Section Heading
1. Short title, extent and commencement
2. Application of other laws not barred
3. Definitions
4. Regulation anted prohibition of import, etc., of drugs
5. Regulation of manufacture of drugs
6. Regulation of sale of drugs
7. Registration of drugs
9. Appellate Board
9A. Appeals to the Provincial Appellate Authority
10. Expert Committees
11. Provincial Quality Control Board
11A. Conflict of interest
11B. Provincial Drugs Monitoring Teams
11C. Independent inspection
12. Power to fix maximum prices of drugs, etc
13. Directions to Provincial Governments
14. Federal Drug Laboratory and institutes, etc
15. Provincial Drugs Testing Laboratory
16. Government Analysts
17. Inspector
18. Powers' of Inspectors
19. Procedure for Inspectors
20. Persons bound to disclose place where drugs rue manufactured or kept
21. Disclosure of the name of the manufacturer
22. Reports of Government Analysts
22A. Reports of the Notified Drugs Laboratories
23. Import, manufacture and safe of drugs
23A. Prohibition on aiding, abetment or association in contravention of the Act
23B. Prohibition of acquisition and possession of assets derived from contravention of the Act.
23C. Prohibition on owning, operating premises or machinery for manufacture of drugs, etc.
24. Control of advertisement
25. Control of sampling
26. Control of printing of labeling
27. Penalties
27A. False statement
28. Penalty for subsequent offence
29. Forfeiture
30. Cognizance of offences
31. Drug Courts
31A. Appeal
32. Pleas
33. Application of law relating to customs and powers of officers of customs
34. Offences by companies, etc
35. Publication of offender's name
36. Powers to exempt
37. Inspectors to be public servants
38. Indemnity
39. Finality of orders, etc.
40. Publication of result of test or analysis, etc
41. Cancellation or suspension of licences
41A. Suspension of license by Provincial Quality Control Board
42. Cancellation or suspension of registration of registered drugs
43. Power of Federal Government to make rules
43A. Power to delegate
44. Power of the Provincial Government to make rules
45. Repeal and Savings
(Act XXXI of 1976)
[11th May 1976]
to regulate the import, export, manufacture, storage, distribution and sale of
WHEREAS it is expedient to regulate the import, export, manufacture, storage, distribution and sale of drugs;
It is hereby enacted as follows:
1. Short
title, extent and commencement.– (1) This Act may be called
the Drugs Act, 1976.
(2) It extends to the whole of
(3) It shall come into force at once.
2. Application of other laws not barred.– The
provisions of
this Act, shall be in addition to, and not in derogation of, the Dangerous Drugs Act, 1930[2], and any
other law for the time being in force.
3. Definitions.– In this Act, unless there is
anything repugnant in the subject or context,--
(a) “adulterated
drug” means a drug-
(i) which consists in
whole or in part of any filthy, putrid or decomposed substance or which
contains any foreign matter, vermin, worm, rodent or insect; or
(ii) which has been
manufactured, packed, or held under unsanitary conditions whereby it [3][has] been contaminated with dirt, filth or any other foreign
matter or whereby it may have been rendered injurious to health; or
(iii) the
container of which releases any poisonous or deleterious substance which may
render the contents injurious to health; or
(iv) which
bears or contains as an ingredient a substance other than the prescribed
substance; or
(v) with
which any substance has been mixed or packed so as to reduce its quality or
strength or for which any substance has been substituted wholly or in part;
(b) “Appellate Board”
means the Board constituted under section 9;
(c) “batch”
means a quantity of any drug produced during a given cycle of manufacture;
(d) “batch number” means
a designation printed on the label of a drug that identifies the batch and
permits the production history of the batch, including all stages of
manufacture and control, to be traced and reviewed;
(e) “Central Licensing
Board” means a Board set up under section 5;
(f ) “counterfeit drug”
means a drug the label or outer-packing of which is an imitation of, or
resembles or so nearly resembles as to be calculated to deceive, the label or
outer-packing of a drug of another manufacturer;
(g) “drug”
(i) any substance or
mixture of substances that is manufactured, sold, stored, offered for sale or
represented for internal or external use in the treatment, mitigation,
prevention or diagnosis of disease, an abnormal physical state, or the symptoms
thereof in human beings or animals, or the restoration, correction, or
modification of organic functions in human beings or animals, not being a
substance exclusively used or prepared for use in accordance with the ayurvedic, unani, homoeopathic or
biochemic system of treatment except those substances
and in accordance with such conditions as may be prescribed;
(ii) abortive and
contraceptive substances, agents and devices, surgical ligatures, sutures,
bandages, absorbent cotton, disinfectants, bacteriophages, adhesive plasters, gelatine capsules and antiseptic solutions;
(iii) such substances
intended to be used for the destruction or repulsion of such vermin, insects,
rodents and other organisms as cause, carry or transmit disease in human beings
or animals or for disinfection in residential areas or in premises in which
food is manufactured, prepared or kept or stored;
(iv) such
pesticides as may cause health hazard to the public;
(v) any substance
mentioned as monopraph or as a preparation in the
Pakistan Pharmacopoeia or the Pakistan National Formulary or the International
Pharmacopeia or the British Pharmacopoeia or the British Pharmaceutical Codex
or the United States Pharmacopoeia or the National Formulary of the United
States, whether alone or in combination with any substance exclusively used in
the unani, ayurvedic,
homoeopathic or biochemic system of treatment, and
intended to be used for any of the purposes mentioned in sub-clauses (i), (ii)
and (iii); and
(vi) any other substance
which the Federal Government may, by notification in the official Gazette,
declare to be a “drug” for the purposes of this Act;
(h) “expiry
date” means the date stated on the label of a drug after which the drug is not
expected to retain its claimed efficacy, safety, quality or potency or after
which it is not permissible to sell the drug;
(i) “expert”
means a specialist through university education and experience in the relevant
(j) “export”,
with its grammatical variations and cognate expressions, means to take out of
(k) “generic
name” means the non-proprietary, scientific or official name of a drug as
approved by the Federal Government;
(l) “Government Analyst”
means a Federal Government Analyst or a Provincial Government Analyst appointed
under section 16;
(m) “import”,
with its grammatical variations and cognate expressions, means to bring into
(n) “Inspector” means a
Federal Inspector or a Provincial Inspector appointed under section 17;
(o) “label”
means a display of written, printed or graphic matter upon the immediate
container, or the outside container or wrapper of a drug package;
(p) “labelling”
means all labels and other written, printed or graphic matter accompanying any
(q) “licensing
authority” means such authority as may be prescribed;
(r) “manufacture”, in
relation to a drug, means all operations involved in the production of the
drug, including processing, compounding, formulating, filling, packing,
repacking, altering, ornamenting, finishing and labelling with a view to its
storage, sale and distribution, but does not include the compounding and
dispensing or the packing of any drug in the ordinary course of retail business
or on a prescription of a registered medical practitioner or dentist or of a
veterinarian and “to manufacture” shall be construed accordingly;
(s) “misbranded
drug” means a drug-
(i) which
is not labelled in the prescribed manner; or
(ii) on the label or
labelling of which any word, statement, or other matter or information required
by the rules to appear on the label or labeling is not prominently placed with
such conspicuousness (as compared with other words, statements, designs, or
devices on the label or labelling) and in such terms as may render it likely to
be read and understood by the ordinary individual under customary conditions of
purchase and use; or
(iii) which is not
labelled with such directions for use and such warnings against use in
indications where its use may be dangerous to health, or against unsafe dosage
or duration of administration or application, in such manner and form as are
necessary for the protection of users or as may be prescribed ; or
(iv) the label or
container of which, or anything accompanying which, bears any statement, design
or device which makes any false claim for the drug or which is false or
misleading in any particular; or
(v) which is so coloured, coated, powdered or polished that damage is
concealed, or which is made to appear of better or greater therapeutic value
than it really is; or
(vi) which
is manufactured according to the specifications of a particular pharmacopoeia
or any other document as may be prescribed and the label does not bear the name
of that pharmacopoeia or document;
[4][(sa) “Notified Drugs Laboratory” means the drug testing laboratory notified
by the Provincial Government under subsection (2) of section 15 of the Act;]
(t) “prescribed”
means prescribed by rules;
[5][(ta) “Provincial Drugs Monitoring Team” means one or
more Provincial Drugs Monitoring Team constituted under section 11B of the Act;]
(u) “Provincial Quality Control Board” means a
Board set up under section 11;
(v) “Registration Board”
means a Board set up under section 7;
(w) “registered
drug” means any drug registered under section 7;
(x) “rules”
mean rules made under this Act;
(y) “
(z) “specifications”
when applied to a drug mean-
(i) such
specifications as may be prescribed; or
(ii) when
the specifications are not prescribed, the specifications as contained in the
most recent edition of any of the following publications, namely:
(1) the
(2) the
International Pharmacopoeia;
(3) the
European Pharmacopoeia;
(4) the
(5) the
British Pharmacopoeia;
(6) the
British Pharmaceutical Codex;
(7) the
(8) such
other publication as may be prescribed:
Provided that, if the specifications do
not appear in the most recent edition of any such publication, the
specifications appearing in the next preceding edition of such publication in
which the specifications appear shall apply; or
(iii) if
no specifications are either prescribed or contained, in any of the
publications referred to in sub-clause (ii), the specification approved for the
purpose of registration under this Act;
(za) “sell”
means sell, offer for sale, expose for sale, have in possession for sale and
distribution and “to sell”, “sold” or “sale” shall be construed accordingly;
(zb) “spurious
drug” means a drug-
(i) which
purports to be a drug but does not contain the active ingredient of that drug;
(ii) which
purports to be the product of a manufacturers, place or country of whom or of
which is not truly a product; or
(iii) which
is imported or exported or sold or offered or exposed for sale under a
particular name while actually it is another drug; or
(iv) the label of which bears
the name of an individual or company purporting to be its manufacturer or
producer which individual or company is fictitious or does not exist;
(zc) “storage”
means storage for sale and “to store” or “stored” shall be construed
[6][(zd) “sub-standard
drug” means a drug which is not of specifications; and
(ze) “professional member” means a person who is qualified for appointment as Inspector or Government Analyst and appointed by the Provincial Government in such manner and on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed.]
