Chronological Order Search Of Laws

Sr No
Law No
1 The Societies Registration Act 1860(Last updated on 11-10-2006) 1860 XXI
2 The Punjab Murderous Outrages Act, 1867(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1867 XXIII
3 The Court-Fees Act, 1870(Last updated on 02-07-2024) 1870 VII
4 The Punjab Laws Act, 1872(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1872 IV
5 The Dramatic Performances Act, 1876(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1876 XIX
6 The Specific Relief Act, 1877(Last updated on 13-12-2012) 1877 I
7 The Transfer of Property Act 1882(Last updated on 27-8-2011) 1882 IV
8 The Powers-of-Attorney Act, 1882(Last updated on 28-02-2012) 1882 VII
9 The Land Improvement Loans Act, 1883(Last updated on 07-05-2011) 1883 XIX
10 The Explosives Act 1884(Last updated on 26-12-2014) 1884 IV
11 The Land Acquisition (Mines) Act, 1885(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1885 XVIII
12 The Suits Valuation Act, 1887(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1887 VII
13 The Provincial Small Cause Courts Act, 1887(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1887 IX
14 The Punjab Tenancy Act, 1887(Last updated on 07-05-2011) 1887 XVI
15 The Land Acquisition Act 1894(Last updated on 07-05-2011) 1894 I
16 The Prisons Act, 1894(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1894 IX
17 The Reformatory Schools Act, 1897(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1897 VIII
18 The Stamp Act 1899(Last updated on 02-07-2024) 1899 II
19 The Punjab Land Preservation Act, 1900(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1900 II
20 The Prisoners Act, 1900(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1900 III
21 The Punjab Alienation of Land Act, 1900(Last updated on 07-05-2011) 1900 XIII
22 The Punjab Court of Wards Act, 1903(Last updated on 09-08-2012) 1903 II
23 The Punjab Border Military Police Act, 1904(Last updated on 14-7-2007) 1904 IV
24 The Punjab Minor Canals Act, 1905(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1905 III
25 The Registration Act, 1908(Last updated on 27-11-2024) 1908 XVI
26 The Colonization of Government Lands (Punjab) Act, 1912(Last updated on 07-05-2011) 1912 V
27 The Official Trustees Act, 1913(Last updated on 28-02-2012) 1913 II
28 The Punjab Forest (Sale of Timber) Act, 1913(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1913 III
29 The Administrator General’s Act, 1913(Last updated on 28-02-2012) 1913 III
30 The Punjab Excise Act, 1914(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1914 I
31 The Punjab Military Transport Act, 1916(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1916 I
32 The Hindu Disposition of Property Act, 1916(Last updated on 28-02-2012) 1916 XV
33 The Restriction of Habitual Offenders (Punjab) Act, 1918(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1918 V
34 The Provincial Insolvency Act, 1920(Last updated on 22-01-2013) 1920 V
35 The Charitable and Religious Trusts Act, 1920(Last updated on 28-02-2012) 1920 XIV
36 The Town Improvement Act, 1922(Last updated on 21-04-2014) 1922 IV
37 The Repealing (Punjab Loans Limitation) Act, 1923(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1923 III
38 The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923(Last updated on 01-01-2014) 1923 VIII
39 The Stage Carriages (Punjab Amendment) Act, 1924(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1924 III
40 The Cooperative Societies Act, 1925(Last updated on 17-09-2020) 1925 VII
41 The Sikh Gurdwaras Act, 1925(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1925 VIII
42 The Cotton Ginning and Pressing Factories Act, 1925(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1925 XII
43 The Punjab Aerial Ropeways Act, 1926(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1926 V
44 The Good Conduct Prisoners' Probational Release Act, 1926(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1926 X
45 The Punjab Borstal Act, 1926(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1926 XI
46 The Cotton Industry (Statistics) Act, 1926(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1926 XX
47 The Forest Act, 1927(Last updated on 02-12-2022) 1927 XVI
48 The Hindu Inheritance (Removal of Disabilities) Act, 1928(Last updated on 28-02-2012) 1928 XII
49 The Hindu Law of Inheritance (Amendment) Act, 1929(Last updated on 28-02-2012) 1929 II
50 The Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929(Last updated on 24-3-2015) 1929 XI
51 The Hindu Gains of Learning Act, 1930(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1930 XXX
52 The Punjab Relief of Indebtedness Act, 1934(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1934 VII
53 The Factories Act, 1934(Last updated on 02-12-2022) 1934 XXV
54 The Punjab State Aid to Industries Act, 1935(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1935 V
55 The Punjab Criminal Procedure (Election Offences) Amendment Act, 1936(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1936 I
56 The Punjab Debtors' Protection Act, 1936(Last updated on 07-05-2011) 1936 II
57 The Payment of Wages Act, 1936(Last updated on 28-04-2014) 1936 IV
58 The Punjab Copying Fees Act, 1936(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1936 V
59 The Punjab Electricity Act, 1939(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1939 VI
60 The Factories (Punjab Amendment) Act, 1940(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1940 VII
61 The Code of Criminal Procedure (Punjab Amendment) Act, 1940(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1940 XI
62 The Registration (Punjab Amendment) Act, 1941(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1941 VIII
63 The Punjab Electricity (Emergency Powers) Act, 1941(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1941 XIV
64 The Multi-Unit Cooperative Societies Act, 1942(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1942 VI
65 The Music in Muslim Shrines Act, 1942(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1942 VII
66 The Public Health (Emergency Provisions) Ordinance 1944(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1944 XXI
67 The Thal Development Act, 1949(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1949 XV
68 The Punjab Electricity (Emergency Powers) (Control of Supply) Act, 1949(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1949 XVII
69 The Dera Ghazi Khan Excluded Area Electoral Laws Regulation 1950(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1950 I
70 The Dera Ghazi Khan Excluded Area Laws Regulation 1950(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1950 II
71 The Punjab Protection and Restoration of Tenancy Rights Act, 1950(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1950 XIII
72 The Punjab Government Lands (Resumption of Grants and Extinguishment of Rights) Act, 1950(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1950 XVI
73 The Sugar Factories Control Act, 1950(Last updated on 12-07-2021) 1950 XXII
74 The Punjab Universities and Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education Malpractices Act, 1950(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1950 XXXII
75 The Punjab Abolition of Jagirs Act, 1952(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1952 IX
76 The Punjab Development of Damaged Areas Act, 1952(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1952 XV
77 The Employment (Record of Services) Act 1951(Last updated on 9-6-2011) 1952 XIX
78 The Punjab General Clauses Act, 1956(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1956 VI
79 The Punjab Requisitioning of Immovable Property (Temporary Powers) Act, 1956(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1956 VII
80 The Punjab Board of Revenue Act, 1957(Last updated on 05-10-2022) 1957 XI
81 The West Pakistan (Adaptation and Repeal of Laws) Act, 1957(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1957 XVI
82 The Punjab Horse Race Betting Tax Act, 1958(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1958 IV
83 The Punjab Urban Immovable Property Tax Act, 1958(Last updated on 02-07-2024) 1958 V
84 The Punjab Entertainments Duty Act, 1958(Last updated on 08-07-2020) 1958 X
85 The Punjab Agriculturists' Loans Act, 1958(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1958 XVII
86 The Punjab Agricultural Development Finance Corporation (Recovery of Arrears) Act, 1958(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1958 XVIII
