upon conviction, to
imprisonment which may extend to three months or to a fine which may extend to
rupees five hundred thousand or both.
(3) A person shall not be guilty of an
offence under subsection (1) if the entry occurs or the discharge is made in
accordance with the terms of a license for disposal of water.
51. Water protection zones. (1) The
Government may declare a particular area as water protection zone to:
(a) prevent or control the entry of any
poisonous, noxious or polluting matter into the controlled waters;
(b) prohibit or restrict the carrying on in a
particular area of activities which it may consider likely to result in the
pollution of any such waters.
(2) The Commission may by regulations
determine the circumstances in which the carrying on of any activities is
prohibited or restricted and to determine the activities to which any such
prohibition or restriction applies.
52. Offences related to deposits and vegetation. (1) A person shall be guilty of an offence
under this section if he, without the approval of the respective Canal Officer,
removes from any river, nullah, stream, lake, canal, reservoir or any other
water body, except a water body which is privately owned.
(2) A person shall be guilty of an offence
under this section if without consent of the Canal Officer he causes or permits
a substantial amount of vegetation to be cut or uprooted in any river, nullah,
stream, lake, canal, reservoir or any other water body except a water body
which is privately owned or to be cut or uprooted adjacent to any such water
(3) The Government may by rules determine
conditions and manner in which approval may be granted by a Canal Officer under
this section.
53. Power to investigate. (1) The Authority may appoint one or more
persons as technical assessors for the purpose of conducting an investigation
as to whether any duty or other requirement imposed on an undertaker by or
under this Act is being, has been or is likely to be contravened.
(2) It shall be the duty of every undertaker
to provide such assistance as may be required by a technical assessor for the
purposes of an investigation under this section.
(3) Any technical assessor may, for the
purpose of this section:
enter any
carry out such
inspections, measurements and tests on premises and take away such samples of
water or of any land and such fittings and other articles as may be required;
at any reasonable
time require any water undertaker to supply him with copies of, or extracts
from the contents of any record kept for the purpose of complying with any duty
or other requirement imposed on that undertaker.
(4) Any undertaker which fails to comply with
the duty imposed under subsection (2) above shall by guilty of an offence and
liable, upon conviction to a fine which may extend to rupees two hundred
54. Prosecution of offences. (1)
Offences under this Act shall be cognizable on the complaint of the persons
mentioned in the Third Schedule of the Act.
(2) A prosecution for an offence under this
section shall not be instituted except by the public prosecutor.
55. Amendments. The
provisions contained in other laws mentioned in the Fourth Schedule shall stand
amended as indicated therein.
56. Rules. The Government may by notification in the
official Gazette make rules for carrying out the purposes of the Act.
57. Regulations. Subject to the provisions of the Act and the rules,
the Commission may by notification in the official Gazette make regulations for
carrying out the purposes of the Act.
58. Removal of difficulties. The
Chief Minister may make such provisions and pass such orders as may be
necessary or expedient for removal of any difficulty or doubt in giving effect
to the provisions of the Act.
section 43)
Sr. No. |
empowered to grant License |
A license to abstract water form
one source of supply for the purpose of transferring to another source of
supply |
Authority |
A license to abstract water from
one source of supply for the purposes of transferring to the same source of
supply at another point |
Authority |
A license to abstract water for
supply to consumers by a water undertaker |
Authority |
A license to abstract water for
agricultural purposes |
Canal Officer of the area in
consultation with the Deputy Director of the Agriculture Department |
A license to abstract water for
domestic purposes |
Water Undertaker in whose area
the abstraction will take place; where no undertaker is appointed, by the
Punjab Water Resources Commission |
A license to abstract water for
industrial purposes |
Authority |
A license to abstract water for
mining purposes |
Authority |
A License to abstract water for
ecological purposes |
Authority in consultation with the
Forest Department |
A license to abstract water for
other purposes |
Commission |
section 44)
Sr. No. |
Licenses |
Body empowered to grant License |
1. |
license for disposal of clean water into controlled waters |
Authority |
2. |
license for disposal of sewage water into controlled waters |
Authority |
3. |
license for disposal of trade effluent into controlled waters |
Authority |
4. |
license for disposal of any other water into controlled water |
section 54)
on whose complaint the offence is cognizable |
18 |
Punjab Water Services Regulatory
Authority |
21 |
Punjab Water Services Regulatory
Authority Person who has been supplied
unfit water |
24 |
Punjab Water Services Regulatory
Authority, Office authorized by the Punjab Water Resources Commission |
35 |
Punjab Water Services Regulatory
Authority |
43 |
Officer authorized by the Punjab
Water Resources Commission |
40 |
Officer authorized by the Punjab
Water Resources Commission |
41 |
Water undertaker |
44 |
Person who has granted the
license |
45 |
Canal Officer Wildlife Officer |
46 |
Officer authorized by the Punjab
Water Resources Commission |
49 |
Canal officers authorized by the
Irrigation Department |
52 |
Punjab Water Services Regulatory
Authority |
section 55)
* * * *]
[1]This Act was passed by the Punjab Assembly
on 20 November 2019; assented to by the Governor of the Punjab on 10 December 2019;
and was published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated 13 December 2019, pages 2507-29.
following entries omitted by the Punjab Water and Sanitation Authority Act 2025
(section 37):
Sr. No. |
Law |
Section/clause |
Amendment |
1. |
Lahore Development Authority Act, 1975 (XXX of 1975) |
29 |
stand repealed |
2. |
Punjab Development of Cities Act, 1976 (XIX of 1976) |
28 |
stand repealed |