4. Regulation and prohibition
of import, etc., of drugs.– (1) The Federal Government
stall regulate the import and export of drugs in the prescribed manner and for
that purpose may make such orders and issue such directions to the importers
and exporters as it may deem fit.
(2) If in the opinion of the Federal Government the public
interest so requires, the Federal Government may, by notification in the
official Gazette,-
(a) direct that a drug or
a class of drugs specified in the notification, or drugs generally, shall not
be imported or exported otherwise than under the authority of a licence issued
under this Act or except by an importer or exporter or through an indentor registered in accordance with the rules;
(b) direct
that a drug or class of drugs specified in the notification shall not be
imported except by an agency of Government so specified; or
(c) prohibit
the import or export of any drug or class of drugs specified in the
[7][(3) Subject to sub-sections (1) and (2), only such drugs shall be
imported which are on sale in the market of any of the western European
5. Regulation of manufacture of drugs.– (1) The grant of licences to manufacture drugs shall be regulated in
accordance with such conditions and procedure as may be prescribed, by a
Central Licensing Board to be set up by the Federal Government and consisting
of such representatives of the Federal Government and the Provincial
Governments as may be prescribed.
(2) The members of the Central Licensing Board shall exercise such
powers, including the powers of an Inspector, as may be prescribed.
(3) The Central Licensing Board shall [8][,with the approval of the Federal Government and by
notification in the official Gazette,] make regulations to regulate the conduct
of its business.
(4) Any member of the Central Licensing Board may, at any time, by
writing under his hand addressed to the Federal Government, resign his office
or shall vacate his office if the Federal Government, being of opinion that in
the public interest it is necessary so to do, so directs.
(5) Subject to subsection (4), a member of the Central Licensing
Board shall hold office for the prescribed period.
6. Regulation of sale of drugs.– The Provincial Governments
shall regulate the sale of drugs in the prescribed manner and may for that
purpose make such orders, and issue such directions to the importers,
manufacturers, stockiest, retailers or other dealers of drugs, as they may deem
7. Registration of drugs.– (1) The Federal Government
shall cause all drugs to be registered in accordance with such conditions and
procedure as may be prescribed and for that purpose set up a Registration Board,
consisting of such number of persons, possessing such qualifications, as may be
Explanation: In this section, “drugs” means drugs which are in the finished
form ready for use.
(2) The members of the Registration Board shall exercise such
powers, including the powers of an Inspector, as may be prescribed.
(3) The Registration Board shall [9][, with the approval of the Federal Government, and by
notification in the official Gazette,] make regulations to regulate the conduct
of its business.
(4) Any member of the Registration Board may, at any time, by
writing under his hand addressed to the Federal Government, resign his office
or shall vacate his office if the Federal Government, being of opinion that in
the public interest it is necessary so to do, so directs.
(5) Subject to subsection (4), the members of the Registration
Board shall hold office for the prescribed period.
(6) The Federal Government shall, by notification in the official
Gazette, fix the date after which no drug which is not registered shall be
allowed to be exported, imported, manufactured, stored, distributed or sold.
(7) A person applying for the registration of a drug shall furnish
such information in respect of the drug as may be prescribed, including
information relating to its efficacy, safety and quality, or as may be required
by the Registration Board for the purpose of the evaluation of the drug.
(8) Single-ingredient drugs shall be registered generally by their
generic names while compound drugs shall be registered generally by their
proprietary names.
Explanation.- In this subsection,-
(a) “Single-ingredient drugs”
means drugs containing one active ingredient;
(b) “compound
drugs” means drugs containing more than one active ingredient.
[10][(9) The registration of a drug shall be subject to such
conditions as may be prescribed.]
(10) Where the Registration Board registers a drug, it shall
inform the person applying for its registration and the Provincial Governments
of its having done so and of the conditions subject to which it has been
(11) If the Registration Board, on the basis of information received
or an inquiry conducted by it, is of opinion that-
(a) the
registration of a drug was procured by fraud or misrepresentation; or
(b) the
circumstances in which a drug was registered no longer exist; or
(c) there has been a
violation of the conditions subject to which a drug was registered; or
(d) it
is necessary in the public interest so to do;
the Registration Board may, after affording to the person on whose
application the drug was registered an opportunity of showing cause against the
action proposed to be taken, cancel or suspend the registration or specify any
further conditions to which the registration shall be subject and inform such
person and the Provincial Governments accordingly.
(12) The Provincial Governments shall take all such steps as may
be necessary to ensure compliance with the conditions subject to which a drug
is registered and to prevent the manufacture or sale of a drug-
(a) which
has not been registered; or
(b) the
registration of which has been cancelled or stands suspended.
9. Appellate Board.– (1) The Federal Government shall, in accordance with the rules,
constitute an Appellate Board for the disposal of appeals preferred by persons
aggrieved by any decision of the Central Licensing Board or the Registration
Board or the licensing authority or a Board or Authority to which the powers of
the Federal Government
under section 12 have been delegated under sub-section (3) of that section and
for revision of any such decision on its own motion.
(2) The Appellate Board shall consist of such representatives of
the Federal Government and the Provincial Governments, including a Chairman, as
the Federal Government may from time to time appoint.
(3) Subject to sub-section (4), the Chairman and other members of
the Appellate Board shall hold office for the prescribed period.
(4) The Chairman or any other member of the Appellate Board may,
by writing under his hand addressed to the Federal Government, resign his
office or shall vacate his office if the Federal Government, being of opinion
that in the public interest it is necessary so to do, so directs.
(5) The members of the Appellate Board shall exercise such powers,
including the powers of an Inspector, as may be prescribed.
(6) The Appellate Board may appoint experts for the purposes of
detailed study of any specific matter before it.
(7) The Appellate Board shall [11][, with the approval of the Federal Government and by notification
in the official Gazette,] make regulations to regulate the conduct of its
[12][(8) The Appellate Board shall meet at least every month and shall
decide any appeal preferred to it within sixty days of receipt of appeal unless
the Board is prevented from doing so for sufficient cause to be recorded.]
[13][9A. Appeals
to the Provincial Appellate Authority.– (1)
Any person aggrieved by any decision of the licensing authority may prefer
appeal to the Provincial Appellate Authority.
(2) The Provincial Government shall constitute a Provincial
Appellate Authority for the disposal of appeal preferred under sub-section (1)
as may be prescribed.]
10. Expert Committees.– (1) The Federal Government may constitute committees of experts on
Drugs Evaluation, on Pakistan Pharmacopoeia, on Advertising and on such other
matters as may be necessary for the purposes of this Act.
(2) Each committee constituted under sub-section (1) shall consist
of such members as the Federal Government may appoint from time to time and
each such member shall hold office during the pleasure of the Federal
11. Provincial Quality Control Board.– (1)
Each Provincial Government shall set up a Provincial Quality Control Board
consisting of such members, including a Chairman, as that Government may
appoint from time to time.
(2) The Chairman and other members of the Provincial Quality
Control Board shall hold office during the pleasure of the Provincial
Government, on such terms and conditions as that Government may determine.
(3) The Provincial Government shall appoint a person to be the
Secretary of the Provincial Quality Control Board and provide the Board with
such staff as the Provincial Government may consider necessary.
(4) Provincial Quality Control Board shall [14][, with the approval of the Provincial Government and by
notification in the official Gazette,] make regulations to regulate the conduct
of its business.