87 The Punjab Food Stuffs Control Act, 1958(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1958 XX
88 The Punjab Vagrancy Ordinance, 1958(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1958 XX
89 The Punjab Graveyards (Preservation and Maintenance) Act, 1958(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1958 XXV
90 The Punjab Vaccination Ordinance, 1958(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1958 XXVII
91 The Industrial Statistics (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1958(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1958 XXVIII
92 The Punjab Requisitioned Land (Continuance) Act, 1958(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1958 XXX
93 The West Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority Act, 1958(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1958 XXXI
94 The Prevention of Corruption Act (West Pakistan Extension) Ordinance, 1958(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1958 XXXI
95 The Punjab Maternity Benefit Ordinance, 1958(Last updated on 05-03-2016) 1958 XXXII
96 The Punjab Motor Vehicles Taxation Act, 1958(Last updated on 02-07-2024) 1958 XXXII
97 The Punjab National Calamities (Prevention and Relief) Act, 1958(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1958 XXXIII
98 The Punjab Essential Services (Maintenance) Act, 1958(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1958 XXXIV
99 The Epidemic Diseases Act, 1958(Last updated on 13-10-2011) 1958 XXXVI
100 The Punjab Tobacco Vend Act, 1958(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1958 XXXVIII
101 The Punjab Departmental Inquiries (Powers) Act, 1958(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1958 XLV
102 The Punjab Land Disposition (Saving of Shamilat) Ordinance, 1959(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1959 I
103 The Punjab Land Preservation (Extension to Dera Ghazi Khan Excluded Area) Regulation, 1959 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1959 I
104 The West Pakistan Agricultural Bank (Recovery of Dues) Ordinance, 1959(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1959 VII
105 The Provincial Insolvency (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance 1959(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1959 VIII
106 The Punjab Hindu Women's Rights to Agricultural Land Ordinance, 1959(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1959 XI
107 The Punjab Juvenile Smoking Ordinance, 1959(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1959 XII
108 The Pakistan Rangers Ordinance, 1959(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1959 XIV
109 The Punjab Usurious Loans Ordinance, 1959(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1959 XVIII
110 The Punjab Undesirable Companies Ordinance, 1959(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1959 XXII
111 The Punjab Agricultural Pests Ordinance, 1959(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1959 XXVIII
112 The Punjab Highways Ordinance, 1959(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1959 XXXII
113 The Punjab Survey and Rectangulation of Lands Ordinance, 1959(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1959 XXXIV
114 The Punjab Control of Goondas Ordinance, 1959(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1959 XXXV
115 The Punjab Goats (Restriction) Ordinance, 1959 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1959 XLII
116 The Punjab Rice (Restrictions on Cultivation) Ordinance, 1959 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1959 LVIII
117 The West Pakistan Prohibition of Opium Smoking Ordinance, 1960 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1960 II
118 The Punjab Prohibition of Smoking in Cinema Houses Ordinance, 1960 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1960 IV
119 The Punjab Historical Mosques and Shrines Fund Cess Ordinance, 1960 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1960 V
120 The Punjab Consolidation of Holdings Ordinance, 1960 (Last updated on 07-05-2011) 1960 VI
121 The Punjab Pure Food Ordinance, 1960(Last updated on 10-2-2016) 1960 VII
122 The Punjab Government Educational and Training Institutions Ordinance, 1960 (Last updated on 21-04-2014) 1960 XI
123 The Punjab Government Servants (Benevolent Fund) Ordinance, 1960 (Last updated on 21-04-2014) 1960 XIV
124 The Punjab Relief of Indebtedness Ordinance, 1960 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1960 XV
125 The Prevention of Corruption (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1960 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1960 XVII
126 The Punjab Maintenance of Public Order Ordinance, 1960 (Last updated on 13-11-2017) 1960 XXXI
127 The Punjab District (Reconstitution) Ordinance, 1960 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1960 XXXII
128 The Cooperative Societies (Repayment of Loans) Ordinance, 1960 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1960 XXXIV
129 The Probation of Offenders Ordinance, 1960(Last updated on 26-02-2025) 1960 XLV
130 The Punjab Suppression of Prostitution Ordinance, 1961 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1961 II
131 The Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961(Last updated on 24-3-2015) 1961 VIII
132 The Punjab Anti-Corruption Establishment Ordinance, 1961 (Last updated on 9-7-2005) 1961 XX
133 The Road Transport Workers Ordinance, 1961(Last updated on 28-02-2012) 1961 XXVIII
134 The Punjab Fisheries Ordinance, 1961 (Last updated on 11-1-2010) 1961 XXX
135 The Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Ordinance, 1961(Last updated on 14-03-2012) 1961 XLVI
136 The West Pakistan Finance Act, 1962 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1962 I
137 The Punjab Civil Courts Ordinance, 1962 (Last updated on 7-9-2016) 1962 II
138 The Punjab Institute of Textile Technology Cess Act, 1962 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1962 III
139 The West Pakistan Muslim Personal Laws (Shariat) Act, 1962 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1962 V
140 The West Pakistan Validation of Naib Tehsildars and Naib Tehsildars Candidates Selection Ordinance, 1962 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1962 VI
141 The Punjab Tolls on Roads and Bridges Ordinance, 1962 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1962 VIII
142 The Punjab (Universities) Removal of Undesirable Government Servants Ordinance,1962 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1962 XX
143 The Punjab Government Dues Recovery Ordinance, 1962 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1962 XXII
144 The Punjab Board of Technical Education Ordinance, 1962 (Last updated on 16-05-2019) 1962 XXXIX
145 The Miani Sahib Graveyard Ordinance, 1962 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1962 XLIV
146 The Punjab Animals Slaughter Control Act, 1963 (Last updated on 7-9-2016) 1963 III
147 The Provincial Industrial Development Corporation (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1963 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1963 III
148 The Punjab Industries (Control on Establishment and Enlargement) Ordinance, 1963 (Last updated on 02-12-2022) 1963 IV
149 The Pakistan Penal Code (West Pakistan Amendment) Act, 1963 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1963 VI
150 The Punjab Finance Act, 1963 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1963 IX
151 The Caste Disabilities Removal (West Pakistan Amendment) Act, 1963 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1963 X
152 The Code of Criminal Procedure (West Pakistan Amendment) Act, 1963 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1963 XI
153 The Conciliation Courts Ordinance (West Pakistan Amendment) Act 1963(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1963 XIII
154 The Railways (Transport of Goods) (West Pakistan Amendment) Act, 1963 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1963 XIV
155 The Punjab Recovery of Cost (Copies of Essential Revenue Records) Ordinance,1963 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1963 XVI
156 The Punjab Vegetable Market (Lahore) Ordinance, 1963 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1963 XXI
157 The Punjab Timber Market (Lahore) Ordinance, 1963 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1963 XXIII
158 The Punjab Acquisition of Property (WAPDA House) Ordinance, 1963 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1963 XXIV