(5) The following shall be the powers and functions of the
Provincial Quality Control Board, namely:
(a) to inspect any premises
where any drug is being, or is to be, manufactured or sold and to recommend to
the appropriate authority the cancellation or suspension of the licence to
manufacture or sell drugs granted to any person who is found to be contravening, or to have
contravened, any of the provisions of this Act, or the rules;
(b) to
scrutinize the reports of Provincial Inspectors in respect of contraventions of
this Act and reports of Government Analysts in respect of drugs sent to them by
Provincial Inspectors for test and analysis and issue instructions to the
Inspectors as to the action to be taken on such reports:
Provided that the Provincial Quality Control Board may specify the
class of cases in which a Provincial Inspector may make a complaint to the
(c) to
exercise all the powers of an Inspector under this Act and the rules; [15][*]
(d) to advise the Provincial
Government on ways and means to ensure quality control of drugs manufactured in
the Province [16][;]
[17][(e) to ascertain the names of such
directors, partners and employees of the company, corporation, firm or
institution who are prima
facie responsible for the
commission of any offence under this Act or the rules and allow an Inspector to
institute prosecution only against such persons;
(f) to
conduct annual validation of all instruments in the provincial drug testing
laboratories and to recommend measures to upgrade such laboratories, if
(g) identify
and accredit on payment of fee other laboratories in the Province with suitable
facilities and expertise;
(h) to
conduct training programs to update Government Analysts and for improving their
knowledge according to latest analytical method and technology; [18][*]
[19][(i) to specify, by
general or special order, the drugs which may be sent for test and analysis to
the Notified Drugs Laboratory for drug testing and analysis; and]]
[20][(j) to submit a monthly report of the
decisions and activities to the Federal Government and the Provincial
(6) The Provincial Quality Control Board may entrust any of its
powers or functions under sub-section (5) to any one or more of its members.
[21][(7) The Provincial Quality Control Board may constitute a committee
or committees, consisting of the members of the Board and other persons
including at least two professional members and delegate to the committee any
of its powers and functions under subsection (5) for exercise within the
specified area.]
Conflict of interest.– No
person who is a member of the Appellate Board, Central Licensing Board, a Provincial Quality Board, the Registration
Board or a member of Expert Committee shall be a member of the any other board
or committee of which he is a member to avoid any conflict of interest.]
[23][11B. Provincial Drugs Monitoring Teams.– (1) The Provincial Government may, by notification, constitute one or more Provincial Drugs Monitoring Team consisting of the Chairperson and members including at least two professional members on such terms and conditions as the Provincial Government may determine.
(2) The Chairperson and members of the Provincial Drugs Monitoring Team shall hold office during the pleasure of the Provincial Government.
(3) The Provincial Drugs Monitoring Team shall, with the approval of the Provincial Government and by notification in the official Gazette, frame regulations to regulate the conduct of its business.
(4) The Provincial Drugs Monitoring Team may –
(a) subject to subsection (5), exercise the powers of an Inspector under this Act;
(b) inspect any premises where any drug is being, or is to be, manufactured or sold and, in addition to any other action under the Act, recommend to the appropriate authority for the cancellation or suspension of the licence to manufacture or sell drugs held by any person who is found to be contravening, or to have contravened, any of the provisions of the Act or the rules;
(c) advise the Provincial Government on ways and means to ensure the provision of quality drugs to the people;
(d) ascertain the names of such directors, partners and employees of the company, corporation, firm or institution who are prima facie responsible for the commission of any offence under the Act or the rules and recommend to the appropriate authority action against such persons;
(e) submit a monthly report of the recommendations and activities to the Provincial Government; and
(f) perform such other functions under the Act or the rules as the Provincial Government may, by notification, assign.
(5) The Provincial Drugs Monitoring Team shall exercise the powers of an Inspector in the presence of at least one professional member.
11C. Independent inspection.– (1) Subject to subsection (2), the Provincial Government may, on the recommendations of the Provincial Quality Control Board, engage the services of a consultant or a firm of consultants for independent inspection and evaluation of units for manufacture of drugs, distribution networks or sale-points as the Government may specify.
(2) No person shall be engaged as consultant unless he is qualified to be appointed as an Inspector or Government Analyst and is an expert in the relevant field and no firm shall be so engaged unless it has inhouse capacity for the task and has in its service persons who are qualified to be appointed as Inspectors or Government Analysts and are experts in the relevant field.
(3) The consultant or the firm of consultants shall submit the report to the Provincial Quality Control Board within the specified time and the Board shall take necessary action on the report in accordance with law.
(4) For purposes of inspection and evaluation, the
consultant or the experts engaged by the firm of consultants shall have the
powers of an Inspector.]
12. Power to fix maximum prices of drugs, etc.– (1) The Federal Government may, by notification in the official
(a) fix
the maximum price at which any drug specified in the notification is to be
sold; and
(b) specify
a certain percentage of the profits of manufacturers of drugs which shall be utilized,
in accordance with rules for purposes of research in drugs.
(2) For the purposes of the exercise of its powers under
sub-section (1), the Federal Government may require a manufacturer, stockist, importer, exporter, retailer or other dealer in
drugs to furnish such relevant information as may be necessary.
(3) The Federal Government may, by notification in the official
Gazette, delegate any of its powers under this section to any Board or other
13. Directions to Provincial Governments.– The
Federal Government may give such directions to a Provincial Government as may
appear to the Federal Government to be necessary for carrying into execution in
the Province of any of the provisions of this Act or of any rule or order made
thereunder or for maintaining supplies of drugs of standard quality at
reasonable prices or for the achievement of uniformity in respect of any matter
in different parts of Pakistan.
14. Federal Drug Laboratory and institutes, etc.– The
Federal Government shall, as soon as may be, establish a Federal Drug Laboratory
and may also set up such other institutes and drugs testing and research
laboratories for the purposes of this Act as may be prescribed.
[24][15. Provincial
Drugs Testing Laboratory.– (1) The Provincial Government shall, as
soon as may be, set up one or more Provincial Drugs Testing Laboratory for such
as may be prescribed.
(2) The Provincial Government may, by
notification, engage or authorize a reputed drugs testing laboratory, within
the country or abroad, for test and analysis of the drug samples.]
16. Government Analysts.– The
Federal Government or Provincial Government may, by notification in the
official Gazette, appoint such persons as it thinks fit, having the prescribed
qualifications, to be the Federal Government Analysts or, as the case may be,
Provincial Government Analysts, for such areas and in respect of such drugs or
classes of drugs as may be specified in the notification:
Provided that no person who
has any financial interest in the manufacture, import, export or sale of drugs
shall be so appointed:
Provided further that a person serving under the Federal
Government or another Provincial Government shall not be so appointed without
the previous consent of that Government.
17. Inspector.– The
Federal Government or a Provincial Government may, by notification in the
official Gazette, appoint such persons as it thinks fit, having the prescribed
qualifications, to be Federal Inspectors or, as the case may be, Provincial
Inspectors for the purposes of this Act within such local limits as it may
assign to them respectively:
Provided that no person who has any financial interest in the
manufacture, import, export or sale of any drug shall be so appointed:
Provided further that a person serving under the Federal
Government or another Provincial Government shall not be so appointed without
the previous consent of such Government.
18. Powers of Inspectors.– (1)
Subject to the provisions of section 19 and of any rules made in this behalf,
an Inspector may, within the local limits for which he is appointed, and in any
other area with the permission of the licensing authority,-
(a) inspect any premises
wherein any drug is manufactured, the plant and process of manufacture, the
means employed for standardizing and testing the drugs and all relevant records
and registers;
(b) inspect
any premises wherein any drug is sold or is stocked or exhibited for sale or is
distributed; the storage arrangements and all relevant records and registers;
(c) take
samples of any drug which is being manufactured, or being sold or is stocked or
exhibited for sale or is being distributed;
(d) enter and search, with
such assistance, if any, as he considers necessary, any building, vessel or
place, in which he has reason to believe that an offence under this Act or any
rules has been or is being committed or may continue to be committed;
(e) call
any person to be present as witness in the course of search or seizure or in
connection with any other matter where the presence of witnesses is necessary;
(f) seize such drug and all
materials used in the manufacture thereof and any other articles, including
registers, cash-memos, invoices and bills, which he has reason to believe may
furnish evidence of the commission of an offence punishable under this Act or
any rules [25][:]
[26][Provided that where the contravention is such which can be
remedied, the stocks shall not be seized upon undertaking in writing of the
person not to sell drug without remedying the defect, under intimation to the
Board concerned;]
(g) require
any person to appear before him at any reasonable time and place to give
statement, assistance or information relating to or in connection with the
investigation of an offence under this Act or the rules:
Provided that the exemptions under sections 132 and 133 of the
Code of Civil Procedure, 1908[27], shall be applicable to requisitions for attendance under this
(h) lock and seal any
factory, laboratory, shop, building, store-house or godown,
or a part thereof, where any drug is or is being manufactured, stored, sold or
exhibited for sale in contravention of any of the provisions of this Act or the
(i) forbid for a reasonable
period, not exceeding [28][two] weeks or such further period, which shall not be more than
three months, as the Inspector may, with the approval of the Provincial Quality
Control Board, the Central Licensing Board, the Registration Board or the
licensing authority, as the case may be, specify, any person in charge of any
premises from removing or dispensing of any drug, article or other thing likely
to be used in evidence of the communication of an offence under this Act or the
rules; and
(j) exercise
such other powers as may be necessary for carrying out the purposes of this Act
or any rules:
Provided that the powers under clauses (f) to (j) shall be exerciseable only by an Inspector specifically authorised in this behalf, by an order in writing, by the
Government appointing him, subject to such conditions as may be specified in
such order [29][.]
[30][* *
* * * * ]
(2) The provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1898[31], in so far as they are not inconsistent with the provisions of
this Act, shall apply to searches and seizures made under this Act.
19. Procedure for Inspectors.– (1)
Where an Inspector seizes any drug or any other article under section 18, he
shall tender a receipt therefor in the prescribed form.
(2) Where an Inspector takes a sample of a drug for the purpose of
test or analysis, he shall intimate such purpose in writing in the prescribed
form to the person from whom he takes it and, in the presence of such person
unless he wilfully absents himself, shall divide the
sample into [32][five]
portions and effectively seal and suitably mark the game and permit such person
to add his own seal, if any, and mark to all or any of the portions so sealed
and marked:
Provided that, where the sample is taken from premises whereon the
drug is being manufactured, it shall be necessary to divide the sample into
three portions only:
Provided further that, where the drug is made up in containers of
small volume, instead of dividing a sample as aforesaid, the Inspector may, and
if the drug be such that it is likely to deteriorate or be otherwise damaged by
exposure shall, take three or four, as the case may be, of the said containers
after suitably marking the same and, where necessary, sealing them:
Provided further that if the contents of one container are
insufficient for the laboratory test and analysis, the Inspector may increase
the number of the containers in order to make the sample sufficient for this
(3) The Inspector shall restore one portion of a sample so divided
or one container, as the case may be, to the person from whom he takes it, and
shall retain the remainder and dispose of the same within seven days as follows:-
[33][(i) one
portion or sample he shall send to the Government Analyst or, if so specified
by the Provincial Quality Control Board, to the Board for sending it to the
Notified Drugs Laboratory;]
(ii) the second he shall
send to the Chairman, Provincial Quality Control Board or the Central Licensing
Board or the Registration Board, as the case may be;[34][
* * * * *]
(iii) the
third, where taken, he shall send to the warrantor, if any, named under the
proviso to sub-section (3) of section 32 [35][;
[36][(iv) the fourth, where taken, he shall
send to the person purporting to be its manufacturer or importer, as the case
may be.]
(4) Where an Inspector seizes any drug containing any filthy or
putrid substance, vermin, worm, rodent, insect or any foreign matter which is
visible to the naked eye, and the sample is such that it cannot or need not be
divided, he shall effectively seal and suitably mark the same and permit the
person from whom he seizes the drug to add his own seal if any, and mark to it
and shall produce the same before the Drug Court or the Central Licensing Board
or the Registration Board, as the case may be, before which proceedings are
instituted or action is initiated in respect of the drug.
(5) Where an Inspector takes any action under section 18,-
(a) he shall as soon as practicable ascertain
whether or not the drug contravenes any of the provisions of this Act and, if
it is ascertained that the drug does not so contravene, he shall forthwith
revoke the order passed under the said section or, as the case may be, take
such action as may be necessary for the return of the stock seized and payment
for the samples taken, under intimation to the Board concerned;
(b) if he seizes
the stock of the drug, he shall, as soon as may be, inform the Board concerned
and take its order as to the custody thereof:
Provided that where a Federal Inspector is not competent to take
action under section 30, he shall as soon as may be report the matter and hand
over the stock, if any, to the Provincial Inspector for further action under
this Act.
(6) The Provincial Inspector on finding any contravention of this
Act shall, unless the Board otherwise directs, always refer the case to the
Provincial Quality Control Board and seek orders as to the action to be taken
in respect of such contravention.
(7) The Federal Inspector on finding any contravention of this Act
for which he is authorized shall, unless otherwise directed, always refer the
case to the Central Licensing Board or the Registration Board or any other
authority as may be specified for the purpose and seek any further orders as to
the action to be taken in respect of such contravention.
20. Persons bound to disclose place where drugs are manufactured
or kept.– Every
person for the time being incharge of any premises
whereon any drug is being manufactured or is kept for sale or distribution
shall, on being required by an inspector so to do, disclose to the Inspector
the place where the drug is being manufactured or is kept, as the case may be.
21. Disclosure of the name of the manufacturer.– Every person, not being the manufacturer of a drug or his agent
for the distribution thereof, shall, if so required by an Inspector, disclose
to him the name, address and other particulars of the manufacturer or other
person from whom he acquired the drug.
22. Reports of Government Analysts.– (1)
The Government Analyst to whom a sample of any drug has been submitted for test
and analysis under sub-section (3) of section 19 shall deliver to the Inspector
submitting it a signed report in quadruplicate in the prescribed form and
forward one copy thereof to the authority as may be prescribed.
(2) The Government Analyst, as far as may be, shall submit the
report referred to in sub-section (1) within sixty days of the receipt by him
of the sample of the drug and, if he is not able to do so for reasons beyond
his control, shall communicate the reasons to the Inspector in writing and
shall endorse its copy to the [37][Central Licensing Board or, as the case may be, the Registration
Board or the Provincial Quality Control Board] who shall have the sample tested
from the same or any other Government Analyst or a Government Drug Testing
Laboratory or any other laboratory [38][or the Notified Drugs Laboratory]
and shall ensure the receipt of results of such test and analysis within a
further period as may be prescribed and shall make the test report available to
the Inspector for further action.
(3) On receipt of the report, the Inspector shall-
(a) deliver
one copy thereof to the person from whom the sample was taken;
(a) forward
one copy to the warrantor, if any, named under the proviso to subsection (3) of
section 32;
(c) forward
one copy to the [39][Central
Licensing Board or, as the case may be, the Registration Board or the
Provincial Quality Control Board] for its directions as to the action to be
taken on the report ; and
(d) retain
the fourth copy for use in any prosecution or for any other purpose.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the
time being in force, any document purporting to be a report signed by a
Government Analyst [40][or the Notified Drugs Laboratory]
shall be admissible as evidence of the facts stated therein without formal
proof and such evidence shall be conclusive unless the person from whom the
sample was taken or the said warrantor has, within thirty days of the receipt
of a copy of the report notified in writing to the Inspector or [41][Provincial
Quality Control Board or, as the case may be, the Central Licensing Board or
the Registration Board or the Drug Court] before which any proceedings in
respect of the sample are pending that he intends to adduce evidence in controversion of the report.
(5) Where a person has, under subsection (4), notified his
intention of adducing evidence in controversion of a [42][report of Government Analyst or of
Notified Drugs Laboratory], [43][Provincial
Quality Control Board or, as the case may be, the Central Licensing Board or
the Registration Board or the Drug Court] may, of its own motion or in its
discretion at the request either of the complainant or the accused, cause the
sample of the drug lying with the Board concerned under subsection (3) of
section 19 to be sent for test or analysis to the Federal Drug Laboratory or
any other laboratory specified for the purpose by the Federal Government [44][or the Provincial Government] which shall make the test or
analysis and report in writing signed by, or under the authority of, the person
for the time being incharge of the Federal Drug
Laboratory, or, as the case may be, such other laboratory, the result thereof
and such report shall be conclusive evidence of the facts stated therein.
(6) The cost of a test or analysis made by the Federal Drug
Laboratory or other laboratory under subsection (5) shall be paid by the
complainant or accused as the
[45][22A. Reports of the Notified Drugs Laboratories.– (1) The Notified Drugs Laboratory shall submit its report to the Chairperson of the Provincial Quality Control Board.
(2) The provisions of section 22 of the Act shall, as far as may be, apply to the report of a Notified Drugs Laboratory.
(3) The Board shall take necessary action on the
report in accordance with the Act and the rules.]
23. Import, manufacture and sale of drugs.– (1)
No person shall himself or by any other person on his behalf-
(a) export,
import or manufacture for sale or sell-
(i) any
spurious drug;
(ii) any
counterfeit drug;
(iii) any
misbranded drug;
(iv) any
adulterated drug;
(v) any
substandard drug;
(vi) any
drug after its expiry date;
(vii) any
drug which is not registered or is not in accordance with the conditions of
(viii) any
drug which, by means of any statement, design or device accompanying it or by
any other means, purports or claims to cure or mitigate any such disease or
ailment, or to have any such other effect, as may be prescribed;
(ix) any drug if it is
dangerous to health when used in the dosage or with the frequency, or for the
duration specified, recommended or suggested in the labelling thereof; or
(x) any
drug in contravention of any of the provisions of this Act or any rule;
(b) manufacture
for sale any drug except under, and in accordance with the conditions of, a
licence issued under this Act ;
(c) sell
any drug except under, and in accordance with the conditions of, a licence
issued under this Act;
(d) import
or export any drug the import or export of which is prohibited by or under this
(e) import
or export any drug for the import or export of which a licence is required,
except under, and in accordance with the conditions of, such licence;
(f) supply
an incorrect, incomplete or misleading information, when required to furnish
any information under this Act or the rules ;
(g) peddle,
hawk or offer for sale any drug in a park or public street or on a highway,
footpath or public transport or conveyance;
(h) import, manufacture
for sale, or sell any substance, or mixture of substances, which is not a drug
but is presented in a form or manner which is intended or likely to cause the
public to believe it to be a drug;
(i) sell
any drug without having a warranty in the prescribed form bearing the name and
batch number of the drug issued,-
(i) in
the case of a drug manufactured in
(ii) in
the case of an imported drug, by the manufacturer or importer of that drug or,
if the drug is imported through an indentor by such indentor; and
(j) apply
an incorrect batch number to a drug.