159 The Punjab Acquisition of Property (Residence of Government Officials) Ordinance, 1963 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1963 XXV
160 The Punjab Acquisition of Property (WAPDA Office) (Second) Ordinance, 1963 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1963 XXXII
161 The Punjab Milk Boards Ordinance, 1963 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1963 XXXVIII
162 The West Pakistan Laws (Adaptation) Order, 1964 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1964
163 The Punjab Firewood and Charcoal (Restriction) Act, 1964 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1964 XI
164 The Provincial Industrial Development Corporation (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance 1964 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1964 XIV
165 The Code of Criminal Procedure (West Pakistan Amendment) Act, 1964 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1964 XVII
166 The Punjab Redemption and Restitution of Mortgaged Lands Act, 1964 (Last updated on 07-05-2011) 1964 XIX
167 The Railways (West Pakistan Amendment) Act, 1964 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1964 XXIII
168 The Kalri Lake Development (Repeal) Act, 1964 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1964 XXVII
169 The Pakistan Day Memorial Cess (Punjab) Act, 1964 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1964 XXIX
170 The Code of Civil Procedure (West Pakistan Amendment) Act, 1964 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1964 XXX
171 The Penal Code (West Pakistan Amendment) Act, 1964 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1964 XXXII
172 The Punjab Finance Act, 1964 (Last updated on 09-07-2007) 1964 XXXIV
173 The West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964 (Last updated on 24-3-2015) 1964 XXXV
174 The Punjab Finance Act, 1965 (Last updated on 16-07-2014) 1965 I
175 The Railways (Transport of Goods) (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1965 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1965 IV
176 The Essential Personnel (Registration) (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1965 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1965 V
177 The Punjab Road Transport Board Removal of Undesirable Employees Ordinance, 1965 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1965 VIII
178 The Provincial Employees Social Security Ordinance, 1965 (Last updated on 23-12-2019) 1965 X
179 The Punjab Seeds and Fruit Plants Ordinance, 1965 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1965 XIII
180 The Provincial Motor Vehicles Ordinance, 1965 (Last updated on 13-03-2023) 1965 XIX
181 The Punjab Arms Ordinance 1965(Last updated on 24-3-2015) 1965 XX
182 The Punjab Qaumi Razakars Ordinance, 1965 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1965 XXVIII
183 The Provincial Industrial Development Corporation (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1965 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1965 XXIX
184 The Succession (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1965 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1965 XXXI
185 The Punjab Weights and Measures Ordinance, 1965 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1965 XXXIII
186 The Punjab Autonomous Bodies Immovable Property (Ejectment of Unauthorised Occupants) Ordinance, 1965 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1965 XXXVII
187 The Punjab Finance Act, 1966 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1966 I
188 The Notaries (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1966 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1966 I
189 The West Pakistan Co-operative Board (Dissolution) Act, 1966 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1966 II
190 The Factories (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1966(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1966 VI
191 The Administrator-General's (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1966 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1966 VII
192 The Punjab Government Lands and Buildings (Recovery of Possession) Ordinance, 1966 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1966 IX
193 The Conciliation Courts (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1966 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1966 XI
194 The West Pakistan Cotton Control (Validation of Levy of Fees) Ordinance, 1966 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1966 XIII
195 The Punjab Cooperative Societies (Repayment of Loans) Ordinance, 1966 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1966 XIV
196 The Punjab Cotton Control Ordinance, 1966 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1966 XX
197 The Bahawalpur Cotton Control (Validation of Levy of Fees) Ordinance, 1967 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1967 I
198 The Punjab Finance Act, 1967 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1967 IV
199 The Railways (Transport of Goods) (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1967 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1967 IV
200 The Industrial Dispute (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1967 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1967 V
201 The Provincial Industrial Development Corporation (West Pakistan Amendment) Act, 1967 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1967 X
202 The Registration (West Pakistan Amendment) Act, 1967 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1967 XIV
203 The Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1967 (Last updated on 23-12-2019) 1967 XVII
204 The Civil Procedure (Special Provisions) Ordinance, 1968 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1968 I
205 The Criminal Law (Special Provisions) Ordinance, 1968 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1968 II
206 The Punjab Finance Act, 1968 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1968 III
207 The Industrial and Commercial Employment (Standing Orders) Ordinance, 1968 (Last updated on 28-02-2012) 1968 VI
208 The Code of Criminal Procedure (West Pakistan Amendment) Act, 1968 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1968 VIII
209 The West Pakistan Establishment and Improvement of Parks and Historical Places (Lahore) (Repeal) Ordinance, 1968 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1968 X
210 The Companies Profits (Workers Participation) Act, 1968(Last updated on 26-10-2021) 1968 XII
211 The Punjab Government Employees Welfare Fund Ordinance, 1969 (Last updated on 11-1-2010) 1969 I
212 The Punjab Tribunals of Inquiry Ordinance, 1969 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1969 II
213 The West Pakistan Railway Servants Benevolent Fund Ordinance, 1969 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1969 V
214 The Punjab Finance Ordinance, 1969 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1969 VII
215 The Punjab Shops and Establishments Ordinance, 1969(Last updated on 13-03-2023) 1969 VIII
216 The West Pakistan Railway Servants Welfare Fund Ordinance, 1969 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1969 XIV
217 The Punjab Duty on Excessive Wastage of Spirits in Distilleries (Validation) Ordinance, 1969 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1969 XVIII
218 The Punjab Tenancy (Validation and Extension of Period for Payment of Compensation) Ordinance, 1969 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1969 XXXI
219 The Criminal Law (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1969 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1969 XXXIII
220 The Punjab Privy Purses (Charged Expenditure) Ordinance, 1969 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1969 XLI
221 The Notaries (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1969 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1969 XLV
222 The Prevention of Corruption (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1970 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1970 I
223 The Railways (Transport of Goods) (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1970 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1970 V
224 The Pakistan Criminal Law (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1970 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1970 VII
225 The Medical Colleges (Governing Bodies) (Punjab Repeal) Ordinance, 1970 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1970 VII