(2) Nothing in sub-section (1) shall apply to the manufacture or
subject to prescribed conditions, of small quantities of any drug for the
purpose of clinical trial, examination, test, analysis or personal use.
[46][23A. Prohibition on aiding, abetment or association in contravention of the Act.– No one shall participate in, associate or conspire to commit, or attempt to commit, aid, abet, facilitate, incite, induce or counsel the commission of an offence punishable under this Act.
23B. Prohibition of acquisition and possession of assets derived from contravention of the Act.– No person shall knowingly:
(a) possess,
acquire, use, convert, assign or transfer any assets which have been derived,
generated or obtained, directly or indirectly, either in his own name or in the
name of his associates, relative or any other person through an act or omission
which contravenes any of the prohibitions contained in section 23 of this Act;
(b) hold or possess on behalf of any other person any assets
referred to in clause (a); and
(c) conceal or disguise the true nature, source, location,
disposition, movement, title or ownership of such assets by making false
declaration in relation thereto.
23C. Prohibition
on owning, operating premises or machinery for manufacture of drugs, etc.– No
one shall own, manage, operate or control any premises, place, equipment or
machinery for purposes of manufacture of any drugs save in accordance with the
conditions of a valid and extant licence issued by
the Licensing Authority.]
24. Control of advertisement.– No
person shall himself or by any other person on his behalf advertise, except in
accordance with such conditions as may be prescribed,-
(i) any
(ii) any substance used or
prepared for use in accordance with the ayurvedic, unani, homoepathie or biochemic system of treatment or any other substance or
mixture of substances as may be prescribed;
(iii) any
remedy, treatment or offer of a treatment for any disease.
Explanation.– In
this section, “advertise” means to make any representation by any means
whatsoever for the purpose of promoting directly or indirectly the sale or
disposal of a drug, a substance or a mixture of substances, a remedy or a
treatment except the display of sign boards for a clinic, a dispensary or a
hospital or such other institution offering treatment.
25. Control of sampling.– No
person shall distribute or cause to be distributed any drug as a sample except
in accordance with such conditions as may be prescribed.
26. Control of printing of labelling.– No
person shall print any labelling in respect of any drug which is required to be
registered under this Act but is not so registered after the date fixed by the
Federal Government under sub-section (6) of section 7 or for a person who does
not possess a licence under this Act to manufacture that drug.
27. Penalties.– [47][(1) Whoever himself or by any other person on his behalf:
(a) exports, imports,
manufactures or sells any spurious drug or adulterated drug or any drug which
is not registered;
(b) manufactures for
sale any drug without a licence;
(c) manufactures,
transports or sells a temperature sensitive drug in conditions which are likely
to cause the drug to lose its potency; or
(d) imports without licence any drug for the import of which a licence is required -
shall be punished with imprisonment which may
extend to ten years but which shall not be less than three years and with fine
which may extend to fifty million rupees but which shall not be less than
twenty five million rupees.]
(2) Whoever himself or by any other person on his behalf-
(a) imports,
manufactures for sale or sells any counterfeit drug; or
(b) gives to the purchaser
a false warranty in respect of any drug sold by him that the drug does not in
any way contravene the provisions of section 23 and is not able to prove that,
when he gave the warranty, he had good and sufficient reason to believe the
same to be true; or
(c) applies or permits to
be applied to any drug sold, or stocked or exhibited for sale, by him, whether
on the container or a label or in any other manner, a warranty given in respect
of any other drug; or
(d) imports,
manufactures for sale or sells any drug under a name other than the registered
name; or
(e) exports, imports,
manufactures for sale or sells any drug with which any substance, which should
not actually be its component, has been mixed or packed so as to reduce its
quality or strength or for which any such substance has been substituted wholly
or in part;
shall be
punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to seven years, [48][but which shall not be less than two
years and with fine which may extend to ten million rupees but which shall not
be less than three million rupees].
(3) Whoever obstructs an Inspector in the exercise of any power
conferred upon him by or under this Act, or disobeys the lawful authority of
any Inspector, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may
extend to [49][one year but which shall not be less
than fourteen days and with fine which may extend to one million rupees but
which shall not be less than five hundred thousand rupees].
[50][(3a) Whoever himself
or by any other person on his behalf, exports, imports, manufactures for sale
or sells any substandard drug shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term
which may extend to five years but which shall not be less than six months and
with fine which may extend to fifty million rupees but which shall not be less
than ten million rupees.”;
(3b) Whoever himself or by any other person contravenes the provisions of section 23B shall be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to ten years but which shall not be less than three years and with fine which shall not be less than the prevailing value of the assets and such assets shall also be liable to forfeiture to the Provincial Government.
(3c) Whoever himself or by any other person contravenes the provisions of section 23C shall be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to fourteen years but which shall not be less than five years and with fine which shall not be less than the prevailing value of the assets and such assets shall also be liable to forfeiture to the Provincial Government.]
to the provisions of subsections (1), (2), (3), (3a), (3b) and (3c), whoever
himself or by any other person on his behalf contravenes any of the provisions
of this Act or the rules shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which
may extend to five years but which shall not be less than thirty days and with
fine which may extend to five million rupees but which shall not be less than
five hundred thousand rupees.]
[52][(5) If a Provincial Inspector or an official of the Provincial Drugs Testing Laboratory:
(a) is guilty of any willful breach or neglect
of any provisions of the Act or the rules or any order which he is bound to
observe and obey;
(b) is guilty of
dereliction of duty;
(c) extends any
assistance to any person in contravention of the Act or the rules; or
(d) abets the
contravention of any provisions of the Act or the rules -
without prejudice to any other action in accordance with law, be liable to
imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years but which shall not be
less than six months and with fine which may extend to one million rupees but
which shall not be less than one hundred thousand rupees.]
[53][27A. False statement.– When any person is
required under this Act to prepare a report, make a statement or furnish an
information, prepares the report or makes the statement or furnishes the
information which is false in any material particular and which he knows or has
reasonable cause to believe to be false, or does not believe to be true, shall
be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years but
which shall not be less than six months and with fine which may extend to one
million rupees but which shall not be less than one hundred thousand rupees.]
28. Penalty for subsequent offence.– (1) Whoever having been convicted of an offence under sub-section
(1) of section 27 is [54][convicted
for a subsequent] offence under that subsection shall be punishable with
imprisonment for life or with imprisonment which shall not be less than [55][ten years and with fine which may extend
to one hundred million rupees but which shall not be less than fifty million
(2) Whoever
having been convicted of an offence under subsection (2) of section 27 is [56][convicted
for a subsequent] offence under that subsection shall be punishable with
imprisonment for a term [57][which may extend to ten years but which
shall not be less than five years and with fine which may extend to seventy
million rupees but which shall not be less than thirty million rupees].
[58][(2a) Whoever
having been convicted of an offence under subsection (3a) of section 27 is
convicted for a subsequent offence under that subsection shall be punishable
with imprisonment for a term which may extend to seven years but which shall
not be less than two years and with fine which may extend to seventy five
million rupees but which shall not be less than twenty five million rupees.]
(3) Whoever
having been convicted of an offence under sub-section (4) of section 27 is [59][convicted
for a subsequent] offence under that subsection shall be punishable with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to [60][ten years but which shall not be less
than ninety days and with fine which may extend to ten million rupees but which
shall not be less than one million rupees].
29. Forfeiture.– (1) Where any person has been convicted under this Act, for
contravening any such provisions of this Act or any rule as may be prescribed
in this behalf, the Drug Court may order that the stock of drug or substance by
means of or in relation to which the offence was committed or anything of a
similar nature belonging to or in the possession of the accused or found with
such drug or substance, and if such contravention is punishable under
sub-section (1) of section 27, any implements used in manufacture or sale of
such drug and any receptacles, packages or coverings in which such drug is
contained and the animals, vehicles, vessels or other conveyances, used in
carrying such drug, be forfeited to the Federal Government or, as the case may
be, the Provincial Government and, upon such order being made, such drug,
substance, implements, receptacles, packages or coverings, animals, vehicles,
vessels or conveyances may be disposed of as that Government may direct.
(2) Without
prejudice to the provisions of sub-section (1), where the Drug Court is satisfied,
on the application of an Inspector or otherwise, and after such inquiry as may
be necessary, that a drug contravenes the
provisions of this Act, the Drug Court may order that such drug be forfeited to
the Federal Government or, as the case may be, the Provincial Government and,
upon such order being made, such drug may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of
as that Government may direct.
(3) An
Inspector shall release any drug or article seized by him under this Act when
he is satisfied that all the provisions of this Act and the rules with respect
thereto have been complied with.
30. Cognizance of offences.– (1)
Subject to the provisions of section 19, no prosecution shall be instituted
under this Chapter except-
(a) by a Federal
Inspector, where the prosecution is in respect of a contravention of clause (h)
of sub-section (1) of section 23 or section 24 or any of the provisions of this
Act or the rules relating to the import or export of drugs or the manufacture
for sale, or sale, of a drug which is not for the time being registered or for
the manufacture for sale of which a licence is not for the time being in force;
(b) by
a Provincial Inspector:
that, where the public interest so requires, the Federal Inspector may, with
the prior permission of the Federal Government, institute a prosecution for a
contravention of any other provision of this Act.
[61][(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898[62]:
(a) an offence punishable under subsection
(1) of section 27 shall be cognizable and non-bailable;
(b) an offence other than the offence
mentioned in subsection (1) of section 27, shall be cognizable on the complaint
of the Provincial Quality Control Board or the Provincial Drugs Monitoring
Team; and
(c) all offences under the Act shall be non-bailable.
(2a) No court
other than a
(3) Nothing contained in this Chapter shall be deemed to prevent
any person from being prosecuted under any other law for any act or omission
which constitutes an offence punishable under this Chapter or to require the
transfer to a Drug Court of any case which may be pending in any court
immediately before the establishment of the
31. Drug Courts.– (1)
The [63][Provincial
Government] may, by notification in the official Gazette, establish as many
Drug Courts as it considers necessary and, where it establishes more than one
Drug Court, shall specify in the notification the territorial limits within
which, or the class of cases in respect of which, each one of them shall
exercise jurisdiction under this Act.
[64][(2) A
Drug Court shall consist of the Chairperson who is or has been, or is qualified
for appointment as a Judge of High Court, and one full-time member who is an
expert in the medical field and another full-time member who is an expert in
pharmaceutical field.]
[68][* * * *]
[69][31A. Appeal.– (1) The Provincial
Government or the person sentenced by a Drug Court may, within sixty days, file
an appeal against the final order of the Drug Court to Lahore High Court and
the appeal shall be heard by a Bench of that Court consisting of not less than two
(2) The
(3) The provisions of sections 5 and 12 of the Limitation Act, 1908[70] shall be applicable to an appeal under this section.]
32. Pleas.– (1)
Save as hereafter provided in this section, it shall be no defence
in a prosecution under this Act to prove merely that the accused was ignorant
of the nature, substance or quality of the drug in respect of which the offence
has been committed or of the circumstances of its manufacture or import, or
that a purchaser, having bought only for the purpose of test or analysis, has
not been prejudiced by the sale.
(2) A drug shall not be deemed to be misbranded or adulterated or
substandard only by reason of the fact that there has been added thereto some
innocuous substance or ingredient because the same is required for the
manufacture or preparation of the drug fit for carriage or consumption and not
to increase the bulk, weight or measure of the drug or to conceal its inferior
quality or other defect or there is a decomposed substance which is the result
of a natural process of decomposition:
Provided that such decomposition is not due to any negligence on
the part of the manufacturer of the drug or the dealer thereof and that it does
not render the drug injurious to health or does not make it substandard.
(3) A person, not being the manufacturer of a drug or his agent
for the distribution thereof, shall not be liable for a contravention of
section 23 if he proves-
(a) that he did not know,
and could not with reasonable diligence have ascertained, that the drug in any
way contravened the provision of this Act and that the drug while in his
possession remained in the same state as when he acquired it; and
(b) that he acquired the
drug from a duly licensed manufacturer or his authorised
agent or an importer or an indentor resident in
Pakistan under a written warranty in the prescribed form stating, in
particular, the batch number of the drug and signed by such person that the
drug does not in any way contravene the provisions of section 23 and that the
drug while in his possession was properly stored and remained in the same state
as when be acquired it and that the drug has been manufactured by a
manufacturer holding a valid licence to manufacture drugs and permission to
manufacture that drug:
Provided that a defence under clause (b)
shall be open to a person only-
(i) if he has, within seven
days of the service on him of the summons, sent to the Inspector a copy of the
warranty with a written notice stating that he intends to rely upon it and
giving the name and address of the warrantor, and
(ii) if
he proves that he has, within the same period, sent written notice of such
intention to the said warrantor.
33. Application of law relating to customs and powers of officers
of customs.– (1) The law for the time being in force
relating to customs and to goods the import of which is prohibited by or under
the Customs Act, 1969[71], shall, subject to the provisions of section
27 of this Act, apply in respect of drugs the import of which is prohibited
under this Act, and officers .of customs and officers to whom any of the
functions of an officer of customs have been entrusted under the said Act shall
have the same powers in respect of such drugs as they have for the time being
in respect of such goods as aforesaid.
(2) Without prejudice to the provisions of subsection (1), an
officer of customs or a Federal Inspector or any other person as may be authorised by the Federal Government in this behalf may
detain any imported package which he suspects to contain any drug the import of
which is prohibited under this Act, and shall forthwith report such detention
to the licensing authority and, if required by it, forward the package or
samples of any suspected drug found therein to a laboratory specified by it.
34. Offences by companies, etc.– Where
the person guilty of an offence under this Act, is a company, corporation, firm
or institution, every director, partner and employee of the company,
corporation, firm or institution [72][with
whose knowledge or consent the offence was committed shall be guilty of the
35. Publication of offender’s name.– (1) If any person is convicted of an offence under this Act, it
shall be lawful for the Drug Court to cause the offender’s name, place of
residence, the offence of which he has been convicted and the penalty which has
been inflicted upon him, to be published at the expense of such person in such
newspapers or in such other manner as the Court may direct.
(2) The expenses of such publication shall be recoverable is the
same manner as a fine is recoverable.
36. Powers to exempt.–
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Federal Government may, if
it is of opinion that the public interest so requires, at any time, of its own
motion or on a representation made to it, by notification in the official
Gazette, exempt any drug or class of drugs from the operation of any of the
provisions of this Act, subject to such conditions, if any, and for such
period, as may be specified in the notification.
37. Inspectors to be public servants.– Every Inspector shall be deemed to be a public servant within the
meaning of section 21 of the Pakistan Penal Code[73],
and shall be officially subordinate to such authority as the Government
appointing him may specify in this behalf.
38. Indemnity.– Except
as otherwise expressly provided in this Act, no suit, prosecution or other
legal proceeding shall lie against Government or any other authority or person
for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done under this Act
or any rule.
39. Finality of orders, etc.– Save
as otherwise expressly provided in this Act, every order passed or decision
given by any Board, a
40. Publication of result of test or analysis, etc.– (1) It shall be lawful for the Federal Government to publish, in
such manner as it may deem fit, the result of any test or analysis of any drug
for public information and to pass such orders relating to the withdrawal of
such drug from sale and its disposal as it may consider necessary.
(2) The Federal Government may, if it considers it necessary in
the public interest so to do, publish for public information, in such manner as
it may deem fit, any information relating to a drug or to the use of a drug in
specified circumstances.
41. Cancellation or suspension of licences.– Where
any person has been found to have contravened any of the provisions of this
Act, or the rules in respect of any drug and the contravention is of such a
nature that the import, export, manufacture or sale of any drug by such person
is, in the opinion of the licensing authority or the Central Licensing Board,
likely to endanger public health, that authority may, after giving such person
an opportunity of being heard, cancel the licence to import, export,
manufacture or sell drugs issued to such person or suspend such licence for a
specified period.
[74][41A. Suspension of license by Provincial Quality Control Board.– (1) Notwithstanding anything in section 41, the Provincial Quality Control Board may, subject to the conditions mentioned in that section, and after affording an opportunity of hearing to the manufacturer and recording detailed reasons including the grounds of suspension, suspend the manufacturing license of a manufacturer within the Punjab for such period not exceeding thirty days as the Board may determine and shall, as soon as may be, report the matter to the Central Licensing Board for such action as the Board may deem appropriate.
(2) A copy of the order under subsection (1) shall immediately be supplied to the manufacturer, requiring him to take appropriate remedial measures.
(3) The manufacturer shall take remedial measures and shall request the Provincial Quality Control Board for an immediate inspection of the unit, and the Board shall promptly arrange an inspection.
(4) If the Board is satisfied that the grounds leading to the suspension of the licence have been remedied, it shall restore the licence of the manufacturer and report the matter to the Central Licensing Board but if the Board is not so satisfied, it may require the manufacturer to take the remaining remedial measures.
(5) Notwithstanding anything in subsection (3) or subsection (4), the Board shall arrange inspection of the Unit for manufacture of drugs at five days prior to the expiry of the period of suspension and if it is of the view that sufficient remedial steps have not been taken, the Board may, from time to time and after recording reasons, extend the period of suspension up to the maximum period of ninety days in all.
(6) If the manufacturer does not take effective remedial steps during the period or extended period of suspension of the licence, the Board shall refer the matter to the Central Licensing Board for immediate cancellation of the manufacturing licence.