226 The Explosive Substances (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1970 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1970 VIII
227 The Minimum Wages (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1970 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1970 XI
228 The Punjab Requisitioning of Motor Vehicles (Temporary Powers) Ordinance, 1970 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1970 XIII
229 The Punjab Local Councils High Schools (Taking Over) Ordinance, 1970 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1970 XV
230 The West Pakistan Repealing Ordinance, 1970 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1970 XVIII
231 The Punjab Private Colleges (Management & Control) Ordinance, 1970(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1970 XX
232 The Punjab Finance Ordinance, 1970 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1970 XXI
233 The Thal (Increase in Value) (Validation of Levy of Tax) Ordinance, 1971 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1971 II
234 The Agricultural Pesticides Ordinance, 1971(Last updated on 09-10-2012) 1971 II
235 The West Pakistan Criminal Law (Amendment) Act (Transfer of Pending Cases) Ordinance, 1971 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1971 VII
236 The Punjab Taunsa Barrage Betterment Tax Ordinance, 1971 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1971 VIII
237 The Code of Criminal Procedure (Punjab Amendment) Ordinance, 1971 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1971 IX
238 The Punjab Finance Ordinance, 1971 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1971 XI
239 The Punjab Fair Price Shops (Factories) Ordinance, 1971 (Last updated on 21-04-2014) 1971 XIII
240 The Thal Development (Validation) Ordinance, 1971 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1971 XV
241 The Punjab Cotton Control (Validation of Levy of Fees) Ordinance, 1971 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1971 XIX
242 The Child Marriage Restraint (Punjab Amendment) Ordinance, 1971 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1971 XXIII
243 The Punjab Local Government Institutions (Dissolution) (Extension of Limitation) Ordinance, 1971 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1971 XXV
244 The West Pakistan Foodstuffs (Control) (Punjab Amendment and Validation) Ordinance, 1971 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1971 XXVII
245 The Electricity Act (Punjab Amendment) Ordinance, 1971 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1971 XXIX
246 The Punjab Finance Act, 1972 (Last updated on 03-07-2013) 1972 I
247 The Provincial Assembly of the Punjab Privileges Act, 1972 (Last updated on 13-06-2024) 1972 II
248 The Punjab Silk Worms (Regulation and Control) Ordinance, 1972 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1972 VI
249 The Punjab Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application (Removal of Doubts) Ordinance, 1972 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1972 IX
250 The Code of Criminal Procedure (Punjab Amendment) Ordinance, 1972 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1972 X
251 The Punjab Pre-emption (Removal of Doubts) Ordinance, 1972 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1972 XI
252 The Workers Children (Education) Ordinance, 1972(Last updated on 02-06-2012) 1972 XI
253 The Punjab Control of Goondas (Removal of Doubts) Ordinance, 1972 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1972 XIII
254 The Land Reforms Regulation, 1972(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1972 115
255 The Privately Managed Schools and Colleges (Taking Over) Regulation 1972(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1972 118
256 The Cooperative Societies (Reforms) Order (Punjab Amendment) Act, 1973 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1973 I
257 The Punjab (Multan) Timber Market Act, 1973 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1973 II
258 The Cooperative Societies (Reforms) Order (Punjab Second Amendment) Act, 1973 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1973 VII
259 The University of the Punjab Act, 1973 (Last updated on 21-04-2014) 1973 IX
260 The University of Agriculture Faisalabad Act, 1973 (Last updated on 21-04-2014) 1973 XII
261 The Punjab Finance Act, 1973 (Last updated on 30-6-2016) 1973 XIV
262 The Punjab Small Industries Corporation Act, 1973 (Last updated on 21-04-2014) 1973 XV
263 The Punjab Essential Articles (Control) Act, 1973 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1973 XVII
264 The Punjab Flood Relief Cess Act, 1973 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1973 XVIII
265 The Punjab Agricultural Development and Supplies Corporation Act, 1973 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1973 XXI
266 The Punjab Industrial Development Board Act, 1973 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1973 XXIII
267 The Punjab Wildlife (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Management) Act, 1974 (Last updated on 26-02-2025) 1974 II
268 The Punjab Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Development Board Act, 1974 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1974 III
269 The Punjab Tendoo Leaves (Prohibition on Possession and Use in Border Belt) Act, 1974 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1974 IV
270 The University of Engineering and Technology Lahore Act, 1974 (Last updated on 21-04-2014) 1974 V
271 The Punjab Plantation and Maintenance of Trees Act, 1974 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1974 VI
272 The Punjab Civil Servants Act, 1974 (Last updated on 25-06-2024) 1974 VIII
273 The Punjab Service Tribunals Act, 1974 (Last updated on 03-09-2013) 1974 IX
274 The Punjab Finance Act, 1974 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1974 X
275 The Punjab Cotton Control (Validation of Transportation Fee) Act, 1974 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1974 XI
276 The Cooperative Societies (Reforms) Order (Punjab Amendment) Act, 1974 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1974 XIII
277 The Punjab Provincial Assembly (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges of Members) Act, 1974 (Last updated on 26-12-2024) 1974 XVI
278 The Baha-ud-Din Zakariya University Act, 1975 (Last updated on 21-04-2014) 1975 III
279 The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Act, 1975(Last updated on 21-04-2014) 1975 IV
280 The Muslim Family Laws (Punjab Amendment) Act, 1975 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1975 XI
281 The Evacuee Property and Displaced Persons Laws (Repeal) Act, 1975(Last updated on 05-10-2022) 1975 XIV
282 The Punjab Council of the Arts Act, 1975 (Last updated on 21-04-2014) 1975 XXIV
283 The Punjab Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application (Removal of Difficulties) Act, 1975 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1975 XXV
284 The Lahore Development Authority, 1975(Last updated on 26-02-2025) 1975 XXX
285 The Punjab Land Improvement Tax Act, 1975 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1975 XXXI
286 The Punjab Mineral Development Corporation Act, 1975(Last updated on 10-03-2010) 1975 XXXIII
287 The Punjab Finance Act, 1975 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1975 XL
288 The Punjab Ministers (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges) Act, 1975 (Last updated on 26-12-2024) 1975 XLI
289 The Punjab Provincial Assembly Speaker (Salary, Allowances and Privileges) Act, 1975 (Last updated on 26-12-2024) 1975 XLII
290 The Punjab Provincial Assembly Deputy Speaker (Salary, Allowances and Privileges) Act, 1975(Last updated on 26-12-2024) 1975 XLIII
291 The Punjab Weights and Measures (International System) Enforcement Act, 1975(Last updated on 01-01-2014) 1975 LII
292 The Antiquities Act, 1975(Last updated on 22-01-2013) 1976 VII
293 The Punjab Seed Corporation Act, 1976 (Last updated on 02-12-2022) 1976 X
294 The Punjab Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education Act, 1976 (Last updated on 21-04-2014) 1976 XIII
295 The Cholistan Development Authority Act, 1976 (Last updated on 21-04-2014) 1976 XIV
296 The Punjab Development of Cities Act, 1976(Last updated on 26-02-2025) 1976 XIX
297 The Punjab Urban Immovable Property (Validation of Tax) Act, 1976 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1976 XX