(7) Any manufacturer aggrieved by the order of
suspension may, within seven days from the receipt of the order, prefer an
appeal to the appellate authority as notified by the Government and the
appellate authority shall dispose of the appeal maximum within seven days.]
42. Cancellation or suspension of registration of registered drugs.– Where any person has been found to have contravened any of the
provisions of this Act, or the rules in respect of any registered drug, the
Registration Board may, after giving such person an opportunity of being heard,
cancel the registration of such drug or suspend such registration for a
specified period.
43. Power of Federal Government to make rules.– (1) Subject to section 44, the Federal Government may, by
notification in the official Gazette, make rules[75] for
carrying out the purposes of this Act.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the
foregoing provision, such rules may-
(a) prescribe the functions
of the Federal Drug Laboratory and any other laboratory set up under section 14
or specified under section 22 or section 33 and the procedure for the
submission to any such laboratory of samples of drugs for analysis or test, the
forms of the laboratory's reports thereon and the fees payable in respect of
such reports; and such other matters as may be necessary for any such
laboratory to perform its functions;
(b) prescribe
specifications, including the strength, potency, purity, quality or other
property, of any drug, and the methods of test or analysis to be employed in
determining whether a drug is of required specifications;
(c) prescribe the maximum
proportion of any poisonous or other substance which may be added to or
contained in any drug, or extracted or omitted therefrom; prohibit the import,
manufacture, sale or stocking or exhibition for sale or distribution of any
drug in which that proportion is exceeded and specify substances which shall be
deemed to be poisonous;
(d) specify the drugs or
classes of drugs for the import or export of which a licence is required, the
testing of such drugs, and prescribe the form and conditions of such licences, the authority empowered to issue the same, and
the fees payable therefor;
(e) prescribe the places at
which any specific drug or drugs may be imported, prohibit their import at any
other place, and control their import through any specified agency;
(f) prescribe the evidence
to be supplied, whether by accompanying documents or otherwise, of the quality
of drugs sought to be imported, the procedure of officers, of customs in
dealing with such evidence and the manner of storage at places of import of
drugs detained pending admission;
(g) prescribe the forms of licences for the manufacture for sale of drugs or any
specified drugs or class of drugs, the form of application for such licences, the conditions subject to which such licence may
be issued, the person under whose signature the same be issued and the fees
payable therefor;
(h) require the date of
manufacture and the date of expiry of potency to be clearly and truly stated on
the label and container of any specified drug or class of drugs and prohibit
the sale, stocking or exhibition for sale or distribution of the said drug or
class of drugs after the expiry of a specified period from the date of
manufacture or after the expiry date and prescribe the manner of disposal of
such drug or class of drugs;
(i) prescribe
the conditions to be observed in the packing in bottles, packages and other
containers of drugs and prohibit the sale, stocking or exhibition for sale or
distribution of drugs packed in contravention of such conditions;
(j) regulate the mode of
packing and packaging, including its size, dimensions, fill and other
specifications, the material used therefor and mode of labelling packed drugs
and prescribe the matters which shall or shall not be included in such lebels or on the leaflets accompanying the drugs;
(k) require
that the non-proprietary or chemical or accepted scientific name or the
proprietary name of any specified drug or any ingredient thereof shall be
displayed in the prescribed manner;
(l) prescribe
the requirements and conditions in respect of good practices in the manufacture
and quality control of drugs;
(m) prescribe
conditions for distribution of samples for sales promotion of drugs;
(n) prescribe
the procedure for introduction in
(o) prescribe
terms and conditions of members of the Central Licensing Board and the
Registration Board;
(p) prescribe types of
registration of drugs, the form of application for such registration, the
conditions subject to which such registration may be granted, the manner of
registration and post-registration surveillance and deregistration of
registered drugs and the fees payable therefor;
(q) prescribe conditions for
registration of indentors, importers, wholesalers and
distributors within Pakistan and any establishment within any foreign country
engaged in the manufacture for export of a drug and prescribe conditions
providing effective an adequate means, by arrangement with the Government of
such foreign country or otherwise, to enable the licensing authority or the
Registration Board to determine from time to time whether drugs manufactured in
such establishment, if imported or offered for import into Pakistan, shall be
refused admission where the public interest so requires;
(r) prescribe
the form of warranty for manufactured drugs;
(s) specify
offences in relation to which the stock of drugs, articles or things shall be
liable to forfeiture under this Act;
(t) prescribe
the qualifications, and regulate the procedure for exercise of powers and
performance of functions, of Federal Inspectors;
(u) prescribe the
laboratories to which the Federal Inspectors shall submit samples of drugs
taken for the purpose of test and analysis and the form and procedure for
submitting the report of such test and analysis and the fee payable therefor,
where so required;
(v) prescribe measures for
securing and maintaining supplies of drugs at reasonable prices, conditions to
be met in respect of manufacture, production, pricing, keeping, movement and
disposal of drugs and to fix prices, commissions, discount of the manufacturer,
wholesaler, distributor, retailer or any other dealer of drugs, to control
giving of bonus in cash or kind or in any other manner to any of the said
parties and for collecting or calling for any information, statistics, records
or books with a view to regulating the matters aforesaid;
(w) specify
drugs which may be advertised and the conditions subject to which such drugs
may be advertised;
(x) prescribe conditions
subject to which small quantities of drugs may be imported or manufactured or
exported for the purpose of examination, test or analysis, clinical trial or
personal use; and
(y) prescribe
any other matter which is to be, or may be, prescribed by the Federal
(2) The power to make rules conferred by this section shall,
except on the first occasion of the exercise thereof, be subject to the
condition of previous publication.
[76][43A. Power to delegate.– (1) The Provincial Government may, subject to such conditions as it may determine, delegate any of its functions to the Provincial Quality Control Board or to any other person or authority.
(2) The Provincial Quality Control Board may,
subject to such conditions as it may determine, delegate any of its functions and
powers under this Act or the rules to the Monitoring Committee or any other
person or authority.]
44. Power of the Provincial Government to make rules.– (1)
The Provincial Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, make
rules in respect of the following matters, namely:-
(a) the
establishment of laboratories for testing and analysing drugs;
(b) the
qualifications and the procedure, for exercise of powers and performance of
functions of Provincial Inspectors;
(c) the
forms of reports to be given by Government Analysts and the manner of
application for test or analysis and the fees payable therefor;
(d) the
conditions to regulate sale or storage or distribution of drugs or any specific
drug or class of drugs;
(e) the
offences against this Act or any rule in relation to which the stock of drugs
shall be liable to confiscation and destruction under this Act;
(f) the forms of licences for the sale or distribution of drugs or any
specified drug or class of drugs, the authority empowered to issue the same,
the form of applications for such licences, the fees
payable therefor and the conditions subject to which such licences
may be issued;
(g) the
procedure to be followed by the Provincial Quality Control Board; and
(h) any
other matter which is to be or may be, prescribed by the Provincial Government.
(2) The power to make rules conferred by this section shall,
except on the first occasion of the exercise thereof, be subject to the
condition of previous publication.
45. Repeal and Savings.– (1)
The Drugs Act, 1940[77],
the Drugs (Generic Names) Act, 1972[78],
and the Drugs Ordinance, 1976[79],
are hereby repealed.
(2) Notwithstanding the repeal of the Drugs Act, 1940 by
subsection (1),
(a) Any licence to manufacture for sale issued thereunder to any
person, for the revalidation of which an application has already been made to
the Central Licensing Board within the date specified by the Federal Government
shall continue to be valid until orders are passed by the said Board in this
(b) Any licence for import or export or sale of drugs issued
thereunder to any person, shall, unless it expires earlier under the terms
thereof, continue to be valid for such periods as the Federal Government or, as
the case may be, the Provincial Government may, by notification in the official
Gazette, specify in this behalf:
Provided that in case of drugs to be imported or exported licences may continue to be issued under the rules framed
under the Drugs Act, 1940, till the rules under this Act are framed or as the
case may be, a date is fixed under subsection (6) of section 7 in respect of
drugs in the finished form ready for use.
[1] For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see
Gazette of Pakistan, 1976, Extraordinary, Part III, page 250.
Previously, an offence punishable under the Drugs Act, 1976, was
made triable and punishable by a
This Act is originally within
the Federal ambit, however, it was first amended, to the extent of Province of the Punjab, by
the Punjab Assembly (section 31 of the 1976 Act), through the Punjab Drugs (Amendment) Act 2016
(XXXIII of 2016) with the following provision contained in section 3 of the
2016 Act:
Transition.– All the powers exercisable by the Federal
Government under the said Act in respect of the existing Drug Courts in the
Another set of amendments was made in the
principal law subsequently, through the Punjab Drugs (Amendment) Act 2017 (V of
[2] II of 1930
[3] Substituted
for the words “may have” by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 (Federal
Ordinance CXXVIII of 2002).
[4] Inserted by the
[5] Inserted by the
Substituted by the Punjab Drugs (Amendment) Act 2017 (V of 2017) for the
“(zz) “sub-standard drug means a drug which is not of specifications.”