298 The Drugs Act, 1976(Last updated on 01-06-2018) 1976 XXXI
299 The Punjab Minor Mineral (Cancellation of Leases) Act, 1977 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1977 VII
300 The Punjab Public Service Commission Examination Reforms Act, 1977 (Last updated on 06-1-2003) 1977 X
301 The Punjab Finance Act, 1977(Last updated on 12-07-2021) 1977 XV
302 The Punjab Public Service Commission Ordinance, 1978 (Last updated on 11-03-2013) 1978 II
303 The Punjab Prevention of Gambling Ordinance, 1978 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1978 VII
304 The Punjab Corporation Employees (Special Powers) Ordinance, 1978 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1978 VIII
305 The Punjab Thal (Increase in Value) Ordinance, 1978 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1978 X
306 The Punjab Finance Ordinance, 1978 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1978 XIII
307 The Murree Kahuta Hilly Areas Development Authority (Repeal) Ordinance, 1978 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1978 XV
308 The Foodstuffs and Fertilizers (Cancellation of Authorizations and Dealerships) Ordinance, 1978 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1978 XXI
309 The Punjab Waqf Properties Ordinance, 1979 (Last updated on 17-09-2020) 1979 IV
310 The Punjab Livestock Associations and Livestock Associations? Unions (Registration and Control) Ordinance, 1979 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1979 V
311 The Motion Pictures Ordinance 1979(Last updated on 16-01-2013) 1979 XLIII
312 The Punjab Real Estate Agents and Motor Vehicles Dealers (Regulation of Business) Ordinance, 1980(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1980 VI
313 The Punjab Finance Ordinance, 1980(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1980 VIII
314 The Punjab Economic Research Institute Ordinance, 1980 (Last updated on 22-4-2016) 1980 X
315 The Cooperative Societies (Reforms) Ordinance, 1980 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1980 XVII
316 The High Courts (Establishment) Order (Punjab Amendment) Ordinance, 1981 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1981 I
317 The West Pakistan Border Area Regulation, 1959 (Punjab Amendment) Ordinance, 1981 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1981 III
318 The On-Farm Water Management and Water Users? Association Ordinance, 1981 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1981 V
319 The Punjab Land Utilization Authority Ordinance, 1981 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1981 VI
320 The Punjab Finance Ordinance, 1981 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1981 XIII
321 The Ehtram-e-Ramazan Ordinance, 1981(Last updated on 13-11-2017) 1981 XXIII
322 The Disabled Persons (Employment and Rehabilitation) Ordinance, 1981(Last updated on 5-5-2015) 1981 XL
323 The Punjab Administrative Vigilance Commission (Repeal) Ordinance, 1982 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1982 VIII
324 The Punjab Court Fees (Abolition) Ordinance, 1983 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1983 X
325 The Specific Relief (Punjab Amendment) (Repeal) Ordinance, 1983(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1983 XIX
326 The Punjab Private Educational Institutions (Promotions & Regulations) Ordinance, 1984(Last updated on 17-08-2020) 1984 IV
327 The Punjab Minerals (Cancellation of Sand Leases in Restricted Areas) Ordinance, 1984 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1984 VII
328 The Punjab Finance Act,1985(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1985 I
329 The Public Gambling (Repeal) Act, 1985(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1985 II
330 The Punjab Acquisition of Land (Housing) (Repeal) Act, 1985(Last updated on 07-05-2011) 1985 XII
331 The Punjab Local Option (Repeal) Ordinance, 1985(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1985 XIX
332 The Race Courses Licensing (Repeal) Ordinance, 1985(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1985 XXIII
333 The Punjab Special Premises (Preservation) Ordinance, 1985 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1985 XXXIV
334 The Ex-Employees of the Former Government of East Pakistan (Appointment to Provincial Posts) Act, 1986 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1986 I
335 The Punjab Jinnah Abadis for Non-Proprietors in Rural Areas Act, 1986 (Last updated on 07-05-2011) 1986 III
336 The Punjab Finance Act, 1986 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1986 IV
337 The Murree-Kahuta Development Authority Act, 1986 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1987 I
338 The Punjab Finance Act, 1987 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1987 II
339 The Martial Law Order No.1371 (Repeal) Act, 1989(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1989 VI
340 The Bank of Punjab Act, 1989 (Last updated on 24-03-2012) 1989 XII
341 The Punjab Finance Act,1990(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1990 I
342 The Punjab Bait-ul-Maal Act, 1991 (Last updated on 21-04-2014) 1991 VII
343 The Punjab Pre-emption Act, 1991(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1991 IX
344 The Punjab Subordinate Judiciary Service Tribunal Act, 1991 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1991 XII
345 The Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1992(Last updated on 01-06-2018) 1992 III
346 The Punjab Finance Act, 1992 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1992 VI
347 The Punjab Katchi Abadis Act, 1992 (Last updated on 26-04-2012) 1992 VIII
348 The Punjab Health Foundation Act, 1992 (Last updated on 21-04-2014) 1992 XI
349 The Punjab Undesirable Cooperative Societies (Dissolution) Act, 1993 (Last updated on 17-08-2020) 1993 I
350 The Punjab Finance Act, 1994 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1994 VI
351 The University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila Act, 1994 (Last updated on 21-04-2014) 1994 XII
352 The Punjab Conferment of Proprietary Rights on Non-Proprietors in Abadi Deh Act, 1995 (Last updated on 07-05-2011) 1995 I
353 The Punjab Prohibition of Expressing Matters on Walls Act, 1995 (Last updated on 24-3-2015) 1995 II
354 The Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi Act 1995(Last updated on 21-04-2014) 1995 V
355 The Punjab Finance Act, 1995 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1995 VI
356 The Punjab Finance Act, 1996(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1996 V
357 The Punjab Agricultural Income Tax Act, 1997 (Last updated on 28-11-2024) 1997 I
358 The Lahore School of Economics Act, 1997 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1997 II
359 The Punjab Finance Act, 1997 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1997 IX
360 The Punjab Office of the Ombudsman Act, 1997 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1997 X
361 The Punjab Agricultural Research Board Act, 1997 (Last updated on 21-04-2014) 1997 XIV
362 The Punjab Environmental Protection Act, 1997(Last updated on 13-11-2017) 1997 XXXIV
363 The Punjab Secretariat Allowance (Withdrawal) Act, 1997 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1998 I
364 The Punjab Land Revenue (Abolition) Act, 1998 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1998 II
365 The Punjab Finance Act, 1998 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1998 VII
366 The Punjab Vocational Training Council Act, 1998 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1998 VIII
367 The Punjab Finance Act, 1999 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1999 IX
368 The Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi Ordinance 1999 (Last updated on 21-04-2014) 1999 XLIII
369 The Punjab Information Technology Board Ordinance, 1999 (Last updated on 21-04-2014) 1999 XLIV
370 The Defence Housing Authority Lahore Ordinance, 1999 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1999 LI
371 The Punjab Suspension of Local Councils Ordinance, 1999 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 1999 LIV
372 The Punjab Finance Ordinance, 2000 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 2000 III
373 The Punjab Finance Ordinance, 2001 (Last updated on 06-12-2003) 2001 VI
374 The Mental Health Ordinance, 2001(Last updated on 06-06-2014) 2001 VIII
375 The Punjab Prohibition of Kite Flying Ordinance, 2001(Last updated on 26-02-2025) 2001 LIX
376 The Punjab Prohibition on Manufacture, Sale, Use and Import of Polythene Bags (Black or Any Other Polythene Bag Below Fifteen Micron Thickness) Ordinance, 2002(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 2002 IX
377 The Imperial College of Business Studies, Lahore, Ordinance, 2002(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 2002 XIX
378 The National College of Business Administration and Economics, Lahore, Ordinance, 2002(Last updated on 24-01-2022) 2002 XX
379 The Institute of Management Sciences, Lahore, Ordinance, 2002(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 2002 XXIII
380 The University of Central Punjab, Lahore, Ordinance, 2002(Last updated on 24-01-2022) 2002 XXIV
381 The University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Ordinance, 2002(Last updated on 21-04-2014) 2002 XXIX
382 The Punjab Finance Ordinance, 2002(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 2002 XXXVII
383 The Punjab Ad hoc Public Accounts Committee (Compositions and Functions) Ordinance, 2002(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 2002 XLV
384 The Government College University Lahore Ordinance, 2002(Last updated on 21-04-2014) 2002 XLVIII
385 The Lahore College for Women University, Lahore Ordinance 2002(Last updated on 21-04-2014) 2002 XLIX
386 The University of Education, Lahore Ordinance, 2002(Last updated on 21-04-2014) 2002 L
387 The University of Health Sciences Ordinance, 2002(Last updated on 21-04-2014) 2002 LVIII
388 The Hajvery University, Lahore Ordinance, 2002(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 2002 LIX
389 The University of Faisalabad Ordinance, 2002(Last updated on 26-03-2021) 2002 LX
390 The University of Lahore Ordinance 2002(Last updated on 30-11-2021) 2002 LXI
391 The Lahore Arts Council Ordinance, 2002(Last updated on 5-5-2015) 2002 LXIII
392 The Punjab Private Security Companies (Regulation and Control) Ordinance, 2002(Last updated on 19-6-2004) 2002 LXIX
393 The Government College University, Faisalabad, 2002(Last updated on 21-04-2014) 2002 LXX
394 The Punjab Parliamentary Secretaries (Salary, Allowances and Privileges) Ordinance, 2002(Last updated on 26-12-2024) 2002 LXXI
395 The Kinnaird College for Women Lahore Ordinance, 2002(Last updated on 06-12-2003) 2002 LXXV
396 The Punjab Special Assistants (Salary, Allowances and Privileges) Ordinance, 2002(Last updated on 26-12-2024) 2002 LXXVI
397 The Punjab Advisors (Salary, Allowances and Privileges) Ordinance, 2002(Last updated on 26-12-2024) 2002 LXXVII
398 The Punjab Housing and Town Planning Agency Ordinance, 2002(Last updated on 21-04-2014) 2002 LXXVIII
399 The University of Sargodha Ordinance, 2002(Last updated on 21-04-2014) 2002 LXXX
400 The Protection of Breast-feeding and Child Nutrition Ordinance, 2002(Last updated on 14-3-2012) 2002 XCIII
401 The Boilers and Pressure Vessels Ordinance, 2002(Last updated on 13-6-2017) 2002 CXXI
402 The Punjab Medical and Health Institutions Act, 2003(Last updated on 21-04-2014) 2003 IX
403 The Punjab Finance Act 2003(Last updated on 30-06-2003) 2003 XI
404 The New Murree Development Authority Act, 2004(Last updated on 19-6-2004) 2004 I
405 The University of Gujrat Act, 2004(Last updated on 24-02-2023) 2004 IX
406 The Punjab Government Servants Housing Foundation Act 2004(Last updated on 01-06-2018) 2004 X
407 The Punjab Journalists Housing Foundation Act 2004(Last updated on 21-04-2014) 2004 XI
408 The Punjab Education Foundation Act, 2004(Last updated on 8-3-2016) 2004 XII
409 The Injured Persons (Medical Aid) Act, 2004(Last updated on 14-03-2012) 2004 XII
410 The GIFT University, Gujranwala Act, 2004(Last updated on 06-07-2004) 2004 XIV
411 The University of Management and Technology, Lahore Act, 2004(Last updated on 30-11-2021) 2004 XV
412 The Superior University, Lahore Act, 2004(Last updated on 04-08-2021) 2004 XVI
413 The Punjab Destitute and Neglected Children Act, 2004(Last updated on 5-10-2017) 2004 XVIII
414 The Punjab Finance Act 2004(Last updated on 23-07-2004) 2004 XIX
415 The Punjab Institute of Language, Art and Culture Act 2004(Last updated on 21-04-2014) 2004 XXI
416 The Forman Christian College, Lahore Act 2004(Last updated on 8-12-2016) 2004 XXIII
417 The Punjab Heritage Foundation Act 2005(Last updated on 1-2-2005) 2005 I
418 The Punjab Consumer Protection Act 2005(Last updated on 30-10-2006) 2005 II
419 The King Edward Medical University, Lahore Act 2005(Last updated on 21-04-2014) 2005 V
420 The Punjab Finance Act, 2005(Last updated on 04-07-2005) 2005 VII
421 The Beaconhouse National University, Lahore Act 2005(Last updated on 09-07-2005) 2005 VIII
422 The University of South Asia, Lahore Act 2005(Last updated on 26-10-2021) 2005 IX
423 The Minhaj University, Lahore Act 2005(Last updated on 20-10-2005) 2005 XII
424 The Punjab Marriage Functions (Prohibition of Ostentatious Displays and Wasteful Expenses) (Repeal) Act 2006 (Last updated on 2-4-2006) 2006 I
425 The Punjab Criminal Prosecution Service (Constitution, Functions And Powers) Act 2006(Last updated on 13-11-2017) 2006 III
426 The Punjab Emergency Service Act 2006(Last updated on 26-03-2021) 2006 IV
427 The Punjab Finance Act 2006(Last updated on 2-7-2006) 2006 V
428 The Punjab Revision of Emoluments of Public Representatives Act 2006(Last updated on 27-7-2006) 2006 XI
429 The Punjab Employees Efficiency, Discipline and Accountability Act 2006(Last updated on 13-11-2017) 2006 XII
430 The Punjab Pension Fund Act 2007(Last updated on 13-03-2023) 2007 I
431 The Punjab Finance Act 2007(Last updated on 09-07-2007) 2007 IV
432 The Punjab Prohibition of Private Money Lending Act 2007(Last updated on 09-07-2007) 2007 VI
433 The Punjab Forensic Science Agency Act, 2007(Last updated on 22-4-2016) 2007 XIII
434 The Punjab Judicial Academy Act, 2007(Last updated on 12-11-2007) 2007 XV
435 The Punjab Finance Act 2008(Last updated on 17-7-2010) 2008 I
436 The Nazaria-i-Pakistan Foundation (Repeal) Act 2008(Last updated on 2-9-2008) 2008 III
437 The Punjab Finance Act 2009(Last updated on 30-6-2009) 2009 III
438 The University of Wah Act 2009(Last updated on 14-7-2009) 2009 IV
439 The Punjab General Provident Investment Fund Act 2009(Last updated on 13-03-2023) 2009 V
440 The Punjab Rented Premises Act, 2009(Last updated on 11-1-2010) 2009 VII
441 The Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority Act, 2009(Last updated on 09-06-2023) 2009 VIII
442 The Hitech University of Taxila Act 2009(Last updated on 11-1-2010) 2009 XII
443 The Ali Institute of Education Lahore Act 2010(Last updated on 8-3-2016) 2010 II
444 The Protection Against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act, 2010(Last updated on 24-01-2022) 2010 IV
445 The Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Act, 2010(Last updated on 24-01-2013) 2010 VI
446 The Punjab Daanish Schools and Centers of Excellence Authority Act 2010(Last updated on 21-04-2014) 2010 V
447 The Punjab Finance Act 2010(Last updated on 21-06-2017) 2010 vi
448 The Punjab Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority Act 2010(Last updated on 16-05-2019) 2010 X
449 The Sasti Roti Authority Act 2010(Last updated on 25-8-2010) 2010 XIII
450 The University of Southern Punjab Multan Act 2010(Last updated on 12-11-2024) 2010 XIV
451 The Women University Multan Act 2010(Last updated on 21-04-2014) 2010 XV
452 The Punjab Healthcare Commission Act 2010(Last updated on 25-06-2024) 2010 XVI
453 The Punjab Industrial Relations Act 2010(Last updated on 06-06-2014) 2010 XIX
454 The Global Institute Lahore Act 2011(Last updated on 1-2-2011) 2011 II
455 The Lahore Leads University Act 2011(Last updated on 1-2-2011) 2011 III
456 The Punjab Holy Quran (Printing and Recording) Act, 2011(Last updated on 24-02-2023) 2011 XIII
457 The Qarshi University, Act 2011(Last updated on 13-08-2021) 2011 XIV
458 The Punjab Finance Act 2011(Last updated on 02-07-2015) 2011 XV
459 The Punjab Food Authority Act, 2011(Last updated on 10-2-2016) 2011 XVI
460 The Punjab Ring Road Authority Act 2011(Last updated on 26-10-2021) 2011 XVII
461 The Punjab Power Development Board Act 2011(Last updated on 21-04-2014) 2011 XVIII
462 The Punjab Bus Stands and Traffic Control (Gujranwala) Ordinance, 1963 (XX of 1963) (Repeal) Act 2011(Last updated on 9-1-2012) 2012 I
463 The Punjab Bus Stands and Traffic Control (Lahore) Ordinance, 1963 (XIX of 1963) (Repeal) Act 2011(Last updated on 9-1-2012) 2012 II
464 The Punjab Conferment of Proprietary Rights on Occupancy Tenants and Muqarraridars Act 2012(Last updated on 28-02-2012) 2012 XXVII
465 The Ghazi University, Dera Ghazi Khan Act 2012(Last updated on 8-3-2016) 2012 XXIX
466 The Walled City of Lahore Act 2012(Last updated on 26-04-2012) 2012 XXXVI
467 The Punjab Finance Act 2012(Last updated on 26-06-2012) 2012 XLI
468 The Punjab Sales Tax on Services Act 2012(Last updated on 02-07-2024) 2012 XLII
469 The Punjab Revenue Authority Act 2012(Last updated on 30-10-2018) 2012 XLIII
470 The Parks and Horticulture Authority Act 2012(Last updated on 13-11-2017) 2012 XLVII
471 The Information Technology University of the Punjab Act 2012(Last updated on 21-04-2014) 2012 LIV
472 The Punjab Partition of Immovable Property Act 2012(Last updated on 24-3-2015) 2013 IV
473 The Government College Women University Faisalabad Act 2012(Last updated on 21-04-2014) 2013 VI
474 The Government College Women University Sialkot Act 2012(Last updated on 21-04-2014) 2013 VII
475 The Government Sadiq College Women University Bahawalpur Act 2012(Last updated on 21-04-2014) 2013 VIII
476 The Defence Housing Authority Rawalpindi Act 2013(Last updated on 26-02-2025) 2013 XI
477 The Lahore Canal Heritage Park Act 2013(Last updated on 22-01-2013) 2013 XV
478 The Punjab Finance Act 2013(Last updated on 16-07-2014) 2013 XVI
479 The Muhammad Nawaz Shareef University of Agriculture Multan Act 2013(Last updated on 18-09-2013) 2013 XXII
480 The Punjab Transparency and Right to Information Act 2013(Last updated on 26-03-2021) 2013 XXV
481 The Punjab Commission on the Status of Women Act 2014(Last updated on 02-12-2022) 2014 I
482 The Punjab Fair Representation of Women Act 2014(Last updated on 10-04-2014) 2014 IV
483 The Lahore Garrison University Act 2014(Last updated on 10-04-2014) 2014 VI
484 The Punjab Reproductive, Maternal, Neo-natal and Child Health Authority Act 2014(Last updated on 10-04-2014) 2014 VIII
485 Muhammad Nawaz Sharif University of Engineering and Technology Multan Act 2014(Last updated on 06-06-2014) 2014 X
486 The Punjab Livestock Breeding Act 2014(Last updated on 06-06-2014) 2014 XIII
487 Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology, Rahim Yar Khan Act 2014(Last updated on 06-06-2014) 2014 XVI
488 The Punjab Finance Act 2014(Last updated on 13-03-2023) 2014 XVII
489 The Bab-e-Pakistan Foundation Act 2014(Last updated on 16-07-2014) 2014 XVIII
490 The Management and Transfer of Properties by Development Authorities Act 2014(Last updated on 16-07-2014) 2014 XIX
491 The Punjab Overseas Pakistanis Commission Act 2014(Last updated on 29-06-2015) 2014 XX
492 The Punjab Registration of Godowns Act 2014(Last updated on 24-11-2014) 2014 XXI
493 The Punjab Strategic Coordination Act 2014(Last updated on 10-03-2015) 2014 XXV
494 The Punjab Free and Compulsory Education Act 2014(Last updated on 02-12-2022) 2014 XXVI
495 The Punjab Institute of Qura'n and Seerat Studies Act 2014(Last updated on 05-09-2015) 2014 XXIX
496 The Punjab Higher Education Commission Act, 2014(Last updated on 8-1-2015) 2015 I
497 The NUR International University Lahore Act 2015(Last updated on 24-01-2022) 2015 VII
498 The Punjab Information of Temporary Residents Act 2015(Last updated on 24-3-2015) 2015 VIII
499 The Punjab Security of Vulnerable Establishments Act 2015(Last updated on 24-3-2015) 2015 XIV
500 The Punjab Sound Systems (Regulation) Act 2015(Last updated on 01-06-2018) 2015 XVIII
501 The Punjab Social Protection Authority Act 2015(Last updated on 5-5-2015) 2015 XXII
502 The Fatima Jinnah Medical University Lahore Act 2015(Last updated on 29-06-2015) 2015 XXIV
503 The University of Jhang Act 2015(Last updated on 01-07-2015) 2015 XXV
504 The University of Sahiwal Act 2015(Last updated on 01-07-2015) 2015 XXVI
505 The Punjab Motor Vehicle Transaction Licensees Act 2015(Last updated on 01-07-2015) 2015 XXVII
506 The Punjab Finance Act 2015(Last updated on 01-07-2015) 2015 XXIX
507 The Punjab Infrastructure Development Cess Act 2015(Last updated on 12-07-2021) 2015 XXX
508 The Punjab Masstransit Authority Act 2015(Last updated on 02-07-2015) 2015 XXXIII
509 The Punjab Safe Cities Authority Act 2016(Last updated on 10-2-2016) 2016 I
510 The Punjab Special Protection Unit Act 2016(Last updated on 10-2-2016) 2016 II
511 The Infrastructure Development Authority of the Punjab Act 2016(Last updated on 16-11-2016) 2016 IV
512 The University of Okara Act 2016(Last updated on 03-03-2016) 2016 XIII
513 The Punjab Protection of Women against Violence Act 2016(Last updated on 24-02-2023) 2016 XVI
514 The Koh-e-Suleman Development Authority Act 2016(Last updated on 23-12-2019) 2016 XXIII
515 The Punjab Flood Plain Regulation Act 2016(Last updated on 22-4-2016) 2016 XXVII
516 The Punjab Vigilance Committees Act 2016(Last updated on 22-4-2016) 2016 XXVIII
517 The Punjab Marriage Functions Act 2016(Last updated on 22-4-2016) 2016 XXIX
518 The Punjab Agriculture, Food and Drug Authority Act 2016(Last updated on 16-11-2016) 2016 XXXII
519 THE PUNJAB FINANCE ACT 2016(Last updated on 08-07-2019) 2016 XXXV
520 The Punjab Prohibition of Child Labour at Brick Kilns Act 2016(Last updated on 7-9-2016) 2016 XXXVII
521 The Punjab Civilian Victims of Terrorism (Relief and Rehabilitation) Act 2016(Last updated on 7-9-2016) 2016 XXXIX
522 The Punjab Blood Transfusion Safety Act 2016(Last updated on 16-11-2016) 2016 XLVI
523 The Punjab Poultry Production Act 2016(Last updated on 16-11-2016) 2016 XLVII
524 The Punjab Restriction on Employment of Children Act 2016(Last updated on 16-11-2016) 2016 L
525 The Punjab Halal Development Agency Act 2016(Last updated on 8-12-2016) 2016 LVI
526 The Punjab Animals Feed Stuff and Compound Feed Act 2016(Last updated on 8-12-2016) 2016 LVII
527 The Punjab Civil Administration Act 2017(Last updated on 10-02-2017) 2017 III
528 The Punjab Land Records Authority Act 2017(Last updated on 22-02-2017) 2017 VI
529 The University of Home Economics Lahore Act 2017(Last updated on 22-02-2017) 2017 VII
530 The Punjab Shehr-e-Khamoshan Authority Act 2017(Last updated on 13-6-2017) 2017 IX
531 The Punjab Women Protection Authority Act 2017(Last updated on 17-09-2020) 2017 X
532 The Punjab Finance Act 2017(Last updated on 21-06-2017) 2017 XII
533 The Faisalabad Medical University Act 2017(Last updated on 5-10-2017) 2017 XV
534 The Rawalpindi Medical University Act 2017(Last updated on 5-10-2017) 2017 XVI
535 The Nishtar Medical University Act 2017(Last updated on 5-10-2017) 2017 XVII
536 The Dera Ghazi Khan Development Authority (Repeal) Act 2017(Last updated on 13-11-2017) 2017 XVIII
537 The Punjab Education Initiatives Management Authority Act 2018(Last updated on 28-02-2018) 2018 I
538 The Punjab Safe Medical Supplies Authority Act 2018(Last updated on 28-02-2018) 2018 II
539 The Punjab Zakat and Ushr Act 2018(Last updated on 23-12-2019) 2018 IV
540 The Punjab Charities Act 2018(Last updated on 16-03-2018) 2018 V
541 The Punjab Sikh Anand Karaj Marriage Act 2018(Last updated on 28-03-2018) 2018 VI
542 The Bahawalpur Development Authority (Repeal) Act 2018(Last updated on 28-03-2018) 2018 VII
543 The Limitation (Punjab Amendment) Act 2018(Last updated on 28-03-2018) 2018 VIII
544 The University of Sialkot Act 2018(Last updated on 28-03-2018) 2018 IX
545 The University of Narowal Act 2018(Last updated on 28-03-2018) 2018 X
546 The Punjab Tianjin University of Technology Lahore Act 2018(Last updated on 26-02-2025) 2018 XI
547 The Punjab Hepatitis Act 2018(Last updated on 28-03-2018) 2018 XII
548 The Cholistan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Bahawalpur Act 2018(Last updated on 28-03-2018) 2018 XIII
549 The Code of Civil Procedure (Punjab Amendment) Act 2018(Last updated on 28-03-2018) 2018 XIV
550 The Punjab Regularization of Service Act 2018(Last updated on 24-01-2022) 2018 XV
551 The Punjab Compulsory Teaching of the Holy Quran Act 2018(Last updated on 09-06-2021) 2018 XVII
552 The Punjab Legal Aid Act 2018(Last updated on 01-06-2018) 2018 XIX
553 The Punjab Criminal Prosecution Service Inspectorate Act 2018(Last updated on 01-06-2018) 2018 XX
554 The Punjab Witness Protection Act 2018(Last updated on 01-06-2018) 2018 XXI
555 The Punjab University of Technology Rasul Act 2018(Last updated on 26-02-2025) 2018 XXIII
556 The Punjab Agricultural Marketing Regulatory Authority Act 2018(Last updated on 25-06-2024) 2018 XXIX
557 The Punjab Finance Act 2018 (Act XXX of 2018)(Last updated on 08-07-2019) 2018 XXX
558 The Punjab Right to Public Services Act 2019(Last updated on 28-01-2019) 2019 I