[7] Added
by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 (Federal Ordinance CXXVIII of 2002).
[8] Inserted
by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 (Federal Ordinance CXXVIII of 2002).
Inserted by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 (Federal Ordinance CXXVIII of 2002).
Substituted by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 (Federal Ordinance CXXVIII of 2002).
Inserted by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 (Federal Ordinance CXXVIII of 2002).
[12] Added
by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 (Federal Ordinance CXXVIII of 2002).
Inserted by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 (Federal Ordinance CXXVIII of 2002).
Inserted by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 (Federal Ordinance CXXVIII of 2002).
1 The
word ‘and’ omitted by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 (Federal Ordinance CXXVIII
of 2002).
[16] Substituted
for the “full-stop” by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 (Federal Ordinance
CXXVIII of 2002).
[17] Added by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance,
2002 (Federal Ordinance CXXVIII
of 2002).
[18] The word ‘and’ omitted by the Punjab Drugs
(Amendment) Act 2017 (V of 2017).
[19] Substituted by the Punjab Drugs (Amendment)
Act 2017 (V of 2017) for the following:
to submit a monthly report of decisions and activities to the Federal
[20] New clause inserted by the Punjab Drugs
(Amendment) Act 2017 (V of 2017).
[21] New subsection (7) inserted by the Punjab
Drugs (Amendment) Act 2017 (V of 2017).
[22] Inserted by the Drugs (Amendment)
Ordinance, 2002 (Federal
Ordinance CXXVIII of 2002).
[23] New sections 11B and 11C inserted by the Punjab Drugs (Amendment)
Act 2017 (V of 2017).
Substituted by the Punjab Drugs (Amendment) Act 2017 (V of 2017) for the
“15. Provincial Drugs
Testing Laboratory.– Each Provincial Government shall, as soon as may be, set up a
Provincial Drug Testing Laboratory for such purposes as may be prescribed.”
[25] Substituted
for the “semi-colon” by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 (Federal
Ordinance CXXVIII of 2002).
[26] Added
by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 (Federal Ordinance CXXVIII of 2002).
[27] Act
V of 1908
[28] Substituted
for the word “four” by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 (Federal Ordinance
CXXVIII of 2002).
[29] Substituted for the “colon” by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance 2002
(Federal Ordinance CXXVIII of 2002).
Second Proviso omitted by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance 2002 (Federal
Ordinance CXXVIII of 2002).
[31] Act
V of 1898
[32] Substituted
for the word “four” by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 (Federal Ordinance
CXXVIII of 2002).
Substituted by the Punjab Drugs (Amendment) Act 2017 (V of 2017) for the
“(i) one portion or sample he shall send to the
Government Analyst concerned for test and analysis;”
[34] Omitted
the word “and” by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 (Federal Ordinance CXXVIII
of 2002).
[35] Substituted
for the “full-stop” by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 (Federal Ordinance
CXXVIII of 2002).
[36] Added
by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 (Federal Ordinance CXXVIII of 2002).
Substituted for the words “Board concerned” by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance,
2002 (Federal Ordinance CXXVIII of 2002).
[38] Inserted by the
[39] Substituted
for the words “Board concerned” by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 (Federal
Ordinance CXXVIII of 2002).
[40] Inserted by the
4 Substituted for the words and commas “the
[42] Substituted for the words “Government Analyst's report” by the Punjab Drugs
(Amendment) Act 2017 (V of 2017).
Substituted for the words “the
[44] Inserted by the
[45] New
section inserted by the Punjab Drugs (Amendment) Act 2017 (V of 2017).
[46] New
sections inserted by the Punjab Drugs (Amendment) Act 2017 (V of 2017).
[47] Substituted
by the Punjab Drugs (Amendment) Act 2017 (V of 2017) for the following:
Whoever himself or by any other person on his behalf-
(a) exports, imports, manufactures for sale or
or sells any spurious drug or any drug which is not
(b) manufactures for sale any drug without a
license; or
(c) imports without licence any drug for the import of which a licence is required;
be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than three
years or more than ten years and with fine which may extend to one lakh rupees:
that the
[48] Substituted
firstly for the words “and
with fine which may extend to one lakh rupees” by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 (Federal Ordinance CXXVIII
of 2002) and then for the words “or with fine which
may extend to one lakh rupees, or with both” by the Punjab Drugs (Amendment)
Act 2017 (V of 2017).
[49] Substituted
for the words “one year, or with fine which may extend to ten thousand rupees, or
with both” by the Punjab Drugs (Amendment) Act 2017 (V of 2017).
[50] New
subsections inserted by the Punjab Drugs (Amendment) Act 2017 (V of 2017).
[51] Substituted
by the Punjab Drugs (Amendment) Act 2017 (V of 2017) for the
“(4) Subject to the provisions of subsection (1), subsection (2)
and subsection (3), whoever himself or by any other person on his behalf
contravenes any of the provisions of this Act or any rule, shall be punishable
with imprisonment for a term which may extend to five years, or with fine which
may extend to fifty thousand rupees, or with both.”
[52] New
subsection inserted by the Punjab Drugs (Amendment) Act 2017 (V of 2017).
[53] New
subsection inserted by the Punjab Drugs (Amendment) Act 2017 (V of 2017).
[54] Substituted
for the words “again convicted of an” by the Drugs
(Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 (Federal Ordinance CXXVIII of 2002).
[55] Substituted
for the words “five years and with
fine which may extend to two lakh rupees” by
the Punjab Drugs (Amendment) Act 2017 (V of 2017).
Substituted for the words “again convicted of an” by
the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 (Federal Ordinance CXXVIII of 2002).
[57] Substituted for the expression “which shall not be less than two years or more than ten years, or
with fine which may extend to two lakh rupees, or with both” by the Punjab
Drugs (Amendment) Act 2017 (V of 2017).
[58] New subsection inserted by the Punjab Drugs (Amendment) Act 2017 (V of 2017).
[59] Substituted for the words “again convicted of an”
by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 (Federal Ordinance CXXVIII of 2002).
[60] Substituted
for the expression “seven years, or with fine which may extend to one lakh rupees, or
with both” by the Punjab Drugs (Amendment) Act 2017 (V of 2017).
[61] Substituted by
the Punjab Drugs (Amendment) Act 2017 (V of 2017) for the following:
“(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of Criminal
Procedure, 1898 (V of 1898),-
(a) an offence punishable under this Chapter
other than an offence mentioned in subsection (1) of section 27, shall be
non-cognizable, and
(b) no court other than a
[62] Act
V of 1898
[63] Substituted for the words “Federal Government” by the Punjab Drugs
(Amendment) Act 2016 (XXXIII of 2016).
[64] Substituted by
the Punjab Drugs (Amendment) Act 2017 (V of 2017) for the following:
“(2) A Drug Court shall consist of a person who is, or has been,
or is qualified for appointment as, a Judge of a High Court, who shall be the
Chairman, and two members being persons who, in the opinion of the *[Provincial
Government], are experts in the medical or pharmaceutical fields **[:]
***[Provided that for deciding applications of bail the Chairman
and any one member shall constitute full quorum of a Drug Court.]”
for the words “Federal Government” by the Punjab Drugs (Amendment) Act 2016
(XXXIII of 2016)
**Substituted for the
“full-stop” by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 (Federal Ordinance CXXVIII
of 2002)
by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 (Federal Ordinance CXXVIII of 2002)
[65] Substituted for the words
“Federal Government” by the Punjab Drugs (Amendment) Act 2016 (XXXIII of 2016).
[66] Act V of 1898
[67] Act V of 1898
[68] The following subsections omitted by the Punjab Drugs (Amendment) Act 2017 (V of 2017):
“(7) A person sentenced by a
(8) The
provisions of sections 5 and 12 of the Limitation Act, 1908 (IX of 1908), shall
be applicable to an appeal referred to in sub-section (7).”
[69] New section inserted by the Punjab Drugs (Amendment) Act 2017 (V of 2017).
[70] Act IX of 1908
[71] Act IV of 1969
[72] Substituted for the words and commas
“shall, unless he proves that the offence was committed without his knowledge
and consent, be guilty of the offence” by the Drugs (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002
(Federal Ordinance CXXVIII of 2002).
[73] Act XLV of 1860
[74] New section inserted by the Punjab Drugs (Amendment) Act 2017 (V of 2017).
[75] For the Drugs (Appellate Board) Rules 1976, see SRO
No.595(1)/76, dated 20-06-1976; Gazette of Pakistan, 1976 (Extraordinary),
Islamabad, Pt II, pages 1125-1127; and for the Drugs (Federal Inspectors,
Federal Drug Laboratory and Federal Government Analysts), Rules 1976, see
SRO No.793(1)/76, dated 06-08-1976; pages 1627-1636.
[76] New section inserted by the Punjab Drugs (Amendment) Act 2017 (V of 2017).
[77] Act XXIII of 1940
[78] Act XXIV of 1972
[79] Act IV of 1976