559 The Punjab Domestic workers Act 2019(Last updated on 28-01-2019) 2019 II
560 The Punjab Occupational Safety and Health Act 2019(Last updated on 02-12-2022) 2019 IV
561 The Punjab Prevention of Conflict of Interest Act 2019(Last updated on 06-03-2019) 2019 V
562 The Punjab Skills Development Authority Act 2019(Last updated on 06-03-2019) 2019 VI
563 The Provincial Assembly of the Punjab Secretariat Services Act 2019(Last updated on 13-06-2024) 2019 IX
564 The Mir Chakar Khan Rind University of Technology Dera Ghazi Khan Act 2019(Last updated on 26-02-2025) 2019 X
565 The Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute and Research Center Act 2019(Last updated on 16-05-2019) 2019 XI
566 The Punjab Local Government Act, 2019(Last updated on 26-05-2021) 2019 XIII
567 The Punjab Village Panchayats and Neighbourhood Councils Act, 2019(Last updated on 14-07-2020) 2019 XIV
568 The Punjab Finance Act 2019(Last updated on 08-07-2019) 2019 XV
569 The Punjab Alternate Dispute Resolution Act 2019(Last updated on 26-02-2025) 2019 XVII
570 The Punjab Seized and Freezed Institutions (Madaaris and Schools) Act 2019(Last updated on 23-12-2019) 2019 XX
571 The Punjab Water Act, 2019(Last updated on 26-02-2025) 2019 XXI
572 The Punjab Seized and Freezed Facilities (Hospitals and Dispensaries) Act 2019(Last updated on 23-12-2019) 2019 XXII
573 The Punjab Khal Panchayat Act 2019(Last updated on 23-12-2019) 2019 XXV
574 The Punjab Workers Welfare Fund Act 2019(Last updated on 23-12-2019) 2019 XXVI
575 The Punjab Minimum Wages Act 2019(Last updated on 23-12-2019) 2019 XXVIII
576 The Rawalpindi Women University, Rawalpindi Act 2019(Last updated on 23-12-2019) 2019 XXIX
577 The Punjab Public Private Partnership Act 2019(Last updated on 23-12-2019) 2019 XXX
578 The University of Mianwali Act 2019(Last updated on 23-12-2019) 2019 XXXI
579 The Punjab Animal Health Act 2019(Last updated on 23-12-2019) 2019 XXXII
580 The Punjab Sentencing Act 2019(Last updated on 23-12-2019) 2019 XXXIV
581 The Punjab Probation and Parole Service Act 2019(Last updated on 13-01-2020) 2019 XXXVI
582 The University of Chakwal Act 2019(Last updated on 20-01-2020) 2020 I
583 The Punjab Medical Teaching Institutions (Reforms) Act 2020(Last updated on 07-05-2020) 2020 II
584 The Green International University Act 2020(Last updated on 12-05-2020) 2020 VI
585 The Punjab Finance Act 2020(Last updated on 08-07-2020) 2020 VIII
586 Kohsar University, Murree Act 2020(Last updated on 14-07-2020) 2020 IX
587 Baba Guru Nanak University Nankana Sahib Act 2020(Last updated on 14-07-2020) 2020 X
588 The Punjab Infectious Diseases (Prevention and Control) Act 2020(Last updated on 26-05-2021) 2020 XIII
589 The Punjab Prevention of Hoarding Act 2020(Last updated on 17-08-2020) 2020 XV
590 The Ravi Urban Development Authority Act 2020(Last updated on 05-10-2022) 2020 XVII
591 The Punjab Trusts Act 2020(Last updated on 24-02-2023) 2020 XXI
592 The Punjab Protected Areas Act 2020(Last updated on 26-02-2025) 2020 XXIII
593 The Times Institute, Multan Act 2020(Last updated on 26-03-2021) 2020 XXV
594 The Punjab Community Safety Act 2021(Last updated on 30-11-2021) 2021 XXXVIII
595 The Rashid Latif Khan University Act, 2021(Last updated on 30-11-2021) 2021 XXXVII
596 The Institute of Management and Applied Sciences, Khanewal Act 2021(Last updated on 30-11-2021) 2021 XXXVI
597 The Punjab Central Business District Development Authority Act 2021 (Last updated on 05-10-2022) 2021 VI
598 The Emerson University, Multan Act 2021(Last updated on 26-05-2021) 2021 VIII
599 The Punjab Letters of Administration and Succession Certificates Act 2021(Last updated on 26-05-2021) 2021 IX
600 The Punjab Enforcement of Women's Property Rights Act 2021(Last updated on 26-05-2021) 2021 X
601 The Punjab Overseas Pakistanis Commission Act 2021(Last updated on 12-07-2021) 2021 XVI
602 The Punjab Apprenticeship Act 2021(Last updated on 12-07-2021) 2021 XVII
603 The University of Child Health Sciences, Lahore Act 2021(Last updated on 12-07-2021) 2021 XVIII
604 The Punjab Finance Act 2021(Last updated on 12-07-2021) 2021 XIX
605 The Punjab Educational Institutions (Reconstitution) Act 2021(Last updated on 04-08-2021) 2021 XXII
606 The Namal University, Mianwali Act 2021(Last updated on 02-09-2021) 2021 XXV
607 The University of Chenab Act, 2021(Last updated on 26-01-2022) 2021 XXVII
608 The Punjab Privatization Board (Repeal) Act 2021(Last updated on 26-10-2021) 2021 XXX
609 The Punjab Commission for Regularization of Irregular Housing Schemes Act 2021(Last updated on 17-08-2022) 2021 XXXIII
610 The Ghazi National Institute of Engineering and Sciences, Dera Ghazi Khan Act 2021(Last updated on 17-08-2022) 2021 XLIV
611 The Punjab Panah Gah Authority Act 2021(Last updated on 24-01-2022) 2022 II
612 The University of Rawalpindi Act 2021(Last updated on 24-01-2022) 2022 V
613 The University of Arts & Sciences Act, 2021(Last updated on 24-01-2022) 2022 VI
614 The Salar International University Act, 2021(Last updated on 24-01-2022) 2022 VIII
615 The Provincial Assembly of the Punjab Secretariat Services (Repeal and Revival) Act, 2022(Last updated on 05-10-2022) 2022 XIV
616 The Punjab Prohibition of Interest on Private Loans Act, 2022(Last updated on 05-10-2022) 2022 XV
617 The Provincial Assembly of the Punjab Privileges (Repeal and Revival) Act, 2022(Last updated on 05-10-2022) 2022 XVI
618 The University of Kamalia Act 2022(Last updated on 05-10-2022) 2022 XVII
619 The Bahawalpur Metropolitan University Act 2022(Last updated on 24-02-2023) 2022 XXVIII
620 The Aspire University Lahore Act 2022(Last updated on 24-02-2023) 2022 XXIX
621 The Lahore City University, Act 2022(Last updated on 24-02-2023) 2022 XXX
622 The Punjab Ehsaas Programme Act 2022(Last updated on 02-12-2022) 2022 XXXI
623 The Punjab Local Government Act 2022(Last updated on 02-12-2022) 2022 XXXIII
624 The Multan University of Science and Technology Act 2022(Last updated on 24-02-2023) 2022 XXXIV
625 The Sahara University Act 2022(Last updated on 24-02-2023) 2022 XXXV
626 The Urdu Language Act, 2022(Last updated on 02-12-2022) 2022 XXXVI
627 The Punjab Public Financial Management Act 2022(Last updated on 24-02-2023) 2022 XXXVII
628 The University of Layyah Act 2022(Last updated on 24-02-2023) 2022 XXXIX
629 The Muttehida Ulema Board Punjab Act 2022(Last updated on 24-02-2023) 2022 XL
630 The Punjab Prevention of Speculation in Essential Commodities Act 2021(Last updated on 24-01-2022) 2022 XLI
631 The South Punjab Institute of Science and Technology Dera Ghazi Khan Act 2021(Last updated on 24-01-2022) 2022 XLII
632 The Punjab Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities Act 2022(Last updated on 24-02-2023) 2022 XLII
633 The Thal University Bhakkar Act 2021(Last updated on 24-01-2022) 2022 XLIII
634 The Khatamun-nabiyyeen University, Lahore Act, 2022(Last updated on 24-02-2023) 2022 XLIV
635 The Lahore Institute of Science and Technology, Lahore Act 2021(Last updated on 24-01-2022) 2022 XLV
636 The Grand Asian University, Sialkot Act 2021(Last updated on 24-01-2022) 2022 XLVI
637 The Lahore University of Biological and Applied Sciences Act, 2023(Last updated on 13-03-2023) 2023 IV
638 The Punjab Home-based Workers Act 2023(Last updated on 13-03-2023) 2023 V
639 The Punjab Women Hostels Authority Act 2023(Last updated on 13-03-2023) 2023 VII
640 The Punjab Road Safety Authority Act 2023(Last updated on 13-03-2023) 2023 XIII
641 The Punjab Irrigation, Drainage and Rivers Act 2023(Last updated on 13-03-2023) 2023 XIV
642 The Punjab Defamation Act 2024(Last updated on 13-06-2024) 2024 II
643 The Punjab Price Control of Essential Commodities Act 2024(Last updated on 25-06-2024) 2024 VII
644 The Punjab Finance Act 2024(Last updated on 02-07-2024) 2024 VIII
645 The Punjab Saaf Pani Authority Act 2024(Last updated on 05-11-2024) 2024 IX
646 The Punjab Enforcement and Regulation Act 2024(Last updated on 05-11-2024) 2024 XI
647 The Senate Hill University Act 2024(Last updated on 12-11-2024) 2024 XIII
648 The Punjab Revision of Salaries of Public Representatives Act 2024(Last updated on 26-12-2024) 2024 XVI
649 The Punjab Education, Curriculum, Training and Assessment Authority Act 2025(Last updated on 26-02-2025) 2025 VI
650 The Punjab Water and Sanitation Authority Act 2025(Last updated on 26-02-2025) 2025 VII
651 The Punjab Establishment of Special Courts (Overseas Pakistanis Property) Act 2025(Last updated on 26-02-2025) 2025 